Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1046 It's always been like this, isn't it?

Chapter 1046 It's always been like this, isn't it?

In the evening, Yang Xiaotao drew the component structure that he had memorized, checked it carefully, and then simulated it in his mind, and then he was sure that there was no problem.

"Ha! Such a simple thing is really..."

Yang Xiaotao looked at the drawn drawings and shook his head secretly.

The reason why I didn't see it before was because I was frightened by the iron shell outside.

It looks like a big thing, wrapped in an iron shell. In fact, the structure inside is not complicated. At least from Yang Xiaotao's observation, it is easy to distinguish the functions of these parts based on his insights.

The difficulty here, let alone compared with Venus, is not that difficult compared with ordinary milling machines.

And no one has come up with this thing for so many years?
He didn't believe that the leaders above him would have no idea.

But why hasn’t it been done yet?
Technology, resources, talents?
Each of these may be constraints, but neither is a problem.

Technology can be refined and improved. If you polish it bit by bit, you will always improve.What's more, there are so many masters who can knock it out even with a hammer.

Resources can be searched and found, and tungsten alloy can be disassembled. What else can't be found?
Talent, this is even more of a joke, you can make mushroom eggs, how can such a small machine not be able to do it?

So, these are not the reasons.

Yang Xiaotao only now understood the real reason.

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to progress is not the visible external factors.

And the thinking mode in people's hearts, the fixed thinking, the mentality that if you get a little rich, you will be happy, and you can use whatever you have.

This kind of inner self-feeling is the most fatal.

'This is the only machine in the country. '

'This machine is too important. If it breaks down, no one can bear the responsibility. '

'The leader said this thing cannot be dismantled. '

'You can only work three hours a day, and you have to work in the morning and afternoon.Just to protect the machine...'


With a series of names and a series of pressures, who dares to "trouble"?
Even Yang Xiaotao felt that those with ideas, those who tried to master this technology and develop new machines, would become timid in front of these names.

You must know that in the current environment, the crime of damaging state property can lead to death.

Coupled with the bunch of old ladies in this factory, no matter what their purpose is, in short, those who come here to study will only have a harder time than him.

Therefore, this matter has become a recognized and untouchable matter.

If a systematic person like Yang Xiaotao can't do anything, how can he expect those people to do it?
It's not that he looks down on others, it's just that in such an environment, no one dares to do this under pressure.

This is probably why the boss of the Three Machinery Department said that he always wanted to change but could not take the first step.

"It's so ridiculous!"

Yang Xiaotao looked at the blowing leaves outside the window and shook his head helplessly.

A sentence said by Mr. Lu Xun suddenly came to mind.

"It's always been like this, right?"

If I give up, will it become the reason in the next person's mouth?

"Ah, Yang Xiaotao hasn't done it yet, then..."

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaotao smiled self-deprecatingly, maybe he still couldn't reach that "benchmark" level.

Put the drawn drawings in the space and put them away. Now is not the time to experiment with data. How to do it specifically is better to go back to Sijiu City.

There are not so many worries there.

"The next step is to treat it as a trip!"

Yang Xiaotao stood up and walked out of the room, calling Director Tian to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

While the two were eating, Director Tian looked at Yang Xiaotao's face from time to time, wondering in his heart that the attitude of the guy in front of him had changed too quickly before he came, after he came here, and now.

But this also illustrates a fact.

It is very difficult to copy this machine.

People who want to do it don’t know how to do it, people who know how to do it don’t dare to dismantle it, and people who don’t know how to do it keep a distance.

Over time, that's it.

Director Tian thought to himself that for now, it would be good to maintain the status quo. At least, the water would flow slowly and the source would not be cut off.

When the time comes, I will have an explanation with the chief when I go back.

Unfortunately, it was not clear. In the afternoon, the young man in front of him had already seen the matter thoroughly. He even had the overall structure diagram of the air compressor in his notebook.

What is lacking is the specific numerical value.

