Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1116 Intense Competition

Chapter 1116 Intense Competition

The old man heard what Guo Liang said and saw the eager eyes of the workers present, and then smiled at Guo Liang, "Then I will be disrespectful!"

Guo Liang quickly handed over a stack of test questions, "Chief, just pick one!"

The old man took the test with a smile, then took one from a pile of test questions, looked at it, and handed it to Guo Liang.

"I think this is a bit difficult! Is it okay?"

Everyone around was smiling, but Guo Liang nodded affirmatively while holding the test questions, "It must be no problem!"

Then he came to the competition venue and hung the test questions in a conspicuous position so that each group of players could see them clearly.

Liu Huaimin introduced at the side, "What is going on here is a competition on fitter skills. This assessment is based on selected test questions. The contestants must complete the production within one hour. In the end, the qualified number will be used as the standard, and the highest one will be given priority. "

The old man nodded, "How many people are participating this time?"

"Because all participants require level five fitters or above, and there are many elites from each department, there are only 64 people, divided into eight groups."

"Even so, among these people, there are quite a few who are in the seventh and eighth levels!"

Liu Huaimin explained.

This does not mean that the higher the rank, the greater the advantage. Just like Liu Daming and others, given their age, one hour of high-intensity work really cannot keep up with the young sixth-level fitters.

"They all entered the finals after passing the preliminary rounds and got to where they are now step by step."

"Other forgers, welders, etc., also have similar competitions."

Yang Youning added on the side that this is the home field advantage of their machinery factory.

The old man nodded after listening and became more and more satisfied with the activity organized by the machinery factory.

Having such a communication platform can well promote the exchange of skills among all parties.

This way, we must continue.

At this time, the workers had already memorized the parts of the test questions, and after confirming all the data, they were ready to start.

After confirming that everyone was in place, Guo Liang picked up his pocket watch and started timing. As soon as the sound started, everyone immediately started the machine and started taking action.

The old man watched for a while and saw that amid the roar of the machine, everyone was gradually getting into the mood, their eyes were deep and their hands were moving accurately and skillfully.

Let the people watching keep nodding.

"Let's go over there and see."

The old man walked aside and watched the competition from time to time. The fierce competition made him feel inexplicably passionate.

"come on! Come on!"

Suddenly, a burst of shouts came from the front, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The old man stepped forward immediately, and the people around him became even more enthusiastic after seeing him.

The competition in front of us is fierce.


Mr. Xia watched here for a while and explained to the old man.

"This is a competition of teamwork, assembling diesel engines and Red Star tractors on site."

"The participants are all employees of the machinery factory. Workers from the third and fourth workshops freely formed teams and participated in the form of relays."

After hearing this, the old man immediately became interested and looked at the pile of parts on the ground. "How many groups are there now? What's the situation?"

The old man looked at the many people in front of him and asked.

After hearing this, Yang Youning stepped forward and replied, "Initially, there were 23 groups participating, with six people in each group, each from two workshops."

“But after the preliminary rounds, only six groups were left to compete in the final round.”

The old man nodded, "I have seen this formed engine, but I have never seen the assembly process. Let's take a look together!"

Everyone around him smiled and followed the old man as he walked around the playing field.

He was accompanied by Yang Youning and others.

Several people stopped in front of a competition venue.

The arrival of the old man made the workers participating in the competition a little nervous.

However, under the curious gaze of the old man, the pressure quickly turned into motivation, and the assembly speed was obviously three minutes faster than before.

The old man watched the workers skillfully place the parts one by one.

The three people worked together to quickly prototype the engine.

"What is this one for?"

The old man pointed to the parts on the side and asked.

Before Yang Youning could answer, a worker watching the game replied, "Chief, this is to prevent oil from returning. With this, the engine can receive oil normally."

Then he gestured, "Diesel enters the cylinder..."

Obviously this man is a worker in the engine shop and is very familiar with the structure of the engine.

The old man listened carefully. The worker may not have much rationale for what he said, but he explained it clearly based on his work experience.

After the worker finished speaking, the old man nodded, "Thank you for clearing up the confusion!"

The worker quickly blushed and said, "No, you're welcome."

But the old man asked curiously, "Why don't you participate in the competition if you know so much?"

The worker blushed even more after hearing this, and someone next to him joked, "Chief, it's not that he didn't participate, it's because he did and was kicked off! That's why he couldn't enter the finals!"

"Go, go, Zhou Laosan, you are everywhere. How come I made it to the second round, which is better than you who didn't even make it to the preliminary round!"

"Huh, that's because my teammates are not doing their best!"

"Pull you down."

Neither of them gave in to the other. It wasn't until Yang Youning couldn't stand it anymore and coughed lightly that he realized something.

Then he smiled sheepishly at the old man and made up as before.

The old man was thoughtful.

There are many talents in the machinery factory.

Any worker can tell the key and have a high morale.

It’s not as mundane as other places. Perhaps this is why the machinery factory can continue to innovate and move forward!
"Director Yang, you did a good job."

Yang Youning was confused by the sudden praise, but it would be a blessing to be praised by the elderly.

Then he became humble and put his dissatisfaction with the two people behind him.

"Okay! Beautiful!" At this moment, there was a burst of cheers from the other side. Everyone looked up and saw a group of people sending the assembled engine aside.

The workers who were assembling in front of them were stunned when they saw it, and then they took a deep breath, and then worked harder quickly.

When the old man saw this situation, he and everyone went in its direction.

"Chief, the next step is to assemble the engine on the tractor. Only if there is no problem will it be considered a success."

