Chapter 719

A convoy was driving on the Gobi, and the dust brought up by the wheels was behind it, making the people in the car cover their mouths and noses tightly.

This is a jeep and a convoy of three trucks.

On the jeep at the front, two middle-aged men were talking, with beards pointing outside from time to time, explaining the surrounding environment.

The round-faced man was listening, while drawing a topographical map in his mind. If a battle broke out, where should we fight, and how should we fight.

There's no way, as a warrior wading out of blood, he will subconsciously simulate the battlefield wherever he goes, which has almost become an instinct.


Suddenly, the round-faced man yelled loudly.

The driver Xiao Wu slammed on the brakes to death, and the guard next to him immediately picked up his submachine gun.

The bearded man on the car shook, and saw Lao Han next to him open the door and jump out of the car.

"what happened?"

Wang Huzi hurriedly got out of the car and asked, but Lao Han frowned.

"It was just now, the sound of a grenade exploding. That's right, it was a grenade."

Old Han said with certainty, Wang Huzi's expression froze, he knew the strength of the person in front of him.

Before asking, Lao Han lay down on the ground and listened carefully.

"The voice is weak, but the voice of a horse."

Old Han must have said it.

"Old Wang, are you taking action?"

Wang Huzi listened and shook his head.

Then with a wave of his hand, a person ran over from the truck that had stopped behind him. It was the leader of the security squad who was just guarding him.

"Get the soldiers ready."

"Others distribute ammunition and stand ready to fight."

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

The squad leader took the order, and immediately moved into action in the car behind.

This time Wang Huzi sent thirty students selected from various farms.

Said to be a student, but also came out of the army, with a gun, he is still a soldier.

Back in the jeep, Lao Han had already taken out two box cannons and was checking them.

"Old Han!"

"Don't talk. It's hard to get together this time. I've been shooting targets in the past few years. Don't worry about it."

"I can control you?"

After finishing speaking, the bearded man also took out two box cannons.

"In this position, the other party is likely to go to the farm."

"If something happens"

While speaking, Wang Huzi burst out with a strong murderous aura.

Old Han on the side smiled when he saw it. This is the Beard of the Iron Blood King he knew.

The murderous look of the two erupted, the guard of Lao Han in front looked embarrassed, and the same was true for Xiao Wu who was driving beside him.

The car starts and speeds up.


Da da da

The horseshoes are like drumbeats, leaving a trace on the Gobi.

Gao Yu covered her shoulders with tears in her eyes.

The explosion made his heart ache.

Old horse, gone.

Gao Yu fired a shot into the sky, and Gao Yu continued to accelerate.

Sitting down, the horse had already started to slow down, and foam was spitting out of his mouth, but he didn't dare to stop, so he could only yell and speed up.

After running a certain distance, the sound of gunfire will be remembered.

He just hopes that there are people around who can hear and prepare in advance.


Yang Xiaotao was preparing textbooks in his room, and when he was notified that someone would come over today, he could be regarded as officially starting class.

However, looking at the notebook on the table, I still feel a little lost.

After several days of sneaky experiments, no progress has been made.

Every time I saw Gao Yufeng, I would ask him what help he needed, and he also said that the place for the experiment had been planned.

Every time he meets an old horse, he will come up to him and ask what plants he wants. He is very familiar with it.

Every time he was under the adoring eyes of the children, Yang Xiaotao felt uncomfortable.

Wouldn't it be disappointing if you say you can't figure it out?
But the fact is that it is difficult to come up with new varieties.

Silently put away the materials, or do the things in front of you first.

Come the same.

clang clang

Suddenly there was a gong beating outside the house, Yang Xiaotao put down his things and hurried out.

Then I saw Director Gao running over with Mrs. Xu, looking anxious.

"Xiaotao, the enemy is coming, you quickly take the children to hide."

After finishing speaking, he ran to the children's residence.

Yang Xiaotao followed behind without saying much, and the whole farm was in chaos.

Field manager Ma Sanxing is now directing loudly in the middle.

"Parents and children go to the cellar, hurry up, don't take things, you can't put them down."

"Watch the kids."

"The man is going to get the weapon and obey the guard's arrangement."

Ma Sanxing yelled loudly, people around were in a hurry, and children's cries were heard from time to time.

Yang Xiaotao gathered the children together and took them all into a cellar.

Encountering such a thing, the children lost their minds and looked at Yang Xiaotao one by one. At this moment, he is the backbone of the children.

"We're all waiting here, Hongye is optimistic about them."

Yang Hongye nodded, and Yang Xiaotao lifted the wooden plank to cover it, and moved the corn stalks aside to cover it.

Everything last night, the farm has been empty up.

Yang Xiaotao looked around the farm. There were already people in the heavy machine gun position on the high tower. The two sat on it with solemn expressions.

On the roof, many people were lying on top with weapons, and there were even some people standing by the wall, holding guns.

Yang Xiaotao ran over immediately when he saw Mu Duqin.

"Team Mu, what's the situation?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Gao Yu sitting on the ground with a pale face, and someone beside him was bandaging the wound.

Mu Duqin glanced at Yang Xiaotao with a serious expression.

Yang Xiaotao quickly squatted down, "You, what's going on?"

Gao Yu saw Yang Xiaotao with tears in his eyes, "Teacher Yang, Lao Ma, it's gone!"

"What? Who, old horse? What the hell is going on."

Yang Xiaotao still wanted to ask, but Gao Yu opened his mouth, but Mu Duqin didn't have the time to wait, "Mr. Yang, hurry up and hide, this is not the place for you."

