Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1102 It’s not easy to have a beard

Chapter 1102 It’s not easy to have a beard

"That's wrong! Something's wrong!"

Yang Youning frowned, always feeling uncomfortable.

Picking up the sketch and looking at the outline of the tricycle, Yang Youning fell into deep thought.

From the first words Yang Xiaotao said when he entered the house to the last time he left, Yang Youning recalled one by one and finally discovered the problem.

When I first came in to talk about production capacity, I ended up talking about tricycles.

When it came time to talk about solving the problem, he kicked the ball to him and pretended to say this and that. In fact, he was leading him to reveal his original purpose.

“Building partnerships in the Northwest.”


Yang Youning slapped the table hard. When this brat came in, he came here just to build a factory in the northwest.

"This brat is so courageous!"

"You dare to plot against me, Old Yang..."

Yang Youning felt like he was being teased, got up, and slammed the door out.

The next moment, Yang Xiaotao was designing the structural frame of the tricycle in the office when he suddenly saw the door being pushed open.

"Yang, Uncle Yang!"

Suddenly the door closes.

Then there was a howling sound in the office. Lou Xiaoe, who had returned from fetching water, was so frightened that she stood at the door for a while. Then Secretary Xiaoqiang pulled her aside and said something, and the two of them ran away immediately.

After a while, Yang Youning came out of the room with his hands behind his back, feeling refreshed.

Yang Xiaotao covered his shoulders and felt proud.

It was a done deal and there was no room for Lao Yang to regret it.

Two hits is nothing.

As far as his body and bones are concerned, Yang Youning's two blows are not much stronger than those of his wife at home.

While thinking about it, he said, "If this really happens, one yellow sheep won't be enough."

When Lou Xiao'e entered the house, she saw Yang Xiaotao rubbing his shoulders and grinning, then lowered his head and smiled, and tidied the house.

Yang Xiaotao glanced at Lou Xiao'e, sat down immediately, picked up a pen and paper and designed the frame of the tricycle again.

In my previous life, because of my grandfather, I was very familiar with the structure of a tricycle. The major components were all the same, except for the clutch gearbox, which needed to be redesigned.

Before getting off work, Yang Xiaotao came to the R&D department, handed the completed tricycle frame to Zhang Guanyu, and ordered to allocate manpower to design the tricycle.

Zhang Guanyu didn't ask any questions and quickly went to make arrangements.

Yang Xiaotao drove away from the machinery factory and went straight to Yangjiazhuang without returning to the courtyard.

Just when Yang Xiaotao rushed to Yangjiazhuang, Shen Rong in the Seventh Machine Department helplessly shook his head at Father Ran.

"Director, our people have tried their best."

Seeing this, Ran's father still focused on the data sheet.

Since explaining the situation to Mr. Qian last time, Ran's father has obtained previous experimental data from the Three Machinery Department. After some analysis, he has readjusted the key parts of the design.

These days, the Seventh Machinery Department has gathered all the masters and they are working hard in the workshop.

It's not that the masters don't work hard, the old men with half-white hair are struggling on the front line, and they don't care if the sweat on their bodies is wet down their backs.

With this work attitude, Ran's father and the others couldn't fault it even when they saw it.

But, maybe it really requires 'talent'.

"Let comrades rest."

Father Ran's voice was hoarse, and Shen Rong shook his head helplessly.

They tried their best, but trying their best does not mean they can do well.

"Director, according to your requirements, the accuracy requirements in these locations must be at least 1.8, which is the same as our requirements in the northwest."

Shen Rong did not answer, but put forward his own opinion.

Ran's father remained silent.

But Shen Rong knew that when he was in the northwest, there was someone who abruptly raised this standard to 1.5.

"I know!"

"Leave this matter to me."

Ran's father turned his head and said seriously, then looked at Shen Rong's haggard face, "Go back early and take a nap. I will have a holiday tomorrow at the weekend to spend time with my family and children."

Shen Rong opened his mouth, but finally nodded.

"Director, you too, don't be too late, go home and rest early."

Father Ran touched his beard, then smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together."

Then he threw the report on the desk and the two went out together.

