Chapter 1057 Two 10 Minutes
Yang Xiaotao listened on the sidelines. These knowledge points were all mentioned in books, but Mr. Huang was happy to talk, and everyone listened.

However, just as a few people were talking, someone suddenly stood up in front of them, as if they had discovered something.

The people on the rostrum also realized something was wrong and picked up their telescopes to look at it.

Yang Youning picked up the apple that was handed to him. Before he could bite it, he heard someone cheering and quickly picked up the binoculars.

The same was true for Mr. Huang. He heard some noise just after he finished speaking. He picked up the binoculars and took a look. He stood up in the next second, which even shocked Yang Xiaotao.

Then, Mr. Xia also stood up, and everyone around him stood up one after another, and Yang Xiaotao naturally followed.

In the field of view of his telescope, the furnace that had been upright just now had tilted, and a stream of white molten steel flowed out of it and poured into the large tank below.

"This is blue and white?"

"Is it done?"

Yang Xiaotao asked uncertainly, while the expressions of Mr. Xia and Mr. Huang on the side changed, and then Mr. Huang nodded solemnly.

"It's done, it's done. This is molten steel."

roar roar

The next second, the workers in front of the rostrum cheered suddenly, and someone was thrown up not far away. Yang Xiaotao glanced at it, and it was An Zhongsheng.


On the podium, applause burst out.

Later, many people congratulated Guan Zhiyong and other people from the steel plant.

In the front row, Mr. Zhang looked at his watch and said in disbelief, "Two 10 minutes, one pot."

"Two 10 minutes, one ton."

"I have to be good."

Cheers sounded throughout the workshop.

Under the rostrum, there was already a sea of ​​cheering people. An Zhongsheng, who had been thrown up, was now enjoying an unprecedented honor.

Keep flying up, looking at the blue sky, looking at the white clouds, looking at the bright world.

Slowly, tears fell down, but there was a smile on his lips.

On the rostrum, Yang Youning reacted particularly strongly, shouting that the Gemini Project in his mind was half successful.

No, they all succeeded.

Even if there is no quality at the chemical plant, relying on the technology of the steel plant can save time, effort, materials and improve efficiency.

With these points, the star is lit.

Shouting, Yang Youning walked directly through the crowd and came to Yang Xiaotao. Regardless of the fact that the other party was still looking at the front in a daze, he came up and gave him a bear hug.

"Xiao Tao, did you see it? It worked. One pot every 10 minutes. Oh my god, it took 10 minutes. Who dares to believe it?"

"Xiao Tao, the steel factory is going to be strong, and our machinery factory is going to be strong."

"It's so strong."

Yang Youning shouted, but Yang Xiaotao could only let him hold him and scream and jump.

Liu Huaimin beside him also trembled and put down the telescope. Seeing Chen Gong still there in a daze, he went over and put his arms around his shoulders.

"Old Chen, Old Chen, we will have more steel production machines in the future."

Chen Gong turned a deaf ear and was still in a daze.

Originally, according to the planned process, when the oxygen ejection technology was successfully tested, he would chair the meeting, invite the chief to speak, and then invite the worker representatives to speak, please.
But now, everything is in chaos, chaos,

Even if the chief minister has stepped down, he is still presiding over this.

Not far away, Liu Lixue held back her shock, picked up her camera and kept taking pictures.

There are images of workers cheering, images of being thrown up, and images of leaders applauding and embracing
Every picture here is a piece of promotional material for her.

I believe that with these photos and the emergence of this new technology, what happened here will spread throughout the [-] cities.

No, she also wanted to share these pictures with comrades who had worked together so that they could spread the good news throughout the country.

Off the field, An Zhongsheng wiped the tears from his eyes, and many people around him were smiling.

I don't know whether it was because he was so scared that he shed tears or because he was filled with joy. In short, no one was laughing.

Especially Li Junming and the others laughed even more happily.

"Why are you laughing? Why don't you check the data?"

