Marvel: Trading From Ninja World

Chapter 5 The Third Ninja World War

Chapter 5 The Second Ninja World War

"It's really desolate during the war."

After Kahn prepared everything, he came to the world of Naruto through the trading system, but the landing location was random, and he had to find the trading partner as soon as possible so that the trading tokens could be placed in this world.

"Is it only two days, and after each shuttle, you must appear within fifty miles of the transaction mark, and the transaction mark is... the transaction object? This is really a shit-like rule. You must find a longer-lived transaction object. .”

"And only this one chance, I can't go back yet."

Therefore, Kahn was a little anxious. If he didn't find a trading partner within two days, he would lose the world and the trading system would be refreshed again.

But how difficult it is to find a person who is willing to trade and has a long life within two days, not to mention that as long as the world trading token is bound, it will take at least two years before it can be freely replaced.

"Shift, why is this system so troublesome, wouldn't it be simpler? And this shitty weather, it's been raining!"

Fortunately, Kahn brought a complete set of daily necessities, including umbrellas and raincoats.

It's just that there were too few people, and he didn't know where it was. He had been here for two hours and had been driving in the wild.

If no one can be found for two consecutive days, then Kahn can only miss the plane of Hokage.

As a rich man who has no shortage of time, Kahn has also practiced some martial arts and physical exercises in addition to training firearms. It is not difficult for him to walk for several hours. The key is that Kahn does not know how long it will take Only then can I meet people, and after meeting people, I don't know how long it will take to find a suitable trading partner.

"Is the first transaction so unlucky? The Pent family believes in Tiche so much, and she didn't even bless the sole heir of the Pent family?"

Kahn walked for another hour or two, and finally found a place that looked like a building ruin, which could be regarded as a temporary shelter from the rain.

He didn't know when the rain would fall, and when Kahn passed by, he saw traces left by the war. He didn't know which direction to go, which was the safest way to find a suitable trading partner. But for Kahn, if he is really in danger, he would rather return to the Marvel world as soon as possible and give up the Naruto plane instead of continuing the transaction.

"anyone there?"

Kahn, who never left the gun in his hand, yelled, then observed carefully for a few minutes, then released the drone to look around, and decided to take a rest here before moving on after confirming that there was no one there.

He needs to replenish his strength. If it is not possible to reach out to the battlefield, Kahn will definitely take out a steak and make himself a delicious meal; but now, he can only eat a little chocolate, energy drinks and jerky.

While eating, Kahn used the drone to explore the surrounding environment, but the scope of the investigation was limited, and he did not get any useful information.

"Four hours have passed, 44 hours left."

Kahn looked at his watch, but he suddenly heard a soft sound, then immediately dropped the energy drink in his hand, stood up with guns in both hands, and shouted at the place where the sound came from.


Kahn yelled and waited for more than ten seconds, but there was still no response, so he thought about where the sound came from and fired a few shots. The bullets hit the ground and the wall, making a bang bang sound.

"I'll say it again, don't blame me if you don't come out."

"Don't, don't shoot, I'll just come out."

After Kahn warned, a slightly childish voice came from behind a large boulder, and then slowly came out an orange-haired kid, who looked about ten years old, with a stubborn face.

Although he was a child, Kahn did not relax his vigilance, and asked with the gun still: "You are the only one? What are you doing here? I checked just now, and there is no one here. What is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Looking for something to eat, I am a homeless person, because I am too hungry, so I came here to see what I can use."

Yahiko replied nervously, the blond weirdo in front of him doesn't look like a ninja, but he is older than himself, and the unknown hidden weapon just hit the ground and even the stones were broken. They will definitely die.

"There is no village around, you come here alone to look for food? Brat, it looks like you are dishonest..."

Even if he was a child, Kahn always kept a safe distance from this little ghost, and there was no cover around him that other people could approach. If he found something wrong, he would definitely return to the Marvel world as soon as possible.

Yahiko saw Kahn pointing the black gun at him, although he didn't know what it was, but Yahiko also felt Kahn's malice.

So Yahiko hurriedly waved his hands and said: "What I said is true, I just saw that I wanted to go to a ninja on the battlefield to learn ninjutsu, and happened to pass by here, so I wanted to hide from the rain!"

"Looking for a ninja apprentice?"

Kahn repeated the sentence with a slight frown, then looked at the kid in front of him and his orange hair, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Yahiko, my name is Yahiko!"

It really is this guy, so now should be the time for the second ninja world war, and the three of Yahiko have not yet apprenticed to Jiraiya; but Yahiko said that he is going to the battlefield to find ninja apprentices, so this is the battlefield of the land of rain up.

Kahn felt that Tikka, a woman, would not be able to influence the ninja world, which was why his luck was so bad. However, since it was Yahiko, the danger was slightly lower, but it could not be completely ruled out.

If you can't find anyone else, at least you can bind the plane transaction token with Nagato or Konan. They still have a long life, so let's forget about Yahiko.

"Call your other two companions out, this is for you."

Kahn used the backpack as a cover, took out three pieces of bread and three pieces of ham from it, and threw them at Yahiko.

Yahiko opened his eyes wide after seeing the food, and thought in his heart that there are three servings of bread and ham, this guy has known Xiaonan and Nagato for a long time.

And that strange hidden weapon was also removed, and it seemed that the danger could be lifted.

"Xiaonan, Nagato, come out, there is food, he is a good man!"

Hearing Yahiko's words, Kahn couldn't help but sneered in his heart. The definition of a good person is too easy. He is a businessman and capitalist, but he is definitely not a good person.

But if Nagato is here, Bai Jue is probably also nearby.

He is a businessman without chakra, Bai Jue should not be so frantic at this time to kill all the strangers around Nagato, Kahn is still safe for the time being.

After Yahiko finished shouting, two shabby-dressed little ghosts also came out from behind stones or other covers, only tens of meters away from Kahn; it was only so close that they made a sound. To have survived the era of this era, and to have such a hidden ability is considered very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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