Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1319 I recommend, Mr. Yang

Chapter 1319 I recommend, Mr. Yang

Town police station.

"My name is Shan Quanmin. I am a student at Jinan University. I came to the countryside three years ago because of the call..."

"Because I can't stand this unfair treatment, I want to resist the injustice of fate. I want to..."


Bai Ling knocked on the table. Hao Pingchuan looked calm, but his clenched fists made Shan Quanmin calm down.

"Unfair fate? Where do you get the confidence to say this!"

"You have to know that the reason why you can go to school is because countless martyrs sacrificed their lives and shed their blood. Without them, you can't even eat, and you don't even have the qualifications to go to school and receive education. You are a subjugated slave. What qualifications do you have?" Say fate is unfair!"

The sonorous and powerful words left Shan Quanmin at a loss as to how to answer.

"I think you are lazy, indolent, and selfish."

"A person like you is not qualified to talk about it at all!"

Feeling that the skin on his body had been ruthlessly peeled off, Shan Quanmin was even more ashamed and lowered his head. He felt unwilling but more regretful.

Before anything happened, I always felt lucky. As long as I cooperated to complete the task, I could get high returns, money, women, and enjoy a life I had not had since I was a child.

But something happened. In addition to the fear of the future, there was also his own family in his mind.

Thinking of what his family would face because of his wrong choices, Shan Quanmin suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart, and tears fell involuntarily.

Hao Pingchuan glanced at Shan Quanmin, who was looking down in frustration, and then shouted at a loud voice.

"Put away the toad urine and show it to someone!"

"Let me tell you, there are more than one arrested, besides you and Chu Nan."

"You only have one chance. Be honest and tell me what you know. Otherwise, no one can save you."

Hearing that Chu Nan had also been arrested, Shan Quanmin was shocked again and did not dare to think too much, "I will tell you everything I know."

Bai Ling glanced at the other party, and then asked according to the procedure.


"Unique people!"


"My codename is Zhuyeqing!"

"Chu Nan is our team leader, codenamed White Snake. In addition, there is Lao Feng, codenamed Cauliflower Snake."

"The mute girl is Zhu Ke, codenamed Wubu Snake. She is our liaison."

"The last one is Ge Zhongjun, codenamed Viper. He is the killer of our team. He was responsible for this operation."

"The mission we are performing is Operation Broken Heart Grass. Lao Feng, Mute Girl, and I are responsible for creating public opinion and inciting everyone to destroy the experimental field..."

"The mission was completed smoothly, but I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly."

"Originally we thought of leaving at night, but the team leader said we couldn't leave. If we left, we would be exposed, so we didn't leave!"

Shan Quanmin told everything he knew, especially the last thing he said, which made him complain very much.

If I had left early, nothing like what happened today would have happened.

Hao Pingchuan glanced at Shan Quanmin. There were many people who regretted being caught, but there was no if.

Even if there is an if, they can still catch it.

"Tell me clearly how you joined the other party, how you came to this village, including what you did before."

"Ming, I understand!"

Shan Quanmin also knew that there was no need to hide the matter now, and he was about to tell the story of how he was seduced by the other party and fell step by step.

And as Shan Quanmin explained, those nails hidden in the countryside were discovered, and what awaited them would be a ruthless blow.

"Can you please not tell my family?"

"I also have a younger sister, Shan Yamin, who is in junior high school. I don't want to involve her..."

At the end of the interrogation, Shan Quanmin pleaded.

Bai Ling continued to sort out the information without raising her head after hearing this.

Hao Pingchuan on the side sneered, "What do you think?"

"If you do something wrong, you will have to bear the consequences!"

For a moment, the people of Shanquan were filled with despair.

next door.

Yu Zecheng came out of the interrogation room. In the room, Ge Zhongjun held his head in his hands, his expression expressionless.

But the tears flowing from his fingers showed no less regret than Shan Quanmin.

"Team Leader Yu, it's done here, how are you doing over there?"

Hao Pingchuan clapped the briefcase in his hand and said happily.

Yu Zecheng nodded, "I said it all!"

"This is a situation that was explained. Let Zhang Suo and Team Wang cooperate in arresting people."

"Don't let anyone go."

Hao Pingchuan responded, took the information and left.

Yu Zecheng and Bai Ling looked at the interrogation room aside.

