Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 731 Confrontation

Chapter 731 Confrontation
Qiu Yuan handed the notebook to Wang Fuhan, and Chen Gong looked at the two of them coldly, with anger in his eyes.

"Who told you to investigate your comrades in private."

Qiu Yuan glanced sideways at Chen Gong, held his head high, and said, "The vigilance of a revolutionary made me do it."

"A worker in a rolling mill asked me to do it."

"Besides, there are people from the capitalist class mixed in with such an important unit as the rolling mill."

"Could it be that Deputy Director Chen didn't notice such an obvious mistake?"

"Or, you are also there, covering Lou Xiao'e?"

Chen Gong narrowed his eyes and slowly stood up, "Say it again?"

Qiu Yuan was completely unafraid.

For today, he made complete preparations.

With these preparations and Secretary Wang at his side, what is Qiu Yuan afraid of?
They are the ones to be afraid of.

"Deputy Director Chen, please sit down."

Wang Fuhan who was on the side suddenly spoke with a cold expression.

Chen Gong frowned, looked at Yang Youning again, saw him holding the enamel jar, sat down with a cold snort, and didn't bother to look at Wang Fuhan.

He didn't expect that the other party would use this matter to criticize him, and he didn't know if there was anything wrong with it for a while, so he could only trust Yang Youning, he was not that kind of person anymore.

"Director Yang, this is the opinion of comrades, do you want to take a look at it?"

Wang Fuhan just turned a few pages and looked at Yang Youning.

He already knew what was going on inside.

Yang Youning shook his head, "Don't look at it."

"Well, then, Director Yang, why don't you explain it to everyone?"

Yang Youning was silent, put down the enamel jar, then shook his head, "I still say the same thing, I refuse to answer this matter."

The discussion below sounded, they didn't expect Yang Youning to say that.

Isn't this an admission in disguise?

Wang Fuhan sneered. In his eyes, this was like a dead duck struggling weakly.

"Secretary Wang."

At this moment, someone below suddenly spoke, and everyone saw that it was Liu Daming.

Lou Xiaoe used to be a member of their No. [-] workshop, and had a good relationship with Yang Xiaotao. When he was transferred last time, it was inconvenient for him to say that it was a normal process after all.

But now, it's about the position, if he doesn't say a word, what will he say when Yang Xiaotao comes back?
Anyway, he is already old, so he doesn't have so many worries.

Do whatever you want.

"Secretary Wang, have you figured out this kind of thing?"

"And Comrade Qiu, based on what you said, and what was recorded in the notebook, who can prove it?"

Liu Daming's words made everyone calm down, and they looked at Gaotai again.

Wang Fuhan and Qiu Yuan had expected this for a long time, and they looked at each other. Wang Fuhan put the notebook on the table, "Your question is very good, and you have no right to speak without investigation."

"As for the content of the investigation above, there will naturally be someone to testify."

After speaking, he looked at Qiu Yuan, Qiu Yuan nodded, walked to the middle, and looked at Liu Haizhong in the crowd.

"Lou Xiao'e once lived in a courtyard house for a while, so many workers in the courtyard house know something about it."

The courtyard workers attending the meeting frowned, not knowing why.

"Since everyone wants to prove it, then please invite Comrade Liu Haizhong, a workshop worker who is also a resident of the courtyard, to come up and prove it."

In an instant, the heads of the people around looked aside.

There, a fat man with a big belly trying to keep a calm and serious face slowly stood up, looking forward to suppress the excitement in his heart, and there was a huge pressure.

Liu Haizhong left his seat and walked forward along the steps.

In the front row, Sun Guo looked at Liu Haizhong like a dead man with cold eyes.

Wang Guodong clenched his fists vigorously.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Liu Haizhong walked up to the high platform step by step, trying to lift his neck so that he looked less stooped.

Yang Youning just glanced at it, then continued to look at the enamel jar, unable to see any changes in his heart.

But the blue veins on the hands are not bursting.

Chen Gong at the side felt a chill when he found out.

"Comrade, introduce yourself."

Wang Fuhan looked at Liu Haizhong that Qiu Yuan had mentioned to him, and knew that this comrade was very self-motivated, and now he stood up without fear. This kind of sentiment, this kind of awareness, is exactly what the rolling mill needs.

