Chapter 91 Body Worn Cameras


Fu Yue frowned and pondered, but he couldn't think of any information related to this word.

Xia Yan explained with a smile:
"According to what you said just now, Fu Yue, in fact, the difficulties encountered by the police force can basically be summarized into two types."

"One is that some people deliberately did not cooperate during the law enforcement process, and even encouraged villagers who did not know the truth to fight against police officers."

"Secondly, after law enforcement, some people distorted the facts and spread rumors that police officers were not enforcing the law fairly."

Fu Yue nodded slightly, indicating that it was indeed so.

Xia Yan said again: "The crux of these problems is actually that your police force has lost its credibility."

"So no matter what information is unfavorable to you, the villagers accept it as it is, without really thinking about whether it is reasonable."

"In addition, most of you Uchiha clan are arrogant...proud, and either impulsively conflict with the villagers, or don't bother to explain so much, so the misunderstanding of the villagers has deepened."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help complaining about the second generation of Naruto Senshou Feijian in his heart.

Letting the impulsive and neurotic Uchiha clan take charge of trivial and troublesome police work is really an arrangement that kills without blood.

After listening to Xia Yan's words, Fu Yue nodded in empathy.

"So," Xia Yan said with a smile, "Since you can't explain it, let the facts speak for you."

"As long as the facts can be presented in front of the villagers in an objective way, they will naturally not be so easily deceived by rumors."

"And the law enforcement recorder I mentioned has such a function."

"Is there really such a powerful artifact?"

Fuyue yearned, but there was still some suspicion in his tone.

After all, the only thing he can think of that can restore what happened is the secret mind-reading technique of the mountain clan.

It's just that this technique is a bit of a waste of brains, and it is obviously not something that the police force can usually use.

"Fu Yue, you are still so young, you should relax your thinking."

Xia Yan said helplessly: "Actually, this is not something difficult to do."

"For example, the recent popular movies, don't they just record the images and sounds and play them for everyone to watch?"

"I also heard that the Chunin exam venue seems to be planning to introduce a monitoring system. Cameras will be installed in the death forest to view the exam process in real time."

"However, these devices are relatively bulky and obviously cannot meet the law enforcement needs of your police force."

"But through the sealing technique, a similar effect can actually be achieved. No, it should be said to be better."

Having said that, Xia Yan showed a mysterious smile, and said to Fuyue:
"It may not be so intuitive just to say."

"Well, come with me, I'll show you a big baby."

Fu Yue was aroused by Xia Yan, so he followed Xia Yan to the backyard of the tavern.

Then he saw Xia Yan start to untie his belt...


Fu Yue immediately took two steps back.

Xia Yanjun, please respect yourself, I already have Mikoto.

Fortunately, he soon discovered that Xia Yan didn't really untie his belt, but just pressed some button on the belt buckle, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As Xia Yan pressed a few buttons on his belt, the scene around him gradually began to change.

Fu Yue came to the tavern to play cards every day, and was used to seeing the skin changes in the tavern, so he was not too surprised, knowing that this was a usage of Xia Yan's projection technique.

However, as the projected scene gradually became clearer, he still showed a slightly surprised expression.

Although the displayed area is not large, he can still recognize it. Isn't this the scene near the bar of the Gin Ninja Bar?
And he quickly saw two familiar figures in the center of the projection, which were Xia Yan and him.

I saw the projections of the two sitting in front of the bar, and they were still having a conversation.

"...And the law enforcement recorder I mentioned has such a function."

"Is there really such a powerful artifact?"

"Fu Yue, you are still so young, you should relax your thinking..."

Fu Yue realized it without listening to a few words. Isn't this the content of the conversation he had with Xia Yan just now?

Combined with what Xia Yan said before, he quickly understood.

"So this is the law enforcement recorder Xia Yan you mentioned?"

Fu Yue looked at Xia Yan's belt with burning eyes.

This time it was Xia Yan's turn to take two steps back.

Then he explained: "Not exactly, the body camera is just one of the functions of this belt."

Xia Yan said that as a hardcore coser, Batman's multifunctional belt is naturally not a decoration, and has many useful functions.

He also integrated the holographic scene recorder that he recently created by combining the perception circle and projection technology.

It is perfect to use it as a law enforcement recorder.

Xia Yan continued to introduce:
"As you can see, Fu Yue, the function of this law enforcement recorder is to record the surrounding scenes in great detail, and it can be reproduced continuously at any time through projection."

"For your police force, this law enforcement recorder has many advantages."

"First of all, it is natural to be able to protect the law enforcement rights of the police force. If there are complaints or disputes in the future, you can directly open the law enforcement recorder to restore the facts."

"It's clear at a glance who is right and wrong."

"It's not so easy for some people like this to fan the flames."

"Secondly, when the villagers know that their every word and deed will be recorded, they naturally don't dare to talk casually or obstruct law enforcement, which will greatly reduce the difficulty of your law enforcement."

"Another advantage is that it is convenient to obtain evidence. In addition to recording everyone's confessions, some clues that were not found on the spot can also be found through repeated observation from an objective perspective, enhancing the ability to solve cases."

"Finally, Captain Fuyue, you can't deny that the police force also has some problems in law enforcement, and this law enforcement recorder can just regulate their law enforcement behavior, prevent emotional law enforcement, and reduce conflicts with villagers..."

Fu Yue kept nodding while listening to Xia Yan's Amway.

I feel that the benefits Xia Yan mentioned hit their pain points one by one, and it was tailor-made for the police force.

With this artifact, why should the Uchiha clan be unhappy!

So Fuyue asked urgently: "Xia Yan, how do you sell this thing?"

According to the urgency on Fuyue's face, Xia Yan first filled in 6 zeros for the price of the law enforcement recorder, but he hesitated about how much to fill in the first digit.

After all, the cost will be several 10 taels.

With the idea of ​​long-term flow, Xia Yan reported a conservative figure: "500 million taels."

"What, 500 million taels!?"

Fu Yue gasped, "It's so cheap?"

Xia Yan said without hesitation:
"It's not expensive at all. After all, to make it so portable, a lot of precious materials have to be used—what, did you just say it's cheap?"

Xia Yan only realized it while he was talking, and he dared to quote a lower price.

You must know that the reward for an S-level task is mostly only 100 million taels, and it is often divided among several people.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yue actually thought this thing was cheap!

Is this the arrogance of the son of the head of the Uchiha clan?
Sure enough, I still underestimated the millennium background of the Uchiha clan.

Xia Yan felt that Fu Yue, who had a somewhat fierce face, suddenly became more handsome.

He immediately asked, "How many sets do you plan to order, Fu Yue?"

Fu Yue pondered for a while, and according to the number of people in his team, he said:

"Then come to the seventh station first."

An Asma has arrived!
 The previous article was modified, Uchiha Setsuna changed from Uchiha Sho's grandfather to his father

  After looking at the timeline, I found that Uchiha Shasha should not be that old, and his age was adjusted to be about the same as F4 and Uchiha Fukuyama
(End of this chapter)

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