Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1179 Civilian Exchange

Chapter 1179 Civilian Exchange
"Third brother, everything has been arranged."

At dawn, Brother Li ran back from the back of the Jiren Hall covered in sweat. Outside, a group of people were panting from the same exhaustion.

Li San took out a box of cigarettes, took out the remaining one and handed it to Brother Li, his eyes also filled with bloodshot eyes.

"After this time, we can rest."

Li San's voice was a little relaxed, and Brother Li lit his cigarette and paused.

"Third brother, why? Isn't this business going well?"

Gu Qingqing on the side took a kettle and poured water for the two of them.

Li San took a sip, with an inexplicable excitement in his eyes.

In the eyes of Wei Ge and others, those rice cookers earned more money than they could earn in several lifetimes, but he knew that compared with medicines, these were just side dishes.

Tonight, what was apparently delivered was a rice cooker, but on another line, Gu Bo directly delivered the warehouse to the local government. The design inside was an eight-digit pound. Let’s convert it into RMB.
Li San took a sip of water and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Although the money does not pass through their hands and goes directly into the country, they have a share of credit for it.

What Li San values ​​​​is the honor that belongs to the people.

Earning money from foreigners to support the people at home was something he had never thought about before.

But now, the rice cooker on the surface is good enough, but who would have thought that plum blossom heat-clearing and detoxifying liquid would be even better.

Li San asked Uncle Gu how the liquid was and what it was.

Gu Bo, a master who has been working in the field of medicine for most of his life, has only analyzed about ten kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, but he doesn't know the specific ones.

However, after this incident, the reputation of Ji Ren Tang was not allowed to spread again in Xiangjiang, and it reminded many people of the glory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Even the Hong Kong government has different voices.

Many people want Xiangjiang to recognize the medical qualifications of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although it is only part of the sound.

'Maybe it would be good to do medicine in the future. '

Thinking of the profits of medicine, an idea flashed in Li San's mind.

"Third brother, what do you mean? We won't do it?"

Brother Li was a little surprised. One of the purposes of their coming here is to use the platform of Xiangjiang to complete transactions that are inconvenient in China.

Now is the hot time, how can we not do it?

Li San smiled and said, "It's not that I won't do it."

"The main pharmaceuticals will no longer be supplied in such large quantities."


Li San looked to the north, "Someone can't sit still and wants to pick up the goods directly!"

Brother Li thought of something and immediately laughed, "These guys can't sit still anymore!"

"You've already done this, why do you have to pretend?"

After getting the answer from Li San's face, Brother Li said disdainfully.

"But this is good, as it saves those guys from making money. They are more ruthless than us."

"Don't worry, we still have to give them their share. After all, we need to maintain this relationship, and they may need to come forward in the future."

Li San took two puffs of cigarette, and then whispered to Brother Li, "The superiors have new arrangements for our tasks. Our future tasks are to maintain the status quo."

"At the same time, we must firmly control the management here."

"There can be no more chaos here."

"Business is good, wait and return."

Brother Li nodded sharply. They always had a mission in their hearts, liberation.


Sijiucheng, West Garden.

The old man raised his head and hung the flower door, and a burst of fragrance suddenly hit him.

The red begonia has bloomed, as white as snow, and the fragrance quietly emanates from the stamens, coloring the surrounding area.

"Haha, this fragrance has taken over the position quietly."

The old man was in a good mood and joked with Secretary Tang beside him.

Secretary Tang on the side stepped forward to pick off one, and the old man did not stop him.

"I'll give it to my eldest sister. She presses one every year."

Secretary Tang said and ran towards the room.

The old man smiled, thinking of his wife, his face became more tender.

Thinking about the good news I received this morning, I felt even better.

"Xiaolong, I'm treating you to a treat this noon. Go and call the people from the Commercial Department. By the way, let's see who is free. Let's come together."

Tong Xiaolong smiled, "Hey, are they still the same people?"

"Yes, brothers, let's get together."

Tong Xiaolong ran away immediately.

The old man then walked into the house and saw Secretary Tang and his wife looking for books there.

"What are you looking for? I'm here to help."

The old woman smiled and said, "Xiao Tang, do you remember where you put the book from last year?"

Secretary Tang frowned, "Woman, that Marx book is right here. Why, who moved it?"


At this time, I heard the old man laughing, then walked aside and took out a book from the drawer, which was exactly what the two of them were looking for.