Looking at Liu Haizhong's unsmiling face, Wang Fuhan nodded slightly, feeling very relieved.

Hearing Secretary Wang's question, Liu Haizhong clenched his back teeth and tried to remain shocked.

Maybe I practiced it many times in my dream, and gradually got used to the scene and began to calm down.

"Okay, Secretary Wang."

Liu Haizhong spoke sincerely, and then faced everyone in the venue.

At this moment, it was the highlight moment in his bangs that attracted the attention of all.

"Hi everyone, I'm Liu Haizhong, a seventh-level blacksmith in the first workshop."

"I am an old worker, and I have been working hard in the factory, but in my spare time, I also care about the behavior of the rolling mill, and I have fulfilled my duties as a worker."

"I have repeatedly reported the bad behavior of the workshop and related workers to the security department of the rolling mill."

"Unfortunately, these things have been ignored, and my own enthusiasm has also been cooled."

"But I didn't give up because I firmly believed that what I did was, right."

There was no applause at the scene, but Liu Haizhong seemed to hear the cry in his heart, which was an inspiring force.

This power made his voice higher and more energetic.

"Secretary Wang, what Director Qiu said are all facts."

"In those days when Lou Xiaoe lived in the courtyard, I was her neighbor, and I knew it very well."

"I am willing to testify."

What Liu Haizhong said was decisive, Wang Fuhan was very pleased.

"Comrade Yang Youning, now, what do you have to say?"

Wang Fuhan looked at Yang Youning.

"Pure nonsense."

Yang Youning just said four words and ignored them.

"Nonsense? Comrade Yang Youning, I advise you to recognize the facts and not be stubborn."

"Don't stand against the workers, that will only ruin your reputation and make you a criminal of the revolution."

Wang Fuhan spoke harshly, and his voice echoed in the auditorium, causing ripples.

"Wang Fuhan, you are an old revolutionary after all."

Yang Youning shook his head, he didn't hear his heart at all, but looked at Wang Fuhan sympathetically, "Even if you are looking for someone, you must find a reliable person."

"Such a person who has been criticized by the whole factory and has bad intentions has written some inexplicable little book to discredit a leader of the rolling mill. Do you think the workers will believe it?"

"You guys, do you believe it?"

In the last sentence, Yang Youning asked everyone present.

"Don't believe it, we don't believe it!"

"Get off, shameful thing."

Sun Guohu stood up and roared at Liu Haizhong.

"Get down!"

"That is, a person who wants to curry favor with his superiors and become an official all day long, no one will believe what he says."

"Get off."

"If you don't believe me, what Liu Haizhong said is all lies."

In an instant, a group of people below roared, especially the people from the first workshop. They came here for the benefit of the workshop and to support the director Sun Guo to win this selection.

Unexpectedly, a 'traitor' appeared in the team, and he was a traitor who backstabbed the senior management of the rolling mill.

The sound of anger is like tearing the bangs into pieces.

Wang Fuhan frowned. As for Liu Haizhong, he only heard Qiu Yuan's introduction, and he really didn't investigate his past carefully.

Chen Gong on the side looked at Wang Fuhan who lost his voice, and sighed secretly.

This person is really like what Yang Youning said, it's heartbreaking to believe in one person.

Really, a little naive.

Qiu Yuan frowned, and Liu Haizhong was even more frightened.

Facing the accusations of the crowd, how can there be any pride just now.



Wang Fuhan stretched out his hand and waved it with a loud voice.

The auditorium gradually calmed down, and everyone was still staring at Liu Haizhong.

"The great man once said that we revolutionaries are not gods. We also eat whole grains and make mistakes. The cleverness lies in reviewing and correcting mistakes immediately."

"As long as you make corrections, you are a good comrade."

"Besides, supervision and reporting is the right of the workers. Is it possible that you still ignore the voice of the revolutionary workers?"

Yang Youning pursed his lips and remained silent.

Qiu Yuan also stood up, "Secretary Wang is right, the great man has said it all, so what reason do we have to hold on to our previous mistakes?"

"As long as he corrects his mistakes, Comrade Liu Haizhong is still a good comrade."

