Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 725 New Discoveries

Chapter 725 New Discoveries

As Yang Youning said, Wang Guodong below was not ashamed, but straightened his waist instead.

That's right, I did it.

Not ashamed, but proud.

And Huang Degong beside him still looked envious.

Let Yang Youning watch it, and I felt a bit of scolding in my heart.

Fucking bunch of mallets!
No worries.

Wang Fuhan, who was standing, also saw Wang Guodong's actions, and snorted coldly, "I have seen it a long time ago."

"The workers in the rolling mill are already lawless, let alone the director?"

After sitting down, a haze flashed in his eyes.

Today, this group of people made it clear that they were against him.

Yang Youning beside him is not a good thing either.

Are those words human?


Why didn't you see them attack you?

Returning the support of the workers, nonsense, intercepting and distributing the benefits turned over to the workers, who would not support it?
The rolling mill, because these people have brought a bad atmosphere.

Many people below covered their mouths and laughed.

Yang Youning coughed, "Old Wang, but what they said is not unreasonable."

Wang Fuhan turned his face and stared at Yang Youning fiercely.

Yang Youning remained unmoved and remained the same.

"Such an important decision is related to a major issue in the rolling mill. Not only must we be cautious, but we must also listen to the wishes of the workers and listen to the voices of the workers."

"I see it this way. Let's find a time to gather the workers' representatives and hold a meeting together to discuss and vote."

"Look who is suitable to lead everyone to complete this task."

"That's the democracy of the rolling mill!"

Yang Youning ignored Wang Fuhan's cannibalistic gaze and spoke out his inner thoughts.

Hearing Yang Youning's remarks, Wang Fuhan knew that today's matter had to be done like this, otherwise he would stand on the opposite side of the workers, which would not be good for him.

What's more, he believes that comrade workers have warm hearts and sharp eyes.

"Okay, this Saturday, let's hold a meeting."

Wang Fuhan stood up, said to everyone, then glanced at Wang Guodong and others, and left with his hands.

"It's gone. It's gone."

"By the way, Qiu Yuan, your tenth workshop must complete the work as soon as possible, and don't let down Secretary Wang's good intentions."

Qiu Yuan quickly stood up, with a modest smile on his face, "Director Yang, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Workshop Ten."

"Well, that's the best way."

After leaving a word, Yang Youning stared at it, turned and left.


"Secretary, this is definitely their long-planned conspiracy."

Qiu Yuan came to the secretary's office and spoke in a low voice.

After all, the opposite is Yang Youning's office.

"I know."

Wang Fuhan nodded, "What kind of person is Wang Guodong, if he has no one to back him up, how dare he speak like this?"

Wang Fuhan cared very much about Wang Guodong's harsh words, thinking that he was dedicated to the public, worked hard for the revolutionary construction, and even left his family in other places, because he was afraid that others would say that he was taking care of his own people by favoritism.

But that's it, there are still people who misunderstand him, slander him, and label him.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

"Now is not the time to discuss this."

Wang Fuhan regained his composure, looked at Qiu Yuan and said seriously, "The truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true."

"We must believe in the ideological consciousness of the comrades of the workers."

Qiu Yuan nodded solemnly, "The secretary is right."

"However, there are some things that we have to guard against. Especially when the other party uses the means of profit to deceive everyone, not only will it not make things right, but it will get deeper and deeper."

"We need to prevent that from happening."

Qiu Yuan said meaningfully, and Wang Fuhan nodded repeatedly.

"You are right, despise the enemy strategically, and value the enemy tactically."

"Since they do this, there will definitely be someone behind."

"Secretary, I think they will definitely choose someone to fight for."

"Who do you think it will be? Wang Guodong is so obvious today."

"I don't think it's possible."


There was firmness in Qiu Yuan's eyes.

"Because there are more suitable people."


As what happened at the meeting, the workers in the rolling mill soon knew.

