Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1122 The mysterious grand prize is revealed

Chapter 1122 The mysterious grand prize is revealed
As soon as the old man's voice fell, warm applause erupted from the surroundings.

Yang Youning even raised his arms below, "Exercise skills and build a home."

"Exercise skills and build homes."

"Long live the revolutionary workers~~~"


Everyone below responded enthusiastically.

Liu Huaimin stepped forward again, "Now, I announce that the winners of this competition and related teams will come on stage to receive rewards."

Everyone below held their breath at this moment and listened carefully.

"The people who won the third prize this time are Li Wei, Liu Guogang..."

Liu Huaimin first announced the No. 3 winner, many of whom were workers in machinery factories.

There is no way, among the competition items, items unique to the machinery factory account for one third.

Among them, some projects may not meet the requirements for the first prize after review, but they are still satisfactory for the third prize.

This is also the reason why the number of third prize winners is the largest.

After Liu Huaimin finished reciting, the people counting below immediately shouted out, 52!

In front, there were two rows of teams, everyone with a happy smile on their face.

Regardless of the number of awards, in the past, apart from awarding outstanding worker groups and the like at annual conferences, who could usually show up?
Everyone smiled and looked at the people aside, full of pride.

Although it was only No. 3, everyone was overjoyed with the honor they received.

"Now, I would like to invite Chief Xia, Chief Sun, and Chief Li of the First Machinery Department, Director Zheng of the Third Machinery Department, and Director Ran of the Seventh Machinery Department... to present prizes to the winning comrades!"


The sound rang out, and the staff waiting nearby came to the front with several large cloth bags in their hands. Everyone wanted to see what was inside.

Mr. Xia took the lead and came to the front while applauding.

Sun Hua and others behind him were equally excited, but they didn't expect that they would have something to do on this trip.

Lao Zheng and Ran's father also followed behind, making their debut!
Chief Xia and others came to the crowd, handed each cloth bag to the winner, and even shook hands cordially to express their congratulations.

Then everyone stood together, and someone immediately took a photo with a camera!

When everyone came off the stage, someone immediately came forward to check the gifts.

Liu Yuhua came to the side of her second brother Liu Guogang, picked up the cloth bag and started checking it.

Crowds of people watching the excitement suddenly appeared around.

"The blanket is so thick! It's a double one! Oh my god!"

"There is another envelope. Open it and take a look!"

"Wow, ten yuan, and a ticket, my God! A watch ticket! Oops!"

"Why don't I participate?"

"I was just a little bit close..."

For a moment, the faces of the people below who opened the bags showed their faces. The double blanket alone exceeded the expectations of the contestants.

Liu Guogang put away the cloth bag and handed it to Liu Yuhua, "Take it if you like it."

"No, you take it home and give it to your sister-in-law. My Kuizi won first place, so I have to get a share anyway!"

Liu Guogang nodded, he couldn't be more satisfied with Zhou Kui, his brother-in-law.

Except for being kind-hearted.

More importantly, I have a good brother!

Of course, being unable to defeat him is also one of the reasons.

And those who didn't get it regretted it in their hearts, and they were also looking forward to it in their hearts.

What ranking can I get?

However, before they could wait any longer, Liu Huai stepped forward again to read out the No. 2 personnel.

It still started with the fitter, and those whose names were called came on stage one by one.

This time, there were only 20 people.

The 20 people who received the awards came to the stage happily.

The reward for No.3 is so generous, will there be less for No.2?
So in the expectant eyes of everyone, Liu Huaimin shouted in a solemn tone, "I would like to invite the Chief of the Three Machinery Department, Chief Qin of the Logistics Department, and Chief Wang of the Seventh Machinery Department... to present the prizes to the winners."

It’s the same staff, the same cloth buns.

But everyone knows that the things inside are definitely different.

Mr. Zhang and others came forward to present the gifts one by one, and everyone who won the award was beaming with joy.

After the photo session was over, everyone couldn't wait to check out the gifts.

"Blanket, sewing ticket, 50 yuan."

Someone exclaimed, causing a commotion around them.

The sewing ticket, plus 50 yuan, is equivalent to half the price.

Now, more people are beating their thighs, wishing that time could go back and they want to participate.