Liu Haizhong was so grateful that he was about to shed tears. He met the eyes of the two and nodded solemnly, "Secretary Wang, as well as the leaders and comrades who are sitting here."

"I did get criticized by the rolling mill circular."

"But that's not why I stood up."

"The reason why I am standing here is because of my conscience and sense of responsibility. It tells me that I cannot turn a blind eye to these illegal behaviors."

Speaking of this, Liu Haizhong took a deep breath, looked at Yang Youning, "Director Yang, I was criticized by the whole factory, do you remember the reason?"

"Do you still remember?"

Liu Haizhong looked back at the crowd, the scene was silent.

It's so far away, who remembers the past few years.

At this time, Chen Gong frowned and looked around.

Not right, very wrong.

Today's such an important meeting, Zhao Chuanjun didn't come, but none of the security department came?


Glancing at Wang Fuhan and then at Yang Youning, Chen Gong was suddenly flustered.

From the very beginning of today, it was different from what he thought.

Is there anything else?

On the stage, Liu Haizhong looked excited.

"But I remember, and I always will."

Liu Haizhong suddenly said loudly, "That time, when I reported Yang Xiaotao, it was because I reported him for speculation."

"That was the time when the security department of the rolling mill decided that I was a false accusation. That's why I was relieved of my status as the workshop leader of the rolling mill, and it also stained my life."

"It was that time that made me understand that what I do and what I have to stick to will not be smooth sailing, but will go through many ups and downs."

"And now, it's time for me to prove myself."

As he said that, Liu Haizhong took out a notebook from his pocket, which he sorted out overnight. Although it was incomplete, the main content was recorded in his mind.

"The above is Yang Xiaotao's income over the years, in which consumption and income do not match. Speculation is not groundless."

Liu Haizhong held up the notebook in his hand and shouted loudly.

The crowd choked for a while.

Why did the matter turn to Yang Xiaotao again?
What is this meeting for?

They just came to cast a vote and exercise the power of the workers, how could this happen to them.

"Liu Haizhong, don't just talk about it."

Chen Bin stood up from the side, and asked Liu Haizhong, "You said Director Yang was speculative, what evidence do you have?"

"As an engineer, his salary for a month is more than half a year for a worker. Is it necessary to do such a conscienceless thing?"

"And he also serves as the secretary of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, have you counted the income?"

Liu Haizhong seemed to have expected it, "Of course I have evidence."

"As a person in the courtyard, I know the situation of their family better than you."

"Secretary Wang, you don't know that when Yang Xiaotao got married, he had all three turns and one sound. At this time, he was only a fourth-level fitter."

"Even if you save your family money, can one person afford three turns and one sound? What's more, in the difficult period just experienced, this person has the best life in the whole courtyard. If you don't believe this, you can go to the courtyard and ask casually. How do you do it in difficult times?" How did he live."

"This way of eating, there is still money to buy three turns and one ring, and you can also get bicycle tickets. If there is no speculation in it, then there is an ulterior secret."

Liu Haizhong shouted loudly, suppressing the sound of the audience.

At this moment, he just felt that he could spit out the depression in his heart, and his mood suddenly became brighter.

Yang Xiaotao, the guy who rose step by step and left him behind, a guy he could only look up to, was finally caught by him to the fatal point.

Pull him off the high platform, and you will be the most beautiful boy in the courtyard.

The place was silent.

Even Chen Bin couldn't speak, because he really didn't know this.

Yang Youning's face finally changed.

He is not afraid of the Lou family's affairs, but when it involves Yang Xiaotao, he must take it seriously.

"Secretary Wang, I believe Comrade Liu Haizhong said that there is definitely something wrong with Yang Xiaotao."

When everyone was so shocked that they couldn't make a sound, Qiu Yuan walked up to Liu Haizhong and stood side by side.

One is fat and tall, the other is thin and short, but they seem to be a pair in heaven, admiring and agreeing with each other.

Wang Fuhan glanced at the two of them with an excited expression.

See the truth in times of adversity, and show responsibility in times of danger.

It is precisely because of so many fearless and courageous comrades that the revolution can move forward and defeat all enemies.

With such a companion, Wang Fuhan only felt that my way is not alone.

