Super God: Rise of Civilization.

Chapter 69 [Masked Data]

Chapter 69 [Masked Data]

"Then you give me this immortal cultivation technique?"

Yang Yu narrowed his eyes when he heard the system's words, and said in his heart.

And Yang Xin saw that His Majesty didn't speak, just squinted his eyes and looked at himself, feeling a little uneasy.

Could it be that there is something wrong with what I said?

Your Majesty is dissatisfied with the third generation of super soldiers of the empire?
"It is impossible to provide the host with the secrets of cultivating immortals."

said the system.

It can provide a fart of cultivation secrets.

The sky can provide civilization 'cheats'.

Yang Yu waved his hand and said, "I look forward to getting the third-generation super soldier serum out as soon as possible."


Seeing the emperor's gesture, Academician Yang Xin bowed slightly and left the imperial study.

But Yang Yu felt dizzy.

It is even more difficult to find another direction of life evolution.

It's just that after the star-driven technology came out, the empire hardly had to worry about the trivial matters of insufficient energy.

This is also a happy event.


Lynch Starfield.

Marshal Andre Matthews sat at the head of the conference room with a livid face.

All the generals of the Holy Tiles Empire remained silent.

They all knew that Marshal Andrei was angry.

"Damn it, what kind of planes are those nobles in the empire doing? Now that we have found the scientific research spacecraft of the Star Empire, we can just return it to them. Why do we need to use the ten resource planetary systems of the empire and our Lynch star field?"

General Kubo couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere in the conference room anymore, he slapped the conference table, and said, "Marshal, I invite you to fight."

"What are you asking for? Sit down."

Marshal Andre Matthews looked gloomy, looked at General Kubo indifferently, and was also very angry in his heart.

In the past ten years of friction with the Star Empire, he has not reaped any benefits at all, and has lost more than 10 people, and even scrapped more than a dozen warships.

As if that guy Bai Qi could predict his own actions, it was too aggrieved.

After hearing such news, how could he bear it?

"Prepare to retreat." Marshal Andre Matthews took a deep breath after seeing Kubo sit down, and gritted his teeth to hold back these words.

The words fall.

He stood up and walked out of the conference room.

It was the most humiliating battle he ever fought.

The battle has not yet been fought, and as a result, more than [-] people have been lost, and more than a dozen warships have been scrapped.

in the end.

The nobles in the empire actually chose to compromise.

Bastard, shame.

That damn interstellar pirate, why don't you hide people well?

And let the empire find it.

Many generals are also very angry, which is sad.

They fought life and death in the front, but the rear was stumbling them.

has no meaning?
They would rather die fighting in the starry sky than retreat in such a way.


First Combined Fleet.

"Boss Bai, our scientific research spacecraft has no trace of being invaded. The soldiers and academicians are not injured, and their bodies are intact, but they are a little malnourished."

The medical and technical academician of the Imperial Academy of Engineering looked at Marshal Bai Qi in front of him and said respectfully.

"I know, let's go!"

Bai Qi nodded slightly, and said: "Tell Andre Matthews, the commander-in-chief will give him an hour, and immediately withdraw from the Lynch star field of my star empire, otherwise it will be regarded as a war."

He has received the peace treaty sent over.

When the peace agreement was signed, it had already entered into force.

The emperor's order is his mission.

If the emperor asked him to fight, he would fight.

If the emperor asked him to make peace, then he would make peace.



In this way, the Penn River System, which was originally turbulent, gradually calmed down.

The Star Empire got their benefits and did not do anything to other civilizations.

The two sides fell into a period of calm development.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the entire Payne River System is undercurrent.

The secret arms race has begun because of the Star Empire's disruption this time.

The Sacred Ace Civilization, Sacred Pamirs Civilization, Sacred Pals Civilization, and Sacred Tiles Empire in the Payne River System are all frantically exploiting the resources in their own resource galaxies, developing and building warships.

They have a premonition that in the near future.

The Penn River system will eventually set off a terrible war.

After the Star Empire obtained the 41 resource planetary systems, it also frantically dispatched mining spaceships and transport ships to mine resources, and even dispatched a special fleet to escort them.

I am afraid that these civilizations will suddenly attack them.

The relationship between the five parties has also entered a cold war period from a sweet period.

However, the Star Empire did not pile up warships like the four major civilizations. Instead, it slowed down the construction speed of warships. Instead, it frantically built mining spaceships, transport ships, and scientific research spaceships.

And the war between the angel civilization and the demon civilization, which lasted for more than a hundred years, is also over.

Undoubtedly, the angels prevailed.

The demon was beaten to pieces again.

In the 3500th year of the Star Era, the Star Empire has completely controlled the technology of the third-generation warship and the third-generation mothership.

Until 3550, the third-generation battleship and the third-generation mothership officially entered service, implying that the second-generation warship of the Star Empire will soon step down from the main fleet of the Star Empire.

It became a warship escorted and patrolled by the Star Empire.

The first generation of battleships were so downcast that they were sold to those carrier-based space civilizations that had a better relationship with the Star Empire in exchange for resources.

In the 3600th year of the Star Era, the Star Empire Academy of Engineering announced that it has officially mastered the third-generation super soldier technology.

The first generation of super soldier serum has been reduced and gradually spread to all aspects of the empire.

Enhance the self-repair ability of the empire's people, and enhance the life of the empire's people to five hundred years old.

Forcibly increased the average life expectancy of the citizens of the empire from 150 years to an average of [-] years.

Moreover, the empire has announced a series of policies. All babies born in the empire will have the right to receive free injections of the reduced version of the first-generation super soldier serum.

Nowadays, adults are injected, that is, [-] star coins are injected.

It is equivalent to taking half a month or a month's salary to buy hundreds of years of life.

Think about it, is it worth it?
For sure.

Similarly, the appearance of this thing also means that the Star Empire is spending crazily on the population to encourage childbirth.

Only by increasing the population base of civilization can more geniuses be born and the empire move forward.

The era of the Star Empire is 4000 years.

The Imperial Academy of Engineering announced that it has been possible to utilize and use dark energy.

With the emergence of dark energy control technology, the Imperial Academy of Engineering began to conduct research on dark data and dark planes.

until 4120.

With the full cooperation of multiple research institutes, the Imperial Academy of Engineering finally developed it, which shields all dark data from my birth to the present.

This technology was improved by academician Yang Xin, the dean of the Imperial Academy of Engineering, and edited this thing into the gene chain of the underlying structure of the human body, completely realizing that the dark data of the Star Empire will not be discovered or read by powerful civilizations.

This is a leap forward.

(End of this chapter)

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