In this regard, as an eighth-level engineer, Yang Xiaotao, who has researched and designed machine tools many times, is just spending some time.

After the two of them finished eating, they talked about tomorrow's arrangements.

Now, the largest Yangtze River Bridge in Jinling has not been completed, but it is still good to go and have a look around.

And it’s best to take a boat ride. Yang Xiaotao has never been on a boat in this life.

The two talked for a while, and then Yang Xiaotao went back to the house to rest.

Yang Xiaotao took out the drawings and began to study them.

The next day, when Yang Xiaotao got up, Director Tian was already tidied up outside the door, wearing a hat and looking like a tourist.

Yang Xiaotao didn't care when he saw them. The two of them went out and did not finish their meal in the factory. Instead, they left the factory by car and came to Jinling City to find a place to eat.

Before leaving, both of them prepared food stamps. They are national food stamps and can be used anywhere.

What's more, in a city as big as Jinling, there is no need to worry about finding a place to eat.

Walking on Jinling Road, this place is different from Sijiu City. The houses on both sides of the road are more compact.

People walking among them spoke local dialect from time to time, and Yang Xiaotao had to listen carefully to understand.

But here, the economy is obviously more active. Many shops along the way are open and many people are sitting inside.

Yang Xiaotao and Yang Xiaotao found a seat next to a stall and sat down. The stall owner was an old woman with a wrinkled face. She didn't talk much, but her hands and feet were very nimble.

Director Tian looked at the busy old woman on the side and introduced, "They may look like hawkers on the roadside here, but behind them, every one of them is a licensed shop."

"It's just that this old food that has been handed down tastes best when eaten in this busy city."

Yang Xiaotao nodded. Nowadays, restaurants have to be jointly owned. Who dares to mess around?
Yang Xiaotao didn't say much.

Director Tian on the side had already ordered two steamed cakes, and then got up and went to the side to buy two steamed buns. He brought them over with the steamer basket, "Authentic Jinling Xiao Long Bao, stuffed with cabbage, try it."

Yang Xiaotao picked up a bun that was the size of a baby's fist. Every fold on it was very clear. He put it in his mouth and bit into the skin. The rich and warm soup entered his mouth first.

It has the tenderness of cabbage and the taste of fatty meat.

There was meat in it, which was unexpected.

Yang Xiaotao put the whole bun into his mouth. At this time, the steamed cake was also ready. The old woman took it down, and instantly, a smell of rice came to her face.

Yang Xiaotao looked carefully. The steamed cake was made of rice, with a little glutinous rice mixed in, and a red date on top.

Because it is steamed thoroughly, the rice sticks together and has taken shape.However, Yang Xiaotao's attention was focused on the steamed cake. After careful inspection, it was clearly a lunch box with an iron pipe attached to the bottom and an iron kettle for boiling water to the other end. Take the lunch box out and pour it out. Just enough for two people at once.

Then the old woman grabbed another handful of rice, glutinous rice and red dates and put it into gauze, then put it into the lunch box together and continued to steam it.

I have to say that the people here are very business-savvy.

After the two of them finished eating, Yang Xiaotao stood up to pay.

This meal cost not only money but also a two-pound national food stamp.

The two then walked around the city and went to the Yangtze River at noon to see the Yangtze River Bridge under construction.

"This bridge is made of Qi Qi steel!"

Director Tian pointed to the busy crowd in the distance and felt quite emotional.

"What steam steel?"

"Yes, fight for your breath!"

Director Tian then explained, and Yang Xiaotao suddenly realized.

"The bridge steel used here is all made in China."

"The alliance didn't provide it back then, so we had to make it ourselves. The steel used here is not simple, it's all manganese steel!"

Director Tian sighed with emotion and was very concerned about the Yangtze River Bridge under construction.

The two looked at each other for a while, then got on the boat and came to the other side.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiaotao followed Director Tian for a long time. His tired legs and feet were sore. He also bought a lot of stuff to share with his family later.