Seeing Wang Fuhan nodding, Qiu Yuan looked at Yang Youning again.

Seeing the surprise and fear on Yang Youning's face, Qiu Yuan felt complacent.

Lou Xiaoe is just the first dish, and the next step is to push it into the abyss.

Without Yang Youning, the factory seat in the rolling mill will be his sooner or later.

"Comrade workers."

Qiu Yuan stood beside Liu Haizhong, and took out a notebook again.

"Yang Xiaotao in your eyes is a good section chief, a good director, and a good worker who likes to study and make progress."

"But I want to tell you, you are wrong, very wrong, you are confused by Yang Xiaotao's appearance."

"This man is not only flattering, but also has a serious life style problem."

"Fucking nonsense."

"Beat the bastard to death."

"It's unreasonable to talk nonsense."

Wang Fa stood up from the crowd, unable to bear it any longer.

Beside him are Che Wenwei, Li Wei and others, as well as other people from the third workshop.

The nine directors in the front row also stood up together.

And as Zhou Peng beat him to death, someone in the crowd rushed up immediately.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Wang Guodong even jumped off the table and ran up to the rostrum in two or three steps.

With Wang Guodong taking the lead, a group of people below also rushed up, and a group of cheering people rushed up towards Qiu Yuan, Liu Haizhong and the others.

The crowd roared with jeers, raised their fists, and shouted to beat him to death.

The strength of the workers at this moment made the legs of Qiu Yuan and Liu Haizhong tremble on the stage.

Qiu Yuan didn't expect it, Liu Haizhong didn't expect it, even Wang Fuhan didn't expect it, how dare these crazy workers, how dare they beat people?
A group of people rushed up from all directions, and those who had been watching the excitement were also surrounded and moved forward.

At this moment, Qiu Yuan and the two had nowhere to escape.

When Yang Youning and Chen Gong were stunned, Wang Guodong kicked Qiu Yuan's stomach in the front, followed by Sun Guo punching Liu Haizhong's face with his fist.

Ah Yo~~~
The screams sounded, waking up the three of Yang Youning.

The three of them stopped immediately.

At this time, the security department of the rolling mill did not show up.


Wang Fuhan shouted loudly, but he didn't dare to go forward, he could only watch helplessly as Qiu Yuan and Liu Haizhong were knocked down and wailed on the ground.

At this moment, Wang Fuhan was furious and aggrieved like never before.

Reasonable, it doesn't make sense.

The fist is not as hard as others.

What kind of rogue factory is this.

This must be rectified, must be rectified!
Wang Fuhan roared in his heart, but at the same time he felt tired and wanted to lie down and pass out.

But thinking that if he fainted, Qiu Yuan and the two would be ruined, so they could only shout loudly from the side to make people calm down.

In the same way, Yang Youning and Chen Gong also shouted from the side, something is really going to happen, then they are both shit and shit.

The two stood on the table, shouting loudly.

It would be nice to have a gun at this time.

"Damn Zhao Chuanjun, where did this guy go?"

Yang Youning thought of the chief security officer, if he was there, would this happen?
"Stop it all, anyone who violates discipline will have half a year's wages deducted!"

Chen Gong roared, and the people below were stunned.

When Zhou Peng heard that the wages were deducted, it was still half a year. He immediately got up from Liu Haizhong and stood aside. At the same time, he pulled away Li Nan who was still riding on Qiu Yuan. The two of them shrank back, and were blocked by Che Wenwei and others.

"Stop it all, cough cough cough."

Wang Fuhan coughed, pointed at the crowd, and tried to take a deep breath to ensure that the brain had enough oxygen so that he would not pass out.

"What are you doing in a daze? Get out of here quickly."

Yang Youning growled.

Everyone below hurried back to their seats.

As for the two people in place, Yang Youning didn't care.

In the blink of an eye, the rostrum was empty.

Looking at the bottom, Wang Guodong and Sun Guo have already done a good job, and they are still talking about what, Huang Degong next to him looks down at his hands, a little frustrated, as if he didn't catch anything.

Yang Youning only felt a pain in his forehead, this is the fucking workshop director he chose?

Now, he misses Xu Yuanshan so much.

Only such a cold guy can subdue this group of idiots.

