Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1147 Taking over the chemical plant

Chapter 1147 Taking over the chemical plant

in the afternoon.

Yang Xiaotao received a call from the chemical factory. Xu Yuanshan had organized people to start production. The soap made in the morning had been packed and waiting to be shipped.

After Yang Xiaotao learned about it, he went directly to the convoy and selected three trucks, each with two drivers.

At the same time, he explained the situation to Zhao Chuanjun. Zhao Chuanjun learned that Yang Xiaotao was going to the chemical factory to get soap. Without saying anything, he sent three teams to follow him with guns and ammunition.

Yang Xiaotao didn't say anything. At this time, it's better to be cautious.

The personnel were arranged, Yang Xiaotao got on the lead car, and the convoy drove out of the machinery factory.

Along the way, we encountered many checkpoints, and we had to stop at key intersections and only be released after inspection.

The journey that originally only took one hour ended up taking two and a half hours.

Finally, the car arrived at the chemical plant.

At the gate, the people from the R&D department immediately let the car go when they saw it was a machine factory vehicle.

Yang Xiaotao also met Xu Yuanshan again.

The two met and hugged each other tightly.

On the side, Director Li directed people to move out the freshly made soap and start loading it into the truck.

"Xiao Tao, you did a great job."

"Uncle Xu, it's a piece of cake."

"Ha ha!"

The two of them laughed and took advantage of the time of moving and loading the truck to talk about their respective situations.

"It's still early to take precautions here in the chemical plant."

Xu Yuanshan talked about the situation in the chemical plant, "I really didn't expect that this soap can actually cure diseases."

"Stop talking, I was confused when I first heard the news."

"However, this thing is really useful."

Xu Yuanshan smiled, "Last night I asked people to take out the soaps in stock, and the whole factory used them, and also asked people to use them on a rotating basis."

"Don't tell me, someone's body temperature has dropped now. It really works."

Xu Yuanshan said and Yang Xiaotao nodded, "This shows that our soap is useful."

"But not every one of them works."

Xu Yuanshan nodded, "So I asked people to make it according to the original process and formula without changing it at all."

"I believe there should be something useful in here."

While the two of them were talking, the three cars were already loaded.

"Uncle Xu, I'll go first. I'll send it to the No. [-] Branch Factory and the Steel Plant as soon as possible."

"Safe travels."

Everyone separated, and Yang Xiaotao directed the three vehicles to the machine repair shop, the first branch factory and the steel plant respectively.

Among them, the car heading to the machine repair shop passed the lumber factory halfway, and Yang Xiaotao followed him to the first branch.

When passing by the courtyard, Yang Xiaotao stopped the car for a while.

Outside the alley, Yang Xiaotao ran to the door of the compound and was shocked when he saw the people guarding the streets at the door.

After learning that the Jia family in the courtyard was infected by eating sparrows, they immediately cursed rat feces, and then asked someone to send a message to the people in the courtyard, and asked Ran Qiuye to spray soapy water into the courtyard.

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, the people on duty heard vaguely. What about soapy water, what about washing hands and faces, what about disinfection, why is it so weird?

At this time, the research on soap was only known to the Machinery Factory and Shibalipo, and then some people, so they did not know that Meihua brand soap could suppress influenza and lower body temperature.

Still, they wrote it down.

After all, Yang Xiaotao is the leader, and they must listen to what the leader tells them.

Getting in the car again, Yang Xiaotao left.

In the courtyard, Ran Qiuye felt relieved after hearing the words brought by the officers on duty and knowing that Yang Xiaotao was fine.

Just hearing what Yang Xiaotao said about soapy water made me suspicious.

After a long time, Ran Qiuye felt that he still believed Yang Xiaotao's words, so he took out a piece of soap and a piece of Meihua brand soap from the house, and then put it in the basin.
In the evening, all three vehicles that went out returned to the machine shop.

Yang Xiaotao came back from the steel factory. After understanding the situation, he asked people to wash their hands and faces with soap according to the model of the machine factory, and then found out what was useful and made soapy water for spraying.

