Konoha: The seal art teacher of the ninja school

Chapter 77 To be rich, build roads first

Chapter 77 To be rich, build roads first

When Xia Yan walked to the training ground, he saw other students studying with meridian scrolls.

He clapped his hands, gathered everyone together, and said:
"Just now, everyone has seen the power of the Bamen Dunjia, right? No, I think this should be regarded as overfulfilling the task."

The students nodded excitedly, expressing their amazement at the power of the eight Dunjias.

Asma, who had already returned to the team, couldn't wait to ask:
"Teacher, do we have to learn the Eight Schools of Dunjia in the future?"

The three boys all looked at Xia Yan with expectant eyes, but the girls were a little bit resistant to the appearance when using Bamen Dunjia, and were not that interested.

Xia Yan smiled slightly when he heard the words:
"Of course...it's impossible."


The boys suddenly pulled their faces, while the girls breathed a sigh of relief, but also slightly regretful.

Xia Yan spread his hands:

"Not to mention that we are a sealing technique research team, not a physical technique research team."

"What's more important is that cultivating Bamen Dunjia is not as easy as you imagined—no, it should be said to be a hundred times more difficult."

"Because the premise of using the eight gates is to build the body and meridians into the strongest 'container' through years of overload training, so as to minimize the damage caused by the chakra in the body to the body meridians after opening the eight gates."

"So cultivating Bamen Dunjia basically means giving up all other cultivation paths, and devoting all the time to endless cruel exercises every day."

"And no matter how well you exercise your body, using this forbidden technique will inevitably cause harm to your body, and you may even become disabled, and you will lose your qualifications to be a ninja from now on."

"You guys, are you really mentally prepared for this?"

After finishing speaking, Xia Yan glanced at everyone with a playful look.

The students all looked distressed, bowed their heads in silence, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​practicing Bamen Dunjia.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help looking at Matt and his son who were still crying.

Except for the rare beast father and son, no one can practice such a strict forbidden technique.

Then everyone heard Teacher Xia Yan say:

"However, we can still refer to the idea of ​​this technique."

Everyone heard the words and listened carefully.

Xia Yandao: "As I said just now, the cultivation principle of Bamen Dunjia is to make the body and meridians gradually be able to bear more chakra through years of overload training."

"It also means that meridians, like other parts of the body, can be strengthened through exercise."

"And this also answers Yebisu's question to a certain extent."

"The aptitude of a ninja is not entirely determined by his birth, but acquired training also occupies a very important position."

The eyes of Ebisu, Lin and Hong, three students with low Chakra levels, suddenly brightened.

Xia Yan then snapped his fingers.

Several projections of one-to-one three-dimensional meridian models appeared beside him.

"These are the meridian data I got when I sent some ninjas to wear this training suit a few days ago."

He walked to the nearest meridian model projection and said:

"First of all, let's take a look at the characteristics of this person's meridian system."

The students came forward curiously and circled around the meridian model.

At first glance, it seems that the meridian system diagrams seen in peacetime are no different.

However, Lin quickly discovered something by comparing several models.

She pointed at the head of the meridian model with some hesitation and said:

"Mr. Xia Yan, is it because the meridians near his mouth are thicker than ordinary people's?"

Xia Yan smiled and nodded.

"That's right. Under normal circumstances, the meridians near the hands, feet, and mouth of a ninja are more developed. However, the meridians of this ninja are thicker than usual."

Everyone took a closer look and found that the meridians there are thicker than those in the hands and feet.

"This is because the special skill of this ninja is the fireball technique." Xia Yan explained.

"The gist of this technique is to gather the chakra from the mouth to the chest, change the nature and then spit it out in one breath."

"And this ninja has been using this ninjutsu for many years while working in a sideline barbecue restaurant, so he has trained the meridians of the relevant parts to be extremely tough and strong."

Everyone suddenly realized, only Obito was a little speechless.

Where did this guy use the Uchiha clan's powerful fireball technique!

Xia Yan then walked to the projection of the next meridian model, pointed at the model's hands and said:

"In the same way, this is a meridian model of a medical ninja who is good at using chakra scalpels."