Wang Fuhan personally went down to help Qiu Yuan and Liu Haizhong up.

The workers have a sense of proportion, and it is impossible to beat them to death.

But the bruises on their bodies were not less, and the faces of the two were brightly colored without seeing blood.

"Secretary Wang, no, nothing."

Qiu Yuan stood up, and took out the notebook from his arms, obviously protecting it just now.

The same is true for bangs.

Wang Fuhan only felt that these were two staunch revolutionary comrades.


"Don't worry, I'm here today!"

As if greatly encouraged, Wang Fuhan stood in front of the stage, ignoring everyone below.

In the air, it seems to condense.

No one spoke, no one moved.

Wang Guodong and Wang Fuhan looked at each other, but suddenly felt that the secretary in front of him was a bit unusual.

"Everyone listen."

"In the next meeting, no one is allowed to mess around, otherwise, in the name of the secretary, I will notify my superiors and demand severe criticism."

"If there is a serious violation of discipline, I will personally send him out of the rolling mill."

In the venue, the sound of breathing gradually increased.

Everyone only felt that the buttocks were a little heavy.

"You, Wang Guodong, in the name of the secretary of the rolling mill, I invite you out."

His voice was cold and his eyes were burning.

Wang Guodong smiled, got up, turned and left without stopping.

"You, Sun Guo."

Before finishing speaking, Sun Guo got up and left.

After the two left, Wang Fuhan did not continue to chase them away.

But when the two were driven out, the people present were shocked.

After all, he was the secretary of the rolling mill.

number one.

Immediately, instead of walking back to the rostrum, Wang Fuhan stood beside Qiu Yuan and nodded slightly.

Qiu Yuan rubbed his stomach, regained his strength, and showed firm eyes.

"Comrades workers, although you beat me with your hands, I am not angry, because what I said is correct and correct."

"And you, were deceived by Yang Xiaotao's hypocritical appearance."

Qiu Yuan was a little hoarse, and he said he was not angry, but in his heart, he hated Wang Guodong who took the lead, and that little fat man, who crushed him so much that his waist was almost broken. , don't let me know who you are.

His eyes scanned the crowd, but he couldn't find his own person.

Take a deep breath.

"According to my investigation, Yang Xiaotao himself has major problems."

Looking around, there are still people showing displeasure on their faces, but he sees them, these people, wait for me.

"First, Yang Xiaotao's life is corrupt and he is suspected of speculation. Comrade Liu Haizhong can prove this."

Liu Haizhong took a step forward, covering his cheek, only feeling that the back molars were a little loose, "I testify."

He said and raised the notebook in his hand.

"I searched all of this, and everyone in the courtyard knows about it."

"Since Yang Xiaotao became a worker in the rolling mill."

Liu Haizhong began to tell.

Wang Fuhan nodded.

Behind him, Yang Youning and Chen Gong were sitting together, their expressions solemn.

"Where did Zhao Chuanjun go?"

"I don't know, you didn't ask him to send someone to maintain order?"

"I said, but, have you seen anyone?"

Chen Gong shook his head.

"Also, no one from the security department came."


Yang Youning glanced around, but there was really no one.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, frowned, and a question arose in their hearts.

'What the hell is this guy doing? '

In front of the rostrum, after Liu Haizhong finished speaking, Qiu Yuan nodded, "There is no doubt that Yang Xiaotao's life is corrupt."

"Second point, Yang Xiaotao has contacts with capitalists."

"Here, I clearly remember that Yang Xiaotao once dated Lou Xiaoe for a while, and the two even almost got married. Walked in with a capitalist's daughter."

"This shows that Yang Xiaotao is not a staunch proletarian in his heart, he is leaning toward capitalists."

"Even so, the relationship between the two was close even after they were not married. According to Comrade Liu Haizhong's investigation, Lou Xiaoe and Yang Xiaotao had communicated many times in the name of sending books. This is a borrowed one that needs to be repaid. One borrowed and one returned. Books can serve as an interface between two contacts, and there is no trace. This is the beginning of an abnormal relationship between a man and a woman. Once a book is borrowed, the problem will become serious."

