Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 13 The Zhou Family

Chapter 13 The Zhou Family
The Zhou family, like the Yang family, owns two houses.
The difference is that their family has a large population, and a family of five lives in two rooms, but it is a bit crowded.

But there is no way, although the house is allocated these days, it is not easy to buy and sell.

You have to buy the house first and then sell it.

With a house allocated, who will spend money to buy it?

In the courtyard, Yang Xiaotao knew that his house, Da Ye's house and Sha Zhu's house were bought, and the others could only be regarded as leases.

There is the right to use but not the right to dispose.

"Aunt Zhou! Are you at home?"

At the door, Yang Xiaotao shouted at the top of his voice, and soon a plainly dressed woman with prominent wrinkles came out of the room, seeing Yang Xiaotao immediately laughed.

"Xiao Tao, why are you free today?"

"Passing by, it's time for dinner, let's buy something by the way, come and find something to eat!"

"You child, just come and eat, what can you bring?"

While talking, he invited Yang Xiaotao into the room.

It's similar to Yang's house, the room is simple and shabby, the table is quite old, and there are more spots on it than Aunt Zhou's creases.

Yang Xiaotao put the net bag on the table, when a young man walked out of the room, not tall, with a thin complexion.

"Brother Tao!"

The young man is Zhou Peng. The factory is on holiday for the past two days, and the cat is at home.

"What's the matter, do you have nothing to do at home?"

"No way, the assessment is coming soon, I want to try it too!"

"Where's Brother Tao? Do you want to try?"

Both Zhou Peng and Yang Xiaotao were fitter apprentices in the third workshop, and they both went together. Although they were in different groups, they learned similar things.

"Of course I have to try it. After passing it, I will become a regular worker, a stable job, and a salary increase!"

Yang Xiaotao said with a smile that Zhou Peng was delighted when he heard the salary. These days, the pressure of family life was on his shoulders, which made him almost out of breath.

"Brother Tao!"

At this time, a weak voice sounded, and looking up, it was Zhou Yun, the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, who was studying at school and was doing well.

"Xiaoyun, it's vacation! How is your study?"

"It is okay!"

The little girl was a little restrained, and her speech was still weak.

Several people chatted again, and a tall figure walked in outside, blocking the door.

Needless to say, it must be Zhou Kui, the eldest son of the Zhou family.

"Tao, Brother Tao!"

Although Zhou Kui is tall and burly, he is a few months younger than Yang Xiaotao in terms of age, and because he stutters, he can speak sparingly.

He was holding a grass carp in his hand, which was long and had dead fish eyes, and his clothes were covered with icicles in the cold weather.

"Going to the West Sea?"


Zhou Kui approached the house, and Zhou Li from behind also ran in, watching the fish jumped twice happily, "Eat the fish, eat the fish!"

In the house, Aunt Zhou was a monk and took the fish for disposal. Such a small amount of fish was only enough for everyone to drink a mouthful of soup.

"Aunt Zhou, take these too."

Yang Xiaotao opened the net bag, but Zhou Peng on the side stepped forward to stop him, "Brother Tao, you can come to eat, you can take the things back!"

"What are you talking about, as if you look down on someone, let go!"

Yang Xiaotao pulled Zhou Peng away, and Zhou Kui also wanted to go forward, but Yang Xiaotao stopped him with a look.

"Brother Tao!"

Zhou Peng hesitated to speak, but couldn't say anything.

"Kuizi, close the door!"

Yang Xiaotao waved to Zhou Kui, and Zhou Kui immediately closed the door.

These days, eating something good really avoids people and saves people from gossiping.

The door was closed, the kraft paper was opened, and the aroma of meat wafted out immediately.


"It's meat!"

"Pork, and chicken!"

The sound of swallowing saliva kept coming and going, and Zhou Kui even touched his stomach. These days, he can only eat a third full, and then have a full drink.

Seeing the meat, the Zhou family's eyes turned green, but no one stepped forward.

"Xiaotao, why did you buy so much meat? It's time to die?"

Aunt Zhou was also shocked. Seeing so much meat, even when her husband was around, she didn't eat so much during the Chinese New Year.

Yang Xiaotao smiled, "Auntie, I can eat enough for one person and the whole family won't be hungry, besides, we have to eat enough to live!"

As he spoke, he tore off the two chicken legs and stuffed them into Zhou Yun and Zhou Li's hands.

Zhou Yun took the chicken leg and looked at her mother, but Zhou Li couldn't help but took a bite.

"eat fast!"

After Yang Xiaotao said something, he took out the steamed buns, "Auntie, let's eat hot together."

Seeing this, Aunt Zhou had no choice but to take out the roast chicken and prepare stewed vegetables to eat.

After a while, the dining table was full of pots and plates.

In addition to Yang Xiaotao's twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao Chicken, stewed dishes with chicken and potatoes, and braised grass carp.

The staple food is a pot of steamed buns with stick noodles, plus ten steamed buns.

A few people gathered around the table, eating meat which was rare, and it was such a delicious pork, their mouths were full of greasy food.

