Chapter 144 An Lanchu (20)

With such a great opportunity, Wu Xiyan would have no reason not to go.

And if she still goes, she has to tell the world with great fanfare that she is going to Beijing.

On the eve of departure, when Ning Cheng went to see the genius doctor Wu Yan off, from the city gate to the ten mile slope outside the city, both sides of Chang Chang Guan Road were full of benefactors.

If it weren't for the genius doctor to send the king a thousand miles away, and to have to say goodbye at the end, those common people would probably follow along for a while.

The news that the miracle doctor Wu Yan left Ningcheng for Kyoto with 300 people and a hundred horse-drawn carriages spread throughout the Jin Kingdom within a few days. People who traveled thousands of miles to seek medical treatment even went to the path where the miracle doctor passed by to wait for treatment.

And Wu Yan, a genius doctor, saves patients as soon as he sees them, so he stops and stops all the way.

Passing through the border area of ​​the epidemic seven years ago, I found that the whole city was sealed off, and some of the patients ran away desperately to seek the doctor.

When they were summoned to Beijing, they should have rushed to the capital as soon as possible, but the two father and son in the palace found that Wu Yan was still thousands of miles away, and even stopped in a certain city, so Long Yan was furious and said that she resisted. If the order is not followed, there will be no pardon for killing.

It’s just that before the summoning letter was written, it was told by courtiers that the town on the edge of a certain city was plagued by an epidemic seven years ago, and the disease recurred and ravaged a certain city a month ago. According to the method at that time, it was beheaded, but the general who defended the city was reluctant to do so, so he dragged it down.

The father and son in the palace wanted to kill Wu Xiyan, but Wu Xiyan himself didn't know about it, but because he knew about the resurgence of the disease in Moucheng, he borrowed Jing Weiyou to bring countless medicines and medicinal materials to treat him.

Now she has brought her troops into the city, and in less than three days, the plagued people in the city have been initially controlled, and the dying people have been drinking medicine to stop the death, and then let people boil the medicine to disinfect them everywhere in the city .

Ten days later, the epidemic in Moucheng was completely controlled. The people in the city were grateful, and the old general who guarded the city knelt down in gratitude, and then all the people in the city knelt down to thank him.

On the 15th, the emperor summoned three times, and the famous witch said that he rushed to Beijing to face the saint without delay, otherwise he would be punished for resisting the order.

The miracle doctor Wu Yan had no choice but to leave for Beijing again. This time there were only thirty people left in his entourage, and they set off for Kyoto in two or three carriages.

On the way across the state and town, there will always be teams of medical seekers on the pipeline. The divine doctor is merciful, and he does not hesitate to stop and treat the people.

It was delayed all the way, and when it arrived in Kyoto, it was delayed until January.

The people in the palace were so angry that they threw things, but they were afraid to say anything because of Wu Yan's words, otherwise they would only lose more popular support.

In fact, whether they dare or not, they are destined to lose the hearts of the people.

The genius doctor Wu Yan, summoned by the emperor, traveled thousands of miles to Beijing to face the saint. From the moment he left Ningcheng, news had spread. Moucheng’s epidemic disease was cured for half a month, and the city lord brought tens of thousands of people in the city to kneel to thank him. , but asked about the epidemic in Moucheng, but called away the genius doctor who cured the disease, and threatened not to speed up to go to Beijing to deal with it according to the decree of resistance. All the people in the world were angry after hearing this.In particular, the genius doctor Wu Yan sympathized with the common people, regardless of his own safety, healed the wounded and rescued the dying along the way, and the hearts of the people were even higher.

Therefore, when an imperial decree was issued in the palace, when the imperial guards were deliberated to enter the imperial city, when they were directly arrested for the crime of resisting the decree, all the people in the world were outraged, and the people in the capital city spontaneously pleaded for their orders outside the palace gate, because they were worried. Those who came to the city of Kyoto prayed to the Holy One for mercy.

On the Golden Palace.

The man on the dragon chair was so angry that he threw down the memorial in his hand: "Damn it! Anxie troublesome people actually prevented me from executing the doctor's witch's words. She was obviously the one who resisted the order and didn't obey. What's wrong with me! Fairy Penglai was right! , she just has the heart of disobedience, and wants to incite all people to fight against me!"

A civil official came out and said: "The emperor calms down. Now the people are outraged. If Wu Yan is executed, it may arouse the people's anger even more. The chaos in Jiang'an is a lesson for the past. I hope the emperor thinks twice!"

After the civil servant finished speaking, those ministers knelt down one after another and said, "Please, think twice, Your Majesty!"

The doctor at the dragon doctor was so angry that he almost went to heaven, but he didn't say anything about Wu Yan's execution.

Liu Si took a step forward and said, "Father, since Fairy Penglai said that Wu Yan is a magical technique to deceive the world, didn't you promise to show the world the great fairy art of Fairy Penglai? Since there are so many human beings now She pleads, and you can't execute her. Just let her play a game with Fairy Penglai. When her sorcery is seen through, the world will naturally no longer believe her. When the time comes, the father will use her sorcery to confuse people. You can only execute her. , and no one will stop you."

Some achievements kneeling below immediately seconded: "The prince is right."

So the old emperor waved his hand and ordered people to write down an edict to advertise to the world. Fairy Penglai and the genius doctor Wu Yan will have a competition outside the square of Penglai Palace three days later. If the witch words are false, they will be executed on the spot.

As soon as the edict came out, the people became even more angry, but it failed to reach the emperor.

Everything outside is buzzing, Wu Xiyan doesn't know, because she is sitting in the dungeon at the moment, except that her clothes are a little wrinkled because she can't change and wash, other things are fine, and she is even happily eating at the moment. Food delivered.

【Wu Xiyan said: Xiao Jiu, the boss Liu San is indeed a high-ranking material. In such a short period of time, it is enough to come and go freely in the prison. Our vision is not bad. 】

When Wu Xiyan was talking to the system in his head, his mouth didn't stop, he was gnawing on a chicken leg.

[The system said: Well, most people in the palace are already disappointed with the father and son. Many people live in fear all day long, for fear that someone who is not as good as the old emperor and his son will be sent to the medicine cave of Penglai Palace, where there are thousands of poisonous snakes. Where there are poisonous insects and poisons, no one will know if they go to death. This Shelley is simply a snake and a scorpion.Even the father and son who raised her by himself can do it, there is really nothing this woman can't do. 】

Wu Xiyan took a sip of the soup, and looked at the oil lamp facing the sky prison wall.

[Wu Xiyan said: This Shelley used poison to control people, and even made those fake patients die. From the beginning, she wanted to destroy the Jin Kingdom, but because of the favor of the old emperor of the Jin Kingdom, now she is in the hospital. The state of Jin is almost the position of the Penglai Fairy above ten thousand people. She got the rare treasures from the treasury of the state of Jin, and then the old emperor is obedient to her. Naturally, she will not be willing to return to the state of Zhou to be a priest, pig brain They will choose to stay in Jin. 】

[The system said: Didn't Xue Xu say that those methods of refining poison are created by piling up human lives?Apart from being poisoned and bewitched now, the old emperor obeys her now. She has nothing to be satisfied with, but the idiot is the next emperor, the big one is useless, and the young one can be replaced, so she will keep the idiot .He could even kill his adoptive father, and even poisoned his adoptive father's son like that. If this kind of woman didn't die, I would be sorry to God. 】

(End of this chapter)

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