"Besides, Yang Xiaotao beat Lou Xiao'e's ex-husband, Xu Damao from our factory, many times on the basis of various things, which caused conflicts between the two husbands and wives, and finally divorced."

"If the workers don't believe it, we can ask Xu Damao to come here and talk about it in person."

Qiu Yuan looked upright and awe-inspiring, and at the same time he was determined that Xu Damao would not turn to Yang Xiaotao.

"Even now, Lou Xiao'e can still enter the rolling mill after divorce. Who is operating here? Who is there? Don't you doubt it?"

"A capitalist's daughter easily entered the rolling mill, and even became Yang Xiaotao's subordinate, participating in the important production logistics management of the rolling mill. This kind of thing is not arranged, what is it?"

"Comrades, you need to know that Yang Xiaotao is a man with a wife and a family. Is this kind of person who has a problem with his life style worthy of your support?"

Qiu Yuan waved the notebook in his hand, and Liu Haizhong beside him also nodded.

Behind him, Yang Youning frowned, wondering whether Lou Xiaoe had an abnormal relationship with Yang Xiaotao, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't find any difference between the two.

It is indeed reasonable to simply connect what Qiu Yuan said together.

But is there proof?

Catch people and filth, catch rape and double.

No matter how eloquent and touching the words are, they are nothing but fabrications.

But everyone at the scene didn't think so.

From Qiu Yuan's mouth, it seems that every item can be matched.

Could it be?

Well done everyone, keep listening.

Wang Fuhan took a deep breath, "Director Yang, now you can answer that question."

"How did Lou Xiaoe get into the rolling mill?"

"Did Yang Xiaotao use that thing to ask you to recruit Lou Xiao'e into the rolling mill?"

"Don't worry, as long as I explain the matter clearly, I will personally report it to my superiors. That thing is not the capital for his crimes."

"On the contrary, that would only tarnish the sacred faith."

Wang Fuhan stared at Yang Youning, wanting to get an accurate answer from him.

And this is also the most likely way for Lou Xiao'e to enter the rolling mill after Qiu Yuan discussed with him.

After all, the book gift from the elderly is very meaningful, and most people have to think about it.

What's more, Yang Xiaotao's status in the rolling mill, an engineer is great, and he has developed many products.

Especially after he just said a few unpleasant words, a group of people from below came up to stand up for Yang Xiaotao. The appearance of this small group showed that Yang Xiaotao was covering the sky with one hand in this rolling mill.

Yang Youning and Chen Gong looked at each other, as if they didn't understand.

Chen Gong is also confused, what is it?what happened?

How did it get involved in the gift book?

If I remember correctly, Yang Xiaotao seems to have two books.

Chen Gong really wanted to ask, which book are you talking about?
As for Yang Youning, he has no doubts about this, because the other party's meaning is very simple, as long as he admits it, he can put the blame on Yang Xiaotao.

How the hell do these people's brains grow.

The reason why he didn't say anything was because the above explained it.

Can he say in front of all the staff that Lou Bancheng donated all his family property to the Ministry in exchange for this quota?
It wasn't just him who was humiliated, but also a large group of leaders above.

If he dared to say, someone would replace him as factory director tomorrow.

Have a good meeting to settle the matter, okay?
Do you have to engage in these moths?

Hurry up and end it, let someone from above take care of it, I'm tired, I'm really tired.

"I refuse to answer this question."

Facing Wang Fuhan's scorching gaze and his words with a strong sense of suggestion, Yang Youning waved freely and smiled at the same time, saying the words that made everyone's teeth hurt after hearing them.

Can you die if you say one more word?
Is it right? Give everyone a quasi-letter letter.

Is what the people above said true?

Is Yang Xiaotao really this kind of person?
Really have a lifestyle problem?
Everything was designed by Yang Xiaotao?
too frightening.

Of course, some people dismissed it.

Just like Wang Fa and others, they knew Yang Xiaotao's personality and temperament, and they didn't believe what they said.

Seeing what Yang Youning said, Wang Fuhan snorted and ignored it, and turned around, "Since Director Yang doesn't want to answer, then call the person involved, Lou Xiaoe, and ask everyone on the spot."

After Wang Fuhan finished speaking, Qiu Yuan immediately stood in front of the stage, waved to his subordinates, "Call Lou Xiao'e here."