In addition to shocking Wang Guodong's fiery temper, which even made the secretary angry, he was discussing the workers' meeting in three days' time.

Although not all members participated, it is also the most important event in these years besides the annual meeting.

In the workshop, in the cafeteria, and even when going to the toilet, there are discussions about who is most likely to become the director of the independent workshop.

Among them, Wang Guodong's voice is higher.

At first, Wang Guodong was considered an old man in the factory, and he was enthusiastic and righteous. Looking at the current appearance of the third workshop, he knew that he was a capable director.

Followed by Sun Guo from the first workshop.

This is also the big brother. When the third workshop did not rise, the first workshop was the best workshop in the rolling mill.

The most tasks are completed, the completion rate is the highest, and the average rank of the workers is also the best.

So Sun Guo is also possible.

In the end, someone called out Yang Xiaotao's name. After all, he created all these things, and Yang Xiaotao's skills are technical, so there is nothing to say.

But all three have flaws.

Wang Guodong slapped Secretary Wang in the face at the meeting. It may be difficult to pass Secretary Wang's test.

After all, the rolling mill is still an organization under the leadership of the superior.

Although Sun Guo had many advantages, there were frequent accidents in the workshop some time ago, especially people died.

As for Yang Xiaotao, he is now the director of the eleventh workshop, and he is not yet in the factory.

So all three are possible or impossible.

As for the others, it is less likely, especially Qiu Yuan, who was originally planned. The people in the workshop will not turn to outsiders.

Even the Tenth Workshop treated the airborne director as an outsider.

Outside the warehouse, Liu Lan hurriedly left, her face was still a little flushed, but it quickly faded in the cold wind, her hands were in her pockets, and she held them tightly.

After a while, Qiu Yuan came from the warehouse.

"Damn it, it's so cold."

After cursing, Qiu Yuan walked towards the workshop.

"Have you heard? Everyone in the third workshop is supporting Wang Guodong."

Passing by the wall and hearing someone talking, Qiu Yuan hurriedly slowed down.

"Who doesn't know, even the workers in the first workshop are running around for Sun Guo."

"Which workshop is not envious now. Although most of the benefits have been handed over, the little soup left is better than nothing. It would be a good thing if you win your own workshop."

"Oh, it's a pity that our director is a wimp, and he doesn't know how to fight for it. I feel anxious when I see it."

"What's the use of being anxious? Look at those few, which one is not qualified, capable and popular, just like our workshop, as long as you can not starve to death."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go and have a look at the meeting on Saturday, if you can't be a representative, it's good to watch the excitement."



Several people threw away their cigarette butts, put their hands in their sleeves, bowed their heads and walked towards the car.

Qiu Yuan came out from the corner and watched several people walk away.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Smug guy."

"Guess, make trouble, and in the end, let's see who is better!"

"Section Chief Yu, we meet again."

Shen Tao smiled, but in the eyes of an old man like Section Chief Yu, the smile was fake.

"Group Leader Shen, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Section Chief Yu had a serious face, his words were cold, and his mind was not in a good mood.

Something went wrong, and a serious one at that.

The superior had just released the whereabouts of Butterfly. Who would have thought that Butterfly would find Yang Xiaotao's location and gather a group of horse bandits from the old forces, which almost made this guy succeed.

Scary butterfly, lucky Yang Xiaotao.

However, after the butterfly committed suicide, many things became unsolvable mysteries.

How she knew where Yang Xiaotao was was the most important thing.

In particular, Yang Xiaotao's missions were all classified, and if the other party could still find them, he had to reflect on them.

If this hidden danger is not ruled out, the next time will be Wang Xiaotao, Li Xiaotao
Team leader Shen in front of him was sent to cooperate this time.

The important leaders above have issued orders directly, so we must check it out.

"Section Chief Yu, this is information from Northwest, please take a look."

Shen Tao handed the document bag in front of him. Although the two departments are not under each other's control, the section chief Yu in front of him is an experienced senior and the main person in charge of this task.

