Scholars in the courtyard.

Chapter 1387 The Big Dog

Seeing that his son was silent, Mosidov also fell silent.

What a shame.

Especially in front of foreign guests like Yang Xiaotao, I wanted to show off, but ended up making people laugh.

"It shouldn't be Mr. Mosidov's problem."

At this time, Yang Xiaotao spoke, which immediately made Mosidov feel grateful that he at least spoke to him.

"There is nothing wrong with Mr. Mosidov's operation in my opinion, so I suspect there is a problem with the machine itself."

Yang Xiaotao looked sure, "By the way, when was the last maintenance on this machine tool?"


Alphat shrugged, "When I bought the machine tool, the seller said that it only needs to be done once a year."

Hearing this, Yang Xiaotao shook his head, "A year is too long for such a frequently used machine tool. It is best to inspect it once a month and maintain it every three months. Only in this way can the performance of the machine tool be guaranteed."

Moshidov seemed to have found a reason to clear his suspicions and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, Mr. Yang is right, it must be a lack of maintenance."

"Otherwise, why would it break after just using it?"

"That's for sure."

Yang Xiaotao and Mosidov both said this, and Alfat also thought it made sense.

But the question now is how to solve the problems that arise.

There is only one machine tool in this studio.

"Mr. Yang, I think it's getting late. Otherwise, let's eat first and I'll have someone come and fix it tomorrow."

Seeing this, Albert was a little disappointed, "Father, this machine tool is not an ordinary machine tool."

"You forgot, the person who sold the machine tool originally said that if the machine tool breaks down, it must be returned to the factory for repair, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure accuracy."

Hearing this, Mosidov was stunned, and then nodded with a grimace.

Then he looked at Yang Xiaotao and explained.

It turned out that when the machine tool was delivered, the engineer responsible for the installation repeatedly warned that if there was a problem, it must be sent back to the original factory for repair, because even if it was repaired by someone, it could not be completely repaired.

In order to prove this, the engineer specifically gave an example.

Take the front-end spindle bearing of a machine tool as an example.

These bearings usually come in a set of several. If there is a problem, if you don't send it to the original factory for replacement, even if you find someone to replace it with a replacement, the accuracy of the bearing will be affected.

If you replace it yourself, you must remember clearly how to combine several bearings. Not only the combination sequence cannot be wrong, but the installation direction must not be wrong either.

Otherwise, when the machine tools are combined, not only will the accuracy be problematic, but it will also be unclear whether they can work.

Listening to Mosidov's explanation, Yang Xiaotao suddenly felt that something was unexpected.

However, this did not make Yang Xiaotao retreat, but made him more determined.

The more this machine tool is like this, the more it illustrates the necessity of learning.

As long as you understand this machine tool thoroughly, subsequent upgrades are not a problem.

No matter how bad it is, it can be copied. This is a semi-automatic high-precision machine tool.

The country also needs it.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaotao stepped forward and said, "You two, actually, this is not a problem at all!"

The two looked over at the same time, and Yang Xiaotao came to the machine tool with a smile.

"The so-called necessity to return to the original factory for replacement is just a way for the factory to maximize profits."

"Those things you said, as long as you understand, you will notice these."

"Where we are, this kind of work is not a big deal."

"give it to me!"

Seeing Yang Xiaotao's understatement but full of confidence, the father and son didn't know how to make a decision.

Yang Xiaotao didn't care about this. He had to show his strength at this time, otherwise he might miss the opportunity.

"Prepare wrenches, come in sets."

"There are also screwdrivers, all with plum blossoms and crosses, and..."

As Yang Xiaotao spoke, he came to the machine tool and started to see where to start disassembling it.

Hearing this, both father and son looked at Yang Xiaotao strangely.

Then Mosidov coughed dryly and asked people to prepare according to Yang Xiaotao's request.

After all, Yang Xiaotao said so and took the initiative to solve the problem for them. What could they do?
You have to take care of this face.

"Father, is this okay?"

After two days of contact, Alfat felt that he knew a lot about Yang Xiaotao, but he never thought that the other party would repair machine tools.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful this person is, there should be a limit.

Why does it feel like this Yang Xiaotao knows everything!

Hearing this, Mosidov remembered Tang Mingyue's introduction just now, and then nodded uncertainly, "Maybe, after all, the eighth-level fitter is also responsible for repairing machines there."

Mosidov told what he knew, and then added, "Besides, it's broken. At worst, buy another one. No, just buy two."

"Tomorrow I will have someone contact Deutsche and buy two more."

"About two million, not expensive."

"When the time comes, use one and prepare another."

"If it breaks, there will be a replacement!"

"Well, father is right!"

Alfat responded seriously, looking at his father with even more admiration.

The conversation between father and son did not avoid Yang Xiaotao, or in other words, they never thought that Yang Xiaotao actually understood Persian.

Yang Xiaotao heard the exchange between the father and son at the side, and felt a bit embarrassed in his heart. He was still thinking of repairing it for him, but they would just replace it with a new one.

Two million, this is damn rich.

After calming down, Yang Xiaotao ignored the discussion between his father and his son. After getting the tools, he began to disassemble it.

He wanted to tell the father and son with practical actions that what he bought belonged to others after all, and it was his own.

bang bang
Yang Xiaotao picked up the wrench and started to disassemble it. The force he used and the noise he made made both Mosidov a little unbearable.

Of course, in front of the father and son, Yang Xiaotao was relatively restrained.

Just slow down and do some general inspections.

In the manor, Yang Zhi and others' resting place.

Getting up from the ground, Yang Zhi rubbed his arms. The push-ups just now made his body sweat, but it allowed his body to recover and get rid of the fatigue of traveling and traveling.

"Captain, when will we take action?"

The monkey got off the inverted wall and rubbed his arms as well.

After he finished speaking, several other people came forward. Yang Zhi picked up the water glass on the table and drank half of the water in one gulp.

"Lynx, have you figured out the surrounding terrain?"

Shanmao pointed to his brain, "I remember everything."

"However, the mission target was not found."

Several people looked over, and Shanmao spread his hands helplessly, "This place is too big. Although they don't restrict our freedom, there are some places we can't enter."

"Besides, I can't understand what the people here are saying, so what can I do?"

Yang Zhi was silent for a moment, and then said, "Comrade Yang Xiaotao and I will discuss this matter."

"Remember, when we take action, it is already the worst-case scenario. We cannot act unless it is a last resort."


Yang Zhi put on his coat and walked out of the room. He took this moment to find Li Shengli to understand the situation. If he had enough time, he would take his time.

But if you don’t have enough time, you have to think of a way.

At this moment, Li Shengli was immersed in excitement.

In the morning, Mosidov arranged for someone to discuss the purchase of the truck with him.

This is also an important task of their commercial department.

Li Shengli spent the entire day discussing with the other party.

Finally, when it was getting dark, the two sides finally reached a preliminary agreement.

The other party is very satisfied with the Optimus Prime heavy-duty truck and will buy a hundred of them.

As for the price, the two parties have not yet reached an agreement.

The price given by Li Shengli was 30,000 US dollars, which would be approximately 60,000 to 70,000 US dollars combined with RMB.

Of course, this price is based on the price of exported motorcycles and tractors. After all, this truck can hold up to several tractors.

Shouldn't it be more expensive?
As for the original price specified by the Ministry of Commerce, eight thousand US dollars, in his opinion, it was a bit low.

In business, when bargaining, the bottom line is 8,000, and at least 10,000 is needed to demonstrate his ability.

As for the opening price of 30,000 yuan, that leaves room for the other party to make a counteroffer.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party's counter-offer was actually 10,000 yuan. What else could he say? It had to be higher than 20,000 yuan.

So after some hard arguments, the price was initially set at around $20,000.

This is far beyond expectations!

As for other things, such as transportation costs and technical services, they are all trivial matters and can be discussed later.

The next step is to report to the country and wait for the final decision.

"Lao Li, why are you so happy?"

Yang Zhi walked into the house, looked at the neatly tidied room, sat aside and asked.

When Li Shengli saw that it was Yang Zhi who was coming, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"Lao Yang, sit down."

Then he picked up the bottle and poured a glass of water.

"A good thing, a great thing."

"Guess how much a car costs!"

As Li Shengli said, Yang Zhi shook his head, not knowing much about this business.

"Hey, twenty thousand dollars!"

Yang Zhi still had no reaction.

Li Shengli saw this and said quickly, "Converted to our money, it's almost fifty thousand yuan."

"fifty thousand?"

This time Yang Zhi's face finally changed.

His monthly salary plus subsidy is less than 100 yuan, and this car is as good as what he has owned in half his lifetime!

However, Yang Zhi quickly realized that the money belonged to the country and the people.

Thinking about it this way, I am more surprised than surprised.

When Li Shengli saw the other party like this, he didn't say anything, "Have you just finished exercising? You look like your head is steaming."

Li Shengli changed the topic, Yang Zhi picked up the cup and took a sip, "You have nothing to do, let's exercise."

Then he looked at Li Shengli and said, "Old Li, I'm not telling you, you need to exercise your body."

"Otherwise, how can we serve the revolution in the future?"

Li Shengli waved his hand after hearing this, "I've been busy like a dog all day. When I have some free time, I just want to lie down and rest and exercise. Wouldn't that kill me!"

"Forget it, you, you'll find out in a few years!"

Yang Zhi did not persuade him any more, but asked about business matters.

"Let me ask, when are we going back?"

"What's wrong? Are you homesick?"

"Just asking about the itinerary! So I can arrange it in advance!"

Li Shengli thought for a moment and said, "No surprises. In three or two days, the deal will be concluded, the documents will be signed, and we can return!"

Yang Zhi nodded after hearing this, thinking about how much time was left.

After leaving Li Shengli's residence, Yang Zhi returned to his residence. Only then did he hear about what happened today.

Originally, I wanted to discuss it with Yang Xiaotao, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't return to his residence at all.

Even Tang Mingyue didn't expect that the machine tool would break down after she left, and Yang Xiaotao was going to stay up all night to make her confused.

After dinner, Yang Xiaotao returned to the studio to continue "repairing" the machine tools.

Mosidov watched for a while. He was still thinking about the cooperation between the two parties, so he told the butler that Yang Xiaotao would be satisfied with whatever he needed, and then left.

On the other hand, Alphat was curious, sometimes helping to hand over a wrench, and sometimes asking about the function of a certain part.

Yang Xiaotao will explain everything he knows, and he can explain some things he is not sure about.

Alphat looked at it for a while. Maybe he was too tired from playing during the day, and his eyelids started to fight after a while.

Yang Xiaotao greeted the butler, who nodded and took Alfat back to rest.

The door to the studio closed and Yang Xiaotao looked at the time. It was already past midnight.

In the second half of the night, not only did it need to be disassembled, but also drawings were made. In addition, the materials used in the machine tool also had to be analyzed.

For Yang Xiaotao, even with an analytical bracelet, it is still a big challenge.

After drinking some water and taking out a large ham from the space, Yang Xiaotao ate a few bites, regained his energy, and continued working.

This time, Yang Xiaotao struck faster and faster, and coupled with his great strength, his efficiency was extremely high.

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