Seven or eight people stood up at the venue, and ran out with a whoosh.

Yang Youning frowned, and Chen Gong beside him was also worried.

"Let's continue."


Qiu Yuan took a deep breath to relieve the pain in his lower abdomen, and raised the notebook in his hand again.

"Everyone's biggest impression of Yang Xiaotao is that he invented many things, right?"

"Stoves, pressurized wells, tractors, and pressure cookers."

"Through these things, his status in the rolling mill has gradually increased, and he has the current power."

"am I right."

Qiu Yuan looked at the crowd with confidence in his eyes.

No one spoke at the scene.

"However, I want to tell you that these things are not designed by him at all. They have already existed abroad."

"He, Yang Xiaotao, just took the inventions and designs from abroad, and used them to become the hero of the rolling mill."

At this moment, the hall was boiling again.

Foreign forces, having an affair with foreign forces, isn't that a spy?

Yang Xiaotao is a spy?

A sentence popped up in everyone's mind, a sentence they couldn't believe.

Even Yang Youning and Huang Degong and others below also frowned.

This thing exists in foreign countries, and their high-level people have known it for a long time.

But not in China.

Otherwise, where did the technical blockade come from?

I really think that if there are foreign countries, there will be domestic ones, so why build a fart, just wait and wait.

Everyone didn't speak, they all wanted to hear what else this guy could say.

Discussions continued to ring out, and there was a commotion at the scene.

At this moment, three people quietly walked in at the gate.

After the three came in, they sat down in the last row without attracting any attention.

"Does everyone know?"

"Yang Xiaotao's wife, Ran Qiuye, and her father is a student studying abroad, needless to say about his background."

"I have lived in the capitalist world and been invaded by capital, and I have deviated from the revolutionary road. And I haven't shown up until now, as if the world has disappeared."

"According to our investigation, Ran Qiuye's father has not appeared in these years, but there is one thing that everyone must know."

"That is, when Yang Xiaotao got married, someone sent a radio. At that time, it was something that couldn't be bought with a ticket. What does this mean? It means that Yang Xiaotao probably got in touch with Ran's father."

"And all this shows the fact that Yang Xiaotao got in touch with foreign countries by contacting Ran's father. Then he used foreign influence to continuously improve his status in the rolling mill, so as to seek more benefits."

"And Yang Xiaotao can repay the Ran family after gaining benefits. Now the life of the Ran family has changed drastically. Not only does he eat meat, but he also has eggs and fruits every time he walks around. Everyone in the courtyard where he lives also reflects this situation. This, That's the evidence."

"So, we suspect that Yang Xiaotao is a spy and a traitor with foreign connections."

Qiu Yuan said the next two words angrily, and everyone on the scene was shocked.

In the last row, the three people who had just entered were startled after hearing half of the conversation.

"Chief Yu, are you sure, this guy is just a little ruffian? This guy's ability to put on hats is starting to get better."

Zhao Chuanjun asked in surprise.

Although I had long thought that this little guy was not a good thing, he never expected that this guy was still a scumbag, and he lived as another person under the name of the accused.

"Hehe, isn't it the villain's specialty to say something in what position?"

Chief Yu replied.

Shen Tao next to him lined up his thighs, as if he was listening to a play, "Don't talk about it, what he said is quite reasonable."

Section Chief Zhao was taken aback. This person has a lot of background, and sometimes you can't help it even if you don't reason. After all, things that endanger the security of ** can be taken away without review.

But this time, his department was in the lead, and the others were just cooperating.

"Team Leader Shen, this is not a joke."

Section Chief Yu said something, Shen Tao restrained his smile, and said seriously, "I really think it makes sense."

"Look, this is Yang Xiaotao, the youngest eighth-level fitter and the youngest ninth-level engineer. At this age, can you find the second one in China?"

"Also, you know the high-yield corn, the heating furnaces made in the rolling mill, the pressurized wells, the steam engine, the tractor, and the pressure cooker."

Team Leader Shen stretched out his hand and counted one by one, "Of course, there are others you don't know, um, I don't know either. That's all, do you think a person under the age of 24 can do it?"

Section Chief Yu and Zhao Chuanjun were silent.


