Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 32 The First General Meeting of the New Year

Chapter 32

The days at work are boring, but also happy.

Because this is creating wealth with his own hands, it is a change that can be seen. Every time Yang Xiaotao looks at the credits, he is one step closer to the good days.

A peaceful life is always fast. Fifteen years have passed in a blink of an eye, and he has been working for almost half a month. Yang Xiaotao's working ability has also been recognized by everyone in the workshop.

Even because of his outstanding performance, some workpieces that can only be made by a second-level fitter were handed over to him, which made the work efficiency of the entire group soar and drove the people in the same group to complete the work better.

At this time, there were six people in Yang Xiaotao's group.

Among them, Wang Fa, the team leader, was a fifth-level fitter, Che Wenwei, a third-level fitter, Li Wei, a second-level fitter, and Yang Xiaotao, Li Nan, and Xing Jiaqi were all first-level fitters.

This can only be regarded as a standard configuration in the entire workshop and even the entire factory.

After all, most of the factory workers are junior workers of the first and second grades. It is already an intermediate standard to be a third-grade worker. As for the fifth-grade workers and above, they can be regarded as senior workers.

Now, there is an extra second-level fitter in the team, and the efficiency will naturally increase. When the workshop assigns tasks, it will also give resources to the team. This is not only training, but also a proof of advanced evaluation.

For such an important unit as a rolling mill, there will be appraisal activities every quarter, every month, and even every important festival in recent years.

There are all kinds of excellent pacesetters, advanced teams, advanced collectives, advanced workshops, etc., in order to respond to the instructions of the superiors, work hard, strive for the top, and build the great motherland as quickly and economically as possible.

Every time they come down, the selected people will get substantial benefits, which is also an important motivation for everyone to work.

Faced with Yang Xiaotao's outstanding ability, the entire team also improved their efficiency in the running-in.

Team leader Wang Fa was very happy about this. According to his estimation, even if he could not get the advanced group, he could still be rated as an advanced group, which would be somewhat beneficial.

During the lunch break, Yang Xiaotao sat aside and read a book as usual, Wang Fa and other team members have long been accustomed to the strangeness.

Others in the workshop also regarded Yang Xiaotao's "good habit" as something new.

Even the workshop director heard about it and praised this hard-working attitude.

Everyone also knew that Yang Xiaotao had dropped out of school and entered the factory. If there hadn't been an accident at home, he should have been admitted to university by this time.

These days, it is not easy to be able to go to high school, and cultural people are still very popular.

"Xiaotao, finished reading? Pay attention to rest!"

Wang Fa was sitting by the side, holding a green leather soft box Chungeng in his hand, and gave one to Yang Xiaotao.

In his previous life, Yang Xiaotao knew how to smoke, but he was not addicted. He would only eat when needed.

The world, formerly in school, is not infected either.

Yang Xiaotao took the cigarette and pinned it to his ear, and Wang Fa lit it himself, exhaling smoke rings from his mouth.

"Brother Wang, if you have something to say, just say it."

"Well, I just want to ask you, the factory will organize a grading assessment in a few days. Do you have any ideas?"

"Are there any conditions?"

"No, this time it's a normal promotion assessment, but you are facing the elementary and intermediate assessments, you are just right, I just ask so I can sign up!"

"Well, it should be fine."

Yang Xiaotao looked at the credits, and he was only 50 points away from becoming a second-level fitter, and he should be able to catch up in the next few days.

"Okay, I know you're fine, so I'll sign up for you."

"Thank you, Brother Wang."

"Shall we be polite?"


Soon, news about the assessment spread throughout the factory.

Jia Dongxu from the first workshop put down his tools and gritted his teeth to make up his mind.

In the kitchen, Sha Zhu put down the kitchen knife, "Damn Sha Mao, if you dare to make trouble again, I will chop you up."

Time slipped by so fast, the sun had not yet set, and the sky was already overcast.

In the past few days, it has snowed twice. Although it is full of snow foam and there is no snow on the ground when the wind blows, the temperature is getting lower and lower every day.

