Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 504 Concentrate

Chapter 504 Concentrate
Compared with Liu Huaimin's guarantee, Yang Youning had to do this kind of slogan shouting.

With a wave of his arm, the trumpet sounded, and shocking noises erupted in the meeting room.

After a long time, the sound subsided temporarily, and Mr. Xia nodded in relief, "I hope you can continue to maintain this heart and move on."

The meeting ended abruptly. Yang Youning originally wanted to stay with the leader for dinner, but Mr. Xia refused. The matter with the tractor had just begun, and he wanted to go back and report the situation immediately.

Before leaving, Mr. Xia came to the crowd in the rolling mill, encouraged them again, and finally said to Yang Xiaotao, "Young people must be vigorous and have the strength not to hit the south wall."

"Good job, we are waiting for good news."

Yang Xiaotao was overwhelmed with emotion. This was not the first time he saw Mr. Xia, nor was it the first time he was favored by the leader, but every time he couldn't restrain his excitement.

It's not for flattery, not for any backing, but simply to be valued.

Be recognized for what you do.

At this moment, let alone hitting the south wall, even if there is a real wall, he will smash it to break through.

Liu Huaimin and others beside him were equally excited.

Mr. Xia seldom praises others, but Yang Xiaotao is an exception.

Yang Youning, who was on the side, heard Xia Lao's words, and a ridiculous but feasible idea came to his mind.

When Mr. Xia leaves, the other leaders will not stay when they see him.

As for the factory directors, ever since Mr. Xia spoke, he knew that the matter with the tractor most likely belonged to the rolling mill.

As for what they can do, it is to establish a good relationship with the rolling mill and cooperate well.

In this way, the factory can also be revitalized.

The leader is gone, but we still have to eat.

This is a celebration banquet.

Zhang Qingjun, the back chef, had prepared the meals a long time ago, and began to serve them as soon as the notification came.

Liu Huaimin held a celebration banquet. First, he fully praised all the workers in the technology research and development department, and awarded the title of outstanding collective to the research and development department.

Yang Xiaotao took over the flag on behalf of everyone, and then thanked him.

This is not only an honor, but also benefits.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone can give out half a catty of pork more.

The propagandist, who had been waiting for the news, immediately recorded this moment.

And tomorrow's publicity theme is also available.

"The Lowliest Are the Smartest - A Few Things About Rolling Mill Tractors"

After the opening ceremony, Liu Yang and others left Yang Xiaotao to take everyone to eat and drink. They ran to the office and began to discuss the next production matters.

As soon as the door was closed, Yang Youning made a surprising suggestion.

"I think it's possible to set up a workshop dedicated to the production of tractors!"

Liu Huaimin was stunned for a moment, then Xu Yuanshan nodded slowly.

"I think what Lao Yang said is right."

Xu Yuanshan said his own opinion, "A common production workshop is enough for things like heating furnaces, but such a large machine as a tractor is not something an ordinary workshop can handle!"

Chen Gong pondered carefully. If he wanted to mass-produce tractors, a dedicated production workshop was essential.

However, I was still a little worried.

"Setting up a new workshop is no small matter. Personnel, machinery and equipment must all be considered."

Yang Youning nodded confidently, "I've thought about this."

"Personnel are transferred from various workshops. This is a task that is valued by the superiors, and there is no room for negotiation."

"As for machinery, the same is true."

Xu Yuanshan and Chen Gong looked at each other, knowing that this time he couldn't refuse, so he could only nod.

"We need people to give people, and machines to machines. At this stage, we must concentrate our resources and ensure the production of tractors."

"This is an important step for our rolling mill. If this step is taken well, it will not be a pure rolling mill!"

Liu Huaimin made a final decision, and the four of them nodded at the same time.

It is said to be a workshop, but it is actually more like a branch factory.

Several people had a clear division of labor, and Liu Huaimin immediately drafted a report and applied to his superiors.

Given the current situation, there is no reason not to approve it.

"Lao Yang, the workshop director, who do you ask?"

Liu Huaimin suddenly asked, Chen Gong and Xu Yuanshan had a name in their hearts at the same time.

Yang Youning could also see the thoughts of several people, "It's needless to say!"


Laughter spread...

In the living room, on the dining table.

After Liu Huaimin and others left, Yang Xiaotao became the biggest "official" here.

As a Chinese tradition, wine table culture is naturally deeply rooted.

Even if it is to practice strict economy, there must still be some cutscenes.

No, Yang Xiaotao held the wine cup and led the audience to drink three cups.

Fortunately, everyone also knew that too much was too much, and they all used one or two small wine cups.

After drinking with Chen Bin, Liu Daming and the others, people came to toast from time to time, and Yang Xiaotao couldn't refuse.

I was also mentally prepared for the wine battle.

Lou Xiaoe and Liu Yuhua ate food together. The small stove in the rolling mill was really delicious than the big pot.

Now there are only two girls in Corey, so no one cares about them, and the drinking has nothing to do with them.

"Yuhua, our section chief can drink quite a bit!"

Lou Xiaoe looked at Yang Xiaotao without changing his face, and said in admiration.

Lou Xiao'e heard about Yang Xiaotao's stay in Quancheng, but she didn't know the details.

Liu Yuhua knew Yang Xiaotao's drinking capacity, but on the day of their wedding, he drank a piece of their husband's.

"Where is this going, you don't know..."

Then there was the matter of engagement and marriage.

"Our section chief, don't look at your young age, but you are very capable!"

Taking advantage of the people at the neighboring table not paying attention, Liu Yuhua brought over another plate with several pieces of pot-packed meat inside.