"Be sure to be careful and accurate."

After shouting a few words to Li Junming and others, they still smiled and ran towards the boiler.

"An Gong."

At this time, the crowd suddenly gave way to a passage, and then they saw Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang clapping and moving forward. The people around them were encouraged and started to clap.

Yang Xiaotao followed a few people, and when he came closer, Mr. Huang had already asked what happened, and An Zhongsheng was explaining.

"Chief, Mr. Yang, the efficiency of this oxygen top blowing is very high. Especially after the liquid oxygen enters the boiler, it has a huge impact and pushes the center of the molten iron in the molten pool into a paraboloid-shaped pit. Then the temperature of the furnace pool will accelerate. The surging of the molten iron, up and down like this, intertwines the two, allowing the oxygen to be fully mixed. Especially when the liquid oxygen initially contacts the liquid surface, there is a reaction time. Under the action of the strong oxidant such as liquid oxygen, it can Effectively removes silicon, manganese, phosphorus and other impurities in molten iron."

"In addition, because pure oxygen is used, the steel contains less nitrogen, hydrogen, etc."

"Oxygen responds quickly and can also release heat."

"That's why it was completed so quickly, and the quality is beyond ordinary smelted steel."

An Zhongsheng told everything he knew, regardless of who the people around him were or whether they understood or not.

He now urgently needs others to listen, understand, and even understand how meaningful his persistence over the years is.

Yang Xiaotao listened carefully. He had already heard this knowledge when he asked An Zhongsheng for advice, but after actually practicing it on site, he realized that this knowledge was far from simple as it appeared.

Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang listened quietly, then looked at the crowd and shouted passionately.

"Today, November 1964, 11, we are here at the Hongxing Iron and Steel Plant to witness the success of my country's first oxygen top-blown converter."


"History will remember this day. It will be an important milestone in the history of steelmaking in our country."

After Mr. Huang finished speaking, Mr. Zhang felt that he had to say something on this occasion, "Such efficient steelmaking means that we can produce more steel."

"Last year, we achieved self-sufficiency in oil production and are making great strides on the oil road."

"Now, with this new technology, it is like two legs. Our revolutionary path will become more and more stable."


After Mr. Zhang finished speaking, Mr. Xia said again.

In the end, Mr. Sun and others also said a few words. No one refused to show their faces on such occasions.

Even Yang Youning, as the representative of the factory leaders, also gave an impromptu speech. When it was Yang Xiaotao's turn, the people around him were already losing interest. Yang Xiaotao didn't say much. He just shouted a few symbolic slogans, which was very embarrassing to the people around him. Two sentences.

Then An Zhongsheng led the people to deal with the follow-up matters, while Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang went to the conference room to make some things clear.

In the conference room, the two people sat at the top, and Yang Xiaotao and others sat at the bottom.

Everyone was talking and laughing, especially the success of the new technology in steelmaking, which made the atmosphere in the conference room very lively.

“Emerging technologies must be reported as soon as possible and strive to be popularized as soon as possible.”

Mr. Zhang said with certainty. After seeing the shocking scene in person, he knew that if steel mills across the country used this technology, the country's steel output would definitely be doubled.

By then, the pace of nation-building will become faster and faster.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Mr. Huang nodded after hearing this, but he was not as sure as Mr. Zhang. Instead, he was a little calm.

The same goes for Mr. Xia.

Yang Youning and Yang Xiaotao looked at it and understood the reasons why.

Just like the original Red Star tractor, it was obviously a good thing, but the response was mediocre.

If it hadn't been for a wave of assists from Northwest Farm, Red Star Tractor probably wouldn't even be able to get out of the area around Sijiu City.

There are also auxiliary systems at the back, including the current oxygen top-blown converter. Wasn't it mentioned many years ago?
But later, An Zhongsheng was the best explanation.

After Mr. Huang finished speaking, everyone just responded. Unlike the workers at the bottom, they saw more things.

