Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1109: Old Taoist, are you homesick?

Chapter 1109: Old Taoist, are you homesick?

"Okay, feel free, eat the food, eat the food."

"Come, let's toast again."


Then under Ran's father's worried eyes, Yang Xiaotao and several others drank three drinks in a row without changing their expressions.

At this time, Father Ran turned a little red when he saw Chief Wang unbuttoning his Feng Ji button. He wanted to speak, but he saw Yang Xiaotao taking the initiative to pick up the wine bottle and fill up the wine for several people.

"Chief, I am considered a junior here. This time, I will return the favor to you."

"I'll do it first out of respect."

As he spoke, he raised his head and downed another glass.

At this time, Mr. Wang was a little puzzled. Director Tian beside him glanced at Ran's father, as if he was confirming something.

Ran's father shook his head slightly, meaning it was useless to drink less.

But Director Tian misunderstood and thought that Yang Xiaotao's drinking capacity was average, so he immediately picked up the wine glass and said, "Okay, Comrade Xiao Yang said well, I'll accompany you, let's do it!"

Mr. Wang also picked up his wine glass and drank happily.



The meal lasted until about ten o'clock.

As for the situation of the battle, Ran's father, a soy saucer, was so drunk that he came out with the help of Yang Xiaotao when he walked.

As for others.
Mr. Wang propped his head up and kept rubbing his hand on the cup. His eyes were blurred and he couldn't speak.

As for Director Tian, ​​who had vowed before, he was now lying on the chair and falling asleep.

After leaving the Seven Machinery Department, Ran's father leaned on Yang Xiaotao and said, "You, your boy, have become famous this time."

Yang Xiaotao smiled and said, "Don't tell me, the last time I had a drink with Director Wang from Quancheng, this time I had a great time."

Ran's father leaned against Yang Xiaotao and vomited everything in his stomach as soon as he walked out of the door.

Yang Xiaotao handed over the kettle, and Father Ran drank it and rinsed his mouth. Then he glanced at Yang Xiaotao and said, "You drank to your heart's content. That's nine bottles of Erguotou, you guy."

"Isn't this because they want to get me drunk? I'm not stupid."

Ran's father was stunned, "You can see it."

Yang Xiaotao chuckled, "Dad, I've seen a lot of these things at the wine table."

"I could see it when I entered the house."

"As long as you can."

"Uh, haha."

After helping Ran's father get into the car, Yang Xiaotao drove away from the Seventh Machinery Department.

First send Ran's father home, and then drive to the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Zhou Kui standing at the door, waving to him.

Then Liu Yuhua ran out of the room and said, "Brother Tao."

"It's so late, are you still awake?"

"No, Brother Tao, Secretary Liu and Director Yang asked me to bring you a message, asking you to go to the machinery factory tomorrow. You have something important to say."

"Is it important? Okay, I understand."

Yang Xiaotao didn't think much about it, he would find out when he went there tomorrow.


Liu Guangqi was lying on the bed, feeling anxious.

There has been no contact since the last mission was completed.

It’s okay if you don’t contact me, but you have to provide funds for the activities!
I am used to spending lavishly, but when I came back this time, I realized that I didn’t have much money left!

This time when I came back, I spent a lot of money to satisfy myself, and only the travel expenses were left in my pocket.

Thinking of the annoying goblin in the cellar just now, he was a man who only saw money.

Just because I didn't give any money this time, my attitude immediately changed.

Fortunately, I didn't dare to stab him, otherwise...

However, this is not a long-term solution!

Without the source of funds, how can I be free and unrestrained?

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning, all kinds of speculations came to mind.

Is it possible to discover that the information is false?

Suddenly, Liu Guangqi broke out in a cold sweat. He sat up from the bed and stared at the dark window for a long time before lying back on the bed.

Looking at Liu Guangfu, who was sleeping soundly beside him, the room was warmed by the heater. Liu Guangfu couldn't cover himself with the quilt, and his legs were swaying aside.

Liu Guangqi withdrew his gaze and looked at his hands.

Then close your eyes and calm down.

