Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 551 Move someone else's cake

Chapter 551 Move someone else's cake

Back home, Yang Xiaotao's face was calm, but his heart was full of ups and downs.

It is not enough to just listen to the deaf old lady's words.

Especially the threat in the words, no one dared to say that after so many years.

The silly Zhu who threatened him last time was not only beaten speechless, but also lost his background.

A good hand of cards was beaten badly, and no one in the courtyard dared to challenge him face to face after seeing it.

But now, relying on her age, this old woman can threaten him without fear of death?


If he wanted her to die, Yang Xiaotao had plenty of ways, and he wouldn't be hurt.

It's just that, just now that there was a conflict, killing her would inevitably lead to dissatisfaction.

Even if others don't say it, there will be a reaction in my heart.

Yang Xiaotao would not be so stupid as to leave a narrow-minded impression on the people in the courtyard.

Ran Qiuye came over with a glass of water to explain.

"Today, there's something wrong with the guy in the backyard."

Yang Xiaotao took a sip from the water glass, a little surprised.

Seeing this, Ran Qiuye expressed his thoughts.

"The deaf old lady used to give people the impression that she was a good lady. They said she was deaf, but she didn't mean deaf at all!"

"She just ignores what she doesn't want to hear."

"She knows it clearly in her heart, and she won't force her head. Just last time, even if she suffered a disadvantage from you silly Zhu, she just let him leave behind her back to avoid the conflict from expanding. But today, the deaf old lady is like a changed woman. as a person."

Yang Xiaotao frowned, and also felt that something was wrong with the deaf old lady. Although he didn't like them before, and even said something strangely, this kind of hostility had never appeared before.

"Could it be because you know that your time is running out, so you don't have any scruples?"

Yang Xiaotao guessed, but Ran Qiuye shook his head.

"That's why it's so strange."

Ran Qiuye sat aside, stroking her stomach with her hand.

"There is a saying that people are dying, and their words are good. These words are telling the truth, why don't you think about it for future generations?"

"She is so kind to Shazhu, even leaving the house to him, it's not an exaggeration to talk about her grandson."


"So, if she wants Shazhu to live well in this courtyard, she must not offend people. In other words, she should avoid conflicts instead of creating conflicts like today!"

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking for Ran Qiuye, his eyes became dark.

I didn't expect it before, but now that Ran Qiuye mentioned it, Yang Xiaotao also realized that something was wrong with the deaf old lady.

Especially the hostility that has been shown recently, it seems to have left suddenly.

It should be said that recent events are not small, but what Yang Xiaotao remembers the most is the explosion last time!

Enemy ~ special!
A familiar word came to Yang Xiaotao's mind.

I didn't think about it before, but now it seems that I was still deceived by the other party's age.

Enemy ~ special!Will also get old.

"You're right, it's kind of weird."

Yang Xiaotao didn't express his guess, but just comforted Ran Qiuye to rest at home and leave the rest to himself.

Soon, the two went to bed and rested.

And following Ran Qiuye's steady breathing, Yang Xiaotao suddenly opened his eyes.

After a while, Xiaowei appeared in the backyard, and disappeared into the deaf old lady's house in a flash.

These two days, Yang Xiaotao will not touch the deaf old lady, but he will always pay attention to her.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Wei was lying on the window sill, always paying attention to the movement in the house.

The owner had told him to keep an eye on this person's every move.

The small eyes looked at the person on the bed in the dark night, the moonlight shone on her body, absorbing the energy of the moonlight.

Just when Xiaowei felt bored and wanted to practice the unique skill of flying a needle to string mosquitoes, the person on the bed suddenly moved.

The deaf old lady was lying on the bed, her eyes suddenly opened.

I lay down in the middle of the night and ate something, and now I have recovered a little.

Looking at the familiar environment, she didn't turn on the light, but walked down slowly to the familiar environment at home by the moonlight.

One step, two steps, walked aside, and stopped accurately.

When he came to the small box, he groped for a while and found a black button. After looking at it for a while, he finally put it on the bottom of his clothes.

This thing, how many years, I thought it would not be used.

But in the current situation, she couldn't guarantee that an accident would happen.

And in the event of an accident, in order to ensure the safety of Little Butterfly, she must
He patted the button, then continued to touch it, and took out the group photo.

This is the only photo of her with Little Butterfly.

Back then, in order to keep a memory, they risked violating the regulations, and the three of them left a video together.

And it was this photo that became her reminder.

Now it seems that the original seat's request was correct.

Unfortunately, they woke up too late.

However, if this photo is destroyed, when she dies, no one will know what Little Butterfly looks like.

Holding the photo, the deaf old lady turned around and walked towards the stove.

On the windowsill, a mass of black specks moved swiftly and silently in the dark night.

One step, two steps.

In the darkness, the deaf old lady closed her eyes and walked forward completely by the route she remembered.

When she came to the stove, the deaf old lady rubbed the photo with her hands, and all the worries in her heart turned into reluctance.

After a long time, I reached out to find the matchbox and put the photo on the pot table.

Then he took out a match, tried it with his fingers, and the big head was down.

cha cha
It may be that the fire has not been lit for too long, the matches are a little damp, and there is no spark.

The deaf old lady threw the match away and pulled out another one.


This time, the match was lit, a puff of black smoke came out, and then a yellow flame came on.

The deaf old lady showed a smile on her face, but after a second, her eyes widened.

The photo is gone.

Frowning, the deaf old lady leaned over to look for it. The match burned to the end, and her fingers became hot without realizing it.


The fire lights up again, then goes out~
The sound of friction kept coming, and the fire was lit up and then extinguished again and again. The deaf old lady crouched down and searched.

