Chapter 749

Picking up the lunch box, the quality of the food inside has dropped, and the steamed buns are all double-faced steamed buns, and there are even stick noodles. The old double-weight white flour steamed buns are gone.

After eating, Yang Xiaotao returned to the office.

In the house, Lou Xiaoe has cleaned up the hygiene, and the table is clean, which makes her feel comfortable.

Sitting on a chair to rest for a while, Yang Xiaotao thought about the new workshop.

Whether it is personnel, materials, or project classification, etc., all need to be rearranged.

These need to be done as soon as possible.

The pen in my hand kept writing, and the organizational structure in my mind gradually took shape.

There are several items that need to be abandoned in the independent workshop, such as iron plows and rakes on the tractor, which can be handed over to the branch factory for production.

These things have no technical content. With drawings, although the branch factory is small, processing is no problem.

Then express the core part.

The core is naturally the focus of future work.


Yang Xiaotao spoke suddenly, and was stunned to the side, knowing that Yang Xiaotao was calling her, the expression on his face should not be a joke.

Lou Xiaoe was certain in her heart, and said calmly, "Director."

"Help me find the orders for heating furnaces and well drilling machines in recent months."

"it is good!"

Lou Xiaoe walked out quickly, and Yang Xiaotao wrote down the pressure cooker, heating stove, and well drilling machine on the paper.

As for the pressurized well, Yang Xiaotao also planned to hand it over.

Three, choose two.

There are too many projects, and it is easy to get confused. Moreover, if these two projects are well done, the future gains will be great.

Needless to say about the pressure cooker, Yang Xiaotao still has a whole set of blueprints in Yang Xiaotao's space, including various models and electric ones.

It's just that when this thing is produced, not many people can use it in China, so it can only be sold abroad.

So, we have to wait until the east wind comes.

The second is the heating furnace. Now the larger factories in Sijiu City have begun to install furnaces. After all, the environment is better, and the efficiency of the workers can be improved.

Not only that, the utilization rate of coal has been improved, and many homes have also begun to install it, even many office units are also installing it.

Of course, this thing is not only produced by rolling mills, but also by a dozen factories in and around the city of Sijiu. Whether this project should be kept or not depends on this year's orders.

The last is the drilling machine.

This thing was originally made to cooperate with the pressurized well, and it is not clear how it will be produced now.

However, the potential of drilling rigs can still be tapped.

What is used now is steam power, what if it is changed to a diesel engine?

Not now doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

Steam tractors are very popular nowadays, and most of the places where oil can't be used can run with wood.

Compared with animal power, it is indeed a big improvement.

But this is only a temporary expediency after all, Yang Xiaotao doesn't want to use it ten or twenty years later, at least there must be enough internal combustion engines to replace it.

Therefore, Yang Xiaotao plans to start developing diesel engines next year.

At that time, the diesel engine will be the core competitiveness of the rolling mill.

Thoughts diverge, constantly planning for the future.

Although there are many uncertainties in the future, and there is an impending storm, who does not know what to encounter?Don't know what will happen.

But it is better to make arrangements and plans now than to react passively.

There was a knock on the door, and Lou Xiaoe came over with a pile of documents, followed by Chen Bin.

During this period of time, he was sorting out, but...

Kind of messy.

"Director, this is the latest order and output of the tractor machine in the workshop, and this is the list of consumables..."

Lou Xiaoe and Chen Bin were sorting out, throwing out a list from time to time, and Yang Xiaotao took the production status of the tractor.

But before he could take a second look, there was another knock on the door.

"Director Yang."

Yang Xiaotao saw that it was Yang Youning's secretary Xiaoqiang.

"Director Yang, the factory manager asked you to go to the conference room for a meeting."

Xiaoqiang spoke very politely, especially when he saw Yang Xiaotao was working, his face was even more admirable.

He works as soon as he comes back, he is more diligent than Director Yang.

More importantly, following Yang Youning's side, some things can be noticed.

Especially today, there are many people here.

"I'm going right now."

