Seeing what Ran's father said, Yang Xiaotao still didn't understand what it meant, so he nodded immediately, "Okay, I'll buy some food and call Qiuye by the way. She asked about it yesterday."

As Yang Xiaotao went out, he still couldn't believe that he had reached this point, and at least he had the step-by-step transition from the section chief to the director. But Ran's father jumped directly from the team leader to the director. This span is incomparable.

But when I think of Ran’s father hiding his name in the northwest these years, if you count the time, it’s almost the same.

I drove back to the machinery factory first and called Yangjiazhuang.

Probably because Ran Qiuye hadn't finished school yet, he told Yang Dazhuang, who answered the phone, about the matter. If anything happened, he asked Ran Qiuye to call the machinery factory tomorrow.

Then he drove to the vegetable market and bought some symbolic vegetables and meat. When he returned to the courtyard, the back seat of the car was filled with tobacco, wine, tea and fruits.

Xiao Wang came out to help, and there were a few more people in the room at this time.

Yang Xiaotao entered the room and saw two more people in the room.

The two of them are similar in age to Ran's father, and they are both on the thin side.The difference is that the one on the left wears glasses and the one on the right has a straight nose, but they both look like they are scholarly.

Yang Xiaotao approached, and Ran's father introduced him at the side.

"This is Uncle Wang, this is Uncle Li!"

"Uncle Wang, Uncle Li!"

Yang Xiaotao asked with a smile. Uncle Wang, who was wearing glasses on the left of the two, smiled and said, "I have heard from Lao Zheng a long time ago that Lao Ran's family has an extraordinary son-in-law. When we meet him today, he is really extraordinary!"

"Yes, this guy Lao Zheng is jealous. He said that he will find a better one even if he has a daughter in the future."

"Ha ha!"

Uncle Li next to him spoke next, and Yang Xiaotao quickly said politely, "Thank you, thank you."

"I also believe that Uncle Zheng will find a good son-in-law."

"Of course, you have to be immortal first."


Hearing what Yang Xiaotao said, the people in the room laughed even more, and Director Zheng shook his head, "If you are not a family, you will not enter the same family. Your soft-spoken temperament is just like Lao Ran."

Ran's father smiled even more happily. Although the number of sons could not compare with Lao Zheng, his son-in-law was only half a son, and these half sons were more promising than the few boys in Lao Zheng's family.

Several people laughed, and Ran's father also pulled Yang Xiaotao down to sit down and pour water.

As for the cooking, it was all left to Ran's mother and the women in the courtyard.

On this occasion, Ran's father would rather Yang Xiaotao accompany the guests as the master of the house, rather than the cook.

Of course, the more important thing is to let Yang Xiaotao have more contact with these people. Not all of them may have a higher status than Yang Xiaotao now, but everyone has their own circle, and building a good relationship with them will also be beneficial to the future.

Now that Ran's father has become the director, it is inevitable to embark on an official career, although his previous job was more focused on academic research.

But Yang Xiaotao is different. The path he takes is the real official career.

Ran's father understands that on this road, it doesn't just matter how capable you are, sometimes the sedan chair also needs people to carry it.

Therefore, he wanted to take today's opportunity to introduce Yang Xiaotao to everyone, so as to become familiar with him.

With this kind of relationship, I won't be turned away when I visit you in the future.

Yang Xiaotao obviously understood Ran's father's plan, and while he was moved, he was happy to show off his strength so as not to embarrass Ran's father.

He took out cigarettes and lit them for several people, turned on the lights in the room, and everyone talked.

Then he talked about his work.

Yang Xiaotao was listening on the sidelines, secretly amazed that there were so many people coming back from the northwest this time.

The two people in front of me, Uncle Wang, whose full name is Wang Zaijin, is now the director of the fourth-level department, and his main research field is also the steel sector.