"You guys, just press the flowers inside like this. The color will be lost and the paper will be stained. This is not okay."

He walked up to the old woman and said, "The specimen needs to be dried in the shade, otherwise the book will be damaged."

The old woman took the book and opened it. Sure enough, the previous paper had some printing and dyeing. Fortunately, she found it in time. Now that it has been moved to another place, it has dried in the shade.

"You like this begonia, so I thought about picking the begonia in front of my head and one every year. When we retire, we can sit under this begonia, pick up a book, and read it while studying Marx. .”

The old woman stroked the book, and a flash of love flashed in the old man's eyes. He has been a staunch materialist all his life, and only the person in front of him, he hopes to have an afterlife.

Peacefully, accompany her through the life of an ordinary person.

Secretary Tang was just about to leave when the old man thought of something, "I'll treat you to dinner in a while, so get ready."

Secretary Tang nodded, but the old woman on the side closed the book, "Are you treating me? Do you still have money?"

The old man's face turned red. He turned in his monthly allowance, and he didn't know how much money he had.

Every time he encountered something happy, he wanted to find someone to share it with, but he always paid for the treat out of his own pocket. He didn't know how much it cost.

"Every time you treat me, I don't know how much money my family has."

Secretary Tang covered his mouth and smiled. He had long been accustomed to the two people's behavior.

"How much money do I have now?"

The old woman put the book aside and began to count with her fingers, "At the beginning of the month, which is the end of the first year, you invited the boss and his family. Of course, the boss brought vegetables grown by himself, but it also cost a lot. "

"Then please."

"If you look at it, it's only been half a month. I've asked for it five times in total. This is the sixth time."

The old man didn't know it, but after calculating it, he really had a lot to treat.

When his wife spoke to him, his face felt a little uncomfortable, but when he saw his look on his face, he knew that he was not angry and was just nagging him.

"Okay, okay, this time, I won't invite you."

"It's your invitation, okay?"

Sure enough, the old woman laughed and said, "That's pretty much it."

"From now on, whoever invites you will be invited, but you can't let you take all the good things."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, we must have clear responsibilities."

Secretary Tang went out with a smile.

At noon.Three or five people were sitting at the table. The old man took out the wine from the kitchen and poured it for them himself.

Li Rong, who came as a guest, looked at the light food on the table. He didn't feel neglected, but rather flattered.

She knew the usual meals for the elderly, and she also knew that these dishes were cooked by the elderly wives themselves.

Then look at who is sitting around.

This meal means more than what you eat.

"Before you eat, let me declare that this meal is not invited by me, but by my wife."

The gray-haired old man on the side smiled, and then glanced at the people around him, "I must have spent all my money. I don't have money to treat me to dinner, so I can only take my wife's money."

"Yes, that's right, that's for sure."

"Hey, why don't you tell me when you see it?"

Several people laughed, and the old woman came out of the kitchen with a basin of egg drop soup and placed it on the table. "He can't manage his own finances well, and you still dare to use it. Let him retire as soon as possible."

"That's not okay. If you don't manage this small family well, it's because you care about everyone."

"That's right. If you have a good wife at home, you don't have to worry."

Just now, several people were still attacking the old man, but now they are standing together.

"I think you just want him to treat you."


Everyone laughed and then sat down to eat.

The old man looked at Li Rong again, "Comrades, please don't be restrained. It's just commonplace, so don't be restrained."

Li Rong smiled, "Chief."

"Hey, I didn't bring any gifts here."

"If you bring a gift, I won't dare accept it. Besides, what you make is the best gift."

Then the old man briefly explained the reason for this meal to several people.

The Japanese country in the east can no longer survive. The country is in urgent need of medicines, but the prices of the medicines obtained from Xiangjiang are frighteningly high. They can still cope with buying some for important personnel. Those with money in the country don't think so, but most of them Everyone is born into poverty.

Under the current international public opinion, the Japanese government can no longer ignore the domestic influenza. If it does not take measures to treat the disease and save people, its originally disgraceful reputation in the world will be completely ruined.

Therefore, Japan is currently actively seeking opportunities for dialogue with China and wants to directly obtain the power to purchase medicines.

However, due to some reasons, the government cannot come forward. It can only hope to have a non-governmental exchange in the form of spontaneous non-governmental organizations and take the opportunity to achieve non-governmental cooperation.

