Scholars in the courtyard.

Chapter 1356: Endorsement by All Members

Chapter 1356: Endorsement by All Members
In the middle of the afternoon, the two of them rode for a while and finally arrived at their destination.

After informing the guard, the two of them followed into Haitang Hall.

When she came to the door, Ran Qiuye looked quite calm. After all, she had met her eldest sister several times, and her amiability made her not feel close to her.

Cuiping, on the other hand, looked carefree outside, but when he entered here, he actually felt a little embarrassed.


Before the two of them entered the door, the eldest sister walked out, holding a cattail leaf fan in her hand and fanning continuously.

Beside her, a thin old man wearing a white shirt also had a smile on his face.

Ran Qiuye also looked a little nervous when he saw the old man's expression, not to mention Cuiping beside him.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, don't be nervous. When you come here, just treat it like visiting next door."

"Comrade Yang Xiaotao and I have met several times. We can be considered old friends!"

The old man smiled kindly, Ran Qiuye nodded repeatedly, and Cuiping behind him did the same.

Seeing the two of them like this, the eldest sister directly stretched out her hand to push the old man, "Look at you, you are just in the way here, go and do your work quickly."

"A few of us occupy this place."

"Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang!"

The eldest sister said as she pushed the old man out.

The old man laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go play chess with Lao He!"

Then he looked at Ran Qiuye and the two of them, "Don't be restrained!"

"I'll excuse you now!"

As he spoke, the old man was polite and then walked out the door.

On the side, Secretary Tang came over to meet Ran Qiuye. The two were acquaintances. They greeted each other politely and then began to prepare tea.

Ran Qiuye was a little embarrassed, but the eldest sister pulled the two of them to the living room and asked them to sit down.

Then we introduced each other and we got to know each other.

"Sister, we are here to disturb you and the chief from your rest this time!"

The eldest sister shook her cattail leaf fan and said, "It's okay. We women are having a tea party today to give gay men like them a little private space."

After saying that, everyone immediately laughed.

"By the way, your rural schools are doing very well. I told the couple last night that they praised you as heroic women."

After the eldest sister finished speaking, Cuiping's face turned red with excitement when he heard the old man's compliment, "Sister, the chief really said that!"

Secretary Tang smiled on the side, "Of course."

"The leader also said that we female comrades have to stand up and fill in the problems that are inconvenient for male comrades to do. Only by helping each other and promoting each other can the revolutionary road be steady on two legs."

After Cuiping heard this, his heart became brighter and he couldn't help but smile.

In the hearts of their guerrillas, the leader's affirmation is their greatest honor.

The eldest sister, Ran Qiuye, Cuiping and Secretary Tang gathered around the table and started chatting. There was a lot of laughter and tears moved by the children's simple and unpretentious language.

"Sister, there is indeed something that I am not sure about when I come here this time."

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Ran Qiuye spoke immediately.

The eldest sister smiled and said, "If you're not sure, just say it. If anything happens, eldest sister will give you an idea!"

Ran Qiuye nodded, and then told what happened last night and the recent situation of the school's students.

The sound of Ran Qiuye filled the living room, but the eldest sister's swaying cattail leaf fan had stopped at some point.

Secretary Tang opposite also frowned.

"Sister, I don't know if it's appropriate for us to handle Teacher Fan's situation this way. So come here and ask for your opinion!"

"Also, as it is now, many students have put down their textbooks, and many primary schools are also at a semi-stop state. Should schools in this rural area continue?"

Ran Qiuye felt a little lacking in confidence at the end.

In the living room, silence continued.

Cuiping on the side now became more motivated.

"Sister, I think we shouldn't give up."

Seeing that the eldest sister was still thinking, Cuiping, who had a bad temper, immediately started talking.

Secretary Tang also looked over, and when Cuiping saw the three people's eyes focused on each other, he spoke loudly without being reserved.

"Sister, Secretary Tang, and Qiuye."

"I, Wang Cuiping, come from the countryside. I am a rough person. I don't understand the general principles, but I know what we need."