"It's easy to see that the chakra meridians in his hands are also thicker than usual."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Then Xia Yan introduced the meridian models one by one to let everyone see the difference in the meridian systems of different types of ninjas.

After reading it, Matt and his son just finished crying with their headaches in their arms, and walked over together.

After Xia Yan and Matt Dai nodded, they snapped their fingers again.

Then a meridian model projection appeared beside him again.

But this time without him talking, everyone can see the difference in this model.

It feels a circle bigger than other meridian models.

Xia Yan also explained at the right time:
"It must be easy for everyone to see that although this meridian model does not have a particularly thick part like others."

"But because they are very developed overall, they are much higher than other types in terms of chakra volume, that is, combat power."

"And this is exactly the meridian system that Mr. Dai has cultivated through years of practicing Bamen Dunjia."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, and couldn't help looking at Matt Dai with admiration.

The teacher's explanation just now let them know that each of those ninjas has been practicing for many years to make the corresponding part of the meridians so strong.

And to train the meridians of the whole body to be like this, what kind of hard training Akai's father has gone through.

Matt Dai scratched his head in embarrassment when everyone looked at him like that.

It was also the first time for Akai to see his father being admired by others, so he couldn't help but rubbed his nose and grinned silly.

Xia Yan continued to explain:

"From these meridian models, we can see that, without discussing changes in nature, the practice of ninjutsu is actually very similar to the practice of Bamen Dunjia or Taijutsu. They are both broadening and strengthening meridians through repeated training."

"It's just that ninjutsu actively guides Chakra to exercise some meridians, while Bamen Dunjia exercises the body and meridian system comprehensively."

"Speaking of which, in many cases, the power of ninjutsu is improved not because of a sudden enlightenment, but because of enough practice to broaden the corresponding meridians."

"It's just like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground. When there are many people walking, it becomes a road."

Ebisu: "Teacher's words are quite reasonable, who said that?"

Xia Yan: "Of course I said it."

Everyone cast admiring eyes.

Xia Yan returned to the subject and said:

"So that's what ninja training is all about."

"Although many books say it in a cloud, but in fact what we do is the hard work of road construction."

"If you want to get rich, build roads first, which is also the truth in ninja cultivation."

"In fact, many ninjas have also realized this."

"However, they are limited by not being able to see their own meridians, and they are worried that messing around will cause damage to the meridians, so they can only exercise by repeating the ninjutsu running routes they know, and they cannot take care of all the meridians."

"But you who have training clothes and meridian scrolls are different."

"Because you can clearly see the condition of your own meridians, you can formulate targeted training, and continue to expand and strengthen the whole body meridian system under safe conditions."

"In terms of specific operations, we will use physical exercises and actively use Chakra to broaden the meridians in parallel, and strive to formulate an efficient and safe meridian exercise method."

"In this way, no matter which direction you develop in the future, this well-developed and strong meridian system will help you lay the most solid foundation."

"So the name of this project is 'Foundation Establishment Project'."

After listening to Mr. Xia Yan's plan, everyone was very excited and felt that it was very feasible.

I didn't expect to learn the sealing technique and get a foundation building package, it's a bargain!

Obito was still the only one who was speechless.

Needless to say, the Hyuga clan who can see the meridians.

Although Sharingan cannot directly see the meridians, it can still see the flow of chakra.

So the method Mr. Xia Yan said has actually been used in the Uchiha clan for a long time.

It's just a treatment that only geniuses can get.

Is Teacher Xia Yan at odds with the Tongshu family?
As a member of the Uchiha clan who often copies other people's ninjutsu, Obito finally understands the feelings of those victims...

Next, Xia Yan let everyone move freely, and then based on what he said just now, he analyzed the characteristics of his meridian system and made a plan.

Due to the many pies that Xia Yan drew just now, everyone's enthusiasm for studying their own meridian system is high.

It was not until the sun went down that everyone reluctantly changed the training clothes they hated before, and ended the first research group activity.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, looked at the pile of sweat-smelling tights and fell into deep thought.

Washing machines are still a rarity these days, and it seems like a technology that can wash clothes.

The hard vortex water blade seems to be a reference...

But before that, No. [-] can only be wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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