Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1138 Influenza

Chapter 1138 Influenza
cough cough~~
Just as Yang Xiaotao walked into the office building, there were coughs from time to time, which made Yang Xiaotao frown.

When I opened the door, it was warm in the room, and then I saw Lou Xiao'e lying on the table, wearing a white gauze mask, looking listless. Anyone who saw it would know what was going on.


"Well, a little bit, mostly coughing!"

Lou Xiao'e's voice was hoarse and her face looked ugly.

"I went back yesterday and my dad was infected."

"You, be careful."

Lou Xiao'e said, pointing to the mask on her face.

"Have you been to the infirmary?"

"not yet."

"Hurry up. Don't wait, I'll help you go."

Yang Xiaotao stepped forward and pulled Lou Xiao'e up, ready to go out.

As soon as he left the house, Secretary Xiaoqiang walked back, clutching his chest, "Mr. Yang, you guys, cough cough. Go to the infirmary."

"Yes, what is this?"

"Don't go. There are too many people. Even the doctor has caught a cold."

Xiaoqiang's breath was unsteady and he was out of breath when he spoke.

"By the way, Mr. Yang, do you have any soap?"


"Yes, some people say soap works."


Yang Xiaotao looked embarrassed. This soap was not medicine, so he knew what was used in it.

How could something like this come out?

"Go back, drink more water, and pay attention to rest."

Xiaoqiang nodded, clutching his chest and walked to the office.

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, he was still thinking about finding someone to find out who spread the rumor, let alone someone in his own factory.

Isn’t that deceiving the masses and speculating?

His heart can be punished.

I carried Lou Xiaoe to the infirmary. Along the way, I kept coughing.

Many people are coming this way.

Yang Xiaotao frowned even more after hearing this, pressed the mask on the bridge of his nose, and walked with his head down.

When we arrived at the infirmary, sure enough, there was a long queue outside. Everyone was either covering their mouths and coughing, or lowering their heads to vomit. Some even felt like they were about to cough out their lungs.

"Listen, everyone, stay one meter away from each other, don't talk, don't make a mess."

Seeing that there was some chaos at the scene, Yang Xiaotao immediately came to the front and shouted loudly.

When the surrounding workers saw Yang Xiaotao coming, they all responded and consciously distanced themselves.

"Xiao Yang."

"Uncle Zhao, what's going on?"

Zhao Chuanjun walked over wearing a mask, his eyes full of solemnity.

"I don't know. Some people had fevers and colds a few days ago. Everyone didn't take it seriously and just thought it was a common cold. As a result, more people started to be infected yesterday, and today there is an outbreak."

"What did the hospital say?"

"They don't know either, but many hospitals in Sijiu City are receiving patients one after another, and they haven't come up with any good solutions yet."

Yang Xiaotao looked at the people coming from behind, and his face condensed, "In other words, this cold is very contagious?"

"At least it's better than a regular cold."

"This is not the way to go."

While the two were talking, Yang Youning came over holding his chest.

"Lao Yang, how are you?"

"Can't breathe, chest hurts."

Yang Youning covered his mask and spoke, "Xiao Tao, Lao Liu fell ill at home, and so did Lao Chen. Now, you, Lao Wang and Lao Zhao are the only ones who are fine."

"We must do a good job in prevention."

"Stop talking about it now and go home and rest."

Yang Xiaotao said, "We will organize a meeting soon!"

Yang Youning nodded and walked outside the factory.

Yang Xiaotao looked around again, "Uncle Zhao, I remember there are two warehouses in the back. You can take people to clean them out, put a few tables in them, and let the comrades at the gate keep an eye on them. Anyone who has a cold does not need to go to the workshop. Send it directly there.”

"It's not a problem if you are all here. Let the comrades at the medical station prepare more disinfectant water, alcohol will also work. It costs 75. Make sure to disinfect and ventilate more."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

After Zhao Chuanjun left, Yang Xiaotao asked Lou Xiao'e to go to the back by herself, and then told the staff around him, "You guys maintain order here."

"Yes, Mr. Yang."

Yang Xiaotao left the medical station and quickly came to the broadcast room.

At this moment, there are not many people in the publicity department, and broadcaster Liu Lixue is preparing a manuscript.

Yang Xiaotao approached, and Liu Lixue looked back, "Yang, Mr. Yang."

"I have something to tell you."

Liu Lixue stood up and Yang Xiaotao sat in front of the radio.

"All comrades in the machinery factory, please pay attention, I am Yang Xiaotao."

"Now, please put down what you are doing, everyone, please put down what you are doing."

Soon, the machines in various workshops of the machinery factory stopped and everyone became quiet.

"Today, many comrades have caught a cold, and this cold is extraordinary."

"So, for everyone's safety, everyone, please listen."

"Everyone is required to wear a mask when entering and exiting the factory."

"The Logistics Department immediately organized manpower to collect masks. If there are no masks, they will be made on site. Before getting off work today, everyone must have a mask."

"Anyone who has a fever or cough will be removed from work and treated intensively."

"Comrades, the body is the capital of the revolution. Everyone must be responsible for the body and for the construction of the revolution."

"Every workshop leader and every management position must do a good job of supervision."

"Cooperating with the security department and the medical department, the factory area is sprayed with disinfectant water from time to time. The logistics department purchases alcohol and prepares 75% alcohol for disinfection."

Following the order issued by Yang Xiaotao through the radio, the entire machinery factory took action.After leaving the broadcast room, Yang Xiaotao asked Liu Lixue to find out the previous national influenza prevention measures and publicize them to the public through the radio.