"In the past, we worked so hard to live, just because we wanted a piece of land that could support our family and our children. We wanted a place where we could get justice and make decisions when we were bullied."

"Now, we have our own land, our own life, and we have the right to justice."

"But we want a better life. Who lives his whole life not for future generations?"

"Don't let future generations suffer what we have suffered, don't let them suffer our hardships, they can sleep peacefully at home, don't have to worry about bandits and robbers breaking into the door, they can drink millet porridge and smile like flowers."

Cuiping's voice was a little excited, because these were the goals that she and her comrades fought and even sacrificed for.

"I don't think children in rural areas are any worse off. Children in rural areas also have the right to go to school."

"I don't think children in this city are necessarily good. The woods are big and there are all kinds of birds."

"Besides, among the people in this city, counting three generations up, who is not a mud-legged person?"

Cuiping's words were very plain, but her heart was filled with excitement and boiling.


The eldest sister suddenly applauded.

Secretary Tang also nodded.

Ran Qiuye even held Cuiping's hand. This was also her wish.

"Cuiping, that's well said."

The eldest sister looked at Cuiping seriously. She understood why Ran Qiuye was willing to work with such a person.

Innocent heart, true temperament.

With such a person, right is right and wrong is wrong.

"Big, big sister. I'm done."

After finishing what he said in his heart, Cuiping sat down again, with another trace of nervousness on his face.

The eldest sister looked extremely satisfied.

"Qiuye, do you think so too?"

Ran Qiuye nodded vigorously, "Sister, I have worked in the village and know too many things."

"Sometimes, it's not that parents don't want their children to go to school, but that they have no choice."

"I want to give them a choice and give the children a chance to choose."

These words were said firmly.

"it is good!"

The eldest sister nodded happily.

Secretary Tang on the side also smiled with satisfaction.

"If you want to do it, just do it."

"Don't think too much about other things."

"You have to remember that standing behind you is not just us, but also the children and fellow villagers who are eager to go to school."

"There are more people."

Ran Qiuye and Wang Cuiping nodded seriously.

Hongxing Machinery Factory, Secretary’s Office.

Yang Xiaotao stood in front of the window, looking at the big red characters on the wall. The cigarette ashes on his hands had grown old, but he was lost in thought and ignored them. Yang Youning sat aside, holding a red book in his hand, flipping through it and nodding, as if he was seeing delicious food in the world.

Chen Gong and Wang Guodong leaned together and talked about the workshop and procurement. The two became more and more in tune with each other, and the production of various departments was carried out in an orderly manner. They contributed a lot.

Liang Zuoxin had just arrived, sitting on a chair with his back straight, looking like a soldier.

As for Liu Huaimin, he was holding the enamel jar and didn't know what to think.

In the room, it was very quiet.

bang bang
Just when there was silence, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open and four people walked in.

Xu Yuanshan, Guan Zhiyong, Ding Xiangjun and Sun Guo.

The last person to walk in was Zhou Shenghong from the wood factory.

At this time, the top management of the entire machinery factory was finally here.

"When everyone comes, sit down."

Liu Huaimin stretched out his hand and motioned to sit down first.

Xu Yuanshan looked puzzled. He originally came to a meeting in the afternoon to adjust production matters.

Unexpectedly, I received a call in the morning and asked to come to the main factory as soon as possible.

When they arrived, Sun Guo and others also rushed over with both feet.

Only then did I realize that something was wrong.

Several people sat down and then looked to the left and right.

Chen Gong shook his head at Xu Yuanshan, and then glanced at Yang Xiaotao.

Several people understood that this meeting was related to Yang Xiaotao.

Sure enough, when a few people came in, Yang Xiaotao had already come to his senses, and then shook off the ashes, only to find that he had already burned up.

He held the cigarette butt and took a puff, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

Liu Huaimin frowned at this. This was his office.

"They're all here."

Yang Xiaotao stepped forward and took the red leather notebook from Yang Youning.

