Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1174 I Will Go

On the other side, the jeep drove to Yangjiazhuang, and Yang Xiaotao got out of the car and walked home.

Spring has begun, and people in the village are busy organizing and repairing their farmland. They are all busy in the fields.

After Yang Xiaotao returned to Yangjiazhuang, he did not go directly to find Teacher Hong.

I haven't seen my wife and children for many days, so I took this opportunity to go home and have a look.

My grandfather helps in the school, so my mother-in-law from the village takes care of little Dragon Boat Festival. The little guy is not afraid of strangers and plays happily with the children in the village.

If you are not too short, you can climb up the mountain and into the water. You can also do it by climbing on the wall.

Even so, whoever's doorstop in the village delivered it, it must be these guys who did it!

As for making money, he took the black girl on a "tour" and took care of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Yang Xiaotao also thought about giving this boy some enlightenment.

Although I have never experienced it in my previous life, there are many people raising children around me, and I know that any child in this class or that team will be "versatile".

But looking at the little guy now, it’s quite good.

A carefree childhood is the most precious thing.

Of course, the main reason why Yang Xiaotao thinks this way is because he doesn't have time.

As for Ran Qiuye, he is equally busy and devotes all his time to students. Maybe when the little guy becomes a student, he can rely on it.

Taking the little guy home, Yang Xiaotao played with him for a while, scrambled eggs to satisfy him, and played in the yard.

Yang Xiaotao is preparing meals.

At noon, he came to school with two lunch boxes. Xiao Duanwu ran to his grandfather to play. Ran Qiuye generously contributed his lunch boxes to share with the teachers, and Yang Xiaotao came to Teacher Hong.

He took out his cigarettes and lit them.

Teacher Hong smiled, took a sip and asked, "I heard from Teacher Ran that your machine factory was praised again?"

"A lot of good things have happened recently!"

Yang Xiaotao nodded.

"Isn't this kind of praise a common thing? I'm used to it, I'm used to it, haha!"

Teacher Hong also laughed when he saw this.

"However, this time is really good. Some time ago, there was a lot of buzz about the plum blossom soap. By the way, I brought two pieces back this time and will send them to you later."

"Others, the tricycles and tractors we built..."

Yang Xiaotao entered self-bragging mode and told Teacher Hong his recent achievements from beginning to end.

Teacher Hong next to me listened and smoked significantly faster by three minutes.

There was also a happy look on his face.

When Yang Xiaotao saw it, he knew that the preparation was almost done, so he approached and whispered, "Teacher Hong, I need your help with something."

Teacher Hong smiled and said, "You can tell me whatever you want."

"So you agreed?"

"You haven't told me about this yet!" Yang Xiaotao smiled, "Have you heard about what happened in the northwest of the Second Branch Factory?"

"Well, you mentioned it!"

Yang Xiaotao looked solemn, "There is a lack of a factory director, and I want you to take charge of the work!"

Teacher Hong lowered his head and did not react for a moment.

"Teacher Hong, I know you are an upright and capable person, so we are short of a factory director and would like you to come over and help."

The cigarette butt in Teacher Hong's hand fell to the ground, and after a moment of panic, he immediately picked it up from the ground, wiped it with his hand, blew hard, put his fingers in his mouth with trembling fingers, and started sucking hard.

After years of struggling with the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression, Teacher Hong couldn't help but feel a little helpless after hearing Yang Xiaotao's words.

"Teacher Hong, to be honest with you, I have spoken to Chief Wang from the north. He was very happy when he heard the news. He has already communicated it with his superiors, and the superiors have agreed!"

"If you agree, you can go at any time."

"Of course, if you don't agree, that's okay!"

Before Yang Xiaotao could finish speaking, Teacher Hong waved his hand, regained his composure on his face, threw the almost burned cigarette butt to the ground, glanced at the children playing in the distance, and then looked at Yang Xiaotao, "I'm going!"

