Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1014 Something Happened

Chapter 1014 Something Happened

The car soon arrived at the long street, and both sides of the road were densely packed with people, all of whom came to participate in the rehearsal.

Yang Xiaotao searched through the window for a while, but didn't see the flag of the machinery factory. It was probably because there were too many people and he didn't know where they were divided.

The car crossed the street and came to one checkpoint after another. Then, under the guidance of the guards, it walked aside and the two of them came down to the front to line up.

Yang Xiaotao followed Gao Yufeng and walked forward. There were dozens of people waiting in front of him.

Yang Xiaotao looked carefully and found that most of these people were middle-aged, but judging from their figure and appearance, they were all very different.

Also, among those who can climb the tower, which one can be simple?
Yang Xiaotao has a sense of self-promotion.

“There are a lot of people this year!”

Suddenly there was an energetic voice behind him. Yang Xiaotao looked back and saw that seven or eight more people had arrived.

The person speaking was the middle-aged man behind him, with a big face, even bigger than Chen Gong's.

"No, when Lao Nan came here last year, there were only a dozen or so. Now look at it, there are about three or forty people."

The person who answered him was a tall and slender man, but his voice was not loud.

"It's better to have more people, it will be more lively."

"However, this year it is our turn. Last year, Lao Nan and the others took the lead. We were laughed at a lot by the guys from the Battleship Sect."

"This time, we got our face back by diving deep."

The big face said proudly, as if coming here meant victory.

However, the tall and slender man laughed when he heard this, "Mr. Huang didn't make this happen, otherwise you could have come?"

"Haha, that's true."

The two were chatting and laughing. Seeing that the person in front of them was unhappy with the inspection, they looked at the people around them. When they saw Yang Xiaotao in front of them, they immediately said hello.

"Hello, comrade."

The big-faced voice was loud. Yang Xiaotao turned around and smiled, "Hello, comrade."

"This, is this a camera?"

The big face pointed at the pendant around Yang Xiaotao's neck and asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a camera."

"What a camera. You are so well prepared. How could I forget about it?"

The big face was a little annoyed, "I might be able to see the leader today. Even if I can't see him, it's okay to take some pictures of the internal structure."

Yang Xiaotao smiled and expressed sympathy for the pie-faced annoyance.

The tall, slender man on the side smiled and said, "You have to bring some if you want."

"Hello comrade, I am Wang Feng, and this is Liu Bin."

"Hello, Yang Xiaotao. This is Gao Yufeng."

Since they were introduced, Yang Xiaotao would naturally not leave Gao Yufeng behind.

"By the way, Mr. Huang has a camera. I'll make sure to bring it to the next formal event."

At this time Liu Bin thought of something and said loudly.

Then he looked at Yang Xiaotao, "Comrade, you are so young. Are you a recent graduate?"

Yang Xiaotao shook his head, "No, I stopped going to school a long time ago. We are from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

"Academy of Agricultural Sciences?"

Liu Bin was still thinking, but Wang Feng laughed, "Is it the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Sijiu City?"

"Yes, it's the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Sijiu City."

"We have heard about it for a long time. In the past two years, new corn has appeared in our country. It is the Academy of Agricultural Sciences that has done this. You are really good at it."

When Wang Feng said this, Liu Bin also remembered it and extended his thumb, "Our President Huang said that you have done a great thing that benefits the country and the people."

Gao Yufeng smiled, but Yang Xiaotao shook his head, "It's all within my duties, it's nothing."

"You are not locals, are you?"


Liu Bin said, after learning about the origins of Yang Xiaotao and Yang Xiaotao, he became more respectful and no longer spoke so loudly, "We came from Wujiang and came here specifically to attend the rehearsal today."

"Wujiang? That's not close. Every comrade from our factory has to walk for two or three days to go there."

"No, we took the train for two days and three nights."

Liu Bin complained, "This journey has ruined me."

"By the way, how do you make such good corn?"

Liu Bin is obviously a familiar person, with a curious face.

"This is a bit difficult to talk about and requires professional biological knowledge."

Yang Xiaotao looked at the progress ahead and felt that it would take at least half an hour here, so he communicated with Liu Bin. After all, they came from different places, so there were always some new things.

"To put it simply, it is to combine two good things together to form a better one. This is what we do."

Gao Yufeng listened on the sidelines and nodded in agreement.


Liu Bin stretched out his thumb, "Although I don't understand it, it must be very difficult to produce something like this. Your Academy of Agricultural Sciences can grow enough."

"What a pity. If we had the ability, we would nuke it."

Just halfway through speaking, Wang Feng next to him started coughing. Liu Bin also thought of something and quickly stopped the topic, and then said apologetically to Yang Xiaotao, "I'm sorry, there are some things I can't say."

"It doesn't matter. If you told me, I would still be scared."


Several people laughed, and then stopped talking about work and introduced the customs and customs of their respective places.

The time was spent among several people talking.

When it was Yang Xiaotao's turn, the reviewer in front of him carefully checked the information.

At the same time, he took out a prepared portfolio, which contained basic information about Yang Xiaotao, as well as a bust photo with a concise and clear description next to it.

Yang Xiaotao put the items he carried aside. This was similar to going through security checks in later generations. Of course, there were not so many instruments, and the person in charge of the inspection was not a young lady.

"Comrade Yang Xiaotao. Please confirm here."


"This is your pass. Please keep it safe. If you lose it, tell us immediately or tell the local police station."

Finally, a palm-sized number plate was handed to Yang Xiaotao, with Yang Xiaotao's name on the front and a brief introduction below, with the words "Academy of Agricultural Sciences" written on it.

There is a large five-pointed star on the back, and there is a series of numbers below it, but I can’t tell what it means.