Especially the twice-cooked pork and Kung Pao chicken, which are full of oil and water, and the taste is pure, so you don't want to swallow it quickly in your mouth.

Zhou Kui and Zhou Peng on the other side also enjoyed eating. Only with oil and water can they resist hunger, and they have strength to work.

In the end, all the plates were cleared, and Zhou Kui took the plate of Kung Pao Chicken and wiped it over and over again with a steamed bun until there was no oil or water left.

After eating enough, the two girls went out to play, and Aunt Zhou next to her started talking about the gossip around them these days.

Zhou Peng is a person who can't hide things. He wanted to say it when Yang Xiaotao entered the room, and now he showed his anger on his face.

"Brother Tao, you don't know! These days, those bastards are talking bad things about you everywhere, especially Jia Dongxu. This bastard is with Sanmaozi and other street sneakers, spreading rumors everywhere. I bumped into him a few times, otherwise he would run away Quick, go up and beat me up!"

"It's so annoying!"

"Especially that Qin Huairu, a girl who I thought was pretty good in Brother Tao's house before, why is she so bad-hearted."

Zhou Peng chattered endlessly, Yang Xiaotao heard what was going on and asked what was going on.

Then Aunt Zhou told the news that she heard when she visited the house.

Why is Yang Xiaotao narrow-minded, he doesn't like other people marrying wives, and he speaks rudely at the wedding, which is a good thing for bad people.

Also, what is said is that the heart is vicious, if other girls don't want to get married, they want to hurt other girls Qingbai.

In short, the rumors have already spread in the streets and alleys. In this street, Yang Xiaotao's reputation can be said to be stinky.


"I've used all the tricks I've used, so I guess there's nothing left to do!"

Yang Xiaotao didn't care, he knew the beasts in the courtyard very well, and this method was not beyond his expectation.

Seeing Aunt Zhou's worried expression, Yang Xiaotao quickly explained.

"Auntie, don't worry, it's like this."

Then Yang Xiaotao told what happened in the courtyard.

Hearing that Yang Xiaotao was staying in the hospital these days, Aunt Zhou and the others raised their voices an octave.

Zhou Kui was even about to stand up, clenched his fists to vent his anger on Yang Xiaotao.

With great difficulty, Yang Xiaotao calmed them down, "Auntie, don't worry."

"I know what kind of people these people are. If something happens, I'm not welcome."

"Right now, it's fine if they don't mess with me, but if they mess with me, no one can live a stable life!"

After hearing what Aunt Zhou said, the way she looked at Yang Xiaotao also changed.

The former Yang Xiaotao didn't know how to say this, it seems that after this period of silence, he has grown up.

After talking for a while, Yang Xiaotao got up and took out 20 yuan from his pocket, and put it in Aunt Zhou's hand.

"Auntie, this is the last time I borrowed money from your family."

"Don't say anything, if you have a loan, you have to pay it back, it's not difficult to borrow again."

"An extra one and five dollars will be treated as an advance meal payment. If you come to your house for a meal in the future, you can't shut me out!"

Aunt Zhou took the money, "You child, you child!"

"Come on, auntie, please rest, I'm leaving!"

"Da Kui, don't go to Xihai all day, what if you fall in?"

"Seek to make a living by yourself, and if you can't do it, you can work as a temporary worker, and you can always earn some money!"


"Brother Tao, go slowly!"

The Zhou brothers sent Yang Xiaotao out of the gate, and then returned to the house.

"Mother, we don't care about this matter? Let those people frame Brother Tao?"

Zhou Peng asked.

"Yes, yes, mother, I'll go, beat them, beat them to death!"

Zhou Kui raised his fists. In his impression, Brother Tao is definitely not this kind of person.

"Don't meddle with you two, I didn't hear Xiaotao say, he handles it himself!"

Aunt Zhou spoke calmly, and finally said to Zhou Kui, "You are fine, I will take care of you on the way when you commute from get off work."

"I know, I know, mother!"

Yang Xiaotao left Zhou's house, calling for Xiaowei in his heart.

Along the way, Yang Xiaotao also had a thorough understanding of Xiaowei's abilities. Although Xiaowei couldn't speak, she could understand what Yang Xiaotao said.

Moreover, they don't need to speak out, just like telepathy, as long as Yang Xiaotao calls Xiaowei's name, Xiaowei can hear it.

As for the distance, Yang Xiaotao is still unclear, but it should not be too far.

Sure enough, upon hearing Yang Xiaotao's call, a branch at the top of the persimmon tree in the yard was suddenly bent, and a small piece of wood protruded from the end.

Then the wood fell off and the branches whizzed back.

Before the wood fell to the ground, it flew up in the air, saw it clearly, and then landed on Yang Xiaotao's right shoulder with a swoosh.

Before entering Zhou's house, Xiao Wei flew to the persimmon tree in the yard and used the persimmon tree to absorb light energy.

This will look at the little guy, the green light on his body has been restrained, but it feels more rounded to the touch.

"Let's go, let's go home."

"Just to see what kind of tricks these beasts are doing."

(End of this chapter)

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