Both of them turned their heads sideways, staring at Shen Tao.

"So, this kid is either what he said, with the help of foreign forces, he is a pawn."

The two frowned, before they could speak, Shen Tao said again, "But, let's not say that our investigation has no problems."

"Let's talk about high-yield corn seeds. How could they be given to us if they haven't been produced yet?"

"Don't pant after you finish a sentence, hurry up."

Zhao Chuanjun listened to Shen Tao saying one thing of course and one reason, but he didn't say the result, so he asked anxiously.

Shen Tao squeezed his throat, and then said solemnly, "He's a fucking genius."

"Genius is incomprehensible to ordinary people."

"When ordinary people insist on using their poor brains to understand the behavior of geniuses, they will only weave the answers they want for themselves."

"This is the tragedy of ordinary people."

After Shen Tao sighed, Section Chief Zhao finally understood what this guy meant.

"So, you are also very sad."

Section Chief Yu's faint voice came from beside him, Shen Tao's face froze, and then he smiled helplessly.

Zhao Chuanjun didn't understand for a while.

But attention was soon on the rostrum.

After Qiu Yuan finished speaking, not to mention Yang Youning's complexion changed wildly, it was Wang Fuhan who showed a shocked look on his face. Is this the result of this matter?

It's different from what they discussed at the beginning, isn't it?

At the beginning, he asked Qiu Yuan to investigate Yang Xiaotao, and he was only looking for things about his life style. Later, when he found out about Lou Xiao'e, he thought it was all right.

To deal with a young man and a workshop director, these two points are completely enough.

Therefore, he told Qiu Yuan to stop.

But now, what does it mean to make Litong abroad?
Still a spy?
That's not how Qiu Yuan reported it back then.

Looking up at Qiu Yuan, Wang Fuhan wanted to understand what was going on.

But the other party's blue and purple face showed strength, and he understood it in his heart.

This time, not only do you want to get rid of Yang Youning, but you also have to get rid of Yang Xiaotao by the way.

Kill two birds with one stone, no, it's a one-time sweep.

The body in Liu Haizhong beside him was trembling.

If, if Yang Xiaotao is really, really a spy, then he caught the spy, a hero.

Think about Yan Fugui, think about Yi Zhonghai, this time, he Liu Haizhong is the only uncle in the whole courtyard.

Take a breath, take a deep breath.

Liu Haizhong only felt that his body became relaxed and light, as if he was flying, it was so comfortable.

"Secretary Wang!"

Looking at Qiu Yuan's calm eyes, Wang Fuhan contacted the front and back, looked at the notebook in his hand, and felt that something could be done.

Wang Fuhan didn't speak, but Yang Youning behind him suddenly stood up.

"Evidence, what we want is evidence, not to listen to your dog barking here."

Chen Gong also stood up, his eyes were cold.

He will never allow anyone to wrong Yang Xiaotao, especially someone who has made important contributions to the rolling mill.

Not even if it's just a question.

Wang Fuhan looked at the two with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Now, can't sit still?
"Comrade Qiu Yuan, tell us your evidence."

Qiu Yuan nodded, and took out a notebook again.

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Here, everything about Yang Xiaotao's wife, Ran Qiuye, and the Ran family's affairs are clearly recorded."

"Ran Qiuye's father went abroad to study, and there is evidence to test it."

"These are the voices of the people. These are the evidence."

"Secretary Wang, please believe me, Yang Xiaotao must have ulterior motives."

Facing Qiu Yuan's firm gaze, Wang Fuhan also began to agree with this conclusion.

"Secretary Wang, I also think Yang Xiaotao is a bit strange."

Seeing that Wang Fuhan was still hesitating, Liu Haizhong walked to the side and whispered.

"He's just a student who didn't graduate from high school. He didn't take professional courses. He just planted corn. Don't you think it's evil?"

"Also, there are so many people in the country who are more knowledgeable than him, why did he do it?"

"There are a lot of people who love to read. Which of those teachers don't read every day? How many of them are there?"

"The third master in our courtyard is a teacher, but he's not that good."

Liu Haizhong corroborated in a low voice, "No matter what, this guy is an important suspect."

Wang Fuhan felt that it made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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