Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 512 Never Depreciate

Chapter 512 Never Depreciate

Yang Xiaotao stepped forward to help Platoon Leader Du and Director Wang go in together.

When I came to the gate of the courtyard and looked around, it was similar to a courtyard house, with many families living there.

The same scene, but the yard was cleaned very clean, and the children were not running around under the restraint of adults.

After Yang Xiaotao walked in for a while, someone came out of the house and stood up from the ground.

At this moment, Yang Xiaotao knew why Director Wang asked him to come and see in person.

Here, like Hao Ren Du Chuan, people with missing arms, broken legs, and blind eyes can be found everywhere.

Yang Xiaotao froze in place.

Director Wang didn't say anything when he saw it, knowing it would be like this.

After all, anyone who comes here for the first time will say this look.

Yang Xiaotao looked to the left, the person on crutches, the person being supported.

Look at the right side, there is one missing eye, a rickety person, and another person standing on a stool, but without legs.

For a moment, the nose was sore, but he tried to keep his eyes wide open, not to let the tears flow down.

"Director Wang, Director Yang, let's go in and talk."

"Come here, serve tea quickly."

"Xiao Hao, come quickly."

Platoon Leader Du yelled a few words, and everyone immediately became active and walked to the largest courtyard together.

Entering the door, Hao Ren was pouring water.

The walls of the house are bare, and the room is like a hanging chime.

Apart from drinking bowls and chopsticks in the cupboard, there is no other furniture.

The whole room is like the blank room in the previous life.

It's just that there are two more wooden windows, which are open at this time to let in the wind.

When Yang Xiaotao looked around the room, he still found something special.

It was a gun, a rifle, with a bayonet stuck under the head of the gun, but only half of the bayonet was left.

"Director Wang, Director Yang, sit down!"

Platoon Leader Du greeted him, while Hao Ren was busy at work, pouring water and making tea very skillfully.

"Platoon Leader Du, you're welcome, just call me Xiao Yang." Sitting down, Yang Xiaotao didn't think Director Yang's words sounded so good, especially in front of these people.

Platoon Leader Du didn't care, and continued, "Director Wang came to tell me yesterday that he finally solved the work problem. I didn't expect Director Yang to come today. We didn't have any preparations, so forgive me!"

Platoon Leader Du's politeness made Yang Xiaotao not know how to reply.

Life here is really hard, and if you say it's good, isn't that a slap in the face?Wouldn't it be contemptuous to say that there is no need to prepare?

Yang Xiaotao didn't know what to say, so he simply changed the subject.

"Platoon Leader Du, who is this? Can you tell me?"

Platoon Leader Du was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It's all about old sesame seeds and rotten millet, what are you talking about."

"Tell me, I want to know." Yang Xiaotao became more and more sure that the story in this story would not be able to be made into movies in later generations.

"We didn't catch up with that war, but we all know that you fought for our younger generations."

"Tell me about it."

There was silence in the room, and many people outside were looking for places to sit down.

Seeing this, Hao Ren sat by himself.

"Platoon leader, just tell me."

Platoon Leader Du was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, if you want to hear it, let's start with my leg in 52."

"That was one month before the armistice. The U.S. emperor was not reconciled at the negotiating table, and there were more small actions below. At that time, I was still a platoon leader, the reconnaissance platoon leader..."

Platoon Leader Du fell into memory.

More than ten years have passed, the sacrificed comrades, the fallen brothers, although they cannot be seen, the voices and images in their minds have never disappeared for a moment.

Afterwards, Platoon Leader Du told his story.

In that battle, Du Chuan led his men out of the tunnel, preparing to capture the enemy's No. 3 stronghold.

After fighting all night, the two sides kept pulling at the last position. At first, the enemy was caught off guard and everything went well, but the friendly support went in the wrong direction, which cut off the support and made the attack weak.

At this time, it was dawn, and the enemy's planes and cannons continued to patronize, and the people who were blown up could not see anyone lying on the ground, but the steel in the soil was hot and sharp, and they could not lie down at all.

Du Chuan led the last ten soldiers, and instead of retreating, they stayed where they were.

He knew that the bomb on his head would have some scruples if he got mixed up with the enemy.

Although there were no shells, enemy reinforcements continued to pour in.

Du Chuan led his men to guard for a whole day, and only three of the ten soldiers remained. He also lost his left leg.

When Plato Leader Du said it, it was like an open thermos bottle, the water was left slowly like a silk thread, and it would not stop until it was poured out.

People around feel the same way, maybe they have the same experience, maybe they are used to it.

However, Platoon Leader Du's voice was heavy, and Yang Xiaotao heard it in his heart, and it was also heavy.

"At night, the company commander will bring people up, and we will take down position 3 together."

Lianchang Du said, sighing in his mouth, stretched out his hand to touch the table twice, touched the water jar, and then put it in his mouth.

Just the hand holding the jar trembled a little.

"And your eyes, too?"

What Yang Xiaotao said was a bit abrupt, mainly because his head was listening, and it suddenly broke, and he said it without paying attention for a while.

Seeing this, Hao Ren took over the conversation.

"I followed the platoon leader. After dark, there were only three left who could move. I was with the platoon leader and there was a doll."

"The baby is the youngest, but he is the most literate among us. He usually helps me to remember a few counts and write things."


