Marvel: Trading From Ninja World

Chapter 19 Novel Publishing (seeking tickets)

Chapter 19 Novel Publishing (seeking tickets)
"Okay, okay, what a good book!"

The owner of the Lichun Bookstore in the capital of the Land of Fire, after seeing the book Kahn gave him, was immersed in it. It was not until after reading the manuscript of the first volume that he suddenly recovered and shouted; but from the book's After the plot recovered, the owner of the bookstore, Miki, smiled at Kahn embarrassedly.

Afterwards, the owner of the bookstore, Miki, asked with some reluctance: "Kan Sang, is there a follow-up to this book?"

"Of course, I've finished writing this book, but Miki-san, why don't we talk about business first?"

Kahn frowned and asked, he was absolutely sure of the novels he brought, because Gein Ninja World is now in a state of cultural desert; before he came to Lichun Bookstore, Kahn bought a few I read this bestseller, but those are completely out of sight.

Encouraging and praising, it's a headache to watch, but to sum it up, it's not enjoyable enough, and I don't have the desire to watch it.

So when Kahn came up with a novel from another world, there was no possibility of not making money. Even the bookstore owner was so devoted to reading it, this novel was definitely a hit.

"Of course we have to talk. With Kaensang's level, I can decide to give you 20% of the share."

When Kahn heard this, he shook his head and interrupted Boss Miki's next words, and said to him, "San Miki is too dishonest. Before coming here, I also read the so-called 'bestsellers' of Lichun Bookstore. It can be said that Ha ha; and I still have two novels that are not inferior to the novels that Miki-san just read, if Miki-san's treatment is only this, then I will leave."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

After hearing what Kahn said, the owner Miki of Lichun Bookstore stopped him quickly.

"Kan Sang said that there are two other books with similar quality. I wonder if I can read them."

"Of course, but it's best not to read Miki-san all at once, otherwise there won't be enough time."

After Kahn finished speaking, he took out the first volumes of the other two novels from his backpack and handed them to Boss Miki.

After Miki took the novel, he couldn't wait to read it. After reading it, he was attracted by the plot in the novel; those who can open a bookstore must at least have a certain appreciation ability for novels, and Miki has a certain vision for himself. Great confidence.

After a while, Miki smiled sheepishly after Kahn's cough reminded him, and picked up the last novel to read.

After reading all of them, the boss Miki of Lichun Bookstore had to let out a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the lack of time, he really wanted to read all the following plots in one go. He hasn't been so immersed in a novel for a long time.

"37% share, Kaen-san, this is the greatest sincerity I can give, and I believe that the entire ninja world is no higher than what I give."

Boss Miki of Lichun Bookstore said with a serious face that now the Ninja World’s share of novels is generally between 10% and 22%. He suddenly gave 37% of the share, and he has to bear the cost, which is full of sincerity. up.

If it is not sure that these three books are all good books and will definitely sell well, it is impossible for Boss Miki to do this.

"Then it's settled, Miki-san, after signing the contract, I will give you the first three volumes of the novel."

Kahn smiled and said to Miki, as for shaking hands, forget it, he doesn't want to shake hands with someone who has passed the gun.

Afterwards, Kahn and Miki quickly signed a contract, and Kahn also handed over the contents of the first three volumes to Miki; he also reminded him that he could open a bookstore in Konoha, with the population of Konoha, There is still a small market.

Jilai also made at least a few hundred million with the three books. Kahn has no reason to let this kind of money not make, as long as he moves his fingers, there will be a steady stream of money coming into his account.

After negotiating with Lichun Bookstore, Kahn went around the capital of the Kingdom of Fire, which is dozens of times more prosperous than Konoha, and the population alone is not comparable to Konoha.

Kahn took two teams of Konoha ninjas to guard him, and ate a few meals in the following time. Although the leader of the Chunin tried his best to refuse, he was still persuaded by Kahn and the four subordinate ninjas. As long as they don't drink, Eating something is not considered a violation of the ninja rules, not to mention that this is the capital of the country of fire, and it is not a dangerous place, so it is okay to relax a little.

Cannibals have short mouths. As long as these ninjas have not lost their conscience, after eating Kahn's delicious food, they will not speak too much when they go back to report the task, and they will even beautify it a little.

After two days of shopping in the Land of Fire, Kahn also understood the current economic characteristics and development status of the Ninja World, which is generally similar to their time around the 20s when many materials were scarce and the industry had just started; However, this aspect is not taken seriously, and nobles and daimyo do not care about the development potential of industry.

This has given Kahn a lot of opportunities. The dessert factory is the first step. Next, he has to control the food and manpower. After he has accumulated a certain amount of strength in the country of fire, he will go to the development of the small country without Ninja Village. In that case, Kahn It will easily take away the power of a country.

After leaving the capital of the Land of Fire, Kahn visited many prosperous towns in the Land of Fire. He walked all the way, and finally returned to Chuanmu Town, where he decided to open a dessert factory.

It's not too close to Konoha, it's within a safe range, and there are no bandits and bandits around.

Moreover, there are many civilians. If Kahn starts a factory, he can easily recruit a large number of people. As for the management personnel, he can recruit more people from the Qianshou clan, just like Xia Chuan. The training and family deeds they have received are destined to prevent them from appearing extremely evil people, and the rest is the training of professional skills.

The dessert factory should be established as soon as possible. After returning to Chuanmu Town, Kahn directly approached the Fire Country officials here. A construction team was appointed, and according to Kahn's idea, a large factory building and warehouse were built.

Kahn spent several million taels just to buy land, build factories and warehouses, but there are still equipments to buy. Kahn found out that the ninja world does not have the equipment he wants, so he is going back to the Marvel world It is enough to buy some production equipment 20 years ago. As for the square meters near Chuanmu Town, he can also plant cocoa trees for him.

Kahn stayed in Chuanmu Town for another three days. When the task he entrusted was about to run out, Kahn also finished the construction of the dessert factory, and then just waited for the acceptance when the time came.

After nothing happened, Kahn returned to Konoha.

(End of this chapter)

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