Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1003: The network that locks down science

Chapter 1003: The network that locks down science
Just as Mr. Qin was pounding the table, the door was suddenly pushed open and two guards rushed in.

His expression was solemn, and his eyes scanned the crowd.

"go out!"

A loud shout broke out from Zhang Lao, his whole body was like an angry lion.

In an instant, the temperature in the entire room dropped by three points, and even the wind blowing in from the window became cool!

Yang Xiaotao understood that this was murderous intent!
Beside him, Father Ran narrowed his eyes and subconsciously wanted to protect Yang Xiaotao.

In fact, Yang Xiaotao pulled Ran's father aside.

The two guards trembled when Zhang Laoyi yelled at them, and they didn't dare to look at the scene, so they turned around and ran out.

The door that had been kicked open was carefully closed.

"Old Qin!"

Mr. Zhang maintained his momentum, and Mr. Qin on the side also recovered.


"Zhangji..., I, how can I be calm!"

Even so, Mr. Qin felt like a volcano about to erupt, breathing heavily and his face turned red.

Looking at the report on the table, the dazzling big words made him feel angry that he had been fooled.

“There are so many of us, so much time, so many resources.”

"Wasting time and effort not only fails to live up to the expectations of superiors, but also disappoints the people..."

"I, we..."

Mr. Qin sat back on his chair.

At this moment, he has figured it out.

On knowledge, on learning time, on experience.

Their logistics department summoned hundreds of experts and scholars who were no worse than Yang Xiaotao, organized all high-tech workers, and at the same time exerted the power of collective unity.

Logically speaking, their chances of making it should be higher!
But it is such a powerful force. It has been done over and over again, and the design has been changed again and again. How much effort has been spent, and how much sadness has been involved!

But even so, they still haven't made it.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it's not normal.

"I, I think of those chief engineers who were lying on the design drawings vomiting blood, of those figures who struggled to retreat in the workshop, and of those disappointed eyes..."

"I, I feel sour in my heart!"

As Mr. Qin spoke, his eyes were filled with tears. His anger seemed to have been suppressed, but he could still express endless sorrow and regret.

Zhang Lao had no expression, as if all this was just a small pit in his rich and colorful experience.

If you fall, you know it hurts, and you just get up.

What I was most afraid of was that I couldn't get up and had to lie down for a while.

Then he slapped the optimist with a swollen face.

In his opinion, one learns from every experience.

Sometimes, this gap is very important.

"Old Qin, when you and I set foot on this road, it is destined to be a road that has never been trodden before, full of thorns and bleeding with blood!"

"What we have to do is to walk down, even if it pierces the soles of our feet, we have to flatten the thorns!"

"Let our latecomers have a clean road!"

As Mr. Zhang said, Mr. Qin turned his head to wipe away his tears with a solemn expression.

Yang Xiaotao and Ran's father stood aside, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Huang came to his side and saw what the two of them had done just now.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield can tell at a glance that Ran's father is the kind of 'literary' who has no power to restrain a chicken, and Yang Xiaotao, I heard that there is a lot of blood on his hands.

Otherwise, how could he still be able to move despite the murderous intent of the old squad leader?

But that's it, the mutual protection between this pair of father-in-law and son-in-law is even more valuable.

These two people are worthy of deep friendship.

He took out a freshly opened box of Zhonghua from his pocket and said, "You must know how to smoke!"

Yang Xiaotao nodded normally, but Ran's father had a look of embarrassment on his face before he woke up from the shock.

I really don’t know how to smoke this cigarette.

Seeing this, Mr. Huang nodded and didn't take the cigarette. He just handed the cigarette to Yang Xiaotao.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaotao chuckled and kicked the cigarette into his pocket.

Mr. Xia beside him was also smiling. This kid was never soft-hearted when taking advantage.

Of course, the surprise this boy brought was too great.

From his perspective, no one knows who planned this incident, or rather this conspiracy, but it was definitely a big deal.

Using this method to block the pace of revolutionary construction is so ruthless, the planning time is long, and the intention is far-reaching that it cannot be accomplished by a simple organization.

There will even be people here to cooperate.

Even, I don’t know if it’s them, but it’s aimed at the entire camp!
From this perspective, Yang Xiaotao's discovery is equivalent to getting rid of a cancer, and with the help of this cancer, they can do more things.

As for the other aspect, it's more straightforward.

Finding this mistake and putting scientific development on the right track is the best help for domestic construction.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, these two people are great contributors.

That's why Mr. Huang gave me cigarettes.

If it were anyone else, he would probably have taken out a match and lit it.

"Tell me, how did you discover it and how did you come up with it?"

"Tell me carefully, tell me carefully!"

Mr. Huang has always been in a high mood today.

No way, whoever thought of attending an unveiling ceremony would be surprised.

Each one is bigger than the other.

Added up to more surprises than all the years.

Huang Lao asked Yang Xiaotao and Yang Xiaotao to sit down and listen here today. Other things are trivial.

When Mr. Qin heard what Mr. Huang said, he calmed down and listened carefully.

He also wanted to understand why the young man in front of him thought so, or how he dared to think so.

Mr. Zhang on the side was also interested.

As he said, every step of the way makes you wiser.

There is also a saying that it is said that the stone from the mountain can attack jade.

The Logistics Department has jumped over the pit, will their Third Machinery Department have it?
I always felt that there was nothing wrong with the drawings sent from the north, so the comrades were busy day and night.

But what if there is a problem with the design?

It must be guarded against.Yang Xiaotao sat at the table. In fact, he had already said almost everything at the beginning.

