Super God: Rise of Civilization.

Chapter 74 [River System Defense]

Chapter 74 [River System Defense]

They continued to walk in the Imperial Academy of Engineering and visited various scientific research projects of the Imperial Academy of Engineering.

"Your Majesty, they are studying the defense system."

Just before everyone stopped in a laboratory, Academician Qin Ming hurriedly introduced it to His Majesty the Emperor.

"Defense system?"

"Battleship defense system?"

Yang Yu asked uncertainly.

"No, it's the civilization star ring defense system."

"The Imperial Academy of Engineering has long thought that the empire's territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of warships in the empire is not enough to protect the empire's territory."

"Once there are multiple civilizations united to attack our Star Empire, then the Empire fleet can't stop it, and the opponent can drive straight in?"

"In the past, our empire didn't have much territory, and the number of warships was enough to defend the empire's territory."

"But with the expansion of the territory, no matter how many warships are built, it will not help. For the empire, it will be a drop in the bucket. Therefore, the Imperial Academy of Engineering has been studying the defense system for these years."

Academician Qin Ming explained this so-called defense system to His Majesty the Emperor in detail.

"How big is the defense range?"

In this regard, Prime Minister Long Zhi only had one question.

Not to mention that the Imperial Academy of Engineering has considered it, their cabinet has considered this issue.

"The prediction of the Imperial Academy of Engineering is to defend the entire river system." Academician Qin Ming said in a low voice with twinkling eyes.

"What are you afraid of? Be more courageous, this is within my Star Empire, who can do anything to you?"

"The sky is falling, and I and the empire's tens of billions of troops will carry it for you."

Seeing this, Yang Yu couldn't help laughing, and raised his finger to the Xinghai, "The Minister of Education is right, this Penn River System needs to change its owner and name."

"You can rest assured and bold research, everything has the empire behind you, to be the strongest backing of your Imperial Academy of Engineering."

"Promise!" Hearing His Majesty's words, Academician Qin Ming said sonorously: "Our defensive star ring system is a large-scale defense system that defends the entire river system and is used to defend against enemy attacks."

"A total of three lines of defense have been designed. Once the first line of defense is opened, the star systems of the entire river system will be connected together, and they will alternately exchange energy with each other."

"No matter what kind of warship it is, if it enters the first line of defense, it will be wiped out."

"The second line of defense is to directly use star-destroying weapons, anti-matter weapons, gravitational weapons and other weapons to carry out indiscriminate large-scale bombing without any sequence rules. In 30 seconds, the star ring of the defense line can be filled with energy."

"Once the second line of defense is breached and the enemy enters the detection range of the third line of defense, the stars in the star field where they are located will be detonated."

"And the third line of defense will launch at least a hundred colony spaceships to escape in the first place."

"After all, the enemy has already broken through the second line of defense, which means that we are not the enemy's opponent."

"The role of the third line of defense is to delay the escape of the imperial colonial spacecraft."

"We will obtain the genes and memories of His Majesty, ministers, and academicians in advance when the war breaks out."

"When the colony spaceship escapes within the specified time, your genes will be put into the cloning cabin, and His Majesty the Emperor will be cloned, along with the ministers."

Academician Qin Ming patiently explained the defense system of Star Empire.

This is their retreat prepared for the outbreak of war in the empire.

"What if they all escaped?"

Yang Yu frowned. Although this kind of method is somewhat inhumane, it is the only firewood that civilization can keep.

"If they all escape, the artificial intelligence in these colonial spaceships will connect to the special channel of the empire to communicate and confirm whether the other party has run farther than the colonial spaceship they are on."

"If your own ship runs the farthest, then the other spaceships will immediately destroy all the genes, memories, and technical data on the spaceship."

"After destroying those technologies, genes, and memory storage, the colony spacecraft will choose the nearest planet to go silent to the interior of the planet for deep sleep."

"If you need them, His Majesty can wake them up through authorization, so that they can rush to the newly established civilization location of His Majesty as quickly as possible."

Academician Qin Ming tirelessly explained.

Yang Yu was very satisfied with what he heard, but he was worried: "What will happen to the escaping colonial spaceship if it is captured by the enemy?"

"Once the colony spacecraft detects that there is a warship approaching, whether it is its own or the enemy's, it will instantly detonate the energy inside."

"not bad."

He expressed his satisfaction, and said, "Don't worry, you Imperial Academy of Engineering can go ahead and do it. With my support behind you, it won't be a big problem."



The star era is 4995 years.

The Imperial Academy of Engineering has developed a controllable antimatter reactor, and announced that this new energy will be applied to the fourth-generation empire warships and fourth-generation motherships.

It is used as the main propulsion energy and combat energy of the fourth-generation warships of the Star Empire.

In the same year, the Imperial Academy of Engineering announced that it had developed a new type of quantum drive engine, which would also be applied to fourth-generation warships.

And the Imperial Academy of Engineering even exposed the various parameters of the Star Empire's fourth-generation warship.

The battleship with a length of nearly [-] meters and the mothership with a length of [-] meters, especially the laser weapon equipped on the starship mothership, are unparalleled shocking.

The speed of the warship even reached 27.8 kilometers per second.

It far exceeds the speed of the third-generation warship and nearly doubles.

In particular, the Imperial Academy of Engineering also pointed out the name of the laser weapon equipped with the Star Mothership.

Stellar weapons, used to blow up planetary systems.

The fourth-generation warships and fourth-generation motherships are expected to enter the Star Empire army in 100 years.

As soon as these news came out, the four major civilizations of Holy Ace, Holy Pamir, Holy Pars, and Holy Tiles became tense in an instant.

The four major civilizations, which had just recovered from their astonishment, appealed to the Star Empire to calm down, and at the same time frantically began to study weapons and equipment, as well as warships.

The result was that the resources of their civilization were almost exhausted during the 1000-year arms race.

There are not many resources to research weapons and warships.

After all, the speed of the fourth-generation warships of the Star Empire has reached the sub-light speed level. If they don't speed up, the only thing waiting for their own civilization is to perish.

Star Empire's wolfish ambitions will definitely not be content with mediocrity.

After all, the resources of a river system are limited. According to the development speed of the Star Empire, if you give him dozens of resource planetary systems, it will not be enough for him to develop.

War is inevitable.

Therefore, the relationship between the four major civilizations has also become closer.

Whether to take advantage of the Star Empire's fourth-generation warships and fourth-generation motherships, which have not yet been researched and put into service, to focus on attacking the Star Empire.

Even if the Star Empire cannot be destroyed, his vitality will still be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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