It is estimated that the lowest temperature has dropped below minus ten degrees, especially at night, and he dare not leave the bed at all. Yang Xiaotao got up several times in the middle of the night to add coal, and then he fell asleep peacefully.

During lunch, people in the broadcasting room said that this weather will last for more than a week, and it may be extended in the future.

"It's too cold today."

Yang Xiaotao put his hands in his pockets, his face was still red from the cold, and after parting from his fellow workers, he walked towards the courtyard against the wind.

Tomorrow is Saturday, his day off, and he is planning to go to the scrap yard to see if Huang Daniu has received the book.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the courtyard, he saw the anxious face of the first mother, and saw that Yang Xiaotao wanted to speak, but hesitated for a moment, and did not speak out.

Yang Xiaotao didn't ask any more questions, the relationship between the two was not close enough, so he walked straight through the front yard and went back to the house.

The entire courtyard became deserted because of the cold weather. Even Jia Zhang, who used to sit and stare at the door habitually, hid in the house, obviously afraid of the cold.

Light a fire and cook.

Yang Xiaotao took out some of the leftover braised pork, then threw in two cabbage leaves and a few steamed buns, and it was ready for dinner.

Under the light, Xiaowei turned somersaults on the table, Yang Xiaotao set the basin and started to eat.

Tuk Tuk Tuk

There was a knock on the door, so Yang Xiaotao could only put down his chopsticks and get up to open the door.

It was Yan Jiefang who came. Seeing Yang Xiaotao only glanced into the room, he saw the meat on the plate. His saliva almost flowed out in the cold wind, and then he realized, "Brother Tao, the uncle ordered a general meeting to be called."

"Now? Standing in the yard in such a cold day, the uncle is not sick, is he?"

"Well, it seems that there is something important to say, and it is very urgent."

Yang Xiaotao frowned, "Is everyone going?"

"No, it's fine for a family to make a decision, and others can go if they want to."

"Okay, I see, you go and tell others."

"Oh, good, good"

Yan Jiefang took two steps back, Yang Xiaotao had already closed the door and continued to eat.

After a while, the food was already a little cold.

In the middle courtyard, people came over one after another with their arms folded, standing in a shelter from the wind, waiting for the meeting.

Gradually more and more people guessed what was going on this time.

After a while, Shazhu moved a table, regardless of whether it was cold or not, he put it directly in the middle, and then placed three wooden stools as seats for the three uncles.

As soon as it was put away, the three uncles walked out of the uncle's house hand in hand. Obviously, the three of them had discussed it long ago.

In the crowd, Xu Damao was squatting behind the locust tree, his face flushed from the cold, seeing the three of them, he hurriedly urged, "Three gentlemen, what kind of meeting is there in such a cold day? If you freeze your body and delay the production plan, You are responsible."

After the three elders heard this, Yi Zhonghai and Yan Fugui could still restrain himself, but Liu Haizhong couldn't bear his violent temper, so he turned back at Xu Damao, "Xu Damao, you don't have to participate if you have an opinion, but if something goes wrong, you can Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xu Damao was at a loss for words, and continued to squat under the tree.

"Silly Zhu, are you all here?"

Silly Zhu had been paying attention to the manpower for a long time, and now he replied, "The three masters are all short of Yang Xiaotao."

Yi Zhonghai frowned, and finally asked Sha Zhu to remind him.

"No, I'm here."

At this time, a voice sounded from the corner of the courtyard, it was Yang Xiaotao's voice.

Right now Yang Xiaotao's location is far away from the Intermediate Court, but that doesn't mean he didn't attend.

And Yi Zhonghai was also aware of this, and didn't hold on to it.

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, everyone looked at him together, and then turned their eyes back to the three uncles.

Right in front of him, Silly Zhu cast a glance at Yang Xiaotao, and spat in a mouthful of pooh.

Mrs. Jia Zhang hid in the house, it was warmer at home in such a cold day, and listened to the conversation outside through the doors and windows.