Uncle Li and Li Chengjun are also directors, and they are directors of the same department as Ran's father. They are in charge of logistics work, which is naturally closely related to steel and machinery.

As the director of the Three Machinery Department, Lao Zheng's main job is the research and development of weapons. Of course, as the director, he only needs to grasp the general direction.

As for Ran's father, the specific arrangements have not been finalized, but he also understands the future direction of the Seven Machinery Department.

As they talked, they found a common topic, and then started chatting about basic materials such as steel and oil.

Yang Xiaotao listened on the sidelines, and occasionally interjected a few words to express his own opinions.

In fact, no matter how many machine parts there are, the steel part is the big one.

Just like the First Machinery Department where Yang Xiaotao works, the steel used in the machinery factory is

Without steel, nothing can be done.

The atmosphere in the room became more and more lively, and when Ran's mother's voice came from outside again, Ran's father hurriedly took Yang Xiaotao out to greet her.

Then in the evening, four more people came.

They all work with Ran's father, and of course not all of them are at the level of director, but they are rare backbones assigned to various departments.

When there were more people in the room, it seemed crowded, so Yang Xiaotao simply stood aside, serving tea and water and letting the guests sit.

After waiting for a while, Yang Xiaotao glanced at Ran's father. The food had been prepared for a long time, but they were not allowed to be served. Is it possible that someone else is coming?

Just when Yang Xiaotao was confused, Ran Hongbing ran in from outside and talked about a car. Then Ran's father waved to Yang Xiaotao.

Only then did Yang Xiaotao realize that he was probably the last one.

The two of them went out and came to the entrance of the courtyard.

Then Yang Xiaotao saw a middle-aged man getting out of the car, with a vaguely familiar face that he should have seen before.

But I can’t tell whether it’s something I saw in my previous life or something I’ve seen in this life.

After all, there were too many people going to the city gate tower that day.

In a daze, the man had already come closer.

Ran's father stepped forward and said, "Director, you are welcome to come."

"No way, I'm afraid I'll be late."

As he spoke, he took two bottles of wine from the guard behind him and handed them over, "Authentic Fenjiu!"

Father Ran took it with a smile, then turned around and handed it to Yang Xiaotao.

Yang Xiaotao took the drink, but still didn't remember who this person was or where he had seen him.

"Wende, is this your eldest son-in-law?"

The visitor saw Yang Xiaotao and asked curiously.

In fact, when Ran's father was selected to come to the Seventh Machinery Department, the relevant departments had already given Ran's father's information to him, so they naturally knew Yang Xiaotao.

Moreover, Yang Xiaotao's achievements also made him very curious.

You know, when the Seventh Machinery Department was first established, his old partner had his eye on the machinery factory of the First Machinery Department. Unexpectedly, the boss of the First Machinery Department couldn't say anything and was so rigid.In the end, we settled for the next best thing, and several factories were disrupted.

But later, during the meeting, the old partner lamented more than once that if the machinery factory was taken down, the shortcomings of the Seventh Machinery Department would be made up for.

This shows how important this machinery factory is.

"Yes, this is my useless son-in-law."

Ran's father smiled and said, "Xiao Tao, this is the head of the Seven Machinery Department, your name is..."

"Wende, this is a family matter, just call me Uncle Qian."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, Yang Xiaotao suddenly remembered who this person was.

I haven't seen it in this life, but I can see it on TV and in books in my previous life.

We know a lot about this man's deeds.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaotao looked a little excited.

Compared with this person, Yang Xiaotao, a person who cheated the system, is facing a real expert!

"Uncle Qian, hello, welcome to be our guest..."

Although Ran's father beside him didn't understand why Yang Xiaotao was so excited, he was also satisfied with Yang Xiaotao's attitude.

This kind of respect is not fake.

"Director, Lao Wang and the others are here. Let's go in and talk."

Ran's father entertained him, and the visitor nodded and asked the driver to pick him up in two hours.

For him, time is something to be reckoned with.