Thinking of this meeting, it was probably an arrangement for the work in the workshop, Yang Xiaotao got up and went out, "You guys sort it out as soon as possible."

Lou Xiaoe nodded.

"Chen Gong, you also want to participate."

Xiaoqiang said something again, Chen Bin smiled at Lou Xiaoe as if he had been pardoned, and then followed Yang Xiaotao.

When Yang Xiaotao came to the big meeting room, there were already many people sitting in the room.

Yang Xiaotao looked at the dozen or so seats coming forward, Sun Wangguodong and the others had already arrived and were greeting him, so he hurried over.

"Uncle Wang, there are a lot of people here today."

There was an empty seat next to Wang Guodong, reserved for him.

Yang Xiaotao did not expect so many people to come to a workshop to arrange a work meeting.

Wang Guodong looked back and was also surprised. Yang Xiaotao had mentioned the meeting with them in the morning, but all the director and section chief level of the rolling mill came, and the branch factory also came!
In addition, there are three engineers, the captain of the team, and finally saw a few old men.

Wang Guodong's heart trembled, and as he looked at the past one by one, his doubts grew.

Regardless of the fact that these old men have no authority in the factory, some are even at home and rarely come to the rolling mill.

But he is not only a master, but also has a lot of disciples and grandchildren, all of whom have made meritorious service.

Even Liu Daming came in by relying on his third-class work last time. For such a person, even the director in the factory has to be polite when he sees him.

"What do you mean? Old Sun, all these Dinghai Shenzhen needles are here today?"

After hearing this, Sun Guo looked back and was also taken aback.

Without speaking, he got up and walked quickly to a white-haired old man, very respectful.

"That's Lao Sun's master."

"Director Sun's master? I'll go, how big is this!"

Wang Guodong explained on the side, Yang Xiaotao looked at the old man seriously, he must be quite old.

Seeing Liu Daming who was joking with him, Yang Xiaotao nodded slightly.

Zhan Lei's expression on the side was a little gloomy, his master Hou Gong couldn't come, and he was a little regretful.

"Today's meeting, the grade is a bit high!"

Huang Degong muttered softly aside.

"What do you say?"

As a junior, many things in this rolling mill are really unclear.

It is a good habit to ask humbly for advice.

"Look, that group is the director and deputy director of the branch factory. There are one, two and three."

Huang Degong pointed to the number of people in the front row on the left. When Yang Xiaotao was talking, he saw that the seven or eight people on the other side were all looking at this side, and they looked at each other and nodded in greeting.

"Those are those who have made contributions to our factory, at least they are starting with third-class personal merit."

Pointing to a group of old men behind, Yang Xiaotao suddenly realized, no wonder the other masters didn't come.

"Over there, engineers, security staff, medical staff, and those who are not usually present have also come."

"I took a look. There are hundreds of people at the scene, all of them are the upper echelons of the rolling mill. Do you think the grade is high?"

"Now it depends on who is the leader above. If Secretary Liu is here, then he will definitely not run away."

As Huang Degong said, Liu Wei suddenly joked, "Director Yang, Mr. Yang, you are both the workshop director and the engineer. You have a special status. You should sit in the middle of the two, with half of your buttocks on the other."

He said and pointed to the three of Chen Bin beside him.

Yang Xiaotao smiled, "That won't work, if you can't sit still, you'll fall easily."


The crowd laughed.

At the same time, other people are also discussing the situation of the meeting.

Some people already know some inside information, and some people have guessed something, but most people are confused and don't know the situation.

"This time, there is something big."

Sun Guo came back and sat in his original position with a serious expression.

Although the master didn't say it clearly, let me behave well between the lines, and tell him when something happens.

Moreover, faintly, he felt that it might have something to do with him.

Wang Guodong leaned over, "Old Sun, what's the big deal, so many people are here?"

Sun Guo shook his head, pretending to be troubled, with a troubled face.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Guodong didn't ask any more questions, and sat back to his original place.

Yang Xiaotao listened to it from the sidelines, and was also a little skeptical, a workshop adjustment, need to make such a fuss?