Even the No. 3 person wants to do it again. After all, compared with a watch and a sewing machine, it is obviously a lower level.

"Lao Ran, look at the rewards this time. It's a lot. It's worthy of being a machine department, it's worthy of being a machinery factory, it's a rich man!"

Lao Zheng was envious next to him, and he issued more than 50 tickets for watches and [-] tickets for sewing. Who in the ordinary unit and factory has such a fortune?

Lao Ran smiled. Yang Xiaotao was still timid when he was pretending to be blind, but now he looks completely proud and feels good about everything he sees.

Even if their Seven Machinery Department ranks at the bottom this time, they don't care anymore.

"The second prize is so good, what will the first prize be? And the mysterious grand prize."

"I really want to see what that is!"

Lao Zheng envied Lao Ran for having a good son-in-law, and also looked forward to the next reward.

At this time, the No. 1 contestant had already stepped forward, and there were only twelve names called out by Liu Huaimin. Among them, Zhou Kui, Han Liyan, and the others occupied six places. It can be said that the total number of first prizes was only Not many projects.

But each and every group of people selected has the ability to show off their skills.

This was also the unanimous result from the review.

Of course, there is no Yang Xiaotao here.

Seeing this, the workers below already understood that the number one position belonged to them.

Many workers in the machinery factory breathed a sigh of relief. This honor finally stayed in the machinery factory.

12 people came forward, and this time Mr. Chen and Mr. Huang personally handed out prizes and certificates.

This certificate is also unique and represents a personal honor.

The prize was still that kind of cloth bag, which didn't look like much, but what was inside made everyone below even more jealous.

After several people took photos, Zhou Kui immediately handed the reward to Liu Yuhua.

Liu Yuhua opened the bag amidst the urging of everyone.

A blanket, a pillowcase, a towel and a mirror.

There was also an envelope, and everyone understood that what was inside was the big one.

One hundred dollars and a radio ticket.

Everyone immediately became excited.

Radio, if anyone in the courtyard has a radio these days, it is the most popular one.Especially when the weather gets warmer, at night I take out the radio and put it on the window sill, and a group of people sit below and listen to the opera broadcast inside. The atmosphere is not to mention more respectable.

In terms of value, this thing is only a lot more expensive than a sewing machine.

Yang Xiaotao was standing by, watching Han Liyan and Wang Jun open the bags, looking happy and excited.

Especially Wang Jun, he has now reached the age of marriage. If his family's housing was not limited, he would have started a family and started a business long ago with his favorable conditions in the machinery factory.

You know, there are a lot of people coming to say goodbye to him now.

Even in the machinery factory, there are many people who are interested in him.

Now that the bag was opened, several female workers came over and stretched their heads to look at it.

There is no way, now the Wang family's first income is no longer Wang Dashan from the slaughterhouse, but Wang Jun.

With diligent study, coupled with Zhou Kui's willingness to endure hardships and hard work, his skills improved quickly and his income naturally increased.

This time, after getting the radio ticket, Wang Jun was so excited that he shed tears when he thought about his future life.

"You kid, why are you crying? Just hold it back for a while."

When Yang Xiaotao saw Wang Jun like this, he couldn't help but scolded him.

After hearing Yang Xiaotao's words, Wang Jun wiped away his tears and said, "Tao, Brother Tao, me."

"If you have any disgusting words, go back and talk about it at the wine table."

Wang Jun grinned after hearing this, "Okay, I, I'll go back and buy wine."

On the other side, Liu Yuhua put things away close to her body and narrowed her eyes with laughter.

Xiaoyu’s dowry is ready.

At this time, everyone's eyes were looking forward.

This time, Mr. Xia stood up, came to the middle with a cheerful expression, and looked at everyone present.

"Now, I announce that the winner of this competition, No. 1, is Comrade Yang Xiaotao!"

Bang bang bang bang
Applause burst out suddenly, and Wang Jun and Han Liyan beside them raised their hands high and lined up with all their strength.

He seemed even happier than winning No. 1.

Yang Xiaotao glanced at the people around him, took a deep breath and exhaled, and then stepped forward calmly.


Yang Xiaotao came to Mr. Xia and stretched out his hand to hold it.

