Marvel: Trading From Ninja World

Chapter 39 2 Years Later (Various Requests)

Chapter 39 Two Years Later (Various Requests)
"How's the progress? Is there a new breakthrough for the Extremis virus?"

Kahn came to this biological research center that has been built for more than a year. At present, there is only one project team of 'Extremis Virus'. Kahn is trying to recruit others, but it has not been effective so far.

However, in the past year or so, he has filled all the management and logistics personnel of the biological research center, which is more than enough.

"It is not very ideal at present. There are too few data obtained from experiments on plants and animals. We need to conduct human experiments so that we can get more data."

Killian rubbed his temples, and said plainly; he especially hopes to enter the process of human experiments, because the experimental data on plants cannot be perfectly reflected in the experiments on mice, and there are too many differences.

In the same way, the experimental data and experience obtained on mice may not be applicable to human experiments, and they will eventually conduct human experiments.

"Killian, don't do this."

After shaking her head, Maya raised her voice slightly, and completely refuted Killian's opinion: "Conducting human experiments now is tantamount to killing people, and the failure rate is almost as high as 90.00%. If there is no next breakthrough, there is no need to conduct human experiments."

Killian argued without giving in: "Maya, maybe the next breakthrough will be in human experiments!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Kahn again and said, "Boss, if human experiments are not carried out, we may not be able to break through to the next step in a few years, because the experiment lacks a critical step, and without this step, we cannot make progress. .”


"Stop arguing, let's conduct human experiments. I'll apply for IRB review, Ms. Maya. This application will take about three months. If you can't make a breakthrough within this time, then you should follow Mr. Killian's instructions." Propose it."

Kahn interrupted the quarrel between the two and made a decision. It has been more than a year. The Extremis virus project cost nearly 4000 million U.S. dollars. Now all expenses are supported by the income from the pharmaceutical wholesale trading company. , but if it drags on, Kahn doesn't have much patience.

After hearing Kahn's words, Maya also fell silent. She knew that the recent lack of research progress made many people a little impatient, and even she was a little anxious; but the failure rate of the Extremis virus is too high. To kill, Maya is very resistant to this behavior.

Kahn said that she is more acceptable to the IRB. The premise of this kind of approved human experiment is that the other party is voluntary and tells you to ask for money to work hard, so that it will not burden her too much.

It’s just that it costs a lot, often a volunteer costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it’s even very difficult to recruit, and you can only go to some slums to pay for your life.

If the number of IRB volunteers is not enough, then you have to think of other ways; after the human experiment begins, this project will be considered a real gold-swallower.

However, we can't fully expect a team. There are two masters of human body research in the ninja world, and maybe they can be involved.

"Next, I have a very important thing. Does anyone want to help his boss complete a biological report? I have learned all these, but I don't want to waste time on writing."

Kahn took out a biology major assignment from the university. The people here are the most suitable to help him complete it. Most of them are biology majors. It is a breeze to complete an assignment.

A person came over and took the homework and said, "$2000."

"Give it to me tomorrow morning."

Kahn took out two thousand dollars and handed it over, and then leaned forward to look at the latest round of experimental data of the Extremis virus. His mind is not weak, and his learning ability has always been good; En has been working hard to study with Maya and Killian.

After a year of modest study, Kahn has understood the principle and operation mechanism of Extremis virus, and has two tubes of serum of Extremis virus and a full set of experimental data; as the boss, it is very easy for him to do a little bit of this.

After a while, Kahn left. Compared with the last time he came, the progress did not have much effect.

Although Kahn successfully entered Columbia University, he has been called the most mysterious person by his classmates. Except for some necessary courses, Kahn basically invites him if he can, and finds someone to substitute for him if he can't.

There are a lot of facts about him, in addition to things in the ninja world, there is also a pharmaceutical wholesale trading company, a securities company partnered with Connor, and going to Hell's Kitchen to deal with a large number of jewelry and so on.

Fortunately, Kahn knew the shadow clone and transformation skills, otherwise he would have brought a large number of jewels there several times in a row to sell them, and he would definitely be targeted.

The Pharmaceutical Wholesale Trading Company is the fastest-growing company under Kahn's management. It has opened up markets in four regions, Mexico, South America, Australia and Southeast Asia, and is gradually occupying them within two years of its establishment.

This year's revenue is estimated to reach more than [-] million US dollars, but other drug wholesalers have begun to pay attention to overseas markets, and there are signs of competing with Kahn for business; this is why Kahn wants to develop new drugs by himself.

This market will eventually be integrated, but Kahn can make as much money as possible, and then research and sell new medicines, changing from a middleman to a source of shipment.

Although a lot of money has been invested in the Biological Experimental Research Center, Kahn's personal assets are still expanding rapidly. Now his total assets are at least [-] million US dollars and nearly two tons of gold; this is just Kahn's achievements in more than a year , although it is a little slower, but it is safe and secure.

Neither the Taxation Bureau, Fobole, nor S.H.I.E.L.D. found Kahn.

A year ago, Kahn also changed his residence, which was much larger than the current residence and had a large basement; Kahn transformed the basement into a safe house, and hid in the basement when he went to the ninja world.

"It's almost time to ask Tsunade to study the Extremis virus and some special medicines for terminal illnesses. I hope she won't let me down."

Kahn decided to think that the relationship between him and Tsunade has been getting along fairly well during this period of time, and he also knew the specific situation of Nawaki from Kushina; Interested in Extremis virus.

There are also samples and detailed data of several terminal illnesses. Kahn also brought them. He inquired about them in the ninja world. At that age, Tsunade didn't pay much attention.

However, Kahn used the mission entrustment and the temptation of the Extremis virus, and Tsunade would probably agree.

Next, Kahn dealt with the affairs of the Marvel world. According to the usual practice, he arranged a substitute person in advance, and after all the company's affairs were arranged, he replenished all his space backpacks before proceeding to travel.

In the next second, Kahn came to the ninja world.

(End of this chapter)

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