When the people around heard this, they all showed interest and waited one after another.

In the factory manager's office.

Liu Huaimin was chatting with the newly appointed office director, while Yang Youning and Chen Gong were by the side.

Several people chatted happily, and there were smiles from time to time.

"Mr. Xia said many times that the comrades in the rolling mill have high revolutionary enthusiasm. They not only complete their jobs well, but also have the courage to innovate in a difficult environment. This is very rare."

The three of Liu Huaimin all smiled with relief. The director Liu in front of him was personally recommended by Mr. Xia. The two sides have the same position, so naturally there are more topics to talk about.

"It's all achieved by the hard work of the workers. Without the support of the superior leaders, we would not be able to make these achievements!"

While Yang Youning was talking, Director Liu nodded, "Yes, the wisdom of the people is endless."

"Before I came, Mr. Xia asked me to listen to the voices of the workers and seek truth from facts, not empty talk or blind reform."

"Director Liu is right."

Liu Huaimin affirmed from the side, "The previous lessons have taught us that we must base ourselves on reality in order to do things that are beneficial to the people, workers, and factories."

"Empty talk will only harm the country and become a castle made of sand, which cannot withstand wind and rain."

Director Liu nodded, "Old Liu is right."

Chen Gong also nodded with a smile, and the four chatted.

Director Liu suddenly put his hands on his thighs, looked at Yang Youning and asked, "Xia Lao said that the Academy of Agricultural Sciences has asked for several people. If you can solve this problem this time, he will buy you a drink."

After hearing this, Yang Youning immediately assured, "Don't worry, it will be absolutely fine."

On the other hand, Liu Huaimin became serious, "Old Yang, you can't make small moves, and you must follow everyone's opinions."

Chen Gong smiled, "Old Liu, don't worry, the workers have steelyards in their hearts."

"That's the best!"

"Come on, it's almost time, let's go take a look and meet the comrades."

Director Liu said, the four of them got up and walked to the big meeting room.

"Here we come, we all watch."

"Hey, Lao Liu is really here. Who is that?"

"It must be a high official. I didn't see Lao Yang following behind."

"Stop talking, let's start."

There was a lot of discussion around, Yang Xiaotao watched the four people walk to the rostrum, Chen Gong stood and picked up the microphone.

"Comrades from the rolling mills, welcome to this meeting!"



"First of all, let me introduce this guest to you, our old secretary, Comrade Liu Huaimin."


Seeing a familiar face, Liu Huaimin stood up and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Director of the Office of the Welcome Department, Director Liu Ruichao."

Tall and thin, Liu Ruichao stood up and waved to everyone.

"Hello, comrades!"

The voice has a smell of Qi, and the articulation is a bit light.

Everyone looked at it, and it should be a newcomer. Looking at it now, it seems to be quite easy to talk to.

"This time I came to the rolling mill, it's a pleasure to sit with everyone..."

Director Liu said a few words, then sat down, and Chen Gong continued to chair the meeting.

"Next, the director of the rolling mill, Yang Youning, will announce the content of the meeting. Everyone is welcome."


Everyone sat up straight and looked forward to it, wanting to see what kind of noise it was making so loudly.

Yang Youning stood up, looked at the crowd, and said seriously, "Workers comrades."

"This meeting is divided into two parts."

"The first item is to commend the comrades who have contributed to the revolutionary construction and earned honor for the rolling mill during this mission. They have defended the honor of the rolling mill with their own efforts."

"They used their wisdom and skills to justify the name of the rolling mill."

"This commendation not only represents the rolling mill, but also responds to the requirements of the superiors and sets an example. I hope everyone will study hard and work together."

Bang bang bang bang
Wang Guodong and the others all looked at Yang Xiaotao, no doubt this was about him.

Yang Xiaotao also clapped his hands excitedly, looking excited.

Director Liu on the rostrum nodded silently when he saw Yang Xiaotao like this.

This is the attitude that young people should have.

(End of this chapter)

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