With the staff ready, Yang Xiaotao placed the established group under the name of the R&D Department of the Machinery Factory.

He concurrently serves as the team leader, and Zhang Dedao is the deputy team leader.

The study and office space is in the small conference room next to the R&D Department, which was sorted out by Chen Gong. As for everyone's accommodation, now they can only arrange it in the workers' dormitory, with a few people bunk beds.

But there is a heating stove and running water, so life is no worse than before.

The internship location was arranged in a steel factory, allowing Guan Zhiyong to arrange everyone's internship work.

As for Lao Dao, Lin Xiaotao originally wanted to apply for a bicycle for him, but Lao Tao refused.

In his words, this distance is much easier to walk than going up and down the mountain before.

After arranging the research team, Yang Xiaotao gave the research team the first task to study tungsten alloy.

This was Yang Xiaotao's decision after careful consideration.

Today, there is no breakthrough in this area in China. Most tungsten alloys are imported, and the import volume is limited.

Just like the last time they made the Venus Machine Tool, there was no spare tungsten alloy for them to use in the huge machine department warehouse. If there were as many tungsten alloys as steel, how could it be so difficult?
And Yang Xiaotao also knows that there is no shortage of tungsten ore in the country. Even in the entire world, domestic tungsten ore storage is among the best.

The current situation is that there is tungsten ore, but why can’t we make tungsten alloy?

Since you want to set a goal, just set a big one.

Everyone learned about the situation of domestic alloys. Although there are factories that have refined tungsten metal, and tungsten filament light bulbs in Shanghai have also been made, tungsten alloys are not that simple.

So, this is a peak, a big mountain, a mountain that is still being climbed and conquered.

Knowing the difficulties involved, not only did everyone not flinch, but they became very enthusiastic and excited.

They all come here with the great dream of building the motherland.

What they are afraid of is not difficulties, what they are afraid of is not knowing what difficulties are.

Looking at the young people who were moved by Yang Xiaotao's few words, the old Taoist muttered in his heart, "They are another group of inexperienced teenagers."

However, it's not bad to be with these energetic young people.

As the tasks continued, Yang Xiaotao couldn't pay attention to them at any time, so he left them to Lao Dao and was busy designing the engine.

In this regard, the veteran just complained a few words, but did not give up.

Then he led seven people to plan it from scratch, and even asked about which factories and companies in China manufacture tungsten alloy. He wanted to learn more, and Xiaotao expressed his full support for this.

Back at the machinery factory, Yang Xiaotao checked the development progress of the twin-cylinder diesel engine.

After looking at Zhang Guanyu's design, I found that they were a bit stuck on the idea of ​​a single-cylinder engine, which was somewhat different from Yang Xiaotao's design.

After explaining it in the R&D department and pointing out the problems and shortcomings, Yang Xiaotao asked everyone to redesign it according to the requirements.

At this time, Liu Huaimin came to the factory gate and said that someone from above was sent to study.

Yang Xiaotao hurriedly took Zhang Guanyu out to greet him.

At the door, there were clearly two waves of people, one from Quancheng and the other from the Three Machinery Department.

After Yang Xiaotao arrived, everyone he met was an acquaintance.

The technical director who came from Quancheng to lead the team, and

It was Lao Zheng who sent all three machines.

The few people met politely, and then Yang Xiaotao asked Zhang Guanyu to bring several people to the R&D Department and arrange them into each group to participate in the subsequent design work.

Yang Xiaotao entertained the two of them in the office.

In the meantime, both of them talked about the four-cylinder diesel engine. Yang Xiaotao still adhered to the original principle, and the machinery factory needed to proceed step by step.

Of course, if they have the ability to develop a four-cylinder engine, Yang Xiaotao will only congratulate them.

The three of them chatted for a while and realized that the process from design to development was not short, so they left the person behind and returned.

At this point, Yang Xiaotao's work at hand is finally over.

For a person studying alloy steel, it’s hard to say for a while.

One is a two-cylinder diesel engine. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be completed in a few days.

As for the people in the R&D department, they have made great progress under Yang Xiaotao's advice, but they have to wait for them to design and demonstrate it bit by bit. It is estimated that it will be successful before the year.

In the factory director's office, Yang Youning straightened up and moved his neck and wrists.

Since Yang Xiaotao took over the alloy steel research group, his workload has doubled.

Even the lunch break has been compressed.

Now, I spend most of my smoking time shouting.

Even so, even though I smoked less, my health didn't get much better.

I spent the whole morning working on documents every day, and sometimes I had to work overtime at noon.

Just like it is now.

He stood up, walked two steps out of the office, and came to Liu Huaimin's office. He opened the door and went in without knocking.

Liu Huaimin was also immersed in the pile of documents. He only glanced up and continued to approve documents.

"Old Liu, are we both at a loss?"

Yang Youning didn't care, he came directly to the table and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Look at this kid, he found someone to do the work for him, and he became the hands-off shopkeeper."

"We don't have to deal with messy things, unlike us, who wake up early and work late at night. Recently, I can hardly straighten my waist."

Yang Youning complained.

