Super God: Rise of Civilization.

Chapter 60 [Super Soldier]

Chapter 60 [Super Soldier]

"So, what do you want to do?"

Yang Yu looked at Academician Yang Xin in front of him, he already understood what this woman was talking about.

Dark energy, dark plane, dark data.

"Temporarily put forward this conceptual idea, continue to develop our current shortcomings, and wait for our technology to develop, and then realize this concept, just like our second-generation warships and motherships."

Academician Yang Xin said.

After all, this kind of thing still needs to consult the emperor's opinion.

Without the support of the emperor, many projects of their Imperial Academy of Engineering could not be carried out.

"Well! The conceptual idea is very good, I agree."

Yang Yu thought about it carefully, then nodded slightly.

It seems that it is good to not be guided by Keisha and the others.

Knowing to develop its own shortcomings first, and then carry out the research and development of these technologies after the development of civilization technology.

"Any thing else?"

Yang Yu asked.

"Yes, if it is such a matter, the minister must not dare to disturb His Majesty's rest."

Yang Xin nodded.

She must have something to ask the emperor.

It would be a sin to disturb the emperor's rest because of such a trivial matter.

"I need to carry out human experiments, please allow your majesty."

Academician Yang Xin explained his intention of coming.

"Oh? Human experiments?" Yang Yu raised his eyebrows. How many years have you not conducted human experiments?

"The second-generation super soldier serum recently studied has some clues, and some experimental subjects are needed. Although the genes of mice are very close to those of humans, mice are mice after all, and they are still very similar to the underlying genetic structure of humans. Big change, so..."

Yang Xin said with a smile.

After conquering for hundreds of years, it is finally time to conquer the second level of genetic technology.

Not easy.

"What kind of changes can the second-generation super soldier serum bring to the human body? For example: acquire some special abilities, similar to those in urban novels?"

Yang Yu asked.

"Your Majesty, a novel is a novel after all, and it cannot be confused with reality." Yang Xin was very embarrassed, how could a novel be linked with reality?

After all, novels are all whimsical.

According to their research from the Institute of Biological Genetics of the Imperial Academy of Engineering, there is no such special non-human thing in the underlying structure of human genes.

In other words, it is a knowledge blind spot that they cannot touch at present.

"Then tell me, what is special about your Imperial Academy of Engineering's second-generation super soldier serum?"

Hearing this, Yang Yu was slightly disappointed, but still asked.

"Our definition and concept of the second-generation super soldier serum is an all-round improvement, breaking through the second link in the gene chain."

"Greatly improved healing, speed, strength, hearing, perception, defense, etc., and can also carry out a second development of the human brain."

"It also improves the ability to survive in the vacuum of the universe."

"The previous weapons basically couldn't hurt the soldiers injected with the super soldier serum, and couldn't even leave a little scar on their bodies."

Academician Yang Xin pondered for a while, and briefly talked about the changes that the second-generation super soldier serum would bring to the empire.

But in the face of that kind of large-scale interstellar war, no matter what kind of super soldier you are, you can't handle it with one shot and you're gone.

"Isn't there still a lot of slaves in the Holy Dobu Empire? You can temporarily conduct experiments on them. If the experiments on them are successful, we will discuss the follow-up matters."

Yang Yu pondered for a while and said.

You can't risk the lives of the people of the empire. After all, it is a human experiment, and you will lose your life at any time.

Or take those slaves as a test!
what did you say?
It's been hundreds of years, and the slaves of the Holy Dobu Empire haven't died yet?
A child born to a slave is still a slave.

Didn't give them half a chance at all.


Academician Yang Xin bowed slightly and exited the imperial study.

"The second generation of super soldier serum? I am looking forward to it."

Seeing the back of Academician Yang Xin leaving, Yang Yu also stepped out of the imperial study room, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and murmured to himself: "Let's see how my Star Empire conquers you."


As the Imperial Academy of Engineering began to conduct human experiments, the speed of the Star Empire's genetics was developing rapidly.

Anyway, the slave's life, isn't it life?
It is your honor that you can create value for the empire.

1058 in the imperial calendar.

Star Empire Academy of Engineering announced that the second generation of super soldier serum has been successfully developed.

There are no side effects.

Long Yuan, the leader of the Divine Machine Guard, who is currently the strongest in the Star Empire, was the first to participate in the test, once again breaking through the restriction of the genetic lock, and moving towards a higher direction.

The second-generation super soldier serum even extended the lifespan of human beings to the level of two thousand years.

It is a leap-forward improvement of the genetic technology of the Star Empire.

However, considering the safety and production of the empire, the second-generation super soldier serum can only be given to star-level generals of the empire for injection at present, and will not be provided to soldiers below star generals.

The first-generation super soldier serum has been optimized many times, and it has been popularized to the imperial army, security police and so on.

However, the development of interstellar civilization is not as fast as it was in the era of the mother star. It seems that it has encountered a bottleneck, and can only slowly accumulate information and accumulate foundations.

However, many deficient technologies have begun to be perfected with more and more talents.

This once again stabilized the foundation of the Star Empire in terms of the technology tree, and made it easier for the Imperial Academy of Engineering to see where they should go in the future.

until 1200.

The Star Empire has finally completed all the technologies that should be perfected in shipboard spaceflight, and has officially entered the stage of aerospace-grade technology.

But this is still in the ranks of the universe's second-level civilization.

In 1250, the second-generation Star Mothership and the second-generation Star Warship of the Star Empire, after hundreds of years of research and development and improvement, finally entered the army of the Star Empire.

As a result, the first-generation star mothership and the first-generation starship battleship gradually began to withdraw from the historical stage of the Star Empire.

Reduced to the frigate of the Star Empire.

Until the second day of February 1348.

Imperial Palace.

Training room.

"Ahem~ Your Majesty, the final general loses."

Holding a long sword in his hand, Long Yuan stuck it on the reinforced metal floor, clutching his chest, with blood dripping from his mouth.

Then look at Long Qi lying on the ground, unconscious.

That guy is really miserable.


Yang Yu was in a panic, put down the long sword made of special metal in his hand, and looked at the big screen in the distance.

9786248KG, 365m/s data.

"The pure power is 9786.25 tons. With the power of killing skills, it can produce more than 2 tons of walking humanoid nuclear weapons."

Yang Yu murmured in a low voice, the second-generation super soldier serum seemed to have directly broken all the genetic shackles, and there were almost no bottlenecks to speak of.

"Your Majesty, good news, the Imperial Academy of Engineering has developed a controllable..."

(End of this chapter)

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