Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1322 Qualified Successor

Chapter 1322 Qualified Successor

Sijiucheng, Siheyuan.

Yang family.

Ran's mother looked at Yue Yue Rongrong in the yard. As for the Dragon Boat Festival, after returning from a trip, her true nature was revealed and she became a little devil in the yard.

Everyone in the courtyard wanted to knock on everything they saw, and they couldn't let go of Xiao Wangwang.

Wangwang is naturally the puppy left by Yang Xiaotao, and the child specially selected by Wangcai.

According to Wangcai's surname, the name Wangwang was given. Although the Ran Xinrui siblings were very opposed to it, their objections were ineffective.

At first, Yang Xiaotao thought that this puppy was nothing special, especially since it was not recognized by the system and was just a little better than ordinary puppies.

But now it seems that Yang Xiaotao underestimated the potential of the Lucky Dog.

Although Xiao Wangwang is not big, he already has some spirituality. He knows that the little devil cannot be messed with, and he has grown rapidly under the clutches of the little devil.

Now, when the little devil waved his fist, Xiao Wangwang knew what to do.

One person and one dog caused a lot of noise in the yard.

This made Rongrong's eyes shine as she was held in Ran's mother's arms.

Obviously, this person is not easy to get along with. He is probably just another little devil.

In the room, Ran Qiuye and Cuiping were busy sorting out information.

Since returning to the courtyard three days ago, Ran Qiuye has devoted himself to the work of the rural school.

Coupled with the situation he learned during this trip to Shanghai, there were many experiences worth learning from, making Ran Qiuye more and more confident in his work.

As for why Cuiping was here, it was entirely because he saw Ran Qiuye coming back and came to visit.

Later, she discovered that what Ran Qiuye did was very to her liking, especially going to towns and villages to help villages build schools and walking around the streets. This kind of work was much better than letting her stay in a courtyard!

So, whenever I had free time in the past two days, I came over to discuss school matters with Ran Qiuye.

It's already July, and the school summer vacation is already halfway over. If you want to catch up with this year's class, you have to hurry up!

"Qiuye, I think it's very good step by step from childhood to adulthood."

"But we can go one step further!"

After all, Cuiping is a person who has seen the big world and has been involved in various places, so some things have more to consider.

"Sister Ping, tell me quickly!"

Ran Qiuye was very fond of Sister Ping, who was usually carefree, but honest and highly skilled in martial arts. Not long after the two met, they had become good best friends.

As for why Ran Qiuye knew that Cuiping was highly skilled in martial arts, in addition to his great achievements in killing the enemy, more importantly, in front of the Jia family and Shazhu in the courtyard, he kicked off a wooden stick as thick as his arm. Everyone in the courtyard looked at him in fear.

From then on, Shazhu had to walk around when he saw him.

Of course, the wooden stick that Yang Xiaotao used to practice thrusting suffered a disaster.

“I think it’s too slow to start construction in just one village.”

"When I was a local guerrilla leader, I knew one thing: to mobilize the masses and get more villages to participate, this spark can start a prairie fire!"

"What does this mean? It means that the more stars, the better. The more stars, the easier it is to burn. If we work from village to village, it will be too slow. Maybe a basin of water will come down and the fire will be extinguished."

"So, we can find a few more villages to work together!"

"When the time comes, when it reaches a large scale, wouldn't it be enough to just choose a place to build a larger school and gather the children together?"

Ran Qiuye listened thoughtfully and did not rush to agree.

Because, running a school is not something you can just talk about, it requires investment of manpower and material resources, and schools are easy to find, but teachers are hard to find!

Now, Yangjiazhuang Primary School can attract so many teachers. On the one hand, it is the promotion of the education department, and more importantly, Yangjiazhuang’s investment in material resources.

The pig and chicken farms in the village can provide meat and eggs for the school, which is an important benefit for today's teachers.

Just look at Uncle Yan in the courtyard and you will know that in addition to providing food in the city, he also gets some wages to support his family.

In Yangjiazhuang, not only the salary is paid, but also good food and food subsidies are provided in the village. This alone can impress the newly graduated teachers.

What's more, the construction in Yangjiazhuang is better than that in the town.

Therefore, if you want to run a school, you have to look at the physical resources.

Ran Qiuye expressed his concerns.

Cuiping curled her lips after hearing this, because she really didn't pay attention to it.

