Marvel: Trading From Ninja World

Chapter 51 The New Extremis Virus

Chapter 51 The New Extremis Virus
"What a good idea, Orochimaru."

Tsunade couldn't help but praised with joy in his heart. This is the first successful example of their experiment for so long. Even if the experimental body exploded just now, it was controlled in the arm, and important parts such as internal organs and brain were very stable. .

"It seems that the serum is not enough. It seems that the injection ratio needs to be tested a few more times. Maybe it has something to do with the cells. Orochimaru, this guy is handed over to you. If he passes the test next, teach him to refine chakra. Try to learn wood escape ninjutsu."

"If he can learn Mudun, it will be a good thing for Konoha."

Before she finished speaking, Tsunade left. She was going to find Kahn to report the good news and at the same time apply for some Extremis virus serum.

Orochimaru waited for Tsunade to leave, and laughed a few times in a hoarse voice. It is certain to test Mutun, but he will not hand this person over to Konoha; if the experimental subject can really use Mutun Xueji, can he When he successfully uses Mutun, Orochimaru will kill him.

The cooperation with Kahn has not yet come to an end, Tsunade is a little too taken for granted, she will only sacrifice the future of the rope.

Tsunade's medical ninjutsu for human body research is indeed a crucial promotion, but her emotional intelligence is too low, and Orochimaru has to undertake the aftermath work, otherwise the cooperation may cause accidents.

After a few days, Kahn received the news, but he didn't go back immediately, but rushed to the experimental base after dealing with the things around him.

About five days later, when Kahn arrived here, he found Orochimaru and Tsunade leading a person to practice ninjutsu in the woods outside the underground laboratory.

"It's too late for you to come, Mr. Tushi has learned ninjutsu in the past few days."

After Tsunade noticed Kahn's arrival, he waved happily to him and called him over and said.

After Kahn approached, he found that Mr. Tushi looked at him with a trace of hatred in his eyes, and then quickly lowered his head; he knew in his heart that he was probably the first batch of death row inmates, and he also showed his face at that time , this person should have guessed that he was the mastermind behind the experiments on death row prisoners.

However, Kahn ignored these people. Since he is a death row prisoner, he must die in the end, so he turned his head and asked Tsunade, "Have you started learning ninjutsu? The progress is good. It seems that Tuishi-kun is also a genius?"

"I don't know about this. If you have white eyes, you can clearly see the flow of chakra, but I prefer that the Extremis virus endowed the experimental subject with the wood escape instinct contained in the first generation of Hokage cells."

Orochimaru explained to Kahn, but when he saw Kahn was a little confused, he thought that the gold master was half-baked in terms of ninjutsu and human body research, so he changed his explanation.

"Mr. Tushi spent three days learning the simpler avatar technique, but he was unsuccessful, but it took only one day to use the wood escape ninjutsu."

When Orochimaru said this, Kahn nodded with some understanding: "That is to say, Mu Dunxueji is more instinctive in him?"

"That's it. If Mutun can reproduce it, then Sharingan, Baiyan, Bingshield and Shigumai."


Tsunade yelled to stop him, how could this kind of thing be said openly, if people from Uchiha and Hyuga knew about it, they would definitely not give up.

The blood successor family has a morbid desire to protect the blood successor boundaries of their own family, which is the foundation of their family inheritance in the ninja world.

Kahn was a little surprised and said: "I probably understand, I didn't expect that Extremis Virus has this ability."

"The principle is probably to get a new life in the midst of destruction. If a blood successor is transplanted at the cell level using a conventional method, it is likely to cause the self-collapse of the living body. However, the Extremis virus can just avoid this problem. After the destruction, it will Fusion becomes one's own heir."

"And before injecting the Extremis virus serum, the test subject's own cells are used to culture the Extremis virus and grandfather's cells in a vessel to create a new serum, which can also reduce the risk."

Tsunade explained to Kahn eloquently that she had gained a deeper understanding of the blood succession boundary through studying the Extremis virus. Although there is a chance to do what Orochimaru said, what she wants to do most now is to help rope The tree returns to health.

Kahn nodded, pointed at the experimental subject named Tushi with a smile on his face, and said, "I see. From this point of view, it's really hard work for you two, so this person."

"I think"

"The data and blood samples have been collected, and the records are very clear. With these data, it is enough help for the next experiment, in other words."

Orochimaru paused at this point, and then waved his hand, a few pythons as thick as forearms appeared from his sleeves, wrapped around the experimental body named Tushi, and the pythons exerted force instantly, directly wrapped around the neck and He was strangled at the waist.

Then Orochimaru quickly formed seals, and when Tsunade was surprised, he used earth escape ninjutsu, directly crushing the body of the experimental subject, and then buried it deep in the ground.

After finishing all this, Orochimaru smiled twice and said: "Okay, Mr. Kahn, Mr. Tushi is now more than ten meters deep underground, and I believe it will become worthless nourishment in seven days."

"Hey, Orochimaru, why are you doing this..."

Tsunade was shocked and angry, but before she finished her question, Orochimaru reached out and patted her on the shoulder, interrupting her subsequent questioning
"Calm down, Tsunade, the experiment is not over yet, they are just death row prisoners; Kahn-kun, go inside and talk."

"It just so happens that I also want to know more about the Extremis virus."

Kahn readily said that if the success rate can be guaranteed, then he can also inject the serum of the new version of Extremis Virus.

Before going to the underground experiment base, Kahn saw that Tsunade was still struggling, so he persuaded: "Don't think so much, Tsunade, I brought you a condolence item, I believe you will like it."

Dashewan's move won his heart, he never planned to let these death row experimental subjects go, this idea will not be changed because of the success of Extremis Virus; even if the experiment is successful, their value is not much Change, the greatest value from the very beginning is the Extremis virus serum, not an experimental subject who can escape from blood.

Tsunade only saw Mu Dun, but didn't expect it to go deeper. In contrast, Kahn prefers Orochimaru's style of acting.

He only cares about the purpose, while Kahn values ​​the result. The two people can be said to have similar temperaments. When the goals are the same, they are the best partners, but it is hard to say if the goals conflict.

After arriving at the experimental base, Kahn finished watching the experimental process of the soil and rock experimental body.

"Can you try a few more times? Orochimaru, I hope to be a little safer. The current success rate doesn't make me feel at ease."

Orochimaru smiled, and said: "Of course, after all, Naoki is also my disciple, and I will not feel relieved to inject him with serum in the current result."

 Brother, ask for a monthly pass and follow-up, if half of the brothers in the collection follow-up every day, I can rush to Sanjiang now!
(End of this chapter)

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