Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1091 Existence on Level 8

Chapter 1091: Existence on the eighth level
At noon, Yang Xiaotao came to the cafeteria carrying a lunch box, and people were waiting in line in front of him.

Since the last time outstanding personnel were selected to participate in the National Day gift event, after a competition between the chefs in the cafeteria, the selected outstanding personnel have become popular in the machinery factory.

The consequence of this is that the queue in front of the second cafeteria gets longer every time it is time to get food.

Even those who come late will not leave unless they see that there is no food in front of them, so they will choose other canteens.

Yang Xiaotao arrived not too early and lined up in the middle of the queue, moving forward bit by bit.

In fact, Yang Xiaotao is very impatient about waiting in line.

Just like paying for things to buy in the previous life, just like queuing up for registration at the hospital, and when it's time to withdraw money.
Painful memories.

In comparison, at that time, at least there were mobile phones to kill time, but here, all you have to do is wait.

"Mr. Yang, come and get some food too."

Yang Xiaotao is considered a celebrity in the machinery factory, and many people say hello when they see him.

The workers behind him were a little surprised. Yang Xiaotao looked back and saw that it was a young worker.

In my impression, it seemed that he was introduced by Aunt Wang. Judging from his appearance, he should be from the engine shop.

"Of course, I have to eat too."

Yang Xiaotao smiled. The young man was stunned for a moment and then said, "No, I mean, you are so busy, you still have to prepare the food yourself."

"That's necessary. No matter how busy I am, I am still a worker."

"We workers are equal. It doesn't matter if we let others serve us. Landlords and rich people, I don't dare to make mistakes."

Everyone laughed after hearing this. It was obvious that Yang Xiaotao could queue up to eat with them, which made them feel very close.

A lady wearing a hat from behind smiled and shouted, "Mr. Yang, we love what you say."

"Yes, it's much better than those who just look at others with disdain."

"Isn't that right? Lao Zhang in our courtyard works in a cement factory. I heard that his leader is so powerful that he will be punished for being late."

The chatterbox opened and everyone complained.

"Mr. Yang, are you also participating in this martial arts competition?"

Yang Xiaotao was listening to the gossip of several female workers when suddenly a person in front of him turned around and asked.

"The tourney, you're talking about the end of the month."

Yang Xiaotao came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head, "I have no plans for the time being."

He knew that this was entirely a means by Yang Youning to stimulate workers' progress. Of course, safety learning was the main thing. As the leader of the factory, he might as well forget it.

"That's a pity. When you took part in the eighth-level fitter competition, we were all watching."

"I admire your craftsmanship."

The worker in front held out his thumb as he spoke, and several older workers looked over with expressions of conviction.

"Yes, Mr. Yang, you must be the one with the best fitter skills in this machinery factory. You have to show off your unique skills."

"Yes, Mr. Yang, you have to show off your unique skills."

Everyone shouted, and there were also shouts from several queues on the left and right.

"thanks, thanks."

Yang Xiaotao smiled politely and said, "When the time comes, I will be up there cheering you on."

Everyone laughed, and someone shouted from the side, "If Mr. Yang participates, how can we have anything to do with him?"

"Yes, thank you Mr. Yang for not participating."

"Mr. Yang, what's the reward this time?"

Everyone laughed, but they knew that if Yang Xiaotao ended up, the entire factory would probably have a bitter look on his face.

"Of course there are a lot of rewards, and there are also grand prizes and bicycle tickets. Is that enough?"

"Bicycle ticket? My dear, you have to fight for it."

When Yang Xiaotao mentioned the bicycle ticket, everyone was quiet for a moment, and then became noisy again. In this era, bicycles are still important items. Some people are getting married, and if they can get a few bicycles to pick up the bride, it is a face in the eyes of the neighbors.

Some people who had no intention of participating in the martial arts tournament were interested after hearing what Yang Xiaotao said.

Now that the bicycle tickets are out, the remaining rewards will not be low.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaotao spoke again, "And everyone who enters the primary election will receive a consolation prize."

"Are there any prizes?"

The young man behind him exclaimed, and Yang Xiaotao patted the young man on the shoulder, "Yes, as long as you sign up and pass the preliminary election, you will be rewarded."

The young man looked excited after hearing this, and immediately started whispering to the people behind him.


"Our machinery factory is holding this martial arts competition just to have an exchange among our workers."

"I hope that everyone can take advantage of this opportunity to learn knowledge, find learning goals, understand the gap between themselves and outstanding workers, learn from what others do, strive for better and higher, and move forward."

it is good! ! !
There was applause all around.

"Mr. Yang, I, we are just assembling engines, can I also participate?"

It was still the young man behind him. Apparently they had been discussing together for a while, but he still asked.

"Yes, why not?"

"Engine work is not a simple job, so you can definitely sign up."

"It's like a bunch of the same parts. You can assemble it faster than others. This is your skill."

"Also, if there are other parts mixed in a bunch of parts, you need to pick out the correct one and then assemble it successfully. This is also a skill."

Yang Xiaotao was talking to a few people. He could feel the excitement of the people around him who were eager to try, and then he smiled.

“As long as you think you are excellent in some aspect, you can sign up.”

"As long as the judges feel that they pass the test and that their abilities are outstanding, they will be ranked and rewarded."

This made everyone even more excited.

When Yang Xiaotao came to the window, it was Li Tiejun's wife who was cooking. She saw Yang Xiaotao from a distance and said kindly, "Mr. Yang, what are you talking about? It's so busy?"