At this moment, the deaf old lady seemed to be in a daze. Even though the electric light was right in front of her eyes, she struck the matches one by one until all the matches in the box were struck, leaving match ends all over the floor and nothing else left.

As if, that photo never appeared, but it really existed.

When the last bit of fire dissipated, the pale deaf old lady couldn't hold on any longer, let out a miserable howl, and lay down on the ground.

Next door, Xu Damao, who was beaten badly by Sha Zhu, was in so much pain that he couldn't fall asleep. At this moment, he only felt that someone was howling, but he didn't bother to pay attention.

"Isn't the silly pillar of Gou Ri relying on the backing of an ignorant old lady?"

"I can get rid of your three generations of farm laborers, and I can get rid of the old lady."

"Damn it, Yang Xiaotao, you know so much"

The next morning.

Yang Xiaotao got up as usual, had breakfast with Ran Qiuye, and then went out with some things.

After Yang Xiaotao sent Ran Qiuye to Ran's house, he reported to the rolling mill.

I heard some news from Liu Yuhua last night that many tractors were produced in the workshop of the rolling mill, but apart from sending them to various places for trial use, so far, there have been no orders.

This made Yang Xiaotao a little strange.

With the performance of the Red Star tractor, it shouldn't be like this.

Full of doubts, Yang Xiaotao walked into the office.

Lou Xiaoe was packing up the documents. When Yang Xiaotao came in, he saw piles of files on his desk, and he didn't pay attention to the movement behind him.

Lou Xiao'e stood up in a jerk, and when she turned around to see Yang Xiaotao, she immediately became happy.

"Section Chief, you are back."

When he came to Yang Xiaotao and looked around, he felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"I've only been away for a few days, so many things?"

Yang Xiaotao nodded and then pointed to the documents on the desktop.

Lou Xiao'e walked up with a smile, pointing to the stack on the left, "These all need to be signed by the workshop director, and the raw materials you receive must be signed by you."

"This stack needs you to give it to the factory manager, and let him review it and distribute it."

"This stack..."

Lou Xiao'e pointed to the documents on the desktop that had been sorted out by category. She was confident and made no mistakes.

Yang Xiaotao looked at what Lou Xiao'e was saying, and remembered that in the film and television drama, Lou Xiao'e finally became a career woman.

There is no sign of a strong woman yet, but this carefulness has already begun to take shape.

Yang Xiaotao stood aside, his mind was full of confusion.

"Which one do you think should be dealt with first?"

Lou Xiaoe was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head and thought for a moment, "Let's go to the factory manager first, he needs to look at this."

"it is good!"

After putting down his things, Yang Xiaotao took the documents and went to the factory director's office.

Knocking on the door and entering, Yang Youning was standing by the window, turned around and saw Yang Xiaotao, "Are you back?"

"I went home yesterday."

The two sat down, Yang Xiaotao put the documents aside, coughed lightly and asked about the tractor.

Yang Youning didn't hide anything, and talked about recent events.

"We moved someone else's cake."

Yang Youning frowned and said something.

It turns out that the lack of mechanical vehicles in the country is true, but it does not mean that the tractors they produce will be bought.

In terms of overall planning, although Guo Jia is good at macro-control, what he regulates is the existing, mature and stable machinery.

Just like now, after a part of the funds are invested in the military industry, the limited funds must be carefully calculated.

At this time, the closeness of the relationship becomes an important weight for emotional tilt.

"The performance of the tractors we produce is good, even surpassing more than [-]% of domestic tractors in some aspects."

Yang Youning smiled wryly when he said this, Yang Xiaotao frowned, "Since it's so good, why don't you buy it."

"It's not that you can't, it's that you don't dare."

"Don't you dare?"


"If the tractors we launched occupy a large number of orders, it will inevitably affect the production of other factories. You know the consequences."

Yang Xiaotao instantly understood that this is very common in the industry of later generations. When a factory achieves a technological breakthrough and becomes the leader in the industry, other peers either follow suit or unite to suppress it.

It's just that Yang Xiaotao didn't expect that in this era of national overall planning and purchasing, there is such a thing.

Shouldn't it encourage increased productivity?

Shouldn't it, work hard?
Seeing Yang Xiaotao's helplessness, he should understand.

Yang Youning picked up the cigarette and untied it.

"This is also a common problem in our country. If you are too backward, you can't do it, but if you are too advanced, you can't do it."

"The stall in the middle is too big. If we all take care of us, will those factories survive?"

"How to solve the food problem of so many workers?"

"The above is considering the overall situation, let's, alas"

Yang Youning was a little helpless. Originally, he wanted to do a big job, impress his superiors, and realize his ambition.

But now, the reality is always cruel.

"Secretary Liu has already gone up to give feedback, but there has been no news, and he hasn't come back yet."

"It's just that the salary of the newly recruited workers in the workshop has not been fixed. Alas, this matter is a bit tricky."

Yang Xiaotao was speechless, and his understanding of this era was still insufficient.

Sometimes, it's not what you do well that people accept.

In this era when people generally do not have enough to eat, too many people need stability and plainness.

If you are aggressive, you will always be hostile.

"Should we continue to produce?"

Yang Xiaotao picked up the documents. These days, the workshop has assembled more than [-] tractors. This is only half-work. If the work is fully started, this number will double.

It's just made and has no place to go. Could it be left to rust?

That is not only a waste of manpower, but also a waste of steel.


"I believe it will be resolved."

Yang Youning said it to himself.

Yang Xiaotao was instructed to go to the workshop to check the situation after leaving the factory office.

(End of this chapter)

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