"Congratulations, you didn't disappoint us."

"It's all what I should do. For our honor, I will do my part."

Yang Xiaotao looked serious, but Yang Youning, who was not far away, curled his lips.

Mr. Xia didn't say much, but said to Mr. Chen, "I'd like to invite Chief Chen to present the prizes below!"

After the voice fell, a female worker from the logistics department came forward with a cloth bag.

Before arriving, the logistics director personally checked the contents, and the two of them were afraid of making a mistake.

Precisely because she knew what it was, the female worker's hands holding the cloth bag were trembling.

And when he looked at Yang Xiaotao, there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

It would be great if Yang Xiaotao didn't get married so early.

It's a pity that we have three children.

The female worker tightened the cloth bag in her hand and really wanted to take it home.

At this time, Mr. Chen walked up and looked at Yang Xiaotao carefully.

"Your performance today is worthy of this honor."

Yang Xiaotao shook hands and said, "Thank you, chief."

"However, we have higher expectations for you and hope that you can continue to work hard and continue to inject fresh power into the country."

"Don't worry, chief, I will live up to everyone's expectations. I will work hard for the revolution throughout my life."

"it is good!"

Yang Xiaotao took the cloth bag, weighed it briefly, and knew that the contents inside were similar. Perhaps the long-awaited mysterious prize was what was inside the envelope.

Yang Xiaotao was also mentally pondering what could be called the mysterious grand prize.

Anyway, these bicycle radios should not be used. Apart from that, I already have an electric fan and pressure cooker at home, so adding another one will be just like that.

But when it comes to the mysterious grand prize, Yang Xiaotao has thought about a few in his mind, but he is not sure about them.

Go down and open it later.

Mr. Chen left with satisfaction, and then Mr. Xia announced again, "The chief is invited to issue a certificate to Comrade Yang Xiaotao."


Liu Lixue came forward with a one-foot-long book, and the old man came forward with steady steps.

"Comrade Xiaotao, congratulations to you."

The old man took the certificate and handed it to Yang Xiaotao.

"Chief, thank you for coming to see us."

"Haha, if you get good results in the future, I will come again."

"Really, then, it's a deal."

"A gentleman's words are hard to follow. This is what I said."

After the two of them finished speaking, Yang Xiaotao went down, and Mr. Xia made the final summary.

At this time, everyone was looking at Yang Xiaotao's cloth bag eagerly, hoping to see what was inside.

Unfortunately, Yang Xiaotao stood there with no intention of opening it.

Finally, Mr. Xia announced that the martial arts competition was officially over. Everyone applauded and sent the leaders off one after another.

Yang Xiaotao then handed the cloth bag to Lou Xiao'e who was aside, and followed Liu Huaimin and Yang Youning to give it away.

The old man got into the car, waved to everyone in the machine shop, and then left the machine shop.

In the car, Tong Xiaolong looked at the energetic old man and couldn't help but wonder, "Chief, why don't you close your eyes and rest for a while?"

"Close your eyes? No, I feel full of power now."

Secretary Tang on the side was also surprised.

But the old man smiled and said, "Maybe this is the power of being with the workers."

As he said that, he looked at the scene outside, but his heart still contained the 'suffering and hardship' of this big family, "I hope they can make this country better."

Secretary Tang listened on the sidelines, "Don't worry, the future will definitely get better and better."

At the entrance of the machinery factory, Mr. Huang and others got on the bus. Before leaving, they smiled at Yang Xiaotao and said, "The performance was good this time, but it is definitely worth the money. Haha."

Seeing the car and jeep leaving, Yang Xiaotao and Yang Youning looked at each other, and seven or eight people immediately walked to the workshop.

They also want to know what this mysterious grand prize is.

As soon as I came in, I heard noisy sounds coming from inside.

When Yang Xiaotao walked in, he saw Lou Xiao'e holding a red ticket with yellow edges. A group of people around him saw Yang Xiaotao with envy in their eyes.

Liu Huaimin and the others around him couldn't help but open their mouths when they saw the ticket.

Before Yang Xiaotao came forward to ask, Lou Xiao'e looked at it and shouted excitedly, "Mr. Yang, TV ticket, this is a TV ticket."

(End of this chapter)

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