No, that's not right. How do they know it's fake? If it's true, it's also a fake created by Yang Xiaotao. What does it have to do with him?
Besides, no one knew about the 'hollow' corn that Yang Xiaotao made. Only she and Jia Zhang knew what Qin Huairu said.

Although Jia Zhang is stupid, she also knows what to say and what not to say, especially when it comes to stealing Yang Xiaotao's things.

Then why haven't you contacted me?

Liu Guangqi was confused again.

Perhaps, it may be delayed by other things.

Liu Guangqi was thinking wildly, but the uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

The night passed.

When the morning sun illuminated the courtyard again, Yang Xiaotao came out of the house. He drank a lot of wine last night and was very hungry in the morning.

It has to be said that with Xiaowei's help, Yang Xiaotao's physical fitness became even more abnormal.

This kind of improvement is not like the sudden increase in strength like when I used Dali Pill, but it is increasing bit by bit, strengthening from all aspects.

Yang Xiaotao understands some of the beauty of this.

I got up early, took out the braised pork from the space, fried it with cabbage, boiled eggs, made instant noodles, and cut ham sausage.

As soon as the pot was opened, Zhang Laodao ran in after smelling the smell.

"If you get up early in the morning and release poison, you won't be afraid of people in the courtyard throwing stones at your house."

As the veteran said, he filled a bowl of instant noodles and cracked open the eggs with great skill.

"However, the noodles you made look like they were made by a machine. I really don't know how to make them."

Yang Xiaotao didn't answer. He sat aside and took out the salted duck eggs, put them in a bowl, and ate them.

The old Taoist was not idle when he saw it. He ate first and then talked.

After eating two bowls in a row, Yang Xiaotao felt that there was something in his stomach.

The old Taoist looked at Yang Xiaotao and asked curiously, "What did you do last night? Your body is so exhausted."

As he spoke, he looked into the room and said, "There's no one else there."

"Gungun, what are you thinking about? You drank last night."

Yang Xiaotao didn't bother to explain, and then he packed up the pots, bowls and chopsticks he had finished eating before getting ready to go to work. "How's the alloy research going?"

The two of them went out and got into the car. Yang Xiaotao thrust a box of cigarettes into Lao Dao.

During this period, because he was busy with the steel plant, the responsibility of managing the alloy was handed over to Lao Dao.

The old man took the cigarette and put it directly in his pocket, stuffing his hands in the sleeves of his cotton-padded jacket, looking like an old landowner from the old days.

"Let's just leave it that way. Everyone is studying. It's freezing and it's not convenient to go out."

"However, a few young comrades in our group really have ideas."

The veteran talked about the people in the group with recognition on his face.

"What's the situation, tell me?"

The old man leaned back on his seat and said, "Among the students assigned to us, one named Xu Ning is very thoughtful. He thinks that if you want to make a tungsten alloy, you must first have tungsten metal."

"But, based on what we know now, there are a lot of tungsten ores in our country, but not many of them can be separated and extracted."

"Moreover, these tungsten metals are very rough. If they are to be used to make alloys, they must be purified. Tungsten is very difficult to make, and what is usually produced is powder."

"So, if you want to experiment and find the correct tungsten alloy steel formula ratio, you must have a sufficient amount of tungsten powder for testing."

Yang Xiaotao listened while driving, "This is a good idea. If you want to complete the task, you must start from the source and extract the tungsten powder. I have found the right way."

The veteran nodded, "Right now, everyone is studying how to get tungsten powder. There are already several research directions, right."

Having said this, the old Taoist suddenly looked at Yang Xiaotao and said, "There is something you need to help me with."

"What's the matter, you said."

"This tungsten smelting requires a good boiler, so you have to help."

Yang Xiaotao frowned, "Where can I get it for you? Can you think of the one I have at home?"

The old man sneered and said, "Are you kidding? That pot of yours probably burned through and the tungsten inside didn't even melt."

Yang Xiaotao turned his head after hearing this, "What do you mean?"