"By the way, Xiao'e, you're not very old either."

Lou Xiaoe froze for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm one year younger than the section chief!"

After the voice fell, a picture muran floated in my mind.

In the park, under the bench, the boy.

"Well, um. Your name is Xiao'e, and my name is Xiaotao. We are very destined."

"One year younger than me!"

"That's good, that's good!"

"In that case, I can marry you as my daughter-in-law."

The young man's voice is still in my ears, but things have changed.

"Xiao'e Xiao'e!"

Liu Yuhua's voice woke Lou Xiao'e up.

"What are you thinking? So ecstatic?"

Lou Xiao'e lowered her head, feeling her cheeks burning hot, "It's nothing. Just, remembering something from the past."

Looking at Yang Xiaotao, it was as complicated as her heart.

Liu Yuhua looked at Lou Xiao'e carefully, she has a mission, and she can't let Qiuye suffer!
Under the night, in the courtyard, Ran Qiuye was making clothes in front of the sewing machine.

The meal is still hot on the stove at home.

Colleagues from the rolling mill brought back news that many leaders were in meetings, and it was estimated that Yang Xiaotao would stay for dinner.

But Ran Qiuye still kept it for Yang Xiaotao.

Soon, a small dress appeared in his hand, and Ran Qiuye smiled.

The scene of the day came to mind again.

Yang Xiaotao drove the tractor and waved at her. The sense of happiness made her intoxicated.

People in the surrounding alleys, in the courtyard, and those I don't know, the envious eyes never stop.

Even when we return to the courtyard, some people come to visit from time to time.

She knew that all of this was earned by Yang Xiaotao.

earned respect.


"Son, study hard."

"Be useful to the country!"


While Ran Qiuye was giving prenatal education to the child in her womb, there were bursts of mourning from Jia's house in the middle courtyard.

Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhang who was lying on the bed screaming, and wondered if it was a fake.

If it weren't for going to the clinic to ask the doctor, Jia Zhang's head is crazy, and Jia Zhang's character is really hard to say.

I took two soups and ate them first, but Mrs. Jia Zhang was still in severe pain.

"Huairu, it hurts me to death, like a needle prick."

"Help me, save me!"

Jia Zhang struggled, holding his head with his hands.

"Mom, I'm not talking about you, it's just that little thing, are you really angry?"

Qin Huairu is also speechless, Yang Xiaotao has done a lot of important things, these years people are living a life, their family can only live a life.

No comparison, no comparison.

If you want to be angry at everything, you have already exploded with anger.

Jia Zhang shook her head after listening, "No, don't listen to the nonsense outside, ouch, it's not like that..."

"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

bang bang
Banging his head on the bed, Bang Geng and Xiao Dang were scared and hid behind Qin Huairu, even Huai Hua was so disturbed that he cried.

"Well, I'm going to buy some painkillers, you wait first."

"Go, hurry up!"

Qin Huairu took the money, coaxed Sophora japonica, and let Banggen Xiaodang watch, then got up and went out.

When I came to the middle courtyard, I saw that the lights in Shazhu's house were not on, and I wondered, this Shazhu didn't cook at noon, and now he hasn't come back, where can he go?

Thinking of those scenes of scolding people with lunch boxes in a cafeteria, I couldn't help worrying for Sha Zhu.

Looking at the night, the moon is covered, so I can only walk out in the dark.

Before they reached the Chuihua Gate, they saw Liu Yuhua walking towards Yang Xiaotao's house waving his hands. The two met without saying hello.

"Qiu Ye, Brother Tao won't be back for a while, I'll come back first and tell you..."

The sound of two people talking was heard in the room, Qin Huairu lowered his head and walked out.


In the dark night, a figure left from the threshing floor.

And behind him, another figure slowly followed.

With the experience from last time, Shazhu is more cautious and more authentic this time, always looking at Xu Damao, for fear of losing track again.

Ever since he knew that a bad guy like Xu Damao came to take care of Zhuangzi, Sha Zhu could guess what he was doing with his ass.

Under the guise of showing a movie, come out to have fun, if you don't catch him, I'm sorry for the bad breath.

So, after coming out of the rolling mill, I went straight here.

This time, Silly Zhu knew the way.

Along the way, he passed the interrogation as a chef in the rolling mill, managed to sneak into the movie-watching line, and waited outside the butler Zhuangzi.

When it got dark, Xu Damao really got along with the villagers as before. He played a movie first, and after one movie was over, he played an extra movie amidst the voices of the villagers.

He left the crowd under the guise of going to the toilet, and walked quickly outside the village to complete his shady deeds.

At this moment, Xu Damao was in a hurry all the way, feeling a little anxious.

What happened with Qin Jingru that night made him feel frustrated.

It's right in front of you, everything is ready, but there is no way to enter, that's anxious.

Afterwards, he was frightened to the point of softening, and was kicked a few times in retaliation by Sha Zhu, which was excruciatingly painful.

This is now, it hurts to walk fast.

Fear, worry, fear, has been shrouded in my heart.

So Xu Damao just wanted to quickly practice the actual combat to test whether he was okay.

Enduring the pain, he accelerated again, and Xu Damao found the place agreed during the day.

See if there is any movement left and right, find the right place, and tie it tightly into the haystack.

"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for half a day!"

A female voice sounded, Xu Damao chuckled.

"It's coming just after changing the film, my Cuihua, can't wait!"

"Hmph. After digging for a long time, I was exhausted. Hurry up. I have to go back to see the children after I finish."

"Hey, then come and help."

Xu Damao pulled his clothes, the woman gave a coquettish smile, and they hugged each other.

(End of this chapter)

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