"Back then, there were not so many things to do when fighting guerrillas. Everyone was focused on selfless dedication and honorable labor. But now, everyone starts to care about these things!"

Ran Qiuye shook her head after hearing this. She wanted to say that teachers are also human beings and have families, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that these were a bit redundant.

"Duanwu, godmother has brought you delicious food!"

Outside the hospital, Lou Xiao'e hugged the Dragon Boat Festival, ignoring the little devil's displeasure, and just kissed her.

"Do you want to fuck mom?"

Duan Wu looked at the pastries in the bag and nodded constantly.

Although he went to Shanghai and ate a lot at my grandma's place, he never had too much when faced with the temptation of sweets.

"Think about it!"

"Tell your godmother, is Shanghai fun?"


"It's fun to come back."

After putting down the Dragon Boat Festival, Lou Xiao'e came to Ran's mother again, "Auntie!"

"Xiao'e, just spoil him!"

Lou Xiao'e smiled, then put the other bag aside, then picked up the two children and put their heads between them, "Yueyue, Rongrong, auntie, kiss!"

The two little ones giggled and said nothing.


Ran Qiuye and Cuiping came out of the house. Lou Xiaoe put down the child and came to them, "Qiuye, Sister Ping."

"How are you guys doing at work?"

Regarding Ran Qiuye's matter, Lou Xiao'e had a clear mind, and she was more supportive than envious.

Three people came to the house.

"Duan Wu, this kid has been spoiled by you and is becoming more and more disobedient!"

Lou Xiao'e smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's okay. If you can't control it, just leave it to me."

"You can still give birth anyway."

Ran Qiuye blushed after hearing this, and stepped forward to twist her arms, "You damn girl, what else can you give birth to? If you want a child, just give birth to one by yourself."

Lou Xiao'e smiled while hiding, "I don't want it."

"It hurts so much to have a baby, and you have to take care of it. It's so troublesome."

After hearing this, Ran Qiuye looked at Cuiping and said, "Sister Ping, look, there is someone here who is holding back the revolution. He needs to receive a strict education."

Said and attacked again.

Cuiping didn't know much about Lou Xiao'e, so he just smiled and watched the two playing around.

"I don't dare anymore. Stop talking. Stop it."

After a while, Lou Xiaoe's begging for mercy was heard, and Ran Qiuye let go of his hand and stood aside to adjust his clothes.

Lou Xiao'e stood up, looked at Ran Qiuye's chest again, stretched out her hand and gestured, "I can see that the water in the Huangpu River is delicious. After you go out, it feels a lot bigger."

Ran Qiuye rolled her eyes at Lou Xiao'e. This guy was becoming more and more unserious, and she noticed this.

However, he refused to admit defeat, "It's normal for the size to be larger. But why are you also bigger?" "Is it true that you have a partner and are hiding it from us? Huh huh?"

After hearing this, Lou Xiao'e put her hands on her hips, raised her chest and raised her head, "I'm already this big, okay?"

"Nonsense, it must have changed."


Seeing that the two were about to start a fight again, Cuiping quickly interrupted, "Xiao'e, why are you free to come here today?"

"Oh, I forgot about business. I am going to the first branch factory to deliver materials. I have finished delivering them and I just stopped by to take a look."

"By the way, Mr. Yang took the car back and will probably be back in three or four days."

"Also, we are going to set up a special department in our factory. Mr. Yang was selected by the superiors to be the deputy captain."

"Vice team? What do you do?"

When Ran Qiuye heard that Yang Xiaotao was coming back, he was naturally happy, but when he heard about who he was as vice-captain, he was a little curious.

"I don't know. It hasn't been officially announced yet. Maybe we'll have to wait until he comes back."

Lou Xiao'e said nonchalantly, in his opinion, a deputy captain is not as powerful as the director of the research institute, so it doesn't matter whether he is acting inappropriately or not.

It was probably because the factory director and secretary thought it was troublesome that he threw it to Yang Xiaotao. Who told Yang Xiaotao to be young?

After Lou Xiao'e finished speaking, she asked Ran Qiuye about the school again. After hearing Cuiping's suggestion, she felt it was good. As for the lack of material resources, she could think of a solution.

If it doesn't work, let Yang Xiaotao think of a way.

After hearing this, Ran Qiuye felt the same.

Just because he can't think of it doesn't mean that Yang Xiaotao can't help it.

