Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1145 Trustworthy

Chapter 1145 Trustworthy
Eighteen miles of slope!

"Director Ji, phone, someone is looking for you."

"The chief wants you to go back quickly."

Ji Xiang put the book away and sat for a while, her body had recovered. When she heard the guard shouting, she immediately got up and walked to the headquarters.

When he came to the headquarters, the old man had a smile on his face, and he had obviously received the good news on the phone.


"Director Ji? I'm Yang Xiaotao. I have news for you."

On the phone, Yang Xiaotao explained the experimental conditions of the machinery factory.

On the other end of the phone, Director Ji's tears fell on the notebook, making it wet.

"Hello, Director Ji?"

"I listen, thank you, thank you to the comrades in the machinery factory, thank you."

"thank you all."

In the machinery factory, Yang Xiaotao was at a loss when he heard a crying voice and didn't know what to say.

"Director Yang, this is still the preliminary observation stage. I need you to continue to observe. If anything happens, you must tell me."

"Also, don't use up the useful soap. Leave a piece of it and I'll have someone pick it up for research."

"and also."

Director Ji felt that she had many things to explain. If possible, she would like to go to the machinery factory in person and give instructions on the spot.

It's a pity that she is trapped here and can't get out.

"Also, bring us the rest of your soap. I want to test it here."

Yang Xiaotao nodded, "That's no problem, just come and get it."

"In addition, I asked the chemical factory to hurry up and produce soap according to the original process."

"Although I don't know what is in this soap that can cure diseases, but if you cast a net for big fish, you only need to catch one."

Director Ji nodded, this is what she wanted to say, "Director Yang, although we don't know what is in the soap, we need to find it out, so you have to prepare a copy of the technology for making soap as a reference."

"Don't worry, this is just for research. The relevant process ingredients will be kept strictly confidential and will not be leaked."

Director Ji added that although there was no such thing as property rights at this time, she was not a novice who didn't know anything. She knew that some technologies were the lifeblood of the factory, and for something like soap, she had to save every piece of it for half a year. Not to mention soap.

Yang Xiaotao didn't think much about it, "Don't worry, I will prepare a document and hand it to you together."

"That's it, thank you."

"You're welcome. If you want to thank me, I'll end this flu as soon as possible."

"I'm almost going crazy because of the suffocation."

On the other end of the phone, Director Ji suddenly smiled, and then when he saw the people around him, he immediately regained his composure.

"Don't worry, if it goes well, it will be over soon."

Seeing this, the old man next to him took a long breath, and then smiled at the subordinates beside him, "Don't tell me, although this kid is a little crazy, he is really useful at critical moments."

The middle-aged people around him rolled their eyes. Now that the old man is easy to talk to, everyone dares to joke, "Chief, I heard that this boy picked the eldest son of Chief Xu's family, and his unique stabbing skills are amazing. !”

"Go and go, which pot can't be opened and lifted."

The old man scratched his head, "By the way, when did Yang Yao have a great grandson?"

"I know!"

"I don't know whose it belongs to yet."

"This guy, when this comes over, I'll go have a drink with him."

The old man said, but he felt an inexplicable sense of trust in Yang Xiaotao.

This kind of trust is not something Yang Xiaotao did, but comes from Mr. Yang and the revolutionary friendship left behind on the battlefield.

People like Mr. Yang and people like the Yang family are worthy of trust.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaotao walked out of the office and came outside the factory.

At this moment, Station Commander Hu's good news had spread, and the patrol members coming and going had smiles on their faces.

Many people became enthusiastic when greeting Yang Xiaotao.

Behind him, Chang Mingjie, Wang Fa and others saw Yang Xiaotao and followed behind.

"How's it going in the workshop?"

Chang Mingjie glanced at Wang Fa, and then said, "The first workshop has resumed small batch production, but it has been unable to ship goods recently, and Lao Huang has collapsed, so we can only work a little first."

