Chapter 1192

Last night, Yang Xiaotao went to Ran's house to see his daughter. When he came back, he heard from people in the courtyard that Xu Damao in the backyard had been deceived.

I don’t know the specific situation. I only heard that money was spent but the disease was not cured.

As for the disease, everyone knew about it, and it was widely publicized in the courtyard and even in the alleys, which made Xu Damao very embarrassed.

In the morning, I continued walking to the machine factory. I was also nagging, saying that the house next door was very noisy, and there were quarrels in the middle of the night, which really didn't allow anyone to rest.

Yan Fugui in the courtyard is currently busy rectifying the family tradition and doesn't pay much attention to matters in the courtyard, so the people in the courtyard are basically in a state of self-control.

Yang Xiaotao didn't worry about this. As long as it didn't involve him, he could do whatever he wanted in the courtyard.

He now wishes he could break one into several and use it.

On the other hand, there is the engine work at hand. Although the drawings are given to the R&D department, it is not easy to implement various technologies. He still needs to be on the side to check them. He is indispensable in the workshop.

It's May soon, and most of the orders for the northwest side have been completed. If we want to complete the tasks on time, the workshop work cannot stop.

Moreover, there is news from the First Machinery Department that orders are still increasing.

Comrades from the Ministry of Commerce consider that the opportunity is rare and do not consider the issue of production capacity at all. As long as there is demand and a deposit, they will agree to the order.

In their view, this opportunity is too rare.

A lot of foreign exchange is right in front of them, waiting for them to get it.

This situation has never happened before.

Now that it has appeared, how can we ‘resist the temptation’?
Regardless of whether it is in stock or not, please come down first.

As a result, the orders for both types of cars were the same every day.

In addition to vehicles, Yang Xiaotao also takes care of the production of electric rice cookers. Now the output is increasing, especially in Xiangjiang. With the slogan "Mom no longer has to worry that I can't cook", families can have electric rice cookers. It has become a must-have tableware for every household.

After opening up the southeastern market through Xiangjiang channels, the demand is also increasing day by day.

With the reputation opening up, quality needs to be controlled even more. Yang Xiaotao doesn't want to ruin this brand.

In his future plan, the rice cooker will be updated based on market response and the research and development status of various countries, so as to always maintain advanced technology and maintain strong competitiveness.

It’s something to earn foreign exchange, and it’s the same need.

As a result, the machinery factory received three or four calls a day, each time asking how many products were available and when they would be shipped.
As a result, a separate platform was opened at the station specifically to transport products from the machinery factory.

The machinery factory fleet responsible for transportation has repeatedly requested more vehicles and more manpower.
At present, the machinery factory is operating at full capacity. Even the second workshop that produces machine tools has also pushed domestic orders and made every effort to ensure the machine tool needs of the other three workshops of the machinery factory.

Some of the workshop workers have been working for three days and nights in a row. When they feel sleepy, they have someone take over for a while, and they find a corner to sit down and sleep for a while. This is especially true for the four workshop directors. Wang Fa has not gone home to sleep for more than a month. I was laying the floor in the office in the middle of the night.

Even so, the increase in production capacity has reached a bottleneck.

Moreover, this method is not a long-term solution. After all, the human spirit can be supported by faith, but the body cannot keep up.

In response to this problem, Liu Huaimin had already pointed out at the meeting of the First Machinery Department that orders cannot be accepted without limit, and workers also need to rest. Machines will break down after a long time, let alone people?

These are the treasures of the machinery factory. If one of them is exhausted, they are all losses to the revolutionary construction.

This is why Liu Huaimin is worried that Yang Xiaotao, the 'accident maker', will cause further trouble.

But he didn't want to, he was afraid that something might happen, and an accident would happen after all. ’

Thinking that soon after the eight-cylinder engine is produced, it will inevitably be a busy time.

At that time, how could there be room in the workshop?

It's not like they haven't thought about solutions, such as increasing manpower, recruiting workers, transferring technical comrades, etc.

Every time I bring it up, there are always various reasons for rejection.

Which resource allocation and supply are insufficient, and which manpower deployment is insufficient.
Even the First Machinery Department has not given any confirmation until now.

In Yang Xiaotao's view, he just wanted the horse to run, but he didn't care whether the horse's grass was good or not.

