This wave of temporary publicity gimmicks had immediate results, so when people saw that Kezi’s mother’s hemostatic powder was effective, they all came to ask, and then heard that it cost two cents a gram, which was one penny less than the one at the pharmacy, so one Everyone wants to buy some to take back as a spare.

As soon as such a good thing goes on sale, there will naturally be a lot of people who come to the market to have fun. If there are too many people, the mother of the shell will definitely not be able to handle it alone. She also vaccinated the mother of the shell in advance, in order to Prevent looting and buying and selling.

It is said that the person who was beaten by her noticed that there was someone standing beside him, and turned his head to scold him, but when he saw that it was Wu Xiyan, he immediately swallowed what he wanted to say.

Wanting to run but not daring to run, the woman who was taller than Wu Xiyan turned into a little sheep in an instant, pulled out a stiff smile and said, "Sister, I, I just bought some medicine powder, I don't want to do anything bad, You believe me."

Wu Xiyan looked at her with half-closed eyes and said, "I see, what are you buying this for? You don't have trauma on your body, so you don't need to stop the bleeding."

Seeing Wu Xi's unfriendly eyes, the woman swallowed her saliva before explaining: "I, I didn't buy it for myself, it was my sister. Her leg was injured when she moved something a few days ago. I heard that the old lady in front The hemostatic powder sold can reduce inflammation and relieve pain, so I want to buy some back and apply it to my sister. Sister, I am really just queuing up to buy the powder, and I am not making trouble, and I dare not make trouble, let alone do bad things. Do you believe it? I."

Wu Xiyan glanced at the person in front of her. In fact, she looked like a local ruffian before, but after all, she was not a roundworm in his stomach, and he didn't know if he really went to steal things every day.

"Then you are following me..."

The woman anxiously explained: "I actually saw you... This is really the first time I did it, and I didn't lie to you. I also took the money because of my sister's leg, which is already bleeding today, and she is in unbearable pain Others say that if she dies, her legs will be crippled, and if it is serious, she will die. That's why I... I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Wu Xiyan chatted with the system a few words, maybe she really misunderstood the other party.Seeing that Kezi's mother was coping so well, she fiddled with two catties of hemostatic powder, and it took a while to sell them out.

"Let's go."

The woman almost knelt down when she heard the words, she looked at Wu Xiyan beggingly and said, "Sister, please, I'm just buying medicine powder, I swear I will never do anything bad again, you let me be here Can you wait in line to buy? My sister really needs..."

Wu Xiyan raised his eyebrows and looked at the mourning person and said, "The hemostatic powder is for new wounds. Didn't you say that your sister's leg is already bleeding? I know some medical principles. Take me to have a look. Maybe I can help." busy."

Hearing Wu Xiyan's words, the woman had a disappointed expression at first, and then she heard that she understood medical principles and was able to help see a doctor. She immediately nodded happily and said yes, as if she had climbed up from the bottom of the valley.

"Wait, let me tell my mother first."

The woman nodded with a smile, and then followed behind Wu Xiyan, only then did she realize that the aunt who sold the styptic powder was the mother of the elder sister who beat her up. But he couldn't see any wounds, so he believed in the fact that the person in front of him knew how to heal.

Wu Xiyan told Kezi's mother to go visit her friend's injured sister and ask her to wait for her to come back after selling her things.Zhang's mother was busy here, but she still told her to be careful, and told her to come back here sooner.

After saying hello, Wu Xiyan followed this woman who claimed to be Niu Niu to the slums in the town, and then met her younger sister Niu Xiaoniu.

Niu Niu said that when her younger sister was delivering things for others, she was hit by a horse-drawn carriage and was run over again, so she got a wound and shed a lot of blood at that time. They had no money to see a doctor, so they used simple methods I crushed some grass leaves to stop the bleeding. The bleeding stopped, but because I had no money to buy medicine, the wound was red and swollen the next day. In addition, the foot was crushed, and although the bone was not broken, it was also broken. Yes, the wound was so painful that I could only lie at home for a few days.

For about six days, the wound has not been properly treated, it is suppurative and inflamed, and the hemostatic powder, anti-inflammatory and pain relief is only effective for new wounds, but this girl's leg, a few days later, really has to be amputated to save her life.

When Niu Niu heard this, she was overwhelmed with fright, and Niu Xiaoniu was even more ashamed.

It's just that they heard Wu Xi's words that they could be saved, so the two of them became hopeful. Niu Niu even knelt down and kowtowed to her, saying that as long as she could save her sister, she would be willing to be a cow or a horse in the future.

Wu Xiyan nodded to let the two of them remember what they said at the moment, so the newly bought knife came in handy to clean up the rotten flesh and pus, treat the wound, and put some other special anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving powder.

Throughout the whole process, she admired this Niu girl who was only three years older than her. She was sweating coldly in pain, but she didn't yell out a word of pain.

Before leaving, she gave Niu Xiaoniu some anti-inflammatory drugs and told her to take them on time before leaving.

Niu Niu watched her treat the whole process, and followed her when she left, and said that from now on, she would eat with her and so on, as long as she needed them, she must find them, and the brothers and sisters were willing to do anything. Do.

Wu Xiyan was convinced that the two of them were useful because the system had tested the favorability of the two, so he ordered Niu Niu to inquire about some things that she wanted to inquire about carefully.And told her to check Niu Niu's working ability next time she came to the market.

After thinking about it, she gave Niu Niu [-] Wen as her living expenses during this period, and of course she also asked Niu Niu to cook something for her younger sister these days and stop doing bad things. Followed her and Kezi's mother to the bullock cart all the way before leaving.

It was dark when Wu Xiyan and Kezi's mother arrived home.

Wu Xi said that the money from selling medicines was used to buy these tools for making medicines, as well as a lot of ceramic bottles. The family didn't say anything when they saw her spending the money. After all, this was the money she earned herself, and Kezi's mother There are more than two taels of silver in hand, and there is still a lot of silver left over from the owed ones, which is worth two years of income for the whole family.

Since I earned money, I bought meat and some things the family needed, and I also bought a few catties of rice, so that the whole family could have a full meal with this bowl of rice.

Wu Xiyan sent the preserved fruits she bought to the children overnight, and put the enlightenment books she bought next to his pillow.

In the following days, Wu Xiyan almost went to the mountains during the day, and his fourth brother helped to dry the herbs on weekdays, and Kezi's father's feet were almost healed, so he still didn't let him walk around much because of future troubles.

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