When Ran Qiuye sent Lou Xiao'e away, the two of them returned to the intimacy they had in front of others, with kindness in their eyes.

Many people in the yard saw this scene and shook their heads with smiles. Some were envious of Ran Qiuye's good life, some felt sorry for Lou Xiao'e, and some felt heartbroken when they saw the scene in front of them.

At this time, in the office of the director of Hongxing Machinery Factory, Yang Youning was holding a cigarette in his hand, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were wrinkled.

There is a document on the table, which is the appointment letter for the cadres of the security brigade of the Red Star Machinery Factory.

Appointment letter to Yang Xiaotao.

"Lao Yang."

Outside the door, Liu Huaimin walked in, also holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Still thinking about this!"

Yang Youning nodded, "Oh, it's not that I'm petty."

Yang Youning sat back on the chair, "I really didn't expect that Mr. Huang and the others would choose Yang Xiaotao."

Liu Huaimin sat aside and nodded in agreement.

"Me too."

After the two of them finished speaking, they both fell silent.

In the reference list they provided, in addition to Yang Xiaotao, there were also Yang Youning and Zhao Chuanjun.

As the former is the head of a machinery factory, it is normal to hold concurrent posts.

As the armed force in the factory, the latter is qualified to serve.

And in everyone's mind, this position is too important and requires a steady and steady person.

As for Yang Xiaotao's inclusion in the list, it was purely due to Yang Xiaotao's ability. Besides, as one of the three giants in the machinery factory, if he couldn't be selected, and he came back to find out, then they wouldn't be the villains behind the scenes.

So, three places were submitted, but among the appointments issued, Yang Xiaotao was chosen.

What did this make the two of them think?

What do people think of this?

"I just called Mr. Xia."

It took a long time for Liu Huaimin to speak, and Yang Youning looked over.

"Mr. Xia said that this was a decision he and Mr. Huang had discussed for a long time."

Having said this, Liu Huaimin took a deep breath of cigarette and then exhaled it gently.

"The reason why Yang Xiaotao is appointed is because of his youth."

"I don't think it's nice for people like us. If we work for another ten years, we won't be able to keep up with our physical strength. With this energy, I feel uncomfortable all over after sitting for a long time, and my brain can't move."

"Maybe in less than ten years, we will have to take a back seat."

"How long do you think you can do this?"

Yang Youning was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head.

"Yang Xiaotao is different. He is young and aggressive. The most important thing is that he has always been in the machinery factory. He has feelings for it and is passionate about his work."

"This is also the reason why Mr. Xia and the others considered it."

After Liu Huaimin finished speaking, there was silence in the office.

After a long time, Liu Huaimin spoke again, "Actually, Mr. Xia has another meaning that he didn't say."

This time, before Liu Huaimin could speak, Yang Youning raised his head and said, "I know."

"He wants to train him to take over while we can still resist and protect this boy from the wind and rain, right?"

Liu Huaimin laughed and said, "Lao Yang, it is indeed Lao Yang."

Yang Youning held a cigarette and stood at the window, "I thought of this when I gave the order."

"Isn't it just the trees planted by the predecessors to pave the way for this kid? I didn't say it, but I am willing to do so."

"It's not just me, Lao Chen, Lao Xu and the others won't object either."

"It's just, Lao Liu, I'm still worried."

Liu Huaimin walked to the window and asked calmly, "What are you worried about?"

Yang Youning sucked hard, looked at the big characters on the wall in the distance, and said leisurely, "Don't you think there's something strange about the recent wind direction?"

Liu Huaimin didn't turn around, "You feel it too?"

"Well, Bo Wei is weird."

“It’s incredible that a group of students can become a force.”

When Yang Youning thought of the children at home with their nostrils turned upward, he felt not only angry, but also scared.

If these children are led by wrong ideas, then

It would be a disaster.

"Perhaps, this is the original intention of establishing Special Three."

"It's also the reason why the superiors asked Yang Xiaotao to become the deputy team. It is both responsibility and protection."

Liu Huaimin was also paying attention to the current situation and opened his mouth to explain.

Yang Youning nodded, "Yes, protection."

"This guy is very capable, but he is also capable of causing trouble."

"We have to keep an eye on it."

"Even better!"

At this point, Yang Youning's eyes became profound, "Let him become a qualified successor."

(End of this chapter)

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