"After nightfall, the company commander brought the active people in the company up against the artillery fire, and finally took the No. 3 position."

"However, the nearby No. 7 position has not been taken down. The enemy can deploy support through here at any time. It is imminent to take down No. 7 position."

"But at this time, the company commander was killed by a shell. The platoon leader refused to go down to treat his wounds, and took over the command task. The baby carried the platoon leader on his back, and I led ten people to the No. 7 position together."

"The platoon leader's marksmanship is very accurate, one shot at a time in the dark, that is the best gun in our battalion."

Hao Ren had a smug look on his face, and the people outside also nodded, admiring Du Lianchang.

Afterwards, Hao Ren continued to tell the story.

At this time, a figure appeared outside the door, leaning against the door, also fascinated by listening.

Later, the baby rushed towards the enemy horsepower with the platoon leader on his back, and the platoon leader controlled the firepower behind him. Hao Ren led the charge, and after two steps, he threw the grenade, then shot, and threw it again.

In the dark night, there are explosions everywhere, shouts of killing everywhere, and gunfire everywhere.


Hao Ren's eyes were moist, his expression was sad, and his voice became low.

"Later, we laid down position No. 7, but there were only three people left."

"At that time, I realized that the platoon leader behind did not come up."

"I went to look for it, and then I found the doll whose body was blown up by the mortar shell, and the platoon leader who was lying on the ground without moving."

Later, when the battle was over, among those who survived, there were only nineteen wounded left, and another eight did not survive on the way.

All of the 130 people were gone, 120 of them were gone, and some even their bones were gone, and they all fell on that mountain.

Speaking of the past, the people in the courtyard were still very excited.

When Yang Xiaotao heard this, he panicked even more.

Listening to what they said, there is the night before your eyes, the streamer of bullets flying, the mud dripping with blood, and the murderous eyes.

It is bravery in cruelty.

Rather than as a kind of "education," a kind of "compassion", or, a kind of "entertainment".

He is real, shocking, unspeakable, and yet flatly contemptuous.

On that battlefield, a few people dared to charge the enemy knowing that they were close to death. What kind of courage is this, and how big are these people's hearts.

Die generously, as it should be.

If it were him before time travel, he wondered if he would have such courage.

No, Yang Xiaotao definitely didn't.

He is afraid of fear, more afraid of death.

But after rebirth, Yang Xiaotao discovered that the environment can really change a person's thinking.

When you are surrounded by a group of people who shed blood for their ideals, when you are surrounded by passionate people, you will be assimilated.

You'll feel like you're doing it.

Just like Yang Xiaotao now, he has this illusion in his heart.

If war comes, he will take that step.

Because of this battle, Du Chuan received first-class merit, Hao Ren received second-class merit, and Du Chuan even accepted the pennant of a company as the acting company commander.

After the war ended, everyone was transported back to the country, and they were arranged here.

After Hao Ren finished speaking, he also picked up the jar to cover his expression.

"You guys, have you ever been afraid?"

Yang Xiaotao lowered his head and asked what he had always wanted to ask.


"Why are you afraid? Just because he has planes and tanks, and he wants to bully us because they are so powerful?"

Platoon Leader Du's voice was full of power, "Who are we? We want to liberate all mankind."

"Stand up straight, don't get down, what are you afraid of!"

Yang Xiaotao straightened up suddenly, he suddenly remembered that someone had said it before.

When Miss Qiu came out, it was when her back was straight.

But before that?

What made them stand upright?

Now he knew, it was the group of people in front of him.

It is their backs that make this country stand up completely.

"Yes, what are we afraid of?"

"Don't be afraid, destroy all paper tigers."

Yang Xiaotao looked at the people at the door. Although their bodies were mutilated, their spirits were so high.

Compared to them, those who bow their knees are mentally disabled.

Those who flatter and fawn on foreigners are ideological waste.

A rabbit appeared in front of my eyes...

"Use our own hands to create a flower grower who is well-fed, warmly dressed, and not looked down upon by others."

"My dear, the tears will be frozen"

"Dear, charge, dear"

"Give me another brick, and I will go surfing on the [-]rd to [-]th lines again."


Yang Xiaotao stood up and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Platoon Leader Du, Squad Leader Hao, and everyone."

"The boy has been taught."

"In my eyes, you are the real heroes, the heroes of this country."

Platoon Leader Du lowered his head, and two lines of tears flowed out from under his eyepatch.

"What kind of heroes are we?"

"Those who can't come back, those who didn't even leave their names, those..."

"They are the heroes."

"We're just lucky. Not heroes."

Hao Ren on the side also raised his head, "That's right, Director Yang, you'll save face if you listen to us. You're usually impatient with these guys."

"If these guys are heroes, then there are too many heroes."

There was a burst of laughter outside, free and easy, indifferent.

"No, you are heroes."

Yang Xiaotao said affirmatively, "Heroes, it won't be because there are too many."

"It will not depreciate because of the large number of people."

"You are heroes, everyone is."

"Forever, even if you pass away, those who come after you will remember you."

There was silence around.

Platoon Leader Du burst into tears.

Hao Ren's smiling face also became serious.

"You don't know, can't you cry?"

At this moment, a female voice came, breaking the serious atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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