Super God: Rise of Civilization.

Chapter 24 [Academician Yang Xin]

Chapter 24 [Academician Yang Xin]

After watching the artificial intelligence test, Yang Yu was slightly disappointed.

Dingtian is a bit more advanced than the artificial intelligence in the world where he was in his previous life, but he did not connect to the imperial network and conduct independent learning. Compared with the artificial intelligence he imagined, he was so weak that it exploded.

But he also didn't hit each other down, but encouraged their behavior.

After all, the empire has only just started to use artificial intelligence for a few years, and it is very promising to be able to develop a weak artificial intelligence that is much better than artificial mental retardation.

Seeing the disappointment in the emperor's eyes, the dean of the Academy of Engineering hurriedly led the emperor away from the artificial intelligence testing laboratory.

"How about the Imperial Academy of Engineering's research on biological genes?"

Walking into the project laboratory for testing artificial intelligence, Yang Yu asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, at present, our research on biological genes is still at a relatively confused stage. We have temporarily overcome the terminal illness of cancer in the world. I believe that it will not be long before we can completely cure 90.00% of terminal illnesses in human beings."

"Conquering cancer will surely become a miracle in the history of medicine, but I don't want the price of cancer drugs to exceed what ordinary people can afford."

"Besides, treating the symptoms is not the root cause. I hope that your Imperial Academy of Engineering can treat the symptoms as well as the root cause."

Yang Yu looked at the director of the Imperial Academy of Engineering seriously. The current population of the empire is as high as 76 billion, and nearly 9000 million people suffer from cancer.

Even now, the Imperial Academy of Engineering has conquered cancer.

But that's not what he wants.

He wants the Imperial Academy of Engineering to completely solve 90.00% of the flaws in the genes of the people of the empire.

"Our Imperial Academy of Engineering will not let the empire down, nor will we let down the 76 billion people of the empire. Please give us some time from your majesty and the 76 billion people of the empire."

said the dean of engineering.

He is very clear that the amount of this project is huge, but their Imperial Academy of Engineering is already doing their best to overcome it, but it will take time to overcome it.

It doesn't mean that if I think about it, that kind of technology will appear.

"Time, I will give you, but your Imperial Academy of Engineering should not let me down, let down the 76 billion citizens of the empire."


A group of people were walking in the Imperial Academy of Engineering, and there were not many academicians coming in and out at all. Most of the academicians had their own research projects, so how could they have so much free time to brag and fart.

"Your Majesty, this is the biological project laboratory, which is personally guarded by the army. I am afraid that the academicians here will produce some abnormal and aggressive creatures, which will cause any damage to the empire."

Seeing that the level of defense is extremely tight, the experimental building of the biological gene project is even more fortified than a military camp. Before Yang Yu could express his doubts, the dean of the Engineering Academy began to explain it to him.

In this regard.

The corner of Yang Yu's mouth twitched slightly. He knew that the scientists in the biological gene research laboratory were all lunatics, and they would definitely send a large number of troops to guard against them.

Ten years ago, the biochemical virus researched almost didn't scare him to death.

That biochemical virus was comparable to the T virus in "Resident Evil", but fortunately it was not leaked.


The entire Origin Star will become a purgatory on earth.

After receiving the news, he immediately dispatched troops to the Imperial Academy of Engineering to strictly guard against the biological genetic laboratory.

Biological research is too dangerous.

"Your Majesty, biological genetic research will eventually suggest that it should not be in the imperial capital, but should be kept away from the city and placed underground."

The commander of the Royal Forest Army said seriously.

Biological genetic research is too dangerous.

Putting it in a big city like the imperial capital with a floating population of more than [-] million units would pose too great a threat to the safety of the people of the empire.

"I also agree." The Secretary-General also agreed with the words of the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, that this kind of research room should not be built in the Imperial Academy of Engineering.

Yang Yu didn't answer. It's not suitable to talk about this kind of thing here.

Let's talk about this kind of thing after he returns to the palace.

They entered the biological genetic laboratory through all-round disinfection.

The chief engineer of this experimental building also immediately put down his work and rushed over.

"Yang Xin sees His Majesty." Wearing a silver-white gown, Yang Xin, who had already shown a mature temperament, was no longer the young girl back then, and saluted the emperor respectfully.

Yang Yu looked at the 58-year-old woman in front of him, but her appearance remained unchanged, as if she was at the peak of her beauty just like him.

Is this a madman engaged in biological research?

"In a flash, I haven't seen each other for 35 years. I'm curious, how did you maintain your peak state?"

He looked curiously at the director of the Institute of Biogenetics of the Imperial Academy of Engineering in front of him and asked.

"Your Majesty, have we met?"

Hearing this, Academician Yang Xin wondered, have we met before?
"Hi, my name is Bai Yu, let me meet you."

Yang Yu smiled and stretched out his hand towards her.

The name Bai Yu was the name of the commander of the Imperial Forest Army back then, and he temporarily borrowed it.

Academician Yang Xin was stunned for a moment, but subconsciously stretched out his hand, but he searched his mind for the memory of 35 years ago. 35 years ago was the year he graduated from Imperial University.


Suddenly, she seemed to remember something.

At the beginning, I seemed to be in the library of Imperial University, reading books about the bioengineering project, and a young man came to strike up a conversation with me.

At that time, I seemed to think it was my suitor, so I ignored it.

"Remember?" Yang Yu laughed dumbly, "Can you tell me, how did you keep your appearance back then?"

"Your Majesty, we are developing a technology to delay cell aging. I did the experiment on myself, so it looks like this."

Academician Yang Xin said quickly.

"How could you do this?" The dean of the Engineering Academy looked at her in disbelief, and then said with a livid face, "I want to emphasize again and again that all biological experiments are not allowed to be conducted on humans, and can only be conducted on mice. .”

"Your Majesty, the minister is not well managed, and please forgive me."

He was terrified.

He has repeatedly emphasized that all biological genetic research cannot be tested on human bodies, but Yang Xin still doesn't listen, do you want to rebel?
"So, did it work?"

Yang Yu waved his hand slightly, looking at Academician Yang Xin with burning eyes.

Academician Yang Xin explained: "A mouse is a mouse after all. Although it is highly compatible with human genes, it is not a human after all. It cannot be successfully tested on them, but I believe that my technology is no problem, so I boldly test it on myself. Experiments have been carried out on the body, and it is relatively successful so far, but fine-tuning is still needed."

"Then tell me, what does this technology do?" Yang Yu squinted his eyes, looking at Yang Xin in front of him with interest. It seemed that he had seen the right person back then.

It is indeed a man of the hour who is made by strength.

"The core of this technology is to delay the aging of human beings. Under the condition of no disease and no disaster, according to our calculations, our Institute of Biological Genetics can push the average life expectancy of the people of the empire from 68 to about 95 to 101 years old. The error No more than 0.1 percent."

"The Imperial Academy of Engineering must set aside 0.1%. His Majesty said that nothing is perfect in the world, so the Imperial Academy of Engineering will keep 0.1% just in case."

(End of this chapter)

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