Now she has changed into women's clothing from Yu Kingdom since she entered Yu Kingdom. Compared with Wu Kingdom's short skirt and short-sleeved clothes, she prefers this kind of clothes suitable for working like farming people, and she doesn't even want skirts. She was dressed poorly compared to the maids of rich families, but after entering the palace, although those maids were puzzled, they didn't mean to look down on her, and it made her feel that Princess Yu was well-mannered.

At least the current system has not detected the existence of any person with malicious value. Of course, the malicious value is not only aimed at her alone. After the system is completed, it will be able to detect the data of malicious value of people within the range. It can detect the malicious value, which is not only aimed at her, it is equivalent to that person's character value.

That's why when she practiced medicine, she added a word of "seeing the eye".

The system here is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.Following Princess Yu to see King Yu, Wu Xiyan thought that no matter how sick she was, she would only be thinner and weaker, but she didn't expect that when she saw someone, she would be taken aback by it.

How should I put it, if she insisted on describing it, she felt that she had seen those people in X continent who were so hungry that they were out of shape on TV before, but it would be too much if they could not see the muscles and only remained skinny. If it wasn't for breathing, She thought that what she saw was just a mummy lying on the bed.

I finally understood what the system meant when it said King Yu's situation was very serious.

Isn't it serious?Who has ever seen a grown man so thin that no matter how he looks at it, it looks like a layer of skin and a thin layer of meat are applied to the bones!
To be so skinny and still alive, I have to say that King Yu is also a miracle.

Well, when King Yu looked at her, his eyes were already dimmed, and he was indeed not far from death.

Wu Xiyan stayed inside for a stick of incense, let the system scan King Yu's body, checked it thoroughly, and left the inner room after obtaining all the detailed body data.

During the close-range [-]D scanning to obtain body data, she had already discussed the treatment method with the system. She just thought that she would really use those two bugs now, but she did not expect to use them.

Of course, Gu worms are domineering, such a dying body can't bear it at all, so it needs to be raised.

Otherwise, if the Gu worms were not completely planted, the King Yu might not be able to put it on in one breath, and what should he do if he died immediately.Not only wasting her hard work, but also wasting a pair of precious Gu worms carefully cultivated by Kezi's mother.

And the pair of Gu worms are also mother-child Gu, which was originally reserved for Kezi, but Kezi's life is so long, and now it is a good place for the pair of Gu worms to save people.

Concubine Yu looked at the shocked expression of Immortal Yannu, the doctor of the Wu Kingdom, when she saw her prince, and she knew it in her heart, but when the other party didn't say anything, she still gave herself a hope.

The other party was shocked, and it was the first time for all the doctors to see Du Wang Ye's body. They were so shocked. Now the other party is not like those doctors. Seeing Wang Ye's appearance, he told her directly and asked her to hire another Gao Ming, so Only then did she give herself a hope, and she also hoped that Yan Nu could cure the prince.

Seeing that Yan Nu didn't say she couldn't be cured, but even took the pulse and wiped to see the condition of the prince's body, she felt even more hope that he could be cured, but after the whole process, Yan Nu didn't say a word, but looked As she became more and more serious, her soaring hope gradually sank.

Following Yan Nu all the way to the front hall, she thought in her heart that as long as she didn't say that she was asking Gao Ming, the prince would still be saved. Although she knew it was a lie to herself, she couldn't help but tell herself that, but the more Telling herself, the more she couldn't hide the sadness in her heart, she couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and tears flowed out.

Wu Xiyan and the system had finalized a preliminary plan, and when he turned around and was about to talk, he saw Princess Yu who was crying silently, and couldn't help but pause.

[Wu Xiyan said: Xiao Jiu, I didn't say that King Yu's illness can't be cured, right? 】

[Similarly seeing the system where Princess Yu was crying, I was also inexplicably surprised, and immediately said: No, Yan Yan, haven’t you been carefully checking King Yu’s physical condition all the time, I didn’t hear you tell me that you can’t be saved, Could it be that she made it up in her own imagination? Didn't we have been discussing the plan just now, and we probably haven't said a word to her. 】

Wu Xi's words and the system immediately understood: Princess Yu made up her mind.

Concubine Yu looked at Yan Nu looking at her and was silent again, her face was still a little embarrassed, she understood, but the tears could no longer be restrained pouring down, she said with difficulty: "My lord's situation, we I know, this is embarrassing Miss Yannu. Don't worry, even if you can't save the prince, I will help you if you agree."

"Princess Yu, I didn't say that the prince is hopeless..."

Princess Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then she grabbed Wu Xiyan's hand with great joy and said, "Miss Yan Nu, what you said is true? Can you cure the prince's illness?"

Wu Xiyan looked at Princess Yu crying and laughing, nodded and said, "My lord's illness can be cured, but don't be too happy yet, now that your lord is running out of fuel, it's not easy to save him." .”

Princess Yu shook her head and said, "Miss Yan Nu, as long as the prince can be saved, I will help you find whatever palace you want. As long as the prince is rescued, I will do whatever you want. Gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, whatever you want , I can give it to you!"

Wu Xiyan said lightly: "Even if I let you die, are you willing?"

Concubine Yu was taken aback when she heard the words, but only for a moment, then nodded heavily and said: "Yes, even if it is to exchange my concubine's life for the prince, I am also willing."

The maidservants around are obviously the most loyal people. They didn't say anything when they heard Wang Hao's words, but they obviously felt sad immediately after hearing the words of the Immortal Doctor. , Just because they have heard it, they are naturally not surprised and can accept it. Acceptable does not mean that they are not sad.

"I remember you saying you had two children?"

Concubine Yu was taken aback again, and said with embarrassment: "Miss Yannu, can't you trade my life? But they are still young..."

Hearing this, Wu Xi knew that Princess Yu had misunderstood her words, so she said, "That's not what it meant... Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Princess Yu wanted to ask something else after hearing the words, but she didn't continue to ask after hearing Wu Xi's words.

Wu Xiyan said: "I need to stay in this courtyard. Princess Lao sent someone to buy me some pottery pots for decoction. In addition, I still need a lot of medicinal materials. You have to ask someone to buy them back according to my instructions."

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