Chapter 770

During the day, the actions of the textile factory further confirmed this.

That's because all the trucks are driving to the rolling mill. If it's just a show, you don't need to work so hard.

And according to gossip, when the textile factory went there, it pulled a bundle of defective products. This thing, even if it is a defective product, is a sought-after item.

The news spread more and more, and many factories were carefully calculating after they knew what was going on.

Someone really figured out this calculation. With such a thing, the speed of goods delivery can be increased by [-]%, and the fuel consumption can be reduced by [-]%. Most importantly, the driver can greatly enhance the battery life. Three days of goods can be done in one and a half days.

After all this calculation, it is really useful.

So, the next day, when Yang Xiaotao was riding his bicycle to work, he saw many trucks parked by the side of the road before he got close to the rolling mill.

When they came to the rolling mill, they asked the security personnel who were in charge of guarding the gate what was going on.

"Director Yang, you don't know, there were cars parked on the side of the road in the middle of the night last night, waiting to be refitted."

The clerk smiled very happily, with a strong sense of pride in my family.

"By the way, the factory manager, Section Chief Zhao told you to go to the office as soon as you come. There are guests coming."

"Okay. I'll go and have a look. You ask someone to prepare some hot water and deliver it to the drivers."

"it is good!"

The staff watched Yang Xiaotao leave, and couldn't help feeling with his colleagues, "Xiao Yang, the director of the factory, is kind-hearted and wants to send them hot water."

"What do you know, Xiao Yang, the factory director, has been promoted step by step in our factory, so naturally he has one heart with our workers!"

Yang Xiaotao didn't know how highly the people behind him spoke highly of him. Giving hot water to the drivers was just a small trick in the service industry in later generations. Some lesbians in 4S stores really regarded customers as gods.

When I came to the office building, before I entered the office, I heard hearty laughter from the conference room.

Yang Xiaotao took a look, the room was chaotic, several middle-aged people were smoking in the room, they kept talking around Chen Gong, while Chen Gong smiled happily, instead of nodding in response.

Yang Xiaotao didn't get involved, probably these people are the leaders of various factories, and they came here this time for their own team.

Just hand it over to Chen Gong, the old fox.

Just when he reached the door of the office, Yang Xiaotao was stopped by Yang Youning, then walked into the factory director's office, and saw a person get up from his seat.

"Director Wang, why are you here?"

The person who came was the director of Quancheng No. [-] Machinery Factory, Director Wang.

During this period of time, no matter what happened to the rolling mill, the goods have never been cut off, and even if there is no payment, the supply has always been there.

The production of tractors has never stopped due to out of stock.

Therefore, the top management of the rolling mill regards it as a close partner, and even Liu Huaimin has repeatedly praised that the first machine factory in Quancheng is a good comrade with strong revolutionary ideas.

It's just that the last time Factory Manager Wang came to the rolling mill to discuss the bearing problem, he was sabotaged by enemy agents and lay in the hospital for a few days. The two rushed back to Quancheng before they had time to talk about the past.

I never came back after that.

"Haha, I'm not with the delivery car."

Yang Youning explained from the side, "Old Wang sat in the car all night last night and just arrived this morning."

"Don't say anything when you come here, so I can arrange someone to pick you up."

Director Wang smiled heartily, "No need, I'm not resting here, so I won't cause trouble for comrades."

Then he looked at Yang Xiaotao, "You were an engineer last time, but after just over a year, you became the deputy director of the factory?"

"You bastard, you can fly faster than an airplane."

"Old Yang, do you still need someone in your rolling mill? How about I become the director, work for two years, and also be the deputy director?"

Talking and joking Yang Youning.

"That can't be done. If you come, the deputy factory manager can just let you go."

"Haha, only you, Old Yang, have courage."

Factory Manager Wang was quite emotional, "It's hard for us to find someone like Comrade Yang Xiaotao."

"Old Wang, what you said is wrong. The workers all over the country belong to the same family. What's the matter, we, right?"

Yang Youning sat aside, "Old Wang, someone is here, let's talk."

Director Wang took a sip of water, looked at Yang Youning, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

"Needless to say, if you want to send something, you still need your parents and children to come here overnight? Let's talk, we don't talk about each other as a family, as long as the rolling mill can help, we will do our best."

Director Wang nodded when he heard the words, and looked at Yang Xiaotao, "Then I thank you both first."

"Actually, this time I was entrusted by someone to make a trip."

Then Director Wang explained the matter again.

He came this time at the request of Liu Dehui, director of Quancheng Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and his purpose was very simple, to inspect the mechanical hydraulic auxiliary system developed by the rolling mill.

"Oh, let's see this matter. Originally, it was most suitable for Lao Liu to come by himself, but he really couldn't get away, so he asked me to help take a look."

Director Wang explained the reason, and Yang Xiaotao sat aside, "Director Wang, I thought what was going on. Don't worry, this mechanical hydraulic system has been tested by many cars, and it has indeed played a very important role. If Director Liu doesn't believe it, wait until you go back and pull a car and demonstrate it to him. It will definitely be fine."

Yang Youning remained silent, while Director Wang shook his head, "Comrade Xiaotao, it seems that you still don't understand what it means."

"Well? What do you mean?"

"Let's put it this way, I took a look at it this time, and it's true that the mechanical system is very useful, so what Lao Liu and the others want is the blueprint. They want to use this part on the new car."

Director Wang said, Yang Xiaotao thought for a moment.

This is equivalent to giving away the hen that laid the golden eggs to others.

Yang Xiaotao didn't dare to make up his mind, and looked at Yang Youning.