Several people came to the front, and Yang Youning glanced at the completed group.

A closer look revealed that the leading female worker was none other than Han Liyan!Looking at her partner, it was Zhou Kui who led the way!This is the favorite to win the championship!
"This lesbian is amazing!"

The old man looked at it for a while and said with approval.

Yang Youshou gave a brief explanation of Han Liyan's situation, "We still have many outstanding workers like Comrade Han Liyan in our machinery factory."

"In their daily work, they are active, hard-working and good at learning. They are an important part of the machinery factory!"


The old man nodded and praised, "Revolutionary workers do not distinguish between men and women. As long as they contribute to the country, they are good sons and daughters?"

As the old man spoke, he came closer and had a cordial conversation with Han Liyan.

Han Liyan, who was originally generous, became unusually shy after seeing the old man questioning her.

However, everyone's attention is still on the assembly of the tractor.

I saw a strong man picking up the assembled engine and then carefully placing it on the front of the car.

Then firmly stabilize the front of the car.

The other two people took the tools and started hammering and tightening them, but the strong man did not move from beginning to end, keeping the car balanced.

At the same time, one or two words were said from time to time, and the other two people immediately started working accordingly, as if they had agreed on the secret code long ago.

With the tacit cooperation of the three people, the progress of this group was obviously faster than that of the other groups.

"This comrade is very powerful!" The old man saw that the strong man was motionless and still had time to command the other two.

Under his leadership, the tractor assembly went smoothly.

But the people in the team next door need two people to stabilize the front of the car. Only one person assembles it, so the efficiency is naturally lower.

After Han Liyan heard what the old man said, she introduced it with pride. "Chief, this man's name is Zhou Kui, he is the second strongest man in our machinery factory."


"Then who is the strongest man?"

"Of course it's our factory director Xiao Yang!"

"Comrade Yang Xiaotao?"

"Yes, that's him. In our factory, Director Xiao Yang is the strongest. Someone once tried to arm-wrestle with him, but he couldn't break it with both hands!"

"The assembly method we use now is still learned from him! Others need two people to work together to stabilize it, but for us, only one person is enough!"

Han Liyan said confidently.

Their team is already one step ahead in engine assembly, so the assembly of this trailer will not be bad.

The old man came to his senses, although he didn't believe how strong Yang Xiaotao's weak body could be.

But if the worker said this, it can only show that Yang Xiaotao's number one strongman is worthy of his name.

Sure enough, with the help of the strong man, this group's tractor rate was completed, and after the referee in charge recorded the time, he immediately had people leave the playing area to conduct a series of experiments.

The old man nodded seriously when he saw this, "How many engines and tractors can you produce in a day now?"

Liu Huaimin stepped forward and replied, "Chief, according to the current production efficiency, this kind of Red Star engine can normally produce about two hundred to three hundred units per day, and tractors around two hundred."

"This is because some resources are geared toward the Double Star engine. If we go all out to rush production and other resources are sufficient, the number will increase."

After Liu Huaimin finished speaking, the old man thought for a moment and then nodded seriously with a smile on his face.

Having so many engines means more machines can be used, and more tractors means more rural areas with increased harvests.

"We now supply Red Star engines to dozens of manufacturers, some for power generation, and some for use on small ships..."

Yang Youning added in Yiduo, "This year's task volume has reached 3 units, and there are more than [-] tractors. The task completion rate is [-]%!"

After hearing this, the old man nodded again, "I heard that you have developed a double-star engine, a stronger engine?"

Yang Youning nodded, "Yes, chief, we successfully designed it a few days ago..."

"We follow the leader's instructions. We must have one thing in our hands, one thing in our eyes, and another thing in our minds, so as to continuously improve our innovation capabilities!"

The old man nodded from time to time, "That's right! Developing industry requires a long-term vision and thinking ahead."

Mr. Xia was smiling on the side, what he said!
The old man entered another workshop and looked up at the slogans on the wall. On one side was "Learn from Daqing in industry, learn from Dazhai in agriculture, and learn from Hongxing in innovation."

If it were before, there would definitely be suspicion of boasting.

But now, after a series of innovative inventions, Hongxing Machinery Factory's innovative capabilities have been recognized by everyone.

Look to the other side again, 'Friendship first, competition second!'

The old man raised his legs and walked inside, and Yang Xiaotao also saw the person coming and hurriedly greeted him.

"Head referee!"

"No wonder I didn't see you on the field! It turns out there is something serious to do."

"However, you are not a young official..."

When the old man saw the sign on Yang Xiaotao's chest, he couldn't help but joke with Mr. Chen.

"That's true. As a referee, you must not only have excellent technical ability, but also have a convincing character."

"It seems that our Comrade Xiao Yang is deeply recognized by our comrades."

Mr. Chen smiled, and the old man couldn't help but nod.

His understanding of Yang Xiaotao was no worse than the people present, and he even knew more clearly about some secret incidents due to hybrid rice.

Yang Xiaotao slapped the sign on his chest and said seriously, "I am shouldering a heavy burden and shouldering the responsibility of fairness and justice!"

The old man nodded in approval, "That's good to say. Without a fair and just environment, it is impossible to increase the enthusiasm of workers and ensure the orderly conduct of the competition."

"In this way, your responsibility is not small."

The two of them walked forward with a smile as they talked.

At this time, Huang Laozhang and the others who were watching from the front had different colors on their faces.

Liu Huaimin, Chen Gong and others stepped forward and took a look, and knew that it was the people from the Three Machinery Department who had the upper hand this time.

Who puts the biggest smile on Mr. Zhang’s face?
(End of this chapter)

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