She heard some of the content of this meeting from the uncle, and she was thinking about how to get some benefits.

"For a while, follow me out."

Turning her head and talking to Qin Huairu who was looking lively, Qin Huairu was also lying on the window, very concerned about the affairs of the compound.

The same is true of other families in the middle courtyard. Although they didn't come out, they are always paying attention, for fear of losing any benefits.

Yang Xiaotao and Uncle Chen are next to each other, and now they are sheltering from the cold wind under the eaves. In fact, Xiaowei is sticking to his chest, emitting warm energy, like a piece of warm baby, which makes Yang Xiaotao's body not so cold.

"Uncle Chen, what's the matter?"

"What kind of meeting is there in such a cold day? Frozen to death."

When Yang Xiaotao asked, Uncle Chen also shook his head. The old couple usually walked around the yard, but it was too cold these days so they could only stay at home.

"I haven't heard anything, let's see."

Uncle Chen was too old to stand the cold, so he stomped his feet on the spot.

The three uncles saw that people from every household had come, so they stopped talking.

The second uncle stood up first, which is also the fixed procedure of the courtyard meeting.

Usually, the second uncle opens the scene, the first uncle talks about things, and then the third uncle follows and agrees.


The second uncle Liu Haizhong cleared his throat, "Folks who encircle the courtyard, today is the first general meeting of our compound. You can come to participate in such a cold day, it is your support for our three uncles, it is..."

"Second uncle, it's so cold, don't say you don't have anything, it's all frozen."

Silly Zhu's lips were livid from the cold, and he didn't want to listen to Liu Haizhong's set of official words.

Liu Haizhong was interrupted by Sha Zhu. He was always angry, but seeing that the people around him were impatient, he immediately rubbed his hands together, "Well, it's cold, let the old man say a few words."

Liu Haizhong sat down and glanced at Shazhu.

The elder Yi Zhonghai was holding a hot water jar, his ass was cold.But in order to maintain the influence of the uncle, he still said unhurriedly, "This morning, bad news came from the alley next door. The stove went out at the old Wangtou's house at night. As a result, the two female dolls were frozen to death. They are still alive." in the hospital."

Hearing this news, everyone present was shocked. This year just passed, and this incident happened, and their hearts were heavy.

Uncle Chen sighed, seeing that Yang Xiaotao didn't understand the situation, he explained.

"Old Wang's family had a son who was a truck driver. Later, when the truck was being transported, the truck overturned and he disappeared."

"The daughter-in-law gave birth to two daughters and remarried when she was young, leaving two children for Lao Wang and his wife to support."

"It's not easy for an old couple with two girls at home. They do odd jobs in the street office on weekdays and barely make ends meet on pensions."

"This time, I guess the coal at home ran out, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

Uncle Chen said, sighing again.

Yang Xiaotao understands that this coal is also an important living material, and the country is also controlling this aspect, it is not expensive, but it is not cheap either.

Many people spend the winter at home, and they only use briquettes for heating at night when they sleep, and they can only rely on the sun during the day when they have nothing to do.

Seeing that everyone was talking about it, Yi Zhonghai coughed and coughed twice, and continued to speak, "I heard the news from the Publicity Department that it will continue to be cold in the next few days, even colder than it is now."

After saying this, many people were shocked again, and they were still terrified.

Because these people don't have much coal.

And I don't have much money left at home.

Originally, the Chinese New Year is a lively occasion, and many families have spent a lot of savings for the Chinese New Year. To put it bluntly, most of the people are now waiting for their wages.

Originally, according to the usual situation, it will get warmer after the fifteenth or sixteenth.

Who would have thought that this year would be so abnormal.

For a while, many people showed apprehension on their faces.

"Don't say anything."

Yi Zhonghai spoke again.

"The second uncle and the third uncle and I think so. There are 21 households in our yard. It is inevitable that some people have insufficient coal in their homes, so in order to avoid bad situations."

Having said that, Yi Zhonghai got up and swept across the audience, "We are going to organize a donation to buy coal and send it to families in need."



(End of this chapter)

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