If the horse in the machine shop keeps running like this, it will eventually collapse from exhaustion.

Killing the goose to get the eggs, that's all.

Yesterday, I got a call saying that Ms. Li from last time was coming to the machinery factory to visit and express her condolences.

The specific situation was not mentioned, but I guess it was to solve the problem.

So Yang Xiaotao deliberately left early today to go to the machinery factory to prepare.

Qin Huairu's face was pale, as if she was sick, and she looked very weak.

Jia Zhang glanced at it and didn't see anything wrong. She stepped forward and asked, saying she just had a stomachache.

Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't pay attention, but she didn't prepare to cook. Instead, she waited aside.

Sure enough, not long after, the door was pushed open, and Silly Zhu walked in carrying a small porcelain basin.

"Daughter-in-law, are you okay?"

Shazhu was very concerned when he saw Qin Huairu looking weak.

Jia Zhang, who was on the side, glared when he heard the name of Silly Zhu.

This is the daughter-in-law of their Jia family.

Just seeing the rice porridge in the porcelain basin, I hesitated for a moment before closing my mouth!
When Qin Huairu saw Silly Zhu, her eyes were more relieved than usual!
Silly Zhu, on the other hand, was more concerned about Qin Huairu's body.

When I came back last night, I saw Qin Huairu lying on the bed with a pale face. When asked, she said she had a stomachache.

I went back and told my aunt that she just thought it was a woman's period.

Moreover, if a woman has this thing, it means she can have children.

Silly Zhu was very happy after hearing this, imagining the arrival of that day.

Just thinking of that laboratory test sheet made Silly Zhu feel like there was a hurdle in his heart that he couldn't get past.

He had already confirmed with Qin Jingru that there was nothing wrong with him. If Qin Huairu had no problem too, shouldn't the child have been here long ago?

"Better than yesterday."

A smile appeared on his pale cheeks, and then he sat aside and asked Xiaodang and Huaihua to sit down and eat.

When Si Zhu saw it, he also sat aside and took out two eggs from his pocket. Jia Zhang's eyes immediately lit up after looking at them.

If Silly Zhu hadn't held it in his hand, he would have taken it long ago.

Silly Zhu knew what kind of person Jia Zhang was, so he had been on guard for a long time. He peeled off the skin with one hand, then broke it in half and gave it to Xiaodang and Huaihua.

"Thank you silly dad!"

"Hey, so cute!"

Jia Zhang's triangular eyes turned like windmills on the side, and she looked at Silly Zhu eagerly!

But Si Zhu peeled the other one and put it directly into Qin Huairu's bowl without looking at Jia Zhang at all. Jia Zhang was so angry that she trembled. "Eat, eat, eat! You forget about your mother when you eat it, you are ungrateful."


Seeing that Shazhu ignored her at all, and thinking that the two of them had already received the certificate, she was like an outsider. Jia Zhang stopped talking, snorted coldly, smashed the bowl on the table, and got up.

But looking at the porridge in the bowl, he couldn't bear to part with it. He picked up the bowl and drank it all in two gulps, staring at the two of them.

Qin Huairu didn't stop him. He went to the hospital yesterday to take out the thing. Fortunately, it didn't take long and it didn't grow with the flesh. It was easy to take it off, but there was some blood.

I need to eat something to replenish myself right now.

Silly Zhu was also having fun on the sidelines. This Jia Zhang family belongs to the rat family, and the nest is full of chaos.

Now he is not afraid, can his wife be bullied by you?

"Daughter-in-law, don't go to the street to do anything like this today. I'll go tell Director Wang! I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up!"

Qin Huairu didn't think anything after hearing the first half of the sentence, but after hearing the rest of the sentence, her heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, Shazhu realized something was wrong.

Fortunately, I was prepared, and I felt a little lucky.

But, is such a stupid person really worth entrusting to him?
"Forget it, it's not a good thing to go to the street to do something. I'm going to work to be punished. How can I bargain?"

"I'd better go there, otherwise people will gossip and it will have a bad impact."

Seeing that Shazhu's face was not good-looking, Qin Huairu sneered in her heart, and then said, "When you have the weekend off tomorrow, you can accompany me there again!"