"Next, it's up to White Snake!"

Bai Ling nodded at the side, "This is a big snake!"

Night falls.


Yang Xiaotao looked at Yu Hua who had woken up, and An Ran was wiping his arms with a towel, cautiously and considerately.

"Long time no see, Comrade Yu Hua."

Looking at Yang Xiaotao, Yu Hua couldn't speak and could only nod, but there was surprise in his eyes.

"Teacher Yang came here last night. You were sleeping at the time and didn't disturb you."

An Ran explained on the side, with tears in his eyes, "Don't worry, we went to the experimental field today and found the surviving seedlings. They are now planted in the yard. They are growing well. Teacher Yang said they are so good." The seedlings will definitely be tested successfully.”

"By the way, Teacher Yuan is fine. The classroom is being set up now and Teacher Yang will give a lecture tomorrow."

"When the time comes, I'll push you to listen."

An Ran said, and Yu Hua was very excited when he heard it. What he was most worried about was Teacher Yuan. Now that he heard it, he had no problem, and the smile in his eyes was three points thicker.

Raising his arm, Yang Xiaotao stretched out his hand to hold it, "Don't be excited, heal your injuries, everyone is waiting for you to go back."

Yu Hua nodded, and then gestured with Yang Xiaotao's palm with his fingers.

Yang Xiaotao felt it, and it was the word 'thank you'.

For a moment, my nose felt a little sore.

"No thanks, it's all what I should do."

Yu Hua shook his head and carefully wrote the word "Miao" again, and then his eyes were full of worry.

Yang Xiaotao took a deep breath and nodded seriously, "Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again."

After returning to town in the afternoon, Yang Xiaotao contacted the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Dean Deng told Yang Xiaotao that because of the seriousness of this incident, the superiors realized that the enemy was hiding among the people in another form. They put away their minions and took advantage of the people's "short-sightedness" to achieve ulterior purposes.

Just like what happened in Xiaoping Village.

After discussions with superiors, it was decided to establish the 'Third Security Office for Special Projects and Important Departments', referred to as the 'Three Offices'.

The main responsibility of the three offices is to be responsible for the safety issues of research units, important factories and departments. The personnel composition of the three divisions, including but not limited to local police, militia, and relevant security departments, are designated by superiors.

The nature of the three departments is different from that of the public security and militia. They are independent and directly subordinate forces. They will resolutely stop any behavior that harms the protected departments.

Under normal circumstances, the personnel of the three departments are located in corresponding units, and corresponding brigades, squadrons, and squads will be established based on scale, importance, and staffing.

Take the Academy of Agricultural Sciences as an example. A brigade office will be established at the headquarters to command the brigade and even multiple subordinate squads.

Each team consists of two to three people.

Among them, one person is the captain assigned by the superior, and the other two are recommended by the corresponding departments. After the superior agrees, they serve as deputy captains.

Like the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the person who came out was Gao Yufeng.

In addition, teams under the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will be assigned to various research projects and responsible for the safety protection of related matters.

Just like in the rice research project, according to Dean Deng's wishes, Teacher Yuan will not only serve as the deputy leader of the project team, but also the deputy leader of the team.

You know, this team responsible for security is equivalent to a platoon.

This is also the reason why Yang Xiaotao dared to promise Yu Hua.

Such a team can completely ensure the smooth progress of research.

Of course, Dean Deng also complained to Yang Xiaotao on the phone.

Originally, Yang Xiaotao was wanted to serve as the deputy captain of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, but as soon as he was promoted to the superior, he received a call from Mr. Tao, saying that Yang Xiaotao was a non-staff member and could not work in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences for a long time, so he rejected the proposal. proposal.

Yang Xiaotao couldn't do anything about Dean Deng's complaints. He didn't know anything here.

After visiting Yu Hua in the hospital, Yang Xiaotao did not continue to act as a light bulb and returned to the research base to prepare for rest.

Over the past two days and one night, I really didn't sleep well.

Hongxing Machinery Factory, Secretary’s Office.

While Yang Xiaotao was sleeping, the office was filled with smoke.

Liu Huaimin was sitting at the top, and Yang Youning, Xu Yuanshan, Zhao Chuanjun, Chen Gong, Wang Guodong, Sun Guo, Guan Zhiyong and Ding Xiangjun were sitting around. The room was full of people, and each one had a cigarette in his hand. Not even mosquitoes dared to enter the room. .