After Yang Xiaotao completed the inspection, he and Gao Yufeng walked up the passage on the left side of the city gate under the guidance of a guard.

Walking up the steps, you will feel the weight of history coming towards you, and the red flags on both sides are fluttering in the wind.

This is not the first time Yang Xiaotao has seen this kind of ancient city tower. He has even seen ancient city walls in some places.

But this time, stepping on this clean stone staircase, I felt like worshiping.

"Dear comrades workers, fellow farmers, and all walks of life..."

As a few people came upstairs, there was a wide open space in front of them, and there were even more flags below.

Looking around, it's all red.There was a sonorous and powerful voice in their ears, and Yang Xiaotao and the two felt that their bodies were full of strength.

There is quite a pride of seeing the mountains and small mountains.

The mountain is not high, there are fairies and spirits!
At this moment, Yang Xiaotao understood this sentence deeply.

"Two comrades, this is where you will watch the ceremony. Please remember!"

Just as the two of them looked at the rehearsing team in the square outside the building, the voice of the conductor came from behind.

Then Yang Xiaotao looked at several numbers on the ground in front of him.

There are about two meters between the numbers.

It was immediately clear that the people who came up were not allowed to move around at will.

But the location here is also good. It's on the left side of the city gate tower, not too far away, and this is the area where everyone passes, so you can see it up close.

"And this comrade, when you are watching the ceremony, when the camera is in use, it cannot be close to the front or hinder the order. The final film must be handed over to us for review before leaving. We will remove the inappropriate ones and give them to you only if there are no problems! "

The guide's words are neither condescending nor arrogant, and they are reasonable and well-founded.

Yang Xiaotao knew the rules of this matter, and it wasn't like he refused to give it, so he nodded happily.

"Then, I wish you two comrades good luck!"

"Thanks a lot!"


While the two were talking, Liu Bin and Wang Feng from behind also came up, right beside them.

The four greeted each other with a smile.

"What you see below is the tractor formation from the Red Star Machinery Factory. The Red Star Machinery Factory was formed by the Red Star Rolling Mill in..."

Hearing the sound, Yang Xiaotao immediately stepped forward and looked around to see rows of tractors passing slowly.

Yang Xiaotao even saw Yang Youning and Chen Gong waving flags vigorously, picked up the camera, and clicked...


"Director Yu, that's him!"

In front of a roadside stall, Song Tao gestured with his eyes to the middle-aged man passing by.

Director Yu didn't raise his head, just felt it, and then nodded, "This person left a little anxiously."

Song Tao smiled and didn't stand up until the middle-aged man turned a corner and disappeared into the alley.

"We discovered it by accident too!"

"This person is usually an old scholar. He is immersed in knowledge and has a sense of being unscrupulous."

"When we went to discuss the issue with him this time, our comrades clearly felt the difference."

Song Tao said and handed a piece of information to Director Yu.

Lu Daqi, male, Han nationality!

According to the information, this man went abroad to study in Japan in his early years and studied mechanical engineering.

Later, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, he transferred to the United States. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he participated in industrial construction after returning to China and taught in a college after liberation.

There is an old wife at home, an arranged marriage in the old days. They have a son and a daughter. They are both married and working in a factory.

Director Yu watched carefully, including the other party's whereabouts, habits, and social circle.

"Looking at this information, he is an honest man!"

Director Yu frowned.

There is no reason for such a person!
"Doesn't it feel weird?"

Song Tao laughed, "It was the same when I read the report. I couldn't believe it."

"Usually it's two o'clock and one line. I go to the library at most. People who teach children don't look like that kind of person."

"Even in the plan, there were a few people who behaved more obviously, but after investigation, it was found that those people were angry and unwilling in the end!"

"And he alone is fear."

"What is he afraid of? Even if he is worried, it shouldn't be because he can't sleep in the middle of the night."

Director Yu nodded.

After learning about this incident, many experts are verifying the information, and the anger after verification is completely opposite to fear.

"You're leaving in such a hurry, this is not a place you usually go!"

Director Yu looked around, this was not a downtown area, the place was a little out of the way!

"People followed?"

"It's all arranged!"

"Don't follow too close, you can relax a little more!"

"I understand, there are our comrades in this area."

After the two of them finished speaking, they walked towards the jeep nearby.

Night falls.

The two came to a printing factory.

"Chief Song, how long has the target been in there?"

Director Yu was holding a newspaper in the car, which contained reports about the Red Star Machinery Factory.

After watching it for a while, I felt that the development speed of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill was unexpected.

He put it down casually and asked Song Tao on the side.

Song Tao looked at the time and said, "It's been two hours!"

The two were silent and continued to look outside.

Based on the final confirmation, Lu Daqi got on the bus and came to the printing factory in Langfang. The two of them became more suspicious of Lu Daqi.

If they were given time to investigate slowly, then this printing factory would definitely be a key target for investigation.

After all, there are so many books that the printing factory can't handle them here.

It's just that the sources of books are too many and mixed, and some of them are not within the Four-Nine Cities. Moreover, printing plants follow strict proofreading procedures, which does not mean that they can be printed after typesetting.

Especially foreign books like this, which involve books in related fields, are reviewed at all levels.

Therefore, there may be problems in the printing factory, but the probability of problems is unlikely.

But when this target comes to the printing factory, the small chance is instantly magnified countless times.

While the two men continued to observe, suddenly a man ran out of the printing factory, waved his arms at everyone, and shouted something.


The two of them screamed inwardly and got out of the car immediately.

"Director, something bad happened!"

"There's someone killed inside!"

Xiaobo ran over quickly, and the two of them rushed inside without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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