Seeing this, Mr. Huang also knew what these people under him were thinking. Like him, they were indeed the elites of the First Machinery Department.

No matter how it looks from the outside, since this technology has been successful, there is no need to be secretive.

Immediately he asked, "What are the plans for the follow-up?"

Guan Zhiyong and others glanced at it, and then all looked at Yang Xiaotao.

"Chief, we plan to do it step by step, starting with the simpler and then the more difficult, transforming small boilers step by step, and strive to transform half of the boilers in the steel plant into converters by the end of the year."

"It is expected that the steel output of steel plants will be tripled by the end of this year."

Yang Xiaotao didn't have much ambition in what he said. He just meant the same thing. No matter what others thought, all they had to do was to do their own thing well first.

This down-to-earth and steady style immediately won the praise of Yang You, Ning Xia and others.

Even Mr. Zhang reacted after hearing this and looked at Yang Xiaotao.

But I don’t know that these are all lessons learned from the past.

"You take your time with the converter, but you can make the liquid oxygen equipment quickly."

Zhang Lao smiled, he really lacked this equipment at the moment.

"Don't worry, chief. Once we master this thing, it will be easy to produce."

Naturally, Yang Xiaotao would not refuse, and would not only produce it, but also vigorously produce it. When the time comes, it would be promoted nationwide with the help of oxygen top blowing technology.

The meeting lasted for a while, and when it was noon, Mr. Zhang originally wanted to leave, but Mr. Huang pulled him back and insisted on doing his best to be a landlord.

In the end, the leaders had a medium-sized meal at the steel factory, including cigarettes and alcohol, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiaotao stayed at the steel plant to deal with follow-up matters. Yang Youning, Liu Huaimin and others returned to the machinery factory. Mr. Xia gave a few instructions and told him to prepare two more liquid oxygen manufacturing equipment, and then left with Mr. Huang and others.

After everyone left, Yang Xiaotao found An Zhongsheng to learn about the production status of the boiler. In fact, the first experiment was a bit unfamiliar. Once he is really proficient, the production efficiency will increase.

Moreover, the low carbon steel produced this time is of very good quality and can be directly used in casting molds to form steel ingots and other utensils.

Although there were some things that Yang Xiaotao didn't know clearly, looking at An Zhongsheng's excited expression, he knew that there must be a lot of good things going on.

Then several people were given two days off. During this period, people in the steel plant were busy and even their rest time was taken up.

Now that the experiment is successful, it’s time to take a rest and adjust.

After returning, continue to modify the open hearth.

Anyway, there is enough liquid oxygen, even if all the pots in the factory are modified, it will be enough for use.

On the other side, after Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang returned to their respective offices, they picked up the phone and reported the situation to their superiors.

Zhang Lao was mainly talking about the production of liquid oxygen, and he also reported on the new steelmaking technology.

This aspect cannot steal the spotlight from the First Machinery Department.

Even so, the production of liquid oxygen shocked the superior departments who heard the news. After repeated confirmations, it was confirmed.

Afterwards, they quickly informed those waiting for the experiment that their plan could be launched smoothly.

On the other side, after General Huang reported the news, his superiors all had the same reaction. After some confirmation, they accepted the news in shock.

Later, the leaders of the authorities were even more alarmed. They were all relieved to learn that it was another outstanding achievement made by Hongxing Machinery Factory.

The old man holding the cigarette even laughed and said, "I just saw the tractor phalanx, and now we have developed new steel-making technology. This means we need to be self-sufficient and self-reliant!"

The thin old man smiled and said, "Not only is it self-sufficient, it is said that the excess super power will also supply the needs of the Three Machinery Department, and it will also greatly improve the steel industry."

After saying that, he also picked up a cigarette for the first time and lit it under the shocked eyes of the old man holding the cigarette.

"In this way, we will have more steel to use, whether it is for civilian or national use, it is good!"

As he said that, there was more joy in the old man's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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