"It's too late, it's too late."

The door opened and Zhou Shenghong ran in with an apologetic expression.

These days, he led his men around the gate towers of Sijiu City, recording the skills of his ancestors. For this purpose, he even sent people to the surrounding cities in order to better complete the tasks assigned to them by Yang Xiaotao.

Ever since the mortise and tenon joints became popular on armored vehicles, he realized that the spring of their carpentry was coming.

He also became more determined to follow Yang Xiaotao's pace.

As soon as I got home, I received a notice from the machinery factory. I didn't even swallow my food, and came rushing by car.

Zhou Shenghong said hello and took a look at the room. There was really no good place left, so he simply stood at the door.

Liu Huaimin nodded and prepared for the meeting.

"Lao Yang, tell me."

After looking at the people around him, Liu Huaimin swallowed his words as soon as they came to his lips, and then kicked the ball to Yang Youning.

Hearing this, Yang Youning rolled his eyes, but this matter really needs to be said.

After all, this is no small matter.

"Okay, let me tell you."

"This, you may also hear some news."

"Let's put it this way, because our machinery factory has continuously contributed to the revolution and achieved excellent results."

"This, if the wood is as beautiful as the forest wind, it will be destroyed. The enemy will be jealous after seeing it. We are all adults and we all know what we are facing."

"So to protect us, above, above."

Yang Youning pointed upward vigorously, and everyone understood.

"We have decided to arrange a 'praetorian guard' for us. They will be directly led by the superiors and have no control over anything else."

"Everyone understands what it means."

Everyone is well-informed and has long understood.

Some people don't know what it means, but after listening to Yang Youning's explanation, they understand about 70% of it.

"That's a good thing."

After Xu Yuanshan returned from the northwest, he became more calm.

Obviously, doing well in the Northwest.

"In the entire First Machinery Department, there are no more than three people who can win this honor. And everyone knows that one of our Hongxing Machinery Factory is more powerful than seven or eight others."

"With this protective force, our factory doesn't have to worry about messy things, which is a good thing."

After Xu Yuanshan finished speaking, Ding Xiangjun and Sun Guo communicated with each other, with more smiles on their faces.

"But now there is a problem, that is, we need to provide management candidates for the 'Guards'."

"According to the plan, the superior will assign one person to take charge, and then we will provide two people here, and the superior will select relevant personnel among them to become deputy. We will jointly manage this department."

"And the candidate must be clean and have a strong ideological consciousness."

"Today, let's discuss this candidate and report it to Mr. Huang tomorrow morning."

Liu Huaimin opened his mouth to explain and told the main content of this meeting.

After the words fell, several people around him breathed a little quickly.

Including Liu Huaimin himself.

It's not that they are greedy for power. In fact, there is too much power here.

I always feel uneasy leaving it to others.

You know, when there are no orders from superiors, the captain and deputy captain basically have the final say. Even the security department of the factory can be considered their subordinates.

Everyone knew it, so no one spoke immediately.

"Um, me, cough."

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhou Shenghong gritted his teeth and coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Director Zhou, tell me."

Yang Youning's eyes lit up and he immediately encouraged him.

"Secretary Liu, Factory Director Yang, well, I have little qualifications, so I recommend Yang Xiaotao, Mr. Yang."

Zhou Shenghong knew that he couldn't compare with the people in front of him, but he didn't need to compare.

Just stand in line.

Even if Yang Xiaotao can't take the responsibility, you can't suffer any loss by following him.

No one expected that Zhou Shenghong would propose Yang Xiaotao. It wasn't that they hadn't thought about Yang Xiaotao, but he was too young.

Young people are easily impulsive.

After saying that, Zhou Shenghong leaned against the door and remained silent.

Yang Youning withdrew his gaze and nodded.

Liu Huaimin glanced at Zhou Shenghong and then said, "Then, if you agree with Comrade Yang Xiaotao, please raise your hands."


Zhou Shenghong and Wang Guodong gathered at almost the same time.

Then, Guan Zhiyong raised it without thinking.

After a moment, Xu Yuanshan also raised his hand.

Subsequently, Chen Gong and Ding Xiangjun

(End of this chapter)

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