"Do you think that tungsten metal is easy to melt? Let me tell you, this thing has a higher melting point than steel. If you want to find a stove, you probably have to steal Taishang Laojun's Bagua stove, and then use the Samadhi True Fire That’s all.”

It was Yang Xiaotao's turn to be surprised.

"Who said that? This tungsten is so difficult to melt?"

"Of course. What they said in the book is that if the melting point is too high, it won't necessarily melt if placed in a volcano, but it sounds very reasonable."

"In other words, we can't smelt it now."

"Yes! Not right!"

The old man touched his beard and pretended to be mysterious, and Yang Xiaotao wanted to cut him with scissors.

"Just tell me what's right or wrong."

Yang Xiaotao said impatiently, there have been a lot of things lately, and he really can't help with this scapegoat.

The old Taoist was stroking his beard, looking enigmatic.

Yang Xiaotao glanced at it and immediately understood that the old Taoist priest was playing tricks again, "How do you want me to help? Tell me quickly."

"Actually, it's not what I want to do, but they have some ideas."

"Don't give a shit."

"They felt that there must be other components in these tungsten ores, so they were thinking about what chemical reagents to use to extract them."

Now Yang Xiaotao understood that relationships require the use of chemical reagents.

Although most of the chemistry knowledge he learned in his previous life was given back to his chemistry teacher, some interesting things were still clearly remembered as short stories.

The most impressive thing is that during World War II, a very powerful chemist used aqua regia to melt the Nobel Medal, and it was not confiscated.

When Yang Xiaotao first heard about this, he specifically checked the information about Shui Wang.

Therefore, I very much agree with the method of using chemical reagents proposed by these people.

"I'll call the chemical factory later and you can take them to study."

"But be safe."

Yang Xiaotao once again asked about safety issues. Chemical reagents that can even dissolve gold should be used if they get on people.
The old man nodded.

"By the way, what does this have to do with pot?"

Yang Xiaotao spoke again, but still didn't understand what the old man meant.

"It doesn't matter. Do you think ordinary pots can hold these powerful chemicals? Ordinary pots can withstand such high temperatures."

"Uh, you're right."

Yang Xiaotao nodded, gold can be dissolved, and ordinary metal pots are really difficult to handle.

"Then what do you want to do? You can't start another project and build a new pot that can be used."

The old Taoist said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord."

"This old man has an idea."

"What do you think?"

"I remember when I practiced alchemy with my master Danyangzi and Guanzhong."

"Pick up the key points."

Yang Xiaotao drove the car to the machinery factory and was about to get out of the car.

The old Taoist shook his head, very dissatisfied with Yang Xiaotao's disrespectful behavior.

If it weren't for this guy's good cooking skills, the veteran wouldn't bother to care.

"The stove used by Master Dan Yangzi is not made of steel or iron, but made of a kind of earth."

The old Taoist said calmly, and when Yang Xiaotao heard it, a word suddenly popped into his mind.

'crucible! '

"So I thought I could use this soil to make a pot, but it didn't work. I still hid my master's stove in the temple. I just don't know if it is still there after all these years of war."

The old Taoist sighed with emotion on the side, and kept stroking his beard as if reminiscing.

Yang Xiaotao, on the other hand, thought about the crucible and recalled how it was done.

But the limited knowledge reserve obviously exceeded his cognition. He only remembered that the raw materials of the crucible were different, and the products made were different. It was not just a matter of finding some clay and burning it. That would be no different from bricks and tiles.

However, after hearing Lao Dao's last words, Yang Xiaotao suddenly laughed.

The old man who was reminiscing suddenly saw Yang Xiaotao smiling maliciously at him. He immediately leaned back, stretched out his hand to hold his chest, and subconsciously distanced himself.

But at this moment, Yang Xiaotao's voice was heard.

"Old Taoist, are you homesick?"

Stunned, stunned, and then confused.

He hasn't been back for a long time.

Because in his impression, it already existed in his memory.

No one knows whether there are any left.

But now, this matter was brought up again, and the mess in my heart was successfully stirred up by Yang Xiaotao's iron hook.

(End of this chapter)

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