Marvel: Trading From Ninja World

Chapter 37 Income Soars (Seeking Tickets and Investments)

Chapter 37 Income Soars (Seeking Tickets and Investments)

"It seems that the business is going well. Are there so many people recently, Xia Chuan?"

Kahn came to the casino for a stroll, and found that there were many carriages parked outside. After walking in, it was even more crowded. A gaming table used to accommodate ten people, but now it can accommodate at least 20 people, and the casino is also full of people. It was very noisy, and the sound was slightly inaudible.

The business can be described as booming, with a daily profit of more than 40 taels, because the profit is too much, so Xia Chuan basically manages the accounts himself, without the hands of others.

"Buy all the houses at the back and on both sides, renovate the VIP boxes and expand the store by the way, the casino's turnover will be spent every half a month; Xia Chuan, I will leave you a plan later, you follow this The plan is implemented, starting from the profit of this casino, and slowly spreading to Chuanmu Town."

"By the way, set aside [-]% as working capital."

Kahn said to Xia Chuan that the money from the ninja world is worthless to him. If it cannot be exchanged for resources and power, it is no different from waste paper.

It hasn't been long since the casino opened, but the novel gambling methods and some rare gambling machines have directly opened the eyes of ninja gamblers. However, it won't be long before someone will imitate the gameplay in Kahn Casino.

Except for the gambling machines, those who open casinos in the ninja world may not let them go. Maybe they will hire people to snatch the gambling machines if they are greedy. However, the gambling machines bought by Kahn need a key. Even if it is stolen, it cannot be used after a while.

Xia Chuan nodded after hearing the words, and then asked: "I see, boss; the casino on the other side of the booklet street"

"Let's put it aside for now. There are too few people who can be trusted and capable. Xia Chuan, do you have any good candidates to recommend?"

Kahn asked Xiang Xia Chuan, although people in the ninja world value promises, they still have to be wary of two or five boys, especially a casino with a monthly profit of tens of millions of taels. If the candidate is not trusted by him, the loss will be huge. big.

Now the business has not spread very well. If it is just Chuanmu Town and Konoha, Kahn can also keep an eye on it; but when the business gradually develops to other places, Kahn will not have so much time to run around.

He is training Xia Chuan now, and Xia Chuan is worthy of Kahn's training and trust, but if Xia Chuan is allowed to run back and forth, it will also exhaust her and be very dangerous.

After thinking for a while, Xia Chuan said to Kahn: "Boss, Meihe and Qihai's ability is not bad, especially Qihai, her arithmetic ability is better than mine..."

"These two people? I know. I will ask after I go back this time, if they are willing to leave Konoha."

Kawaki Miwa and Ota Nanami, Ota Nanami seems to be from the Senju clan, but he has no ninja talent, so he concealed his name and married a commoner ninja.

However, Ota Nanami and Kawaki Miwa have family members, and not everyone is as decisive as Xia Chuan. If they want to get closer to home every day, then Kahn can't force it.

"By the way, boss, a person from the country of fire came to look for you. It seems to be someone from Lichun Bookstore. He said that he wanted to give you something, and he had to hand it over to you personally."

Xia Chuan suddenly remembered this incident, and quickly said to Kahn that this happened three days ago, because he was not sure whether Kahn would come to Chuanmu Town, so Xia Chuan instructed this person to go to Konoha.

"Now that person should be waiting for you in Konoha, as if he can't do it without seeing you."

"I see. It should be about the publication of the new book. It seems that I have to go back."

After Kahn finished speaking, he calculated the time in his mind. The three novels should have been published and sold for a while, and Lichun Bookstore also adopted Kahn’s opinion, and interspersed many exciting pictures in the novels. The person who should send the sample book and income, and want the second volume of the three books.

After explaining the matter of Chuanmu Town, Kahn rushed to Konoha without stopping.

While on the road, Kahn secretly decided that it seems that he will spend more time in the future to focus on developing the forces outside Konoha.

If you get an identity recognized by the fire country daimyo, then even if it is the third generation of Hokage, you should be polite to him; Danzo may be cool, but he has nothing but assassination. He is the root of Konoha. In fact, it is a bloody knife that does dirty work.

After returning to Konoha, Kahn learned from Miwa Chuanmu that Lichun Bookstore sent someone to look for him, and Kahn quickly asked Mei Chuanmu to call for him.

While waiting for Lichun Bookstore, Pepper, who had been tricked by Kahn many times, came again. When she came in, she saw Kahn sitting at the table, and walked closer with a happy face.

"Boss, after leaving for such a long time, I finally came back."

"After all, there are many businesses to be busy, and the ninja world is too big, most of the time is spent on the road."

Kahn said helplessly that his attitude towards Kushina was not to take the initiative or to refuse, unless the high-level Konoha intervened; anyway, he was also a person close to Tsunade, and the future master of the sealing technique would be of great value.

"Can you visit the whole ninja world? It's great."

"Don't be envious, it's actually very tiring. By the way, the game store next door has not opened for a long time. As my old customer, you can play for free for one day, only today."

Kahn still has something to do next, so he wanted to send Kushina away, but after hearing this sentence, Kushina shook his head and said

"No, I'm not interested in that, can I eat whatever I want in the store?"

Kahn said without thinking: "30 taels, you can eat whatever you want for a day, and it is the only dessert buffet customer in Kahn's food store."

"It's too expensive!" Jiu Xinnai's face collapsed when he heard the price, and then he complained angrily, "Boss, you took my wallet last time, and you didn't even invite me for a barbecue."

"I want to correct you. You are obviously happy when you eat ramen. If you eat barbecue, you may not be happier than eating ramen. This is your inner choice."

Kushina, who Kahn said directly with sophistry, became entangled. Compared with barbecue, she prefers to eat ramen, but Kushina eats barbecue to get back some of her own money. Now she is said by Kahn , the entanglement back and forth between money and the joy of eating ramen.

But before Kushina struggled for a long time, the people from Lichun Bookstore were brought over by Chuanmu Mihe.

"Mr. Kahn, I'm finally waiting for you!"

When the people from Lichun Bookstore came in and saw Kahn, he hurriedly stepped forward and said that he thought he would have to wait a month or two, because it took such a long time since Kahn disappeared.

If you really have to wait so long, the second volume of the novel will be delayed for a long time. Now Kahn's three books are treasures for Lichun Bookstore.

"Let's come in and talk."

Kahn said with a smile, and then led people to the inner room.

 There will be a few years of transition in the middle. The ninja world and the Marvel world, mainly because of the development of forces, will not be written in detail, otherwise it will be a running account.

  Ask for tickets by the way!

(End of this chapter)

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