Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1343 Elite Soldiers and Strong Generals

Chapter 1343 Elite Soldiers and Strong Generals

After leaving the steel plant, Yang Xiaotao drove thinking about Guan Zhiyong's words.

Although he believed in veterans, he also had confidence in the comrades below to safeguard the results of the institute.

Relying solely on personal awareness always made him uneasy.

Especially in this era of passionate struggle, most people have dreams of revolutionary construction. As long as it is beneficial to the revolution and national construction, people will often choose to "obey" and choose to "sacrifice the individual and achieve the greater self."

Yang Xiaotao could imagine that if a superior leader came here and told the people at the institute that "such a thing is needed," some people would probably choose to believe it.

It cannot be said that the people in the institute are too naive, but that is the social atmosphere.

There are many people who are willing to work hard to say that someone needs you.

But this kind of thing is really not something that two people can change.

Even if Yang Xiaotao dared to say something bad, someone would come to investigate the next day.

With something on his mind, Yang Xiaotao had a cold face all the way. Lou Xiao'e in the back seat didn't dare to speak after looking at it, thinking about what Guan Zhiyong said to Mr. Yang.

"Chief, why are you here?"

Looking at the team of hundreds of people and thinking of the special protection regulations, Yang Xiaotao suddenly felt confident.

"Who are these people?"

After a while, Yang Xiaotao recognized who this person was.

"What's wrong, I can't come?"

It was Chief Han who I had met during the test run of the Yellow River heavy truck.

"Mr. Yang, these are the guards assigned to our factory from above."

Different from the shoddy manufacturing due to technical reasons in the previous life, in this life, there are machinery factories providing a large number of production machine tools, and with abundant materials, the quality of the Type 63 that has been produced so far has no problem, and it has gradually become the new favorite of soldiers.

The car stopped at the door of the office. After getting off the car, Yang Xiaotao quickly came to the factory director's office.

These will be his soldiers from now on.

"Mr. Yang."

This man is not tall, half a head shorter than Yang Xiaotao. He has a round face, small eyes, and a simple and honest look.

As soon as the car returned to the machinery factory, Yang Xiaotao saw two rows of soldiers outside the gate walking towards the machinery factory.

Immediately, the car drove through the gate from the side and shouted loudly as he passed by, "Let the canteen make more delicious food."

It is also an important force in protecting the machinery factory!

"You didn't tell me earlier."

"No, it's not."

Yang Xiaotao quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand, and the two held it.

Yang Xiaotao knocked on the door and entered the house, and then saw Mr. Xia talking to someone. Liu Huaimin, Chen Gong and Zhao Chuanjun were also nearby.

There are two rows of people, neatly dressed in military uniforms, with belts and quilts on their backs, and guns hanging next to them. They look like Type 63 at first glance.

"This is Liang Zuoxin, who will also be the captain of the security team of the machinery factory in the future."

After the words fell, Liang Zuoxin stepped forward and raised his hands in salute.

"A whole company, more than a hundred people."

Chief Han laughed loudly after hearing this, and then clapped Yang Xiaotao's hand and said seriously, "When I came up this time, I happened to be entrusted by the superior leader to bring the protection team from the machinery factory."

With a row of armed belts hanging on their chests and white towels tied on top, they all strode into the machinery factory in high spirits.

Yang Xiaotao smiled after hearing this, "Yes, I can certainly come. It's an honor for our machinery factory to have you here."

The worries I had just now disappeared immediately.

"Hello, Comrade Liang Zuoxin."

"Stop by and take a look at the machine shop."

With these people and this level of identity, there is a reason to refuse.

Yang Xiaotao understood instantly and a smile appeared on his face.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Yang Youning's laughter coming from inside, and at the same time there was a strong voice, which sounded familiar.

Outside the door, Wang Hao saw Yang Xiaotao driving back and hurriedly stepped forward, feeling very excited.

The person who just spoke also turned around and looked at Yang Xiaotao.

"I said that the soldiers at the door are very powerful. It turns out you brought them. As expected, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general."