This time, the chemical factory made enough soap, and the machinery factory also allocated 300 yuan of soap. Yang Xiaotao asked stationmaster Hu to take it all and use it all.

As long as chemical plants are still producing, there will be no shortage of this soap.

The night passed.

In the morning, the familiar knock on the door rang again, and then I saw the big-eyed Station Manager Hu running in. The excitement on his face already indicated that the next step was good news.

"Mr. Yang, the results are out."

As he spoke, he didn't care that Yang Xiaotao was still rubbing his eyes and immediately said the above content.

Yang Xiaotao yawned and was stunned when he heard the news from Station Master Hu.

Maybe I found the 'antidote' yesterday. After a day of spraying and the effect of the broth, there was no new growth after a day and night.

This is definitely good news.

"No new additions?"

"No, not a single one."

Stationmaster Hu's hoarse voice sounded in the office, and then there was another laugh.

There are no new infections.

The news had spread throughout the machinery factory after breakfast.

No new cases means no one is infected anymore.

Moreover, half of the sick people no longer have fever, and the temperature of the remaining half has also dropped.

This means that the flu is cured.

Now, there are more plum soaps available to all workers in the factory.

No matter whether you are washing your hands after eating or going to the toilet, no matter which one is useful and which one is useless, no matter who it is, as long as you wash your hands, use soap.

In fact, wherever there is a faucet, there will be a bar of soap.

Under such circumstances, everyone became more and more confident in defeating the flu.

Suddenly, the voice of the machinery factory to go home to celebrate the Lantern Festival became louder and louder.

The flu in the machine shop was finally under control, and the situation was now easing.

I believe that with the research of experts and professors, it should not be a problem to find out the key and then create a specific medicine.

Thinking of this, the pressure on Yang Xiaotao's shoulders was relieved.

“I can finally get some sleep with peace of mind!”

"When Old Liu and Lao Yang come back, I will take a week's leave!"

"Well, at least three days!"

Thinking of the busy work in the machinery factory and the tasks accumulated due to the flu, Yang Xiaotao felt that Yang Youning would definitely not agree with a week's holiday, so he would take a step back.

"I wonder how Lao Yang and the others are doing! If they had stayed at the machine factory, this wouldn't have happened!"

Yang Xiaotao became worried again. At that time, Yang Youning was in serious condition and there was no queue at the machinery factory, so he was sent directly to the hospital.

As for Liu Huaimin and Chen Gong, they were also sent to the hospital directly from home.

"Go see Uncle Wang later!"

Following the principle of sharing pressure, Yang Xiaotao sincerely hopes that Wang Guodong can recover as soon as possible!

Eighteen miles of slope!

Director Ji looked at the data in the new newspaper and finally had a smile on his face.

Everyone in the command center held their breath, waiting for Director Ji's final results. "Chief!"

Director Ji looked up at the old man.

"Director Ji, just tell me!"


Director Ji looked at the people around him, "We used the soap sent by the machinery factory last night. The body temperature of the ten people under observation dropped by an average of [-] degrees. The body symptoms are becoming stable, which is convenient for subsequent treatment!"

"In addition, the mobile handwashing points we set up in the village and the spraying teams we established have obvious effects."

“Yesterday’s number of new employees dropped below single digits!”

After Director Ji finished speaking, everyone in the tent couldn't help but applaud.

The old man stood up and said, "This is the first good news after the new year!"

Director Ji nodded.

"Chief, now we can report to our superiors!"

The old man nodded, then walked to the side of the tent and picked up the phone himself.

Seeing this, Director Ji left the tent, went to another place, took out the phone and made a call.

In the north of Sijiu City, in a single-family villa, a group of researchers wearing protective suits were busy.

This is the research department directly under the military, and it is also the main department used to study the effectiveness of soap in treating influenza.

Director Ji came from this.

As for why I study here instead of going to a well-known institution with more authoritative representatives, it is not that the people here are the top experts and professors in the country, but it is a last resort.

The teaching materials and captured enemy agents last time made the military uneasy and left such an important matter to a well-known college.

This medicine, on the other hand, is also a weapon of the country.