I just designed a semi-automatic milling machine, consulted the information, and verified it in many ways, but in the end I still couldn't make it.

Yang Xiaotao suddenly understood what Mr. Huang wanted to say, and quickly organized his thoughts, "Commanders, leaders."

"We were also deeply hit after many studies failed."

Having said this, Yang Xiaotao picked up the thick pile of design drawings and said, "My colleagues all laughed when they saw it. If so much paper is given to the school, the children can write a lot of words."

In the room, Mr. Xia laughed, and Mr. Zhang and others also softened their expressions.

Mr. Huang reached out to take the drawing and approached Mr. Qin. "Look, he is indeed an engineer. There are some in your logistics department who can match his drawing skills."

Mr. Qin snorted coldly and didn't want to pay attention to this guy.

When the logistics department comes up with talent, I'll invite you too.

Mr. Qin was thinking, but his attention was on those drawings.

After the tea on the table was cleared, Yang Xiaotao put the failed designs on the table.

"Chief, look, this is the original draft."

"At that time, my father-in-law and I were forgetting to eat and sleep. I would design during the day, and he would go to the library to look up information. We would meet at home at night to study together and discuss how to do it."

"But finally."

"In the end, it was all wrong."

Mr. Qin said, with a look of helplessness in his expression.

"At the beginning, the drawings we designed were more than ten times thicker than this."

"In your words, if you give these to the school, it is estimated that a class will have enough paper for the whole year."

"It's a pity, a pity."

Mr. Qin stacked up the drawings and reached out to pat them, his expression full of sadness.

Mr. Zhang quickly changed the subject when he saw it, "What did you think after that?"

Everyone looked at it, and Mr. Xia even picked up his water glass, wanting to hear the twists and turns involved.

Yang Xiaotao looked a little embarrassed, but he still told the truth.

"Well, I was chatting with my wife at home that day."

"Later it was said that Mencius' mother moved three times"

As Yang Xiaotao spoke, the eyes of the people around him were more filled with smiles than surprises.

This, what kind of operation is this?

Even Ran's father heard about this reason for the first time.

'In other words, Qiuye's contribution accounts for half of this? '

Ran's father thought about it, and suddenly felt a little proud in his heart. He was still his daughter and had abilities.

"With the reminder from my wife, I just happened to stumble upon it."

After Yang Xiaotao finished speaking, he picked up the water glass and drank strategically.

After hearing this, Mr. Huang was the first to speak.

"That, um, this is called the details of life. You can, right, give good advice."

Mr. Xia also put down his water glass, "Yes, yes, there are many such details, but it is rare to be able to capture the opportunity."

"Xiao Tao, it's great that you can think of these things."

Although their words were far-fetched, they were also reasonable.

"You boy, you are so lucky."

Mr. Qin sighed with emotion, and Yang Xiaotao chuckled, "I've always been very lucky."

Mr. Xia started to laugh even more, "This kid, from a heating stove to a machine tool now, he can do anything, but he has to be criticized for his modesty."

"Hey, luck is also part of strength."

Mr. Zhang opened his mouth to explain, and then looked at Yang Xiaotao, "So you just made the mistake, and in the end, it was proved by facts that the above was wrong?"

Yang Xiaotao nodded, "Yes."

"Is it possible that it's a printing error or that the research theory is out of date?"

This time Yang Xiaotao looked at Ran's father on the side.

Ran's father put his hands together and said, "Chief, I had the same idea at the beginning."

"So I went to various libraries to check information. The printing of these books comes from different manufacturers, and the chance of typesetting and printing errors is almost non-existent."

"As for the issue of research theory, I looked at the published times in the book. The farthest one was in 51, and the most recent one was in 62."

"In other words, all theoretical research results during this period have not changed."

"In fact, the technology developed based on this theory may be true, but it is likely to be a wrong direction."

"After all, there was a precedent for this kind of thing. The difference is whether we can discover it as soon as possible, instead of looking back and thinking after smashing the south wall and finding more south walls."

Ran's father spoke sonorously and forcefully, just like when he led everyone in the base to do the calculation again.

"So, we felt that the matter was serious, so we took this opportunity to report to the chief."

Huang Lao nodded.

However, I felt a little regretful. If I hadn't been so pushy this time and had brought Lao Qin here, the credit would have gone to their machine department.

It's fine now, everyone who meets you has a share.

Mr. Zhang looked at Ran's father, his eyes full of scrutiny, and he couldn't help but nod.

"This is not the only trick the enemy has."

Looking through the information on the table, he looked at Mr. Huang, "Maybe in other fields, there are also such traps buried, and then the traps are connected together to form a network."

"Yes, a net that locks science in place."

Huang Lao said affirmatively, his expression became serious.

"We must pay attention to this matter and respond to superiors as soon as possible to find these traps and eliminate them."


Mr. Qin also spoke fiercely, "This matter is not a small project, it might be a huge organization. This time, I just took the opportunity to take care of it."

"So, please keep this matter confidential."

Huang Lao nodded, then looked at Yang Xiaotao, "Who knows?"

"We have mentioned it to Secretary Liu and the two factory directors Yang and Chen, but no one else has mentioned it."

"it is good."

"Don't spread this matter out yet. Wait for the news to arrive. Lao Xia, you can leave some instructions."

Mr. Huang said, Mr. Xia nodded in agreement.

Then the three of them got up, and Mr. Huang put the documents away, "Let's go report now."

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhang nodded, and then said goodbye to Mr. Yang and Xiaotao.

(End of this chapter)

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