Section Chief Yu found the file bag, opened it and looked.

The above is the information of the butterfly, including the work unit, family members, social contacts, recorded travel and so on.

It's all very common information.

"Did you find anything?"

Shen Tao shook his head, "We don't know much about Butterfly. However, the comrades in the Northwest are not deploying control. They want to find out the group of horse bandits to facilitate follow-up investigations. The local troops will also cooperate and launch a dragnet-style cooperation."

Section Chief Yu nodded with a serious expression on his face.

Right now, everything is showing that their place is the most likely place for problems.

But arresting people requires evidence.

What is it to arrest people indiscriminately?
"The higher-ups attach great importance to it."

Shen Tao suddenly whispered.

He saw Section Chief Yu's scruples and understood Section Chief Yu's worries.

But for him, there are only missions, and for missions, anyone can sacrifice.

Both of them understood each other's meaning, and then neither of them spoke anymore.

After a long time, Section Chief Yu let out a long sigh of relief.

"Team Leader Shen, let's talk about your side first."

Seeing Section Chief Yu figured it out, Shen Tao showed his iconic smile again.

"Section Chief Yu, our team has been in charge of this matter for 9 years."

Section Chief Yu raised his head and stared at the young man, feeling turbulent in his mind.

nine years?

What can keep them going?

Who needs this 'surveillance' for how long?
"We don't know the specifics. Our task is to ensure the safety of this family when necessary. At other times, no contact, no appearance, no discussion."

"Also, we've been ordered that if anyone comes into contact with them, there must be an investigation."

Section Chief Yu took a deep breath. If there is no problem with the Ran family, then the biggest problem is the disappearing Ran Wende.

During the social investigation of Yang Xiaotao, he always thought that this missing father-in-law was hiding somewhere, so as not to involve his family and children.

Unexpectedly, this person actually has a huge secret.

Whether it was good or bad, he didn't want to ask.

However, the Ran family is indeed a breakthrough right now.

After all, they knew some news about Yang Xiaotao.

In case of being used by the enemy, it is also possible.

After Shen Tao finished speaking, he took out some photos from his pocket.

"This person recently inquired about the situation around Ran's house. Especially information about Ran's father and Yang Xiaotao."

Section Chief Yu took the photo and glanced at it, with a prominent big nose, "Have you investigated this person?"

Shen Tao nodded, "This hot name is Qiu Yuan. He used to be the director of Lin'an No. [-] Manufacturing Factory. Later, he followed Wang Fuhan to No. [-] Manufacturing Factory."

"Wang Fuhan was the former deputy director of Lin'an Manufacturing Factory, and later."

Shen Tao said right away that he had already memorized these materials in his heart.

"What's more interesting is that Qiu Yuan's personal information turned out to be fake."

"It was a coincidence this time. Our investigators met the old branch secretary of their village who was visiting relatives in his hometown, and only then did he discover the difference."

"Back then, Qiu Yuan was a more motivated person, and the old branch secretary valued him more. I wanted him to take over the village, but I didn't want this person to go to the city and never come back."

"Later, we showed the photo to the old party secretary for confirmation, but the old party secretary said it was not Qiu Yuan. Although he also had a big nose, Qiu Yuan's eyes were wider, and the one in front of him was much narrower."

"He also said that another person in the next door village also had a big nose. The two of them almost killed each other because of this. The daughters-in-law of the two families suffered a lot."

"So after we went to investigate, we found out that this is really the case! This person is quite similar to Qiu Yuan in front of us, and his name is You Ermao."

"This You Ermao lost his father when he was young. After his mother became a widow, he found another old man to live with. He died of illness later."

"Because of lack of discipline, this person is idle in the village, spending all day with a group of ruffians and hooligans. He has done a lot of things when he is broken."

"Later, the troops entered the village and liquidated the bully forces. You Ermao was afraid and ran away overnight."

"So, the one who appeared in front of people this time is this You Ermao, who is now Qiu Yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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