"The second workshop has temporarily resumed half of its production capacity. We are planning to take advantage of this period to research new machine tools and prepare to build a grinder to facilitate the manufacturing of tricycles and tractors."

Several people walked around and reported on their work.

Wang Fa also said on the side, "After everyone learned the good news today, the enthusiasm in the workshop has increased. Most people have begun to resume work, and tractor production has returned to normal."

"In addition, large tractors have also begun to be assembled and will be ready today and tomorrow."

"There are also tricycles. We have assembled ten of them."

Yang Xiaotao nodded, "Comrades are all good."

When everyone came to the isolation area, some children started running with some soap bubbles on their hands.

The staff responsible for spraying bubbles didn't care, and just sprayed twice on every child who ran over and stretched out his hand.

Further away, three or five people were spraying around with spray cans, and the air was filled with the smell of soap.

"Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang is here."

"Mr. Yang, thank you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know what we would do."

"Mr. Yang, did you make this soap?"

"President Yang."

A group of people gathered around, looking extremely excited.

At first they were wondering why Yang Xiaotao asked them to wash their hands with soap, but now they finally understand.

It turns out that washing hands with soap can prevent and treat the flu.

If you had said this earlier, why would you be reluctant in the past two days?
Although not all are useful, as long as one is useful, it means it is feasible.

Besides, fewer people are infected now, isn’t it because of these soaps?

"Everyone, be quiet and stay where you are."

Stationmaster Hu watched more and more people leaving the quarantine area and hurriedly stepped forward to stop them and let everyone return to their original positions.

But how can it be so easy for a group of adults and children?

Seeing this, Yang Xiaotao stretched out his hand and said, "Everyone, please be quiet."


When the people around heard Yang Xiaotao's voice, they quickly became quiet, "Listen to me, now, we have found a method to control the flu, but this method is not perfect and there are still loopholes."

"So, I need everyone to continue to cooperate, continue to believe in us, and believe in our ability to let everyone go out intact."

Yang Xiaotao scanned the crowd, "I know what everyone is thinking and what they are worried about."

"To be honest, I also miss home, my wife and children at home."

Many people below had red eyes, and some were sobbing softly for their deceased relatives.

"From the 29th of the twelfth lunar month to today, I have spent every day in tension and worry. Every day I don't know what will happen tomorrow." "I hope!"

"Let's unite as one and get through this difficulty."

"I believe that with our unity, all difficulties are nothing but paper tigers."

Bang bang bang bang
The ignorant children watched their parents clapping excitedly and imitated them.

They didn't understand why they were applauding, nor why their mother shed tears, nor what the man waving his arms said.

They know that listening to that person is correct.

"We have missed the opportunity to reunite with our families for the New Year."

"Then. I hope we can go back and celebrate the [-]th and the Lantern Festival with our families."

"it is good!"


"We unite as one and go home to celebrate the Lantern Festival."

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, everyone present shouted loudly.

"Listen to me thank you."

On the radio, a familiar voice sounded again.

The difference is that this time there are a few more people.

In the broadcast room, several female workshop workers stood in a row, and their rich voices continued to be heard, through the microphone, and spread throughout the factory.

Today, they want to use their own way to sing a song to those who have paid for this.

Liu Lixue tried her best not to shed tears and drank silently from the side.

The sound spread throughout the machinery factory. Yang Xiaotao left the isolation area, looked at the bright sunshine, listened to the sound in his ears, and smiled awkwardly.

The people following him were stunned and didn't understand why Yang Xiaotao was laughing.

Yang Xiaotao went back to meet a few people and explained, "Now I finally understand what an optimistic revolutionary spirit is."

"I also understand the power of this optimism."

Everyone was confused, but they knew one thing.

Since what Yang Xiaotao said is a good thing, it must be a good thing.

This is the sense of trust they developed through what Yang Xiaotao did during the influenza outbreak.

