Chapter 62

After Xia Yan handed out the compensation card pack, the players in the tavern were happily opening the pack.

Some are still competing, whoever is lucky can get an epic card or a legendary card.

But after the card pack is actually opened, the content of the game will be much more practical, and it will become more rare cards than anyone else.

A corner of the tavern.

Shimat's version of Nara Shikahisa was muttering softly.

"I didn't expect that Uchiha Sho would obediently leave after a few words from Xia Yan's boss. Something must have happened."

"Hai Yi, did you notice anything?"

Yamanaka Haiyi in Shamate's version concentrated on his thoughts, nodded slightly and then began to shake his head again.

"I just sensed a chakra fluctuation in the tavern just now, but I don't know the specific situation."

"And don't call me by my name here, Lu Jiu."

Then you called me again?

Small-minded guy.

Lu Jiu glanced at Hai Yi speechlessly, then returned to the topic, stroked his chin and said:
"It seems that without our knowledge, the two have already fought against each other..."

"And Sho Uchiha is still at a disadvantage."

"It seems that our tavern owner and sealing technique teacher has arranged a very powerful sealing technique barrier in this tavern."

He came to this conclusion easily.

Otherwise, Xia Yan would not