When he was finally preparing to return to the fertilizer factory, Yang Xiaotao went to the local supply and marketing cooperative to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Yuhua stone.

It can also be regarded as the representative of Jinling local tobacco.

It was already evening when we returned to the fertilizer factory. Director Liu and a few people entertained Yang Xiaotao and the two as a farewell.

Maybe Yang Xiaotao didn't persist, or maybe he was leaving.

This time, Factory Director Liu and the people around him were very kind and humorous. They asked about their trip to the city today from time to time.

Speaking of some scenic spots, we will also highlight them.

Yang Xiaotao was also listening. These things may be the topics of discussion in the future.

At least prove that you have been here.

Compared with the enthusiasm of several people, the dishes on the dinner table were also exquisite, but the portions were a bit small.

Yang Xiaotao barely ate half full and decided to go back to smoking and nibbling on a piece of ham.

On Tuesday, Yang Xiaotao got up early, got into the car with Director Tian, ​​and left the fertilizer factory with the wave of Director Liu and others.

Then proceed to the train station.

Just when Yang Xiaotao got on the train, a group of people stood in the workshop of the steel factory in Sijiu City with serious faces.

"An Gong!"

Guan Zhiyong looked at the construction site for a while and still asked worriedly.

"Is it okay to do that?"

Zhang Hongxian on the side hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

In front of them, a small boiler half buried underground was ready.

This small boiler is somewhat similar to the previous small side-blown converter, but different at the same time.

The original side door has been blocked with new fireproof bricks, leaving only a small door.

Not far away, a large overhead crane was standing by.

At this moment, the iron ore in the blast furnace connected to the original place is being continuously heated and smelted, gradually turning into molten iron.

The surrounding temperature gradually increased, causing the workers to sweat on their foreheads, but they did not bother to wipe them off.

Around them, a group of workers looked equally serious, and some even stayed away from them.

An Zhongsheng heard Guan Zhiyong's question, glanced at the small boiler not far away, and answered affirmatively, "Director, whether there is any problem or not, we must test it."

"If there are no problems, it means that our transformation direction is correct and the technology is consistent, which can provide a reference for subsequent boiler transformations."

"If there is a problem with this boiler, we still have time to improve it. Isn't it better than waiting until the final delivery to find out?"

An Zhongsheng said, Guan Zhiyong was still hesitating.

It's not like there haven't been test runs before starting work, but nothing like this has ever happened.

The main reason is that I am afraid of accidents.

Yang Xiaotao repeatedly emphasized safety issues.

If something happens, he, the factory director, will be doomed.

"How about we just stick to the original method?"

An Zhongsheng shook his head, "Director, the original method was suitable for open furnaces, but now we use converters."

"The two are different. If we use the previous method, not only can we not test the effect, but it may even cause other problems."

"Besides, it's almost the end of the month."

Guan Zhiyong was still hesitating. The two could not reach an agreement, which was why everyone at the scene kept waiting.

The focus of the debate is how to test drive.

According to Guan Zhiyong, it is still the same as before.

However, An Zhongsheng feels that the new boiler needs to be carefully considered, especially the construction of the upper part. It is necessary to test various indicators when the converter rotates. If it is based on an open furnace, the testing will not be complete at all.

The two were silent for a moment. Guan Zhiyong looked at the sky, and finally looked at An Zhongsheng.

Seeing his positive look, I also thought about Yang Xiaotao's appointment of An Zhongsheng as the general person in charge. In this regard, I still chose to follow the good example.

"Okay, let's try it."

Guan Zhiyong nodded and shouted to the people on the side.

"Medical staff are in place and other ambulance teams are ready to do preventive work."

"From now on, everyone on site must follow Comrade An Zhongsheng's command."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The two big guys finally made a decision, and they knew what to do.

Then they all nodded and entered working mode.

An Zhongsheng expressed his gratitude to Guan Zhiyong, then picked up the loudspeaker on the side and said, "Everyone is paying attention."

"Start now, follow my command, and the test drive will begin."

(End of this chapter)

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