When Ran's father returned home, Ran's mother looked at the sky in surprise, full of disbelief.

"Why are you back so early today? I'm going to serve food."

Ran's mother said something and walked to the kitchen.

But Ran's father took off his coat, hung it on the clothes hook, went to the stove, picked up the boiling kettle, and poured it into the thermos bottle.

Then he came to the house and looked at the Ran Xinrui siblings who were studying.

"Red Soldier, let me see what is written."

Ran Hongbing was biting the end of his pencil and frowning at the math problem.

Ran Xinrui gloated on the sidelines, "My little brother is doing his homework."

"Sister comes back tomorrow. If I can't finish it, haha."

Ran Hongbing rolled his eyes angrily after hearing this, "Only you know."

Then he looked at Ran's father and said, "Dad, how do you calculate this question?"

When Ran's father heard what his youngest daughter said, he immediately remembered that his son-in-law and daughter were coming back tomorrow, so he would leave his two nephews behind to help take care of them.


Seeing that Ran's father didn't respond, Ran Hongbing shouted again.

"Ah, the homework your eldest sister has assigned you, you have to do it yourself, and dad won't tell you."

After saying that, he got up and went to the kitchen to help.

In the room, Ran Hongbing was dejected and wailed, "Dad is afraid of eldest sister, how can I live my life like this?"

Ran Xinrui smiled at the side, "Brother, let me tell you, if you want to pass this test tomorrow, you have to rely on your brother-in-law."

"Second sister, help me~~~"

chi chi~~~
The aircraft's tires rubbed violently with the ground, and slowly stopped under the constraints of Newton's third law of action.

All the airport lights were turned on, illuminating the area around the plane.

The gangway was quickly pushed forward by the staff, and then the hatch slowly opened.

Surrounded by tense security guards, there were no other personnel in the entire airport except the guards and a few people who came to greet him.

As the cabin door was fully opened, a burly figure appeared at the door. He first looked down and around to make sure there was no problem before returning to the cabin.

A moment later, a thin old man stood at the door with a resolute expression, his expression unchanged despite the cold wind blowing his hair.

Looking at the people below, the old man walked down the gangway step by step.

Behind him, Secretary Tang quickly followed with a document bag.

After that, there is the man from before, guarding the left and right.

"Chief!" After the old man stepped on the ground, he felt the feeling of solidity, and his heart finally dropped.

The middle-aged man who got up to greet him immediately stepped forward to greet him.

The flight lasted nearly ten hours, and I didn’t get off even during the layover. Now I’m finally home.

"How are you guys, comrades?"

The old man's voice is crisp and clear, with a unique northern Jiangsu accent, which makes people feel at ease.

"Chief, everyone is doing well. I heard that you are coming back, and they all want to pick you up."

"It's so late, so don't bother everyone. We'll see you tomorrow anyway."

The visitor smiled with admiration in his eyes.

"Come on, let's get in the car and go back, so as not to cause trouble to the comrades at the airport."

Seeing that all the people accompanying him had come down, the old man hurriedly urged him to get in the car and go back.

Everyone escorted the old man to the car, and then drove out of the airport.

In the co-pilot, Tong Xiaolong asked the old man, "Chief, let's go home first?"

The old man shook his head after hearing this, "Go to the office first and place the documents for this trip."

Tong Xiaolong didn't say anything, and Secretary Tang on the side said, "Chief, Madam is waiting at home, why don't we go back first."

"Besides, it's so late. If we go to work, won't we be a burden to our comrades?"

When the old man saw Secretary Tang saying this, he thought of the staff traveling with him. If he went back, they would all follow him.

"Well, let's go home first."

"Let all comrades go back too."

The old man finally compromised, and Tong Xiaolong immediately nodded happily, stretched out his hand out of the window, gestured to the motorcade behind him, and then changed direction.

"By the way, let Xiao Lizi come here. It's been a long time, and we need to talk about domestic matters."

Hearing this, Secretary Tang shook his head helplessly. As a leader, he had too many things to do mentally and was not willing to take a break at all.


Knowing that this was the old man's biggest concession, Secretary Tang could only agree.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the old man was sitting at home, next to a middle-aged man, who was the office director of the old man.