The guard and the driver left, and Yang Xiaotao followed them into the house.

Soon, everyone in the room came out to greet him and let him take the main seat.

Then the food started to be served, and Yang Xiaotao also took a bench and sat next to Ran's father.

The dishes were served, the wine was opened, and Yang Xiaotao served it to everyone.

Logically speaking, he is considered a junior here and cannot go to the wine table, but everyone also knows Yang Xiaotao. The deputy director of the machinery factory is higher than most people in rank.

In addition, it could be seen that the person in the main seat liked Yang Xiaotao very much, so he asked Yang Xiaotao to sit aside.

Even so, Yang Xiaotao could only lean sideways on the somewhat crowded table.

However, Yang Xiaotao feels that it is worth it!
"Wende, you are both fish and meat, and you have this salted duck egg, tsk tsk, you are bleeding profusely!"

After three rounds of drinking, everyone became more enthusiastic in talking.

Lao Zheng pointed to the food on the table and asked Ran's father directly.

Ran's father was not good at smoking and drinking. He just had a drink and his face was already red.

Hearing what Lao Zheng said, he smiled and patted the shoulder of Yang Xiaotao next to him, and said proudly, "If you have a son-in-law with a salary of almost two hundred a month, you can also bleed!"

Everyone laughed immediately, but from what Ran's father said, it shouldn't be wrong.

They all glanced at Yang Xiaotao in unison. Who would have thought that this man at such a young age could make so much money.

When Yang Xiaotao saw it, he quickly picked up his wine glass and said, "No, it's not two hundred."

"Only 190 two!"

At this time, Lao Zheng shook his head repeatedly, and finally picked up the wine glass, "Wait, wait, wait until I have a daughter, I can't find a better one!"


As he spoke, Yang Xiaotao clinked their wine glasses with Lao Zheng, and they both drank.

Everyone also noticed that Lao Ran was not a good drinker, but this son-in-law was really unambiguous in his drinking.

I don’t know where Lao Ran found his son-in-law.

Seeing how lively everyone was, the person at the main seat drank a little wine and kept a smile on his face.

Finally, everyone talked about work again and recalled the glorious years.

"You kid, don't be proud of your achievements."

Ran's father patted Yang Xiaotao's shoulder and said seriously.

"It doesn't matter that we have some achievements now, but compared with others, we are still far behind."

"To put it simply, let's count the numbers. In order to verify that we are correct, we did a total of eight calculations!"

When Ran's father talked about what happened back then, everyone sighed.

Even those at the head of the table kept sighing after hearing this. In foreign countries, just by moving a finger, a number can make people in China work in disgrace for several months.

The technological gap really needs to be narrowed down.

Thinking of this, he said with emotion, "That's why we have to take our own path of talent cultivation."

"We can learn from the Western practices, but we cannot accept them entirely. Otherwise, if they contain evil intentions, once they take root, they will become cancer and cause endless harm."

Everyone nodded after listening, and then looked at Ran's father, "Wende, last time you were able to find the problems hidden in the book, it was great!"

Everyone looked at the two people with doubts.

Regarding what happened last time, he only heard about it recently.

And when he learned that such a method was used to deal with their fledgling technology, he was angry in his heart.

As a result, Ran's father, who discovered the problem, also paid special attention to him.

This is why he insists on finding people from the Three Machinery Department.

Seeing that others didn't understand why, he immediately explained.

Seeing that Ran's father was mentioned, he didn't hide it and immediately told the situation at that time.

As everyone listened, their eyes turned to Yang Xiaotao.

This guy is really a lucky star.

Being a machine tool and encountering this kind of thing, tsk tsk...

But people in the dominant position see things thoroughly, and it is not easy to find problems. They dare to doubt the correctness of the other party. Just like Lao Ran said, they only realized where the mistake was after calculating it eight times. .

This requires not only learning ability, but also great self-confidence.

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