"Hello, Comrade Yang Xiaotao."

As he spoke, he looked at the middle-aged man next to him.

Wang Hao nodded immediately after hearing this, "Understood."

"Comrade Xiao Yang. Long time no see."

"By the way, the leader who led them is waiting for you in the office."

The visitor stood up, his short stature showed a bit of dignity, and his smile was more sincere.

The two shook hands, and he could feel the roughness of the man's hands. Combined with his battlefield aura, it was easy to tell that he was a strong man.

After seeing the two meeting, Chief Han took out a document from the document bag on the side and handed it to Mr. Xia.

Mr. Xia opened it and looked at it, then nodded and began to read.

"According to the instructions, Comrade Liang Zuoxin is specially appointed as the captain of the Red Star Machinery Factory. Comrade Yang Xiaotao is appointed as the deputy captain of the machinery factory."

"Let's jointly shoulder the responsibility of protecting the machinery factory."

After saying that, there was a round of applause in the office.

Then the appointment letters were handed over to the two people.

Yang Xiaotao looked at the signature on the appointment letter and the vigorous and powerful calligraphy, and couldn't help but feel excited.

Liu Huaimin and several people around him applauded, but at the same time, they felt a little disappointed.

Mr. Xia said with a smile, "From today on, the security brigade of the machinery factory will be established."

"In the future, I hope everyone will cooperate with the work of Comrades Liang Zuoxin and Yang Xiaotao."

"Protect the machinery factory, protect it, the fruits of the revolution."

Liu Huaimin immediately stepped forward, "Chief, don't worry, we will definitely cooperate with security and defense work and protect the machinery factory."

Yang Youning and others also nodded, "Please rest assured, leader!"

They have realized the benefits of this to the machine shop.

As the stalls of the machinery factory get bigger and bigger, new technologies and new machines emerge one after another. The bigger the trees, the stronger the wind, and the greater the need for support from superiors.

Even if others don't say it, they themselves can feel the pressure from all sides.

If you want to protect the things on your hands from others, you must have means to resist external pressure. The measures in front of us are the best means.

Yang Xiaotao put away the appointment letter and nodded, "Chief, I know the thoughts of the superior leaders, and please rest assured that Secretary Liu, Director Yang, and all the comrades from the machinery factory will definitely support Captain Liang's work and protect the revolution. Property, let the machinery factory become the locomotive of revolutionary construction."

Chief Han nodded with a smile.

Liang Zuoxin on the side also smiled when he heard what Yang Xiaotao said, "Comrade Xiao Yang, I am a rough man. I am good at fighting and defending. As for the factory, you need to worry more."

"Captain Liang, don't worry. Wherever I'm needed, I will definitely do my part."

"it is good!"

He met a few people and explained the situation. As for their future work, he didn't care.

The matter has been explained clearly, and the next step is the arrangements for the security team.

This point needs to be discussed between Yang Xiaotao and Liang Zuoxin, which is a matter for later.

"This second thing."

Seeing that the business was settled, Chief Han glanced at Mr. Xia, and then spoke again.

Yang Xiaotao and others all looked over and listened carefully.

"The second thing is about your new armored vehicle."

Hearing this, Yang Xiaotao, Liu Huaimin, Yang Youning and others looked at each other.

"Chief, this armored vehicle hasn't been tested yet."

Yang Xiaotao asked, but Chief Han waved his hand, "I know, that's why I came over to tell you in advance."

These words made the people present even more confused.

Seeing this, Mr. Xia opened his mouth to explain.

"You will know about this sooner or later anyway."

"Let me tell you in advance."

As he spoke, Mr. Xia and Chief Han laughed, and then told the story about the seizure of the Osprey in Shanghai. Everyone was first surprised and then shocked.

After that, the faces of Yang Youning and others turned red.

They thought that the other party was using their engine.

"Leader, you said they used our engines to win?"

Yang Youning endured the excitement in his heart and asked bit by bit.

Chief Han nodded, "The specific process is not clear, but there must be an engine factor."