On the side of the room, a kind old woman was explaining something to Secretary Tang.

In the room, a large iron kettle sat on the heating stove, and steam began to bubble out. When the two women saw that the old man was still reading the documents, they both shook their heads.

"Forget it, with his temper, it's useless to persuade him."

The old woman knew her husband's temperament well, so she didn't say much and just stayed with him quietly.

The old man was sitting on a chair, with a wolfskin mattress under him, which was very comfortable to sit on.

"This Red Star Steel Factory is good."

The old man looked at the contents of the document. Although he was saddened by the accident earlier, he was able to withstand the pressure, face the difficulties, and finally overcome the difficulties. This really gave the domestic steel industry a shot in the arm.

Director Li nodded, "That's what happened yesterday. The meeting was attended not only by comrades from the Machinery Department, but also by capable personnel from steel plants across the country."

"Both Chief Chen and Chief Wang from the northwest went to participate."

Director Li talked about the scene he had heard about, and the old man kept nodding.

"Is the efficiency of steelmaking increased by five times? If this technology is promoted, wouldn't our domestic steelmaking take a big step forward?"

"Yes, that's what the report submitted by Chief Chen said."

Director Li said as he took out another report from his document bag. If the old man hadn't asked about it, he would have thought of talking about it tomorrow so as not to disturb the old man's rest.

Now, when the old man asked, he could only bring out Chief Chen's report.

The old man looked through it, his eyes suddenly shining brightly.

"It is estimated that 30% to 50% of the country's steel transformation work will be completed within six months to one year."

"Steel production doubled within a year."

"The output of supporting facilities will be doubled, the people's production equipment will be doubled, and the industry will be built."

The old man kept flipping through the report, reading out data one by one from time to time, and his mood became increasingly difficult to control in this excitement.

"Okay, okay."

The old man smiled at Director Li, "With the increase in steel production, we can do more things."

"You see, this plan calls for the construction of two railways. With railways, transportation will be fast and local construction will be strengthened."

"In the previous plan, this had to be started at least three years later. Now with the introduction of new technologies, as long as steel production increases, enough rails can be produced. OK, OK."

The old man smiled and put the document aside. Director Li and Secretary Tang looked at each other, knowing that the old man was going to read it again before going to bed.

"By the way, what is Wang Beard doing here?"

The old man was in a good mood and spoke more softly. He called Wang Huzi affectionately.


Director Li looked at the time and hesitated whether to say it.

"Why, what's wrong with Wang Beard?"

"no no."

Seeing that the old man became serious, Director Li quickly explained, "Chief, Chief Wang is here to beat the autumn wind."



Director Li then told Wang Huzhu that he had seen the establishment of the Seventh Machinery Department and wanted to develop northwest industry.

"From our understanding, Chief Wang should be serious."

"This time I came back and had a lot of contact with Chief Huang from the First Machinery Department."

"By the way, he also stayed at the home of a comrade from the Red Star Machinery Factory for one night, and then this morning he asked for support in establishing a branch factory in the northwest, saying that he wanted to produce tractors or something."

Director Li thought of Wang Huzi's serious look in front of him this morning and shook his head helplessly.

I don't know who gave him this attention, but the machine factory is the heartthrob of the First Machinery Department.

Even the chief has to consider it.

"Comrade from the machine factory? What's his name?"

the old man asked suddenly.

"It seems to be the deputy director of the machinery factory, Comrade Yang Xiaotao."

The old man suddenly smiled after hearing this, and the woman and Secretary Tang on the side also smiled.

"Since Wang Beard has said so, we must also take care of our comrades in the northwest."

The old man said, but Director Li looked incredulous.

It wasn't until the old man finished speaking that he realized, "Okay, I'll tell Chief Wang tomorrow."


After Director Li left, the woman stepped forward and handed the hot water to the old man, "You just agreed?"

The old man smiled and said, "We have already discussed this, so why should we be evil people?"


The old man was holding the tea cup, his eyes seemed to be filled with emotion and guilt.

"Beard has not been easy these past few years."

(End of this chapter)

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