"This time, Japan has expressed its willingness for people-to-people exchanges through informal channels."

The old man said and looked aside, "After our discussion, we decided to let people from the Ministry of Commerce take charge."

"The government is no longer involved."

Li Rong nodded calmly, "There are traces of this matter. When we were in the northwest, this was the way."

"We will pay close attention to the other party's document invitation later, and once the other party sends a request, we will respond as soon as possible."

Everyone at the table nodded, this method is indeed the best way.

Can save a lot of trouble.

"Not only that, there is also news from Tianzhu in the south, and they want to buy a batch."

"This time the alliance is coming forward. We have to give them some face."

The people at the table were smiling. They deserved to be given face, but business had to be done.

This is the consistent style of the alliance, and they cannot break the rules.

"It's just that as a result, our production comrades will have to work harder. You also need to do a good job in ideological work."

Li Rong nodded, "Don't worry, chief, our comrades are all good comrades. When I went to the machinery factory a few days ago, when they heard the good news, they couldn't wait to take a day off and work on the line all the time."

"There are also comrades from the machinery factory. They are also working hard to produce rice cookers. Now all the products they have produced have been shipped out."

The people at the table smiled as they listened. These are all foreign exchange.

The old man explained to the old brothers beside him, and the numbers he said made everyone exclaim.

One of them even counted, "With this much money, I can buy a lot of airplanes."

"However, there is still a gap. If we want to shorten it, we still need comrades to work hard."

"Yes, you can't relax, you have to catch up and surpass them in one go."

Everyone laughed and their eating movements sped up a lot.

"We have made a good start this year. First, we have the medicines developed by our comrades, then tricycles and tractors, and then this rice cooker. All these products are much better than last year when we only had a pressure cooker."

"The money earned has been exchanged for machine tools and even some high-precision technologies, which has a great impact on domestic economic construction."

People around the table kept nodding, and the old woman joked while serving soup, "If you keep talking like this, I'll probably treat you to dinner again."

Everyone was confused, so the old woman explained, "It wasn't even the first month of the year, and when I received the good news, I said I wanted to invite comrades from the machinery factory to dinner. This hasn't been arranged yet, and the funds are gone."


The old man looked at the smiling people around him and shook his head helplessly, "I still earn less. It seems I have to find a part-time job to study and write two books to earn some royalties."

The old man on the side smiled and said, "That won't work. You can't compete with me for a job."


Everyone laughed even more now, and Li Rong, who was here for the first time, felt relieved and quickly integrated into the atmosphere.

"But, I think you can change your mind. If you can't invite me, you can go and eat."

"I heard that the food at the machinery factory is pretty good."

"This one deserves it!"

Everyone talked and laughed, and then talked about the situation at home and abroad.

Simple meals also taste different.

After the food was put away, the tea was replaced, and several people drank from the cups again.

Under the deliberate guidance of thoughtful people, a group of people came to the government building, wearing masks, holding banners and shouting loudly.

"We need unity, we need peace"

"Friendly diplomatic relations are separated by a strip of water."


Each piece of white cloth had bright red characters written on it, and a group of people held it high and shouted slogans.

There are more young people around who are constantly joining the crowd, making the number of people bigger and bigger!
Not far from where this group of people gathered, in a small Chinese-style building, a group of men and women sat together with serious expressions.

"Hashimoto-kun, can this move the government forward?"

One person looked at the shouting crowd with an embarrassed expression.

"Don't worry, Miss Shuiyuan, we are just putting pressure on the government to stop interfering in our non-governmental exchanges."

The young man who spoke was shining with wisdom, but beneath this light, there was hidden ambition.

Why should this country be run by a bunch of rotten people?

They, the youth of this country, are the future masters.

He also wanted to enter there, become the commander of the empire, and guide this dilapidated battleship to once again cut the wind and waves.

The first step to enter is to increase your influence.

If this incident can be completed and hundreds of thousands of Japanese people are rescued, this influence will be beneficial to my future.

"And we, on behalf of the outstanding young people of the Dahe nation, will fulfill the mission entrusted to us by history!"

"I hope so."

Miss Shuiyuan looked at it worriedly. You know, in this country, there is never a shortage of violence.

While several people were talking, a charming girl looked at everything in front of her quietly, and finally her eyes were fixed on the passionate young man.

The corners of his mouth curved, making the fans around him confused.

"The future belongs to young people, but it does not belong to you."

(End of this chapter)

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