When Shazhu, who had just had sex, heard this, he immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qin Huairu agreed to the inspection, which was beyond his expectation.

Then I thought about it and realized that there was nothing wrong with me.

I have a villainous heart!

Silly Zhu's mind was spinning quickly and he quickly changed the subject, "After all, you still have to work. This street office doesn't belong to the people anymore. They say they serve the people, but are they treating us people so harshly?"

Silly Zhu snorted coldly, looking very unhappy.

It's quite the attitude of my own daughter-in-law who feels pain for herself!

Qin Huairu naturally saw through Shazhu's thoughts, "If people listen to what you say, you will be given another year."

"When the time comes, don't get me involved."

"No, how can it be possible? Hehe, hehe"

Silly Zhu smiled after hearing this, but looked outside the yard, for fear of being overheard.

Now, Qin Huairu's life is over in one and a half years.

And because of his last meritorious performance, it was almost less than two years ago.

It would be great if we could do it again.

Thinking of the family living together after the labor reform, he would make money to support the family, and he would have a wife to take care of him after he came back, live comfortably, have two or three children, and make the white-eyed wolves in the courtyard angry to death...

Thinking of this, Shazhu looked at Qin Huairu with burning eyes.

After dinner, Mrs. Jia Zhang went out without waiting for the two of them to hold hands.

Her labor period is less than a month. As long as she holds on, she can go back to the courtyard to bask in the sun. When the time comes, she will protect this family and must not let the two of them dump her.

However, during this period of time, Jia Zhang found that the frequency of her head pain had decreased, but the pain was more severe than before.

Fortunately, I had the money given by Silly Zhu, so I could buy painkillers.

After eating, the two sent the child to the aunt's house and asked helpers to take care of it, and then walked out through the hanging flower door.

"Well, I'll pick you up after get off work and let's go to the hospital!"

Sha Zhu tested with a smile, Qin Huairu held her stomach and nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable with Sha Zhu's suspicion, but fortunately, she was prepared, so she didn't have to worry about showing her flaws.

But, I can’t go to the Sixth Hospital.

"Zhuzi, I think you'd better not come back. When the time comes, go directly to the Third Hospital and wait. It's right in the middle. We can save time by going there."

"If we go too late, the doctor will have to get off work."

Silly Zhu Xun was right. The third hospital and the sixth hospital were all big hospitals, so any one of them would be fine.

"Okay, whoever goes first will wait at the door."

The two agreed and left immediately.

But Qin Huairu walked to the street office, and after Shazhu walked a certain distance, he returned to the entrance of the alley and stood by the wall.

He stared at the courtyard door.

In the backyard, Xu Damao glanced at Qin Jingru who was lying on the bed, touched his blue eyes, and snorted in his heart.

After thinking that everyone at work was gone, Xu Damao tidied up and dressed neatly, "I'm leaving!"

"Remember to feed the chickens! Watch carefully, don't let anyone steal it!"

Xu Damao shouted a few words to the person on the bed, but when there was still no movement, he went out and drove out in the car.

On the bed, Qin Jingru's right eye was also blue. She didn't respond to Xu Damao's words and didn't even want to move!

When Xu Damao left, there was no movement in the courtyard. He immediately jumped out of bed, ran to the cupboard and reached inside to explore.

After a while, she took out a wooden box from inside. When she opened it, she found a pile of change and industrial coupons. These were all she had saved in her daily life to cope with this situation.

"Huh! Without you, I can still support myself!"

After saying something, pain came from his eyes again.

"Bah, the silver wax-tipped gun looks good but is useless. It can't even hit a woman. No wonder it works!"

Qin Jingru put the box back, thought for a while, and took out two dollars from it, planning to buy some meat and eat some for lunch.

After a while, I touched the hen to see if it could lay an egg, and then boiled it and applied it.

On the other side, Xu Damao lowered his head to avoid being seen by people in the courtyard, and walked out quickly.

Today I need to find someone to make two movies. People have seen enough of the old movies. Only new movies can make people keep looking for him and make money.

Now that I have money, I think of the little widows in the countryside.
Xu Damao looked back at the courtyard and snorted again.

He drove the car out of the gate, then got on the car and walked out of the alley.

Just as he was about to turn the corner after leaving the alley, a figure suddenly jumped out.

(End of this chapter)

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