Back in the office, Yang Xiaotao first called the steel plant to inquire about the situation.

Sure enough, many people with colds appeared in the steel plant. Yang Xiaotao explained the measures of the machinery plant and asked Guan Zhiyong to organize personnel for protection and isolation.

Then he explained to the machine repair shop and the chemical factory, and then he sat down at the desk and rubbed his eyebrows with his hands.

Such a large-scale influenza is definitely not a trivial matter, but it is unclear where the source of infection is.

"Hopefully it won't affect production."

Yang Xiaotao thought, got up and went to the workshop to supervise everyone's execution.

As for what I heard about plum blossom soap in the morning, I have long forgotten it.

Just when the machinery factory was fully implementing martial law and isolation measures, the entire Forty-Nine City was also shrouded in dark clouds.

As more and more people went to clinics and hospitals for medical treatment, people who noticed something was wrong immediately realized that this cold was unusual.

The old man even recalled that time in 57, which was very disturbing at that time.

Experienced people have asked people to prepare masks to protect their families. At the same time, they have tidied up their homes. If possible, they have used vinegar to fumigate them. If not, they have also tidied up the house.

Those with fleas, mosquitoes, spiders, and especially mice immediately become targets for elimination.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and the machines in the factory are starting to get nervous. The pace of progress in Sijiu City seems to have slowed down, and even the upcoming New Year's Eve has become distant.

Sixth Hospital
Li Qing held out his belly, stretched out his hand to caress his belly, and pressed his mask at the same time. He sat in the conference room without saying a word, waiting for the meeting to begin.

After marrying Du Chuan, the two of them finally ushered in the fruit of love.

"Xiao Li, if you don't come here, if something happens, how will we explain to the martyrs?"

An old woman next to her said to Li Qing as soon as she sat down.

"Director, I am also a member of the hospital. How can I hide behind me at this time?"

"This is true, but you are not the only one in our hospital, let alone this time."

The director hesitated to speak, and she had no idea.

The influenza outbreak was so fast, so violent, and so contagious that all hospitals were paralyzed for a while.

The higher authorities urged to find out the cause and find a treatment, but the risks involved can be imagined.

"Director, it's okay."

Li Qing stroked his abdomen, but his voice was firm.

The old woman sighed. She also knew that in terms of clinical experiments, Li Qing was considered the top one in the Sixth Hospital.

Forty-nine cities, suburbs.

A group of armed guards surrounded the place.

In the tent, an old man looked at the report with a livid face.

The old man slammed the report on the table, his voice full of anger.

"Why is it contagious? Tell me."

"Who can tell me."

Every word, every word, hit the table and made the hearts of those present pound.

None of them were ordinary people, some of them had even commanded thousands of armies, but in front of this old man, they were like quails, not daring to make a sound.


At this time, a middle-aged woman stood up.

The old man saw that the man's expression softened a lot and said, "Director Ji, tell me."

Director Ji glanced at the people around him and then explained, "Chief, this virus is very contagious, not only to humans but also to livestock. Birds can carry it, and the carrying time is not short."

"I suspect that birds at night spread the virus."

The old man frowned, and a middle-aged man next to him also said, "Chief, there are our soldiers all around. No one can get out, let alone a human, not even a mouse can get out."

"But our searchlights are limited and we can't control the ones flying in the sky."

The old man looked at the aggrieved middle-aged man and then sat down.

"Director Ji, how is the research going?"

Director Ji looked ugly, "We are still studying."

"Speed ​​up."

"Now that it has spread, I'm afraid it will continue like this."

The old man felt heavy in his heart, and the middle-aged man below looked angry after hearing this.

"It's best if all those damn little devils are dead."

"One day, I will throw these things to them and let them have a taste."

After saying that, the middle-aged man slapped his thigh.

The same is true for the people around them. In their hearts, only the dead little devil is the best.

Before and after childhood.

A man who went out to collect firewood in the village brought back two iron boxes. Some people in the village recognized that they were the little devil's lunch boxes. When everyone heard about them, they couldn't help but open them and taste them.

So everyone ate the contents of the iron box among themselves.

As a result, at night, everyone who had eaten had their chests torn and died in pain soon.

As for their family members, they also developed various symptoms, and some of the more severe cases also died.

The incident got serious and was quickly reported.

Only then did they realize that this iron box was not rations for the little devils at all, but a petri dish for cultivating bacteria.

So after many layers of control, what happened today happened.

Everyone was cursing in the tent, and Director Ji was also angry when she heard it. However, her own restraint did not let her curse loudly, but she calmly analyzed it.

"Chief, according to the villagers' reaction, the first few people found died from this bacterial virus."

"Because these people take it directly orally, they are the most severely infected and have the most severe symptoms."

"But some of his family members and people in the village were infected, but it was not fatal."

"Although our tetracycline cannot cure the disease, it plays a partial role."

"The important thing now is to study the mechanism of action of these bacteria, and then find ways to restrain it."

Director Ji gave suggestions from his own perspective, and the old man nodded, "People and materials are being collected, and protective items are also being prepared."

"Experts and professors have been prepared from above, and they are seizing the time to overcome the suffering. But now it has spread to Sijiu City, and the consequences are very serious."

"We need to come up with practical preventive measures to avoid the spread of infection."

Director Ji nodded, "Based on the current situation, it can be determined that this infection is transmitted through breathing, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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