"I guess there will be news soon that you will be ready for production."

Yang Xiaotao and several people from the machinery factory looked at each other and could see each other's joy.

Get ready to go big.

"Chief, so you are attracted to this armored vehicle?"

"Yes, I am taking action in advance, so as not to be too late and suffer further losses."

Chief Han thought of something and said it very seriously.

Obviously he knew that the county magistrate might as well take charge now and find someone else, or come directly to the machinery factory.

Yang Xiaotao looked at Mr. Xia. He was willing to support this matter. After all, Chief Han was an acquaintance to him. When they were in the northwest, he had drinks with Chief Han and Wang Huzi, so their friendship was natural.

But the specifics will depend on Mr. Xia’s opinion.

After all, Mr. Xia has to come to approve orders in name.

"I have no problem, as long as your machine factory has discussed it with Lao Han."

Mr. Xia is obviously familiar with Chief Han, and he speaks boldly.

With Mr. Xia opening his mouth, this armored vehicle has been fired for the first time, and there is no fear that it will have no sales.

Afterwards, several people talked in the office for a while, and then everyone accompanied Mr. Xia and Chief Han to the large conference room to prepare for the meeting.

"Xiao'e, go back and tell Qiuye that I won't go to dinner tonight."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go out, Yang Xiaotao told Lou Xiao'e.

Arriving at the conference room, rows of soldiers were sitting below, along with key personnel from the security office, as well as factory directors and above.

Everyone took their seats one after another. Chief Han sat in the middle and took the lead in reading out the appointment to everyone present.

Liang Zuoxin and Yang Xiaotao stood up and met everyone.

Subsequently, Xia Laojiang made adjustments to the safety and security organizational structure of the machinery factory.

The entire brigade is composed of security personnel present as well as security personnel from the former Hongxing Machinery Factory and various branches.

Among them, the team leader Liang Zuoxin is responsible for the safety work of the entire machinery factory and each branch factory.

Deputy captain Yang Xiaotao is responsible for supervising the security work of each factory.

Zhao Chuanjun, the former director of the Security Department, serves as the team leader of the main factory and is responsible for the daily safety work of the Red Star Machinery Factory.

The remaining branches will also establish a new security guard team, and the personnel will be arranged by the machinery factory security brigade.

The meeting did not last long. Chief Han made it easy for Mr. Xia to go to the workshop to check the status of the armored vehicles, while Yang Xiaotao and Liang Zuoxin led the team to the station.

After confirming that the Red Star Machinery Factory was included in the management of the three locations, the machinery factory has prepared a location.

Zhao Chuanjun has always been responsible for this matter.

At this time, the three of them stood aside and looked at the busy figures in the station.

Yang Xiaotao took out the cigarettes and distributed them to the two of them, "Lao Liang, this is Director Zhao of the Security Department. Director Zhao has always been responsible for the security of the machinery factory. He has been protecting the machinery factory all these years."

At present, the main protective force of the machinery factory is still the security office. A considerable part of the guard team previously formed by workers entered the security office when the machinery factory expanded its scale.

Therefore, Zhao Chuanjun did not serve as the deputy captain, but his importance in the machinery factory should not be underestimated, especially since he was assigned to the security department of each branch factory. If the relationship with him was not handled well, constraints would arise, which would not be good for the machinery factory. Good thing.

"Director Zhao, I've heard of it."

Liang Bing stretched out his hand, and Zhao Chuanjun quickly took it, looking at the other person seriously.

"Captain Liang, hello."

After finishing speaking, he hesitated a little, and finally spoke again with Yang Xiaotao's surprised eyes, "I wonder, what is your relationship with that person from the Long Live Army?"

Liang Zuoxin said without dodge, "That's my uncle."

Hearing this, Zhao Chuanjun suddenly raised his hand to salute, and Liang Zuoxin immediately returned the salute.

Yang Xiaotao, who was on the side, finally realized what he was doing and looked at Liang Zuoxin with a different look.

(End of this chapter)

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