Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1028 The old man’s warning

Chapter 1028 The old man’s warning
At two o'clock in the morning, Yang Xiaotao felt someone pushing him. He opened his eyes. Ran Qiuye pointed outside and heard chaotic sounds.

Yang Xiaotao got up to put on his clothes, and Ran Qiuye helped him adjust his clothes, making him look more energetic.

At three o'clock in the morning, Yang Xiaotao, Mr. Yang and Zhang Laodao drank a bowl of porridge at home. Each of them took a cold egg to eat when they were hungry, then got in the car and drove out of the alley.

As for Ran Qiuye, she will be with Ran's father and mother, so she doesn't have to go too early.

The car drove onto the street, and after walking for a while, I saw more and more people coming out of the alleys on both sides, and then lining up in groups, heading towards the city gate tower.

After parking the car at the place arranged by the machinery factory, Yang Xiaotao and the others got out of the car, looking at the vague city gate tower, each looking for a place.

Wang Hao and others came over to look after Taiye and the others, and Yang Xiaotao said goodbye to everyone, took the sign and walked forward.

There were quite a few people coming to the machine factory this time, but most of them were assigned to the back. They were so far away that they could only see the city gate tower.

The first few rows were set aside for the team members to rest because the machinery factory was participating in the ceremony.

However, now Yang Youning and the others are preparing nervously, and this place is occupied by people from the machinery factory.

In front of the crowd, Liu Huaimin, Wang Fa and others maintained order and arranged the venue.

As for the machinery factory, Zhao Chuanjun led people to guard it.

Continuously moving along the road, there are noisy noises along the way. It is chaotic at night. I don’t know how many people are there and I don’t know where they are.

Looking for the lights at the city gate, Yang Xiaotao speeded up.

When the first ray of sunlight shines into Jiucheng in the morning, the surrounding night has already taken on color.

Flags were fluttering in mid-air, and the blood-red lights turned the light red.

Yang Xiaotao, Gao Yufeng and others met below the city gate, surrounded by people waiting to go up to the city gate.

Everyone was nervously looking forward to it. Looking at the growing crowd on the other side of the moat, looking at the flags waving one after another, looking at the pacesetters standing in their chosen positions, everyone's faces were full of pride.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Xiaotao and others were called downstairs at the city gate for a final inspection.

At 07:30, Ran Qiuye, Ran’s father and others came to the scene with their children in their arms, surrounded by people.

At eight o'clock, bursts of applause came from the city gate.

Yang Xiaotao immediately picked up the camera.

Gao Yufeng, Liu Bin and others looked not far away.

At [-]:[-], Yang Xiaotao looked at his watch from time to time, feeling the shouts getting closer and closer, and his heart was slowly beating faster.

People have taken it upon themselves to line up in two rows and get out of the way.

After a while, a group of people came into view.

The leading old man was tall, broad and fat, but energetic.

Yang Xiaohai felt his heart was in his throat for a moment, and the camera in his hand was trembling.

Fortunately, I had met many leaders and celebrities before, so I was somewhat prepared.

Click, Yang Xiaotao aimed at the crowd at the front, pressed the shutter hard, and printed the image of the person dozens of meters in front on the film.

Take a close-up of the old man at the front. He will be placed at home in the future so that future generations will not have to look for it.

Then there was the second person, the old man who gave him the "Real Essence".

Click, a decisive one.

Behind him is an old man with a broad face. He looks like a mountain when he walks, and his whole body has a kind of generous but full of military aura.

Click.A calm one.

Behind him is the thin old man. This time there is a smile on the old man's face, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

Click, a solemn one.


Click, click!
Film fulfills its mission at this moment, faithfully recording everything it sees.

The team advanced, and people in both rows extended their hands enthusiastically.

From time to time, some people in the crowd came forward to shake hands, but most of them waved in place.

When Yang Xiaotao was immersed in capturing the moment, the leading old man had already arrived.

"Hello, Chief!"

Gao Yufeng moved his arms behind him and quickly stretched out his hands. The visitor nodded kindly, "Thank you for your hard work, my colleagues."

"No, not hard!"

Gao Yufeng was so excited that he couldn't speak. He could only hold his hands, but he was afraid of using too much force.

Then, the old man came to Yang Xiaotao.

It is also thanks to Xiaowei's help that Yang Xiaotao was still able to pull out at the age of 25 and achieved his current height.


Previously, you thought Gao Yufeng was a little uncalm, but when that person appears in front of you and shows a kind smile to you, you will realize, what is calm?
It must have been very hard for Gao Yufeng to be able to maintain his previous state without making a fool of himself.

Didn't you see that Liu Bin beside you was already wringing his hands together?

At this moment, Yang Xiaotao felt sore in his throat, as if his vocal cords were not under the control of his brain, and he couldn't say anything he wanted to say.

"Comrade Xiao Yang!"

"Yes, hello, chief."

"Well, I know you are a very nice little comrade."

Yang Xiaotao immediately wiped the sweat from his palms on his pants, and then shook his hand hard.

At this moment, I felt the warmth coming from my palms was so gentle.

The other party's voice reached deep into his heart.

"Chief, I listen to you and serve the people!"

The other party smiled and nodded, "You don't listen to me, but you listen to the people and what they need!"

"Whatever the people need us to do. We will do it!"

"Yes. I listen to the people!"

"Haha, you have to work hard! You are still young, so you have to be bold and do it with ease!"


The other party nodded with satisfaction and walked forward.

At this time, Liu Bin and Liu Bin, who were listening to each other's conversation with Yang Xiaotao, were already numb.

They can be sure that Yang Xiaotao is definitely registered in the chief's heart.