Yang Xiaotao had long known that this would be the case, because the person in front of him was definitely not someone who cared about personal gains and losses!

"That's great."

"Let me tell you what's going on over there..."

Later, the two of them talked about the Northwest in the corner of the playground.

clang clang ~
The sound of class suddenly came and the two stopped.

At this time, Teacher Hong kept smiling.

Yang Xiaotao could see that this smile was completely different from usual. It was a smile that found a goal, had motivation to fight, and was able to realize its own value.

"I'm going to my last class."

Teacher Hong looked at the rows of classrooms, and the faint sound of children reading could be heard, and said solemnly.

Yang Xiaotao nodded, "I'm going to tell Master that now that you're gone, the school will lose a lot of help!"

The two laughed and went their separate ways.

After Yang Xiaotao went to find the master and explained the situation, Mr. Yang was [-] percent willing and [-] supportive.

In his opinion, people as capable as Teacher Hong who can do great things should always go to places where the country needs them more.

As for the school, although it is also important, due to the excellent conditions of Yangjiazhuang, more and more graduates are now coming to teach, and there is no such shortage of teachers.

But after Ran Qiuye learned about it, although she was happy, she was also worried about Teacher Zhang.

After all, she is ten months pregnant and is about to give birth, and it always feels wrong not having her husband by her side.

Yang Xiaotao also slapped his forehead, unexpectedly forgetting this incident, and felt a little regretful.

But the words have been spoken and it is too late to take them back.

I can only look at Teacher Hong’s.

In the evening, Yang Xiaotao cooked a sumptuous meal, but he showed all his skills.

Even so, when Teacher Hong and his wife arrived, they were shocked when they saw the food on the table.

You can't even eat this table at a restaurant, you can't afford it!
Ran Qiuye asked Teacher Zhang to sit down, while Mr. Yang Xiaotao sat next to Teacher Hong.

"I made an agreement with Xiao Zhang!"

As soon as he sat down, Teacher Hong spoke with an indifferent look on his face, "This time I will go to the northwest first. Xiao Zhang will not bother with it. Give birth to the child here first, and then come to me when he is older!"

Yang Xiaotao looked at Teacher Zhang, and Ran Qiuye on the side also held his arm.

"Miss Zhang!"

Ran Qiuye showed concern, but Teacher Zhang smiled freely and said, "It's okay! I've gotten used to it over the years. When I gave birth to my eldest son, he was still fighting the Japanese on the front line."

"So did the second child, who was also on the front line at that time..."

Teacher Zhang spoke freely, but Yang Xiaotao could feel Teacher Hong's trembling.

Even a kind of self-blame and a kind of helplessness.

"Our Lao Hong!" Teacher Zhang glanced at Teacher Hong and then at Yang Xiaotao, "Whatever happens, he hides it in his heart and endures it silently!"

"He doesn't fight or grab, he just wants to do what he likes!"

"Xiao Tao, sister, thank you, thank you for believing in him."

"Old Hong, he has suffered so much these years!"

Ran Qiuye quickly held Teacher Zhang's hand, and Teacher Hong's eyes turned red.

Yang Xiaotao felt equally uncomfortable listening.

"Teacher Hong, Teacher Zhang!"

The master spoke from the side.

"I'm asking you to tell me something. If you like it, just listen!"

Teacher Hong nodded, "Old Master, tell me!"

"In the past few days, we have been in contact. My old man can see clearly and understand who you are!"

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but for now, on behalf of Yangjiazhuang, I recognize your relationship! From now on, you will be from Yangjiazhuang!"

"As long as you want to come back, the door of Yangjiazhuang will always be open for you."

Teacher Hong nodded and held back tears, and Teacher Zhang held Ran Qiuye's hand.

"Come, let's do this in order to better build our country and revolution in the future!"

Yang Xiaotao picked up the wine glass, picked up the champagne on the side from the teacher and Ran Qiuye, and Duanwu beside him was also holding a glass.

People clink glasses.

