Chapter 57
"The rope tree controls the wood escape?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen heard what Tsunade reported, and saw Natoki use Mudun in front of his eyes, he was shocked to believe it.

He didn't expect the Extremis virus serum to be so strong. If he remembered correctly, what Tsunade said at the beginning seemed to be just a very strong resilience, which could make Nakoki become a ninja again, but he never mentioned Mutun.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi is very regretful in his heart now. If he knew that the so-called Extremis virus serum can even be controlled by Kidun Xueji, he would not let Tsunade study it alone anyway. At least a few people should be inserted to collect the experimental data. Get it all.

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, do you still have any?"

"No more, Sarutobi-sensei."

Before his beloved Sarutobi teacher finished speaking, Orochimaru smiled hoarsely, and answered first: "The key to controlling Mutun lies in the serum of the Extremis virus. Without this serum, Rope Tree would not be able to inherit the blood of the first generation of adults." power, and now we've run out of serums"

"Is there nothing left?"

"The other party is the person who took out the Extremis virus serum, and he is very clear about the dosage in the experiment. There is no leftover until the end, and all the serum has become data."

Orochimaru replied with certainty that as for his serum, he would definitely use it on his own body, and this was his reward.

"In the end, only Rotoki and Kahn were injected with the new serum. Hehe, Tsunade wanted to use Mutun ninjutsu to attract him to join Konoha, but he seemed very decisive and refused directly. I don't pay attention to it."

After Tsunade heard Orochimaru's words, he gave him an angry look, but it had nothing to do with her. It was those old men who turned friends into enemies, not her Tsunade; I have done enough, and there are one more wood escape blood follower ninjas.

"Is that so, I see..."

After hearing the words, Hiruzaru Sarutobi replied with an ugly face; his only hope now is that Danzo can succeed, as long as Genbu brings him back, he will immediately send Anbu to bring him back from Genbu.

Now Hokage is the one with the strongest control in the village. The root of Danzo is to help Konoha deal with inconvenient things, but he can't compare with Anbe in terms of strength.

"Then the rope tree."

Orochimaru said first: "Leave the rope tree to me, Mr. Sarutobi, I will take the rope tree to master the task, and leave the practice of wood escape to Tsunade."

Regardless of Nawaki's identity or his value, Orochimaru had to bring Nawaki with him, as he had discussed with Tsunade before returning.

Moreover, the character of the rope tree needs to be tempered. The last time he stepped into the detonator trap excitedly, he was really an unqualified ninja; Let him continue on the battlefield.

Afterwards, Tsunade and Orochimaru reported some other things to Sarutobi Hiruzen, such as Orochimaru took over the laboratory, and hoped that Anbu would not go to his place to mess around, and they dispersed.

During the period, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also wanted Nakoki and Kushina to form a team. After Minato failed, he had to consider a new bond for Kushina that could bind her, otherwise there would be a rift between Kushina and the village. ravine.

Zhishu is a good candidate, living in the same house with Kushina, and also knows how to escape, and Zhishu's will of fire is also very pure, which can affect Kushina's view of Konoha after a long time.

However, this matter was directly refuted by Tsunade, and Orochimaru didn't want to cause trouble for himself. Although he didn't know Kushina very well, he knew it was not easy just by hearing her surname, and if Tsunade objected, he would definitely Knowing a lot of inside information, Dashewan followed suit.

After Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Nakoki left, Sarutobi Hiruzen tapped the table with his pipe, and an Anbe appeared in the room instantly.

"If a root ninja comes back, let Danzo come to see me immediately."


After responding, the Anbu immediately used the instant body technique and disappeared into the Hokage office.

"Teacher Orochimaru, when are we going to perform the mission?"

Not long after leaving the Naruto Building, Nakoki was a little excited and wanted to make his name in the ninja world.

But before Orochimaru could answer, Tsunade hammered Nawaki's head with his fist, and said to him angrily, "What task are you performing? You just learned one of the simplest wooden escape ninjutsu. Go back and take care of yourself." You have been practicing for a while, and the recent mission that Orochimaru has performed is not suitable for you."

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched. He originally wanted to accept some B-level or C-level tasks, but according to Tsunade, it seemed that he was asked to accept A-level or above tasks.

But Tsunade really can't afford to mess with it, Orochimaru feels that he is simply dragged down by this stupid disciple, even if he wants to take the task, he can come to him in private instead of in front of Tsunade
"Yes, Shengshu, I'm going to take on some A-level or S-level missions recently, so you should get acquainted with Mudun Xueji at home first."

After hearing the words, Sheng Shu said unwillingly: "Well, Mr. Orochimaru, remember to come back early."

Then, the three of Tsunade suddenly ran into an acquaintance.

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, long time no see, you are all very busy recently, is this your younger brother, Tsunade."

After Kato Duan met the three of them, he greeted them in a very gentle tone.

"It's Kato, that's right, he is my younger brother Naoki, who has just recovered from his injury."

After Tsunade saw Kato Duan, she recalled it in her mind before remembering his name; recently she was researching Extremis virus serum, busy with reforming the medical system, and helping Orochimaru with some quests. She was really busy. a little dizzy.

Kato Dan smiled gently, and said to Tsunade: "I heard that the cultivation of medical ninjas has been very effective recently. There are many trainee medical ninjas in Konoha Hospital. This is all thanks to you, Tsunade. Do you want to go?"

Tsunade shook his head directly and refused: "Sorry, Kato, I'm really tired recently, I want to go back and rest now."

After finishing speaking, she pulled the rope tree and rushed towards the direction of the Senju Clan. Orochimaru smiled at Kato Dan, and walked towards her home, leaving Kato Dan with an embarrassed face to stay where she was.

After walking a certain distance, Shengshu asked gossipingly, "Sister, was that person your suitor just now?"

Tsunade said directly without thinking: "It's just a colleague in the village."

"I think so too. Compared with Mr. Kahn, that Kato Jōnin is not suitable for my sister at all."

After thinking about it for a while, Naoki said that in his memory, only Mr. Kahn could clench his sister's fist with a few words, and he couldn't do anything to her.

(End of this chapter)

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