Otherwise, can you come over and shake hands with him?

Otherwise, can you remember his name?

Otherwise, how could he be so kind?
But in this way, a few of them got the benefit of the doubt.

You can also have close contact with the leaders.

He stayed at Yang Xiaotao's place for an extra long time, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

After leaving, the old man behind him stepped forward, and Yang Xiaotao quickly stretched out his hands. This time he no longer had stage fright, but was more respectful.This one is equally great.

"Young people, do your best and serve the country."

"Yes, Chief."

Then came the solemn old man.

When he got closer, Yang Xiaotao clearly felt the power of the God of War that only appeared on the screen.

In front of him was a god of war.

"Yes, lad, work hard."

"Yes, always..."

The next second, Yang Xiaotao's eyes lit up. Looking at the kind and thin old man, he immediately stretched out his hand with excitement. "Hello, Chief."

"Okay, the cornmeal you sent makes the steamed buns delicious!"

“Don’t worry, chief, we will have endless cornmeal in the future so that people all over the country will be full and well-fed!”


The thin old man was very pleased. He smiled again when he thought of something, and then patted Yang Xiaotao's hand, as if he was pleased and encouraged, and then walked forward.

At this time, Liu Bin and others, including those around Yang Xiaotao, were already numb. Several leaders stopped and said a few words of encouragement when they passed by. What kind of treatment is this?
Some people had already begun to inquire about Yang Xiaotao's origins, and some people who knew it told him, and then there were even more exclamations.

Yang Xiaotao just felt that many people around him were coming here, not sure if they wanted to take advantage of him or for other reasons.

However, Yang Xiaotao didn't care about it now and just kept taking pictures with the camera.

For this time, he prepared five papers.


Then a person with a familiar or unfamiliar name walked by, and Yang Xiaotao raised his camera from time to time to record the situation.

It wasn't until an old man in plain military uniform walked up to him that Yang Xiaotao opened his eyes wide and quickly put down the camera.

Looking at this person and the impression he has in mind, the old man today is younger and in the prime of life.

"You look like Comrade Yang Xiaotao."

As soon as the old man took the initiative to speak, Gao Yufeng and Liu Bin immediately opened their distance to separate the people rushing behind them.

Now they have become Yang Xiaotao's 'guards'.

Yang Xiaotao came back to his senses and said, "Hello, chief, I am, I am Yang Xiaotao."

"Haha, hello. I heard that you make corn, pots, and tractors. They are very good. They are very good."

The old man stood aside, reaching out for a cigarette out of habit. Needless to say, Yang Xiaotao took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the old man. The old man smiled and took out a cigarette. Yang Xiaotao took out a lighter again, and then In front of the crowd, he asked, "You are good at studying corn. What's the secret?"

"Chief, yes, yes"

Yang Xiaotao subconsciously wanted to read the paper again.



"Is that what you told me?"

The old man smiled, and Yang Xiaotao also reacted, "I believe in the chief."

Now the old man smiled and said, "The sharp weapon of the country should not be given lightly."

"Yes, so the people in the north have learned a lesson."

The old man raised his head with a smile, "I heard a lot of people talking about you when I came back this time. Especially when I had lunch yesterday, I heard about it. Do you know what they said about you at that time?"

Yang Xiaotao suddenly felt flattered. The only people who could have dinner with this person were probably the people in front of him.

"Sir, tell me."

"They all say that you are young and promising and a good comrade."

Yang Xiaotao blushed. He is still very self-aware today, and most of the credit must be attributed to the help of the system.

However, the system is also a part of him, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"But I don't think so."

Yang Xiaotao was shocked when the old man changed the subject, and then heard the old man say, "Especially now, I think you are a chess player, a chess player who can influence the situation."

"A person who can be a chess player must not just be young and promising, but must also be responsible and have that level of height."

The old man's eyes were sharp, but Yang Xiaotao smiled.

"Chief, if you think I am a chess player, then I am willing to be the leader in overcoming obstacles."

"You think I am a pawn, then I am willing to be a pawn for the benefit of the people."

"I can do anything."

The old man put down his cigarette and said, "This is exactly what I hoped for."

"How many young people have a very high starting point and have made some achievements, but their final achievements still fail to meet expectations. Why, because they have never thought about becoming a chess piece that everyone will step on."

"But only when you become a chess piece can you know how high the sky is above you. How heavy the responsibility is."

Yang Xiaotao kept all the words in his heart carefully.

"Now, I somewhat agree with what they said."

The old man suddenly laughed and left happily.

"Chief, it's me, it's always me."

The old man paused, then nodded, smoking and smiling, "My opponent, just do your best!"

After watching the old man leave, Gao Yufeng and several others around Yang Xiaotao came forward, and then looked at Yang Xiaotao carefully and seriously.

Liu Bin even reached out and touched Yang Xiaotao's face.

"Go, go, take your hands away."

Liu Bin didn't take it seriously, "My dear, what kind of monster are you?"

"Why are the leaders looking for you?"

Yang Xiaotao slapped Liu Bin's hand away, raised his head proudly, and smoothed his hair back, "He's so handsome, there's nothing I can do about it."

Gao Yufeng knew something about the inside story, but when Yang Xiaotao saw it, he didn't tell or explain.

Liu Bin curled his lips, "Can you be considered handsome? At most, he is an average person."

"Tch, that's better than you."

"Don't be stunned, go quickly, go up and take a photo."

Gao Yufeng beside him had already raised his feet and stepped forward. Yang Xiaotao woke up, then lowered his head and stepped forward.

In my heart, I kept that person's words firmly in mind.

'Go back, write it down, hang it on the wall. '

(End of this chapter)

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