Guzhu's mother looked at the blood in the teacup, smiled strangely, then turned her head and walked outside without looking at Wu Xiyan.

"I'm going to refine medicine. Don't bother me if there is nothing special. If there are no special circumstances, I will refine medicine there recently. Give me these herbs. You cook and eat them yourself, and the two medicine men put them there The high-value red sandalwood medicine was given to them."

"Yes, Valley Master."

Wu Xiyan watched Kezi's valley owner's mother carrying the blood to the place where she usually made medicine, thinking it was nothing serious, so she went to cook for herself.

As for the poisonous person, it was Kezi's mother who went out two days ago and brought back two medicine men who were also death row prisoners. After eating, Wu Xiyan went to take the jar and gave the two medicine men what Kezi's mother ordered. people eat.

Next, Wu Xiyan had more time to read medical books, because he had become a poisonous person, Wu Xiyan didn't have to continue taking a bath, so the liar Zhuganjing waited for three days and didn't find her passing by, so he secretly scolded her, Then I started to meet her who was busy working in the valley during the day.

Wu Xiyan said a few perfunctory words when she felt bored, and the system said that the other party thought her heart was open, and she thought she had opened the window.

This afternoon, Wu Xiyan wanted to eat fish, so he went fishing in the valley pool, and because the fish was made of big earthworms, he quickly caught a big fat fish.

Just when he was about to continue fishing, the system said that Kezi's mother had somehow taken the medicine made from her blood and told her to go back quickly!

Wu Xiyan got up and ran, but when the oncoming liar Zhuganjing saw her, he directly came over and blocked her way with his hand.

"Yan slave, did you catch a fish?"

"Get out of the way!"

"What's wrong with Yan slave, we didn't..."


Wu Xiyan pushed the opponent away, and the latter fell back directly, ignoring the people on the ground, and quickly ran back towards the medicine house.

[The system said softly: Yanyan, it's too late, the medicine will seal her throat when it sees blood... She is about to die, hurry up. 】

[Wu Xiyan ran away fiercely after hearing the words: What's going on?Isn't it all good these days?When you woke up this morning, you still said that she dressed herself beautifully, why did you suddenly lose your mind! 】

Wu Xiyan ran fast, and rushed all the way to the alchemy room in the cave, and saw the person lying on his back on the stone bed, heard footsteps moving, and then turned towards her.

Surprise flashed in Mistress Gu's eyes, with a faint smile on her face, she opened and closed her mouth and said Yan Nu, then lifted her hands weakly.

"Why do stupid things?"

Wu Xiyan choked up and asked this question, picked up Kezi's mother's hand, and stroked it on his face, the other's eyes lit up, but it was a pity that the pupils dilated within less than two seconds.

[The system said softly: Yanyan, she... is dead. 】

Wu Xiyan knew that she was sad in her heart, there was a shell, and there was also her.

[The system said again: Yanyan, don't be sad, maybe this is her choice. 】

tick, tick...

Wu Xiyan was surprised, and reached out to touch his face, and found that the wet part was crying.

[Wu Xiyan said: Xiao Jiu, it's my fault, I should, pay more attention. 】

【The system said: Yanyan, these are all her choices. I am afraid that her wish to live is to fill a human body with a husk. 】

Wu Xiyan was silent, but she felt that maybe she could help.

[The system said again: Yanyan, she wrote another letter beside her pillow. 】

Wu Xiyan heard the words and looked at the jade pillow. There was indeed a letter, so he picked it up and opened it to read.

The content of the letter is roughly to tell Kezi that she will be the owner of the medicine valley from now on, and everything in the valley will be hers in the future, and the money will be in the innermost cabinet of the medicine refining room. You can go wherever you want, even if she doesn't want Medicine Valley.But one thing, the owner of Medicine Valley will never marry for life, let alone have an affair with any man, because she is already the most poisonous existence in the world, and she will be fine if touched, but her sweat, tears and blood on her body as a poisonous person are all With poison, try not to harm those innocent people as much as possible. The last sentence is to let her take care of herself.

Of course Wu Xiyan knows this is a lie, right? With the system in place, it is impossible for sweat and tears to be poisonous. It is true that flesh and blood are highly poisonous, but the mother of the Kezi valley owner said that she definitely did not want Kezi to be with anyone. Together with men, in case she encounters what she has encountered before, if she is a shell, she will definitely be worried, but Wu Xiyan knows the truth, so she obviously doesn't worry about it.

In addition to this matter mentioned in the letter, the mother of the owner of Kezi Valley also said that if Kezi didn't want to stay in Yaogu, he could never come back, but everything here must be destroyed, and nothing here should not fall into the hands of caring people.There is also the final treatment of the liar Zhuganjing. She wrote it in the letter and asked her to heal the other party instead. The last thing she confessed was to cremate her and bury her next to the cemetery where the ancient valley owners were buried.

[The system said: Yanyan, she never thought of telling Kezi that she is Kezi's mother from the beginning to the end. 】

【Wu Xiyan shook his head and said: Maybe I thought about it, maybe I didn't tell Kezi because I was afraid that Kezi would be sad in the end.This letter seems to have been written a long time ago. She hasn't written a letter during this time, otherwise you must have detected it.She used the blood of the husk to refine medicine these days, and refined three. She tried the highly poisonous one. Although she was happy to see the medicine, she did not show any abnormal behavior. She did not expect that she would keep the last one. for myself.Is it because I ruined her lifelong pursuit that she committed suicide? 】

[The system said: Yanyan, this has nothing to do with you, this is her own choice.Instead of getting entangled in these things, I think you'd better deal with that bamboo pole spirit first, and he also chased after him to the cave.According to the letter, if you cremate Kezi's mother, you don't have to worry about Kezi's mother's body being eaten and her tragic end. 】

[Wu Xiyan nodded when he heard the words and said: I know, the books in this medicine valley are no longer needed, and it is not good to keep those poisonous insects and poisons. Burn it.I will take the medicines that can be used, and they will not be cheaper. 】

[System: Then do as the words say, and the bamboo pole spirit has come in. 】

Wu Xiyan was still in tears at this moment, looking at Kezi's mother with a sad face, no one would suspect that her behavior at the moment was wrong.

"Miss Yan Nu, I was worried about something, so I came in without authorization, you..."

Li Zhusheng, who was outside the cave, looked anxious. He wanted to go in, but he didn't dare. After all, he couldn't tear his face apart, so when he saw Wu Xi saying to let her go, and even pushed him, he almost couldn't bear it. Stop cursing.

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