"Old Wang, why does Lao Liu want this? There must be some reason."

After Yang Youning finished speaking, Yang Xiaotao looked at Director Wang.

But Director Wang grinned, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

"Old Yang, you know about the allocation of car projects back then, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Youning took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and distributed them to Director Wang. Yang Xiaotao quickly took out a lighter and lit them for the two of them. After a while, the three people in the room were stuttering.

"I know. I still remember that scene."

Seeing Yang Xiaotao's confusion, Yang Youning randomly explained.

Back then, the Ministry of First Machinery began to focus on supporting some projects in order to build the country's heavy industry.

Among them, automobile manufacturing is the top priority.

At that time, well-known manufacturers from all over the country gathered in Sijiu City in order to obtain project support from the First Ministry of Machinery. At that time, Yang Youning, as a representative of the rolling mill, also attended the meeting.

When the task was dispatched, several manufacturers were aiming at the medium-sized car project with mature technology. As a result, FAW in the north insisted on snatching it with the machinery and equipment left over from the year.

But is it easy to study heavy trucks?

In the past few years, the workers of the Quancheng Automobile Factory spent their nights in clothing and food, and only then did they knock out the Yellow River JN150 with a hammer. It stands to reason that they have explained to the country, and the Yellow River has been seen in many places.

After listening to the factory director, Wang continued, "If it's other things, I don't plan to make this trip, but I feel angry after hearing about this matter."

Director Wang stubbed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the ashtray, and said while patting his thigh.

Last year, the army was going to be motorized, so the demand for cars has greatly increased.

Originally thought that Huanghe Automobile could win the bid and be selected.

Unexpectedly, the car made out lost to FAW's Liberation in the initial selection of the troops.

There are fundamentally different grades between the two. One is a medium-sized truck and the other is a heavy-duty truck. It stands to reason that troops can use both.

But last time I didn’t know what was going on, so I only chose Jiefang, and distributed the share of heavy trucks to Jiefang Automobile. When the factory manager took someone to ask, the person in charge of the army said, “The load of a heavy truck is only seven or eight tons, and a 150 howitzer has six or seven tons.Besides, flexibility is needed on the battlefield, and heavy trucks are far inferior to Liberated cars in this respect. '

"Listen, what is this?"

"Heavy pulls can't move 150 pomegranates, so the liberation can pull them? The load of a mere four tons, that is, because of the convenience of odd jobs, is favored."

"But it's this matter that makes everyone in Quancheng Automobile Factory feel aggrieved."

Director Wang said with an indignant expression on his face.

As Quancheng people, we share weal and woe.

What's more, their factory is also one of the producers of Huanghe JN150.

"Lao Yang, Xiao Yang."

"I'm here this time, and Lao Liu has only one meaning. If it works, then no matter what you say, you must take it down."

"Don't steam the steamed buns to save your breath. The comrades in the automobile factory have devoted themselves to work this year, just to clear up the shame of this year's bidding and to justify the name of the automobile factory."

After hearing this, Yang Youning and Yang Xiaotao didn't expect that there were so many things going on here, let alone that Director Wang would come here specially for this matter.

After Director Wang finished speaking, the room fell silent.

"The factory manager."

Seeing that Yang Youning was still contemplating, Yang Xiaotao turned his mind for a moment and then paid attention, "I think we should support Director Liu and the others."

Yang Youning didn't answer, but looked at Yang Xiaotao and asked him to continue.

"Factory Director Wang said that since the army invites bids, it should be based on real skills."

"I believe that the comrades at Quancheng Automobile Factory will go all out. And we can also take this opportunity to make the mechanical hydraulic system famous."

"You think, if heavy trucks get a large number of orders from the army, it will also give us a reputation. At that time, not to mention Forty-Nine City, even vehicles from other places will come to seek them."

"So, helping Director Wang and Director Liu is a good thing for our rolling mill."

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, Director Wang showed a grateful expression.

Yang Youning nodded silently, "Xiao Yang is right, we have to help with this matter."

Director Wang laughed, "Okay, with your words, my task is considered complete."

Yang Youning also smiled, "I've seen that group of guys with upturned nostrils not pleasing to the eye, this time our cooperation between the two parties just kills their prestige."

"Yes, just do it like this, don't fight for steamed buns, this time I will definitely vent my anger."

After the two finished talking, Yang Xiaotao asked from the side, "Director Wang, since we have made an agreement, what shall we do?"

Director Wang smiled, "You have to call and ask Liu Dehui how to do it."

"Before we came, we agreed that if it's useless, we don't need to call, and if we can't agree, don't bother, and save some phone bills."

"But if the negotiation is successful, you will have to contact yourself."

After finishing speaking, Yang Youning pointed to Director Wang, "It's easy for you to do, what are the benefits?"

"Hahaha, Lao Liu is a stingy guy, but this time he is generous. As long as it is done, go back and get two bottles of sorghum wine."

"Then you've earned it."

Yang Youning joked, walked to the phone, calmed down, then picked up the phone and dialed out.

After a while, the other party answered the phone.

Subsequently, Yang Youning and Liu Dehui communicated on the phone for 10 minutes before hanging up.

"How about it?"

When Yang Xiaotao asked, Yang Youning looked serious.

"This bidding will be held in Forty-Nine City at the end of this month. Manufacturers from all over the world who are interested in participating have already left."

"That is to say, we have to send the drawings over as soon as possible, and then make changes on the original drawings. We need to produce ten cars before the bidding is held, and then ship them."

"time is a little tight."

(End of this chapter)

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