Yang Xiaotao shook his head, "This is where I stay."

Director Gao at the side also ran over, holding a handle in his hand, "Xiao Tao, go to the cellar to watch over the child."

"The kids are fine and I'm still here to help."

"No, bullets don't have eyes. If something happens to you, it will be the biggest loss."

"What's the biggest loss, you'll be fine if you hide? Director Gao, what's the use of hiding at this moment?"

Gao Yufeng was still talking, but there was a booming sound in the distance. Mu Duqin's face froze, and he immediately leaned against the wall and raised his glasses to look.

Yang Xiaotao and Director Gao also stood on the stools and looked out.

"It's a horse bandit!"

"These bastards dare to come out to do evil if they don't hide in the mouse's nest."

Director Gao scolded, but Mu Duqin looked serious,

"There are a lot of people, two or three hundred."

"Director Gao, the visitor is not kind. I have sent someone to the nearest farm for help. We must persevere."

Gao Yufeng nodded, but Yang Xiaotao looked around, looking for a gun.

"Not good, warehouse."

Suddenly, Gao Yufeng thought of something, and immediately grabbed Mu Duqin's arm, "Captain Mu, the warehouse, the food must be protected."

"If something goes wrong, we'll be in vain, and we won't be able to explain to the country."

Mu Duqin was taken aback when he heard that. Although there were more than 200 people in the farm, there were only seventy or eighty soldiers who were truly soldiers, and half of them were recruits who had never been to the battlefield.

It's not bad to guard the residential area with this little manpower, we need to divide the troops
But you can't hesitate now, what's in the warehouse is important.

More important than life.

"Director Gao, you bring half of the people there to support."

Director Gao was taken aback, "Half, then you only have twenty or so left here!"

"The warehouse is urgent!"

After Mu Duqin finished speaking, he shouted to the team leader on the side, and soon more than 20 people left their posts, and the rest of them looked solemn.

"Okay, be careful!"

After Director Gao finished speaking, he took people to the warehouse.

Yang Xiaotao stood beside Mu Duqin, watching the cavalry roaring left and right, getting closer and closer.

Beside him, Gao Yu came over after he was bandaged up, staring at the front with fierce eyes.

"Give me a gun."

Yang Xiaotao took a deep breath, and Mu Duqin at the side listened and waved to the soldiers at the side.

Mu Duqin handed over a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, Yang Xiaotao caught it, tried it briefly, and there was no problem.

After receiving the two clips, Yang Xiaotao conveniently pressed ten bullets into the barrel of the gun.

"Shoot a shot and squat down immediately. These horse bandits are very accurate with marksmanship."

After finishing speaking, Mu Duqin didn't care about explaining, and ran to the command position.

In the open space not far behind, two mortars are being erected, and some people are moving boxes out of a cellar.

Yang Xiaotao adjusted his breathing, Gao Yu beside him looked calm, and opened his mouth when he saw this.

"Teacher Yang, don't be nervous. This is the first time. Just treat it as a pack of beasts or a pack of wolves."

"Kill them, or we will die."

Yang Xiaotao nodded, gripping the gun tightly.

Perhaps his marksmanship was not as good as the bayonet, but he still held the gun tightly.

The heart is beating, the blood is rushing, and the battle is about to start.

In the space, a piece of poplar wood appeared on the chest, and Xiaowei was lurking in it, beating with her heartbeat.


The horses are galloping, from far to near.

500 meters away, the horses stopped, and a group of people looked at the farm ahead.

A circle of walls together with the houses formed a fortification, and a trench was dug outside the fortification, and there was a row of wooden fences outside.

Tie Ying rode on the horse and looked ahead, with a sullen expression on her face.

The farm's defenses were visible through the binoculars, but only on the surface.

This kind of fortification, with their current strength, even if they are defeated, it will hurt their muscles and bones.

"Are you sure it's here?"

A person beside him came over, "The second in charge is here."

Tie Ying turned her head to look at Butterfly, "Could it be this?"

Butterfly frowned, "It should be."

"There are no other farms within ten miles, and the scale and distance are comparable."

Tie Ying turned her head and took a deep breath.


"I won't say anything superfluous. After finishing this time, I will take everyone to live the life of a master."

"Take out the energy you used to chop the little devil back then, give it to me, kill it hard!"

"Even if I die, I will die on the way to the charge."


The continuous roar of shouting continued, and the people around raised their guns excitedly. The morale that had been shocked by the old horse before was restored at this moment, and the fighting spirit boiled up.

"Brothers, killing the past is the way to survive."

"Kill me!"

Tie Ying rode his horse and led the people forward.

He knew that time was running out.

Of course, they did not rush up recklessly. After advancing about 200 meters, a group of people began to dismount and began to rush forward with rifles and machine guns.

In the rear, a 60mm mortar was quickly set up.

Butterfly looked at the farm and couldn't see what was going on inside from the outside.

"Hit it in."

After the voice fell, the sound of the cannon ejecting from the chamber sounded, and an arc fell towards the farm.

"Careful, shells!"

Mu Duqin shouted loudly while lowering his head.


The shell landed on a roof, directly blasting a string to reveal a large hole.

Fortunately, everyone was settled and there were no casualties.

"Mazi, find it for me and kill him."

Mu Duqin shouted loudly, the threat of this mortar is too great, if it destroys the warehouse, then the responsibility will be great.

The artillery squad leader, Mazi, nodded immediately. At this time, another shell landed on the wall of the house, creating a hole, and a soldier in charge of the guard fell into the pile of bricks.

Mu Duqin quickly sent someone to rescue him, and guarded the gap by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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