Yang Xiaotao brought people to the ward again.

Several people put on drying masks at the door.

After entering, the coughing inside was obviously much quieter than before.

Yang Xiaotao knew clearly that this was not about how quickly the 'medicine took effect', but that there was hope and everyone felt better.

"Mr. Yang."

"Lie down, how do you feel?"

In front of the hospital bed, Huang Degong was about to sit up. At this time, he was wearing a mask and his whole body had lost weight.

"I didn't have a fever last night. Now I feel hungry after taking anti-inflammatory medicine."

Huang Degong was obviously much more talkative than before, and he didn't cough after finishing a sentence.

"Okay, just know that you can eat when you're hungry."

Yang Xiaotao raised his head and looked at the others. Everyone's eyes were the same, full of joy.

"I'll ask the chef to make a pot of broth for everyone. When the time comes, eat it hard."


The voice came from far and near, and many men nodded while hiding the weakness in their hearts to prevent tears from falling.

"Old Huang, you have to get better quickly. These days, you guys have exhausted me."

Chang Mingjie joked on the side, Huang Degong smiled and nodded.

"Have a good rest and listen to the doctor's instructions. Everything will be fine."

"Yes, everything will be fine."

Huang Degong lay down, and Yang Xiaotao walked around the ward area again.

On the other side, Pang Guo and Chen Bin were lying next to each other on the bed. They did not escape the flu this time, but they seemed to be in much better spirits now than before.

Opposite them, Wang Guodong was snoring. He didn't know whether it was because of illness or because he was too tired. In short, he spent more time sleeping here than others.

Yang Xiaotao didn't wake him up when he came over. He asked the people around him and found that Wang Guodong's body temperature had dropped. With the help of medicine, he should recover soon.

After some instructions, I went to see other people, talk to everyone, and cheer up so as not to lie in bed and become decadent.

Lou Xiao'e saw Yang Xiaotao coming and stepped forward.

"Mr. Yang, my dad wants to thank you."

"How is uncle?"

"Much better. I took my temperature just now and it has dropped to 38 degrees."

Lou Xiao'e smiled and the two walked aside.

"What about you? Feeling better?"

"Me? It's already good."

Yang Xiaotao glanced at it and said, "Is this good?"

Lou Xiao'e hesitated and said nothing.

"I'm just confused. The soap my aunt uses is good, but it's not good for you to use?"

Yang Xiaotao was suddenly curious. After confirming that the soap was useful, the soaps from Lou's and Zhou Shenghong's homes were also found and sent to the machinery factory for experimentation.

Lou Xiao'e said nothing. After taking the soap home, she threw it to my mother.

In addition, the weather was cold, and she had a habit of sleeping in. She was in a hurry to go to work when she got up in the morning. She sometimes didn't even eat breakfast, so she didn't have time to wash her face.

It's just that it's hard to talk about it, especially not letting Yang Xiaotao know that he slept in late.

Before the two of them reached the hospital bed, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang."

Yang Xiaotao stopped and looked back, saw that it was someone from the security department, and quickly stretched out his hand.

The clerk saw Yang Xiaotao running forward quickly and said, "Mr. Yang, there is a car coming at the door and it wants to come in."

"But I don't have a pass. Director Zhao wants you to go and have a look."

Yang Xiaotao's first reaction was that someone arranged by Director Ji had arrived, and he quickly followed him out.

After Yang Xiaotao left, Lou Xiao'e walked back to the hospital bed area and said, "Dad, he has something wrong."

"I hear you, young people, you have to put your career first."

"Okay, old man, lie down quickly."

Lou's mother on the side saw that Lou's father was about to talk about her story again, "Xiao'e, take a watch and test it later. Your dad's count dropped to 38 at that time. I don't know how much it is now."

Lou Xiao'e nodded and watched her father being controlled by her mother. This was completely reversed from what she had been at home before.

(End of this chapter)

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