Especially when the Japanese country also broke out.

Of course, the military must consider many aspects.

"Dean, I am Ji Xiang!"

A dull voice came from the phone.

"Director Ji, how are you doing there?"

"Dean, it has been preliminarily confirmed that a certain ingredient in this soap can effectively inhibit the reproduction of bacteria. Combined with our current drugs, it can effectively treat patients!"

Director Ji explained the current situation, and the other party nodded.

"We received the sample yesterday afternoon and have already analyzed its components. In addition to the process that was sent, we conducted chemical experiments based on it, but the progress was not smooth. There are too many things in it and they are messy."

"Even because of the difference in temperature, the chemical reaction will be different, and this difference is likely to be the ingredient we are looking for."

The dean was talking on the phone, and Director Ji nodded.

This itself is irregular, but fortunately, there will be more soaps with confirmed effects for research in the future.

Results are just a matter of time.

After hanging up the phone, the old man on the other side also put down the phone.

"The superiors have confirmed the news and I believe they will send someone to organize the production of soap soon."

"In the future, there will be more plum blossom soaps for everyone to use."

The old man smiled, but Director Ji's expression changed, "Chief, this matter can only be done by chemical plants."

"Huh? Why?"

Director Ji then told what the dean said again.

“It’s better to leave it as is without knowing what it’s made of.”

"Because if we change the factory, it may not have this effect."

After hearing this, the old man slapped his forehead and immediately picked up the phone.

One machine department.

Huang Lao raised his neck. He had stretched his neck while sleeping last night, and now it hurts whenever he moves.

Glancing at Mr. Xia aside, they were the only two old guys still jumping around in the entire First Machinery Department Center. However, looking at the deep circles under Mr. Xia's eyes, he probably wouldn't be able to last a few more days if he continued like this.

"Lao Xia, don't be so confused. Where is the report?"

Mr. Xia yawned, "Report? It's not out yet. Let's wait until it's finished."

"Besides, here it is, but you won't look at it."

Huang Lao didn't speak, but stretched out his hands to rub his neck.

bell bell

Suddenly the phone on the table rang. After Mr. Huang signaled, Mr. Xia reluctantly stepped forward and picked up the phone.

In their opinion, they must be asking for help from below.

But they don’t have any food left.

"Hey, this is the office of the First Machinery Department"

"Hello, Chief."

Mr. Xia's energy suddenly perked up and he stood up straight.

There was still a coughing sound on the other side of the phone, but the sound was clear.

"Chief, I am Xia Chuanming, please give me your instructions."

On the side, Mr. Huang also stood up. Looking at Mr. Xia's posture, it didn't matter that he was on top.

Otherwise, how could this guy do this?
"Red Star Chemical Plant?"


"Yes, please rest assured and promise to complete the task."

The voice on the phone disappeared quickly, and it was obvious that the other party had not yet recovered.

"Who is it? What's going on?"

Mr. Huang asked eagerly, Mr. Xia looked puzzled, turned around and said, "It's the one from last time."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Let's go all out to ensure the production of the Red Star Chemical Plant. This is the most important thing at the moment."

"The most important thing? And this chemical plant, what's going on?"

Mr. Xia shook his head. After the two were silent for a moment, he suddenly shouted, "Call, Yang Xiaotao."

So, Yang Xiaotao, who was fishing in the office, picked up the phone.

Then, what greeted Yang Xiaotao was the double fight between Mr. Xia and Mr. Huang.

After Yang Xiaotao explained the matter clearly, the two realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You kid, I'm only talking about such an important thing now, I'm waiting to settle the score with you."

Huang Lao left a message, regardless of the pain in his neck, "Now, we have taken over the Red Star Chemical Plant. You tell Xu Yuanshan to go full production."

"The machine is not allowed to stop when the person stops."

"Understood, I'll make a call right away."

Yang Xiaotao hung up immediately, feeling regretful. Why did he forget about this?

"Mistakes, omissions."

"It seems that without Lao Yang around to remind me, these things are really not in place."

Thinking in his mind, he picked up the phone and called Xu Yuanshan.

(End of this chapter)

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