"Thank you, thank you, Master, thank you, Xiao Tao, thank you, Teacher Ran!"

"When I get old, I will come back and come back again to teach the children!"

"Okay! Do it!"

A few people drank and ended up laughing.

The next day, Yang Xiaotao took Teacher Hong to say goodbye to everyone.

Everyone in the village learned that Teacher Hong had a new mission, and all the children in the school ran to the entrance of the village.

For a time, the scene of hundreds of people seeing each other off made Teacher Hong no longer able to remain reserved.

"Teacher Hong, this is our bacon, take it!"

"Teacher Hong, our flatbread is the most delicious one you said..."

"My egg pancake, Teacher Hong..."

"Teacher Hong, you will come back in the future! I will definitely study hard and know a lot of words..."

"Teacher Hong, I will listen to you and become a scientist in the future..."

The voices of adults and children drowned the entire car.

Yang Xiaotao lay on the steering wheel and let his tears fall.

There is a feeling of emotion in my heart, even if it is not for me.


"thank you all…"

"I, I, I will come back!"

"Once the country is built, I will come back!"

Teacher Hong shed tears and waved goodbye.

The car leaves, but the voice behind it is still there, and the concern behind it is still there!

"Teacher Hong, you will come back, right?"

Yang Xiaotao looked forward, and on the passenger seat next to him, Teacher Hong nodded solemnly.

"Except for the place where I was born, this is my home!"

"When we do our own thing well, I will build the best house here, and we will be neighbors from now on!"

"Okay, I'll wait!"


The car came to the machine shop.

Yang Xiaotao took Teacher Hong to meet Liu Huaimin and Chen Gong.

After learning the details of Teacher Hong, several people were shocked, especially Xu Yuanshan, who drove directly from the chemical plant after hearing about it.

Teacher Hong has always heard about the machinery factory from Yang Xiaotao, but has never seen it.

But after seeing it in person today, I feel that Yang Xiaotao is so humble.

The busy scene in the workshop, where products are produced one after another, is a symbol of national construction!

A group of people were walking in the machinery factory and watching.

Teacher Hong is like a student, greedily understanding every aspect of the machinery factory.

Yang Xiaotao told Wang Huzi the news, and Teacher Hong also called Wang Huzi. The two of them cherished each other and had a pleasant communication.

For the next two days, Teacher Hong lived in the machinery factory and stayed in the workshop all day long to learn about the situation.

For this reason, I not only walked around the machinery factory, but also went to the steel plant to see the transformation work of the converter, and watched the [-]-ton converter tap out steel. The scene was shocking.

Of course, as an important aspect, safety is also kept in mind by Teacher Hong.

Especially in the production of liquid oxygen and the transformation of converters, more attention must be paid to safety.

In addition, after learning that the alloy research and development of Zhang Laodao and his colleagues was progressing rapidly, he asked Yang Xiaotao to take him to see it.

After leaving the steel factory, I went to the first branch factory and the machine repair shop.

The first branch factory is now mainly responsible for the manufacturing of agricultural machinery, and then the former steel rolling mill is responsible for the tasks.

Both of these are basic industries. Unlike machinery factories that use a large number of machine tools, here, more manufacturing is done by manpower.

But these agricultural machinery are of great use to the Northwest.

Teacher Hong feels that the future construction of the northwest cannot be separated from these basic industries. Only by laying a solid foundation can we catch up and reach the level of a machinery factory step by step.

So I studied very seriously in the two workshops.

Finally, we went to the chemical plant and visited the soap production process, the construction of the distillation tower, and the preparation of the petrochemical industry.

Hearing Xu Yuanshan say that the future development direction will be to integrate with the auto repair station and continue to expand the scale, which made Teacher Hong's eyes light up.

Forty-nine cities are fine, and the northwest is also rich in oil, so that’s fine too.

Walking around and taking a look, Teacher Hong carefully remembered every useful place in the machinery factory, hoping to use it in the northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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