"Sister-in-law, prepare food first, I'm so hungry." "Haha, here, I'll keep it all for you."

While cooking, he simply said what happened just now, "Mr. Yang, can our chefs also participate?"

"Yes, they are all workers in a machinery factory, why not?"

The faces of the women who were serving meals were happy. Last time, Chef Zhang in their cafeteria did well, and they all benefited from it.

Now, this opportunity has come again, you must seize it.

While Yang Xiaotao was eating, the official explanation about the skills competition from Yang Xiaotao spread immediately.

"Team leader, why does it have nothing to do with us if Mr. Yang participates?"

A young man who had just joined the job held chopsticks and asked the benchwork leader of the same group in confusion.

The team leader glanced at the young man and said, "You, you have only been here for a short time, so you don't know some things."

"Mr. Yang, what is your current position?"

"Mr. Yang, aren't you the deputy director and chief designer of our machinery factory?"

The young man knew this very well, because in terms of age, Yang Xiaotao was not much older than him, and the two of them were truly peers.

With such a peer around, the elders around him would treat Yang Xiaotao as someone else's child every time they educated him.

Therefore, they are familiar with Yang Xiaotao's achievements.

"That's an administrative position, I'm asking about worker skills."


The young man didn't know why and looked at the old man in the same group.

The old worker chuckled, "When Mr. Yang first entered the factory, he was a fitter apprentice in the third workshop."

"Later on, I continued to upgrade step by step. After three difficult years, I directly applied for the eighth level exam."

"Eighth level? Fitter?"

"Looking at you like this, so startled, why are you so excited?"

"When Mr. Yang took the CET-[-] exam, the scene was just a screw."

People who knew about it began to talk about that period of history, and everyone eating around them listened with their ears pricked up. Even if they had heard about it a long time ago, it was still touching to mention it now.

"Oh my God, the youngest engineer. I, I really don't know."

As the young man spoke, his chopsticks were already placed on the lunch box. Now he finally understood why his parents set Yang Xiaotao as a motivational goal, because that goal was a height that he would never reach in his life.

"What's this? Do you know the director of the fourth workshop? Do you know Chen Wenwei from the machinery factory? Do you also have Li Nan and Xing Jiaqi?"

"They are all in the same group as Mr. Yang. Look at their skills. They are level [-] fitters. The worst one, Li Nan, is also a level [-] fitter."

"Before the expansion, the average grade of the fitters in the third workshop was one level higher than that of the other workshops. This was all taught by Mr. Yang when he was here."

Everyone opened their mouths. When the old worker said this, he also sighed with emotion, "It would have been better if Mr. Yang was in our first workshop."

Several old brothers around him nodded silently.

Finally, the team leader put the lunch box away and glanced at everyone, "These news of yours are all commonplace."

Finally, he looked at the young man and said, "I heard from Mr. Hou last time that Mr. Yang's fitter skills have exceeded level eight."

After listening, everyone remained silent.

"Fortunately, Mr. Yang won't participate."

The old worker uttered the last word, but then shook his head again, "What a pity, if Mr. Yang participated, we could have a great experience."

"Yes, it's a pity."

The team leader was equally emotional.

Department of Seven Machinery.

Ran's father was sitting in Mr. Qian's office, and beside him was Shen Rong, who came with him to be in charge of production.

After finishing his thoughts, there was a silence in the office.

Qian Lao admired Ran's father's attitude of striving for excellence very much.

When Ran's father was able to preside over many coefficient calculations, he developed a good impression of this tireless and serious scientific researcher.

Later, he discovered an error in the book, which made him feel that Comrade Lao Ran was a person with keen insight and the courage to use reverse thinking to look at problems.

Just like this time, everyone feels that it has met the standards given by the Northern Alliance. The missile's coefficients should meet the requirements and meet the conditions for combination.

But Ran's father has raised the standards set by this alliance to a higher level.

This time, the various departments below were tortured to death. In order to meet higher standards, many workers and technicians worked hard.

But in his opinion, it might be necessary for Ran's father to do this.

After all, Ran's father has dealt with the alliance. There are some things that his father and his mother have are not as good as his own. What he does is his own.

"Team Leader Shen, what Director Ran said, what do you think?"

Looking at Shen Rong aside, he realized that he was the most familiar with this capable staff member who also came from the northwest. They had been together for so many years and wanted to hear his opinions.

"Chief, I think what Director Ran said is very reasonable."

Shen Rong did not belittle him for making his work more difficult. On the contrary, he had long been accustomed to Ran's father's style.

"When we were manufacturing the shell, we had strict requirements. In the end, I can't say that we guaranteed the success of the experiment, but it is true that there were no problems."

"So I think it is very necessary to solve all the problems that can be solved on the ground."

Ran's father also nodded after hearing this, because once it flies into the sky, it will be difficult to solve it.

"Well, if that's the case, is there any good way?"

He patted the documents in his hand and said, "You know, the workers in our Seventh Machinery Department are all Level [-] beings. The craftsmanship of these masters is no worse than that of machines."

"If you want to be promoted again, Team Leader Shen, what suggestions do you have?"

After hearing this, Shen Rong looked at Ran's father and said calmly, "Chief, the eighth level is not the pinnacle of a master, because there is a gap between the eighth level and the eighth level."

"What's more, there are existences far beyond level eight."

(End of this chapter)

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