He didn't expect Yang Xiaotao to be so cunning, and he didn't know where to find someone.The key point was that Liu Huaimin and he had to agree, because they had made outstanding contributions in the northwest. After checking their backgrounds, they found that several of them were in high positions and were their subordinates!
People like this were originally relegated to the second line, but were pulled out by Yang Xiaotao. Can they refuse?
As for Yang Xiaotao, he must have thought of this a long time ago, so he deliberately manipulated them and made them promise many benefits.

Only in the end did I discover that Yang Xiaotao had designed all of this himself.

Both of them felt deep resentment after being plotted against.

If Yang Xiaotao knew that they thought this way, he would definitely complain.

He really doesn't have such a deep plan. If you don't believe me, you can ask an experienced person.

"Forget it, tricks are not as good as people's. Why are you talking about this? It will only increase your troubles."

Liu Huaimin said something and then continued to process the documents.

Seeing that Yang Youning had no intention of leaving, he asked again: "By the way, has the semi-automatic milling machine that you want from Jiefang Factory been processed?"

Liu Huaimin asked, and Yang Youning raised his eyebrows after hearing this, "How can it be so fast?"

As he spoke, he sat on a chair nearby and thumped his back twice from time to time, "Now the workshop has a full schedule of tasks. You don't know, with that tone, if you want to jump in line, you have to wait and see!"

But three days ago, the task requirements for liberating the automobile factory came from above.

Yan said he needed a semi-automatic milling machine urgently.

I want it to be produced and delivered as soon as possible.

The machinery factory is not the steel factory it was back then. Nowadays, the status of the machinery factory is no longer the same.

Not only does it produce many varieties, it also has a high reputation in the country.

How could Yang Youning take this kind of task seriously?

Especially after being manipulated by Yang Xiaotao, he was exhausted physically and mentally from being tortured by mission reports all day long.

I felt even more uncomfortable. How could I agree happily?

So I have been putting it off until now, without giving a reply.

Seeing what Yang Youning said, Liu Huaimin changed his expression.

"Lao Yang, this matter is not a trivial matter. I heard from Director Liu that this automatic milling machine was purchased by the automobile factory on your behalf!"


Yang Youning squeezed his back hard and asked quickly.

Liu Huaimin glanced at the door and found that no one was there. Yang Youshou saw it and quickly got up and closed the door.

"Old Liu, what's going on!"

"Don't worry, I also heard rumors. It seems that the North Firearms Factory is encountering difficulties in producing guns."

"You also know that there is an important weapons production industrial base. They are going to re-equip the Type 63 for the whole country this time. When they were originally designed, they did not take into account the current situation in the country. Some parts have strict material requirements, but there are no domestic ones. With sufficient materials, we can only find substitutes.”

“Then, when we went into mass production, we discovered that some parts were designed so that the factory couldn’t produce them on a large scale!”

"I estimate that I need this machine just to make Type 63. You can't take it lightly. This is a big deal."

Liu Huaimin said, feeling an inexplicable sense of glory in his heart.

Yang Youning was even more confused, "No, since you need it, just release the task generously and issue the approval slip. Is it so troublesome?"

"Hey, Lao Yang, don't you know that the machine tool factory in the north also got a copy of the drawings?"

"You mean between the two factories..."

"Yes, they have a strategic cooperative relationship. It's just that this time, the machine tool factory has been unable to do it, and they are in a hurry to change their equipment. I guess they can't wait any longer!"

After Liu Huaimin finished speaking, Yang Youning shook his head and sneered, "It's all about saving face and suffering!"

Then he immediately walked out, "Then we have to do this quickly. If someone makes this machine and then returns it, they will lose money."

Then he went out to find Chang Mingjie to make arrangements.

But in my heart, I was thinking that I must deliver the goods as soon as possible.

Maybe I’ll come back next time!
That's a big customer!
What Yang Youning doesn't know is that in the original history, this 63 Type 4 automatic rifle could be satisfied with small batch production due to the decoupling of design and reality. However, large-scale emergency production brought about a series of criticisms. As for being forced to dismantle it after many years, it became a big regret.

In this life, it was because of the appearance of Yang Xiaotao that he first repaired high-precision machine tools, then copied the Venus Machine Tool, and later designed a semi-automatic milling machine, which was continuously manufactured and distributed throughout the country.

These machine tools play an increasingly important role in basic production.

Today's Hongxing Machinery Factory is like a mother nest of machine tools, providing nutrients for the country's construction.

Some superior leaders even proposed again the idea of ​​establishing a separate machine tool factory, but Mr. Huang rejected it.

The reason is naturally human factors.

This time, the firearms director purchased the machine tool with the intention of trying it out. If the effect is good, it will naturally be a big purchase.

You know, there are millions of guns across the country, and the gunsmiths all over the country can keep the machinery factory busy for a long time.

When Yang Youning left the office, Liu Huaimin naturally understood what he was thinking, but he was also happy to see the results. As long as it was beneficial and harmless to the machinery factory, he could accept it.

Just like Yang Xiaotao, although he was put in a different position, as long as a two-cylinder engine is produced, it will be a good thing for the machinery factory.

I thought to myself, then buried my head and continued busy.

bell bell

The phone on the table suddenly rang. Liu Huaimin took it as usual and asked. After a moment, his expression immediately became solemn.

After hanging up the phone, he shouted to the secretary outside the door, "Send someone to find Yang Xiaotao immediately."

Then he stood up and went out to find Yang Youning.

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