"I called you all here today. First of all, we haven't seen you for a long time. Everyone is busy on weekdays and we really don't have much time together."

"Lao Yang will be the host at noon today. He will invite everyone to dinner, and I will be responsible for drinking with him."

Yang Youning closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then faced everyone with a friendly smile, "Xiao Tao is right, let's get together this time."

Everyone laughed.

Xu Yuanshan got even closer to Ding Xiangjun and said without concealing his voice, "You see, the more money this guy makes, the stingier he becomes."


Everyone knows about Yang Xiaotao's part-time job in metallurgy. If nothing else, he must have this allowance.

In addition, Yang Xiaotao also served as a secretary of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and received another share.

In addition to being the chief designer of the factory, this guy is also an engineer, and his salary is not low.

Based on this calculation, Yang Xiaotao's salary plus allowances are definitely the richest person in the Red Star Machinery Factory.

"Uncle Xu, how can this be called being stingy? I have three children at home, as well as a grandfather and a few old people to support. He is not as rich as Lao Yang."

"Roll rough."

Now Yang Youning couldn't hold himself any longer and cursed directly.

Everyone laughed again.

Liu Huaimin took out his cigarettes and distributed them in a circle one by one. Amidst the laughter, the smoke filled the air.

"Then the second thing."

Yang Xiaotao put down the cigarette and flashed the red leather book in his hand.

Everyone had seen it a long time ago and knew what it was.

However, I was curious about what Yang Xiaotao was doing with this.

"During this period, I think those who have children at home who are going to school are aware of the recent changes."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. When you go home tonight, don't tell me not to ask. Just watch quietly and you will know."

As soon as Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, Zhou Shenghong patted his thigh, "I know what Mr. Yang said."

"The two boys in my family, one is in junior high school and the other is in elementary school. I don't know who has been fooled by them during this period of time."


Yang Xiaotao signaled, and Zhou Shenghong understood and immediately changed his mind, "I don't know where I learned it from. I kept shouting about "knock down" all day long. I didn't learn anything, so I just ran around in the city."

"There were times when I wanted to use a stick."

"But these boys are not afraid, and they turn around and threaten me with harsh words."

"It's really, really annoying."

Hearing this, Sun Guo and Wang Guodong in the room also nodded.

"These boys have been really noisy lately."

Chen Gong nodded. His child had already started working, but he couldn't stand the shouts of the children in the courtyard.

He could see some things clearly, and probably most of the people present could also see them clearly.

As for the small part, I guess it is
"What Lao Zhou said is what I want to say."

Yang Xiaotao took a deep breath and asked an interesting question.

"Guys, who are we?"

"Old Liu, Old Yang, who do you think we are?"

"Needless to say, we, glorious revolutionary workers."

"He's the one who's in charge of this country."

"It is the locomotive of revolutionary construction."

The answers echoed loudly in the office.

Because everything they say is true.

"Yes, we workers have power."

"We are the masters of this country."

"So, Mr. Guan, what is Article 8 here?"

Guan Zhiyong was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Mr. Yang, how could I know? I can't remember it just by looking at it."

“Knowledge begins with practice, and after practice we gain theoretical understanding, we must then return to practice.”

Yang Xiaotao took it out gently, and Guan Zhiyong's face was even more embarrassed.

Yang Xiaotao didn't hold on anymore.

"Now, the troops learn again and the students learn again."

"As the masters of the country, we workers, what reason do we have not to learn?"

Several people were stunned.

Although they are workers, if we really talk about it, many of them here cannot read a single Chinese character.

Therefore, the purpose of inviting everyone to come this time is this, "From now on, all people in the machinery factory must study and memorize this book. They do not have to memorize it verbatim, but they must Know what to say.”

"Especially the senior management of the machinery factory and the heads of various departments must pass on their backs."

"Three months, once a month for inspection, once for deduction of benefits, twice for transfer, but three times for transfer."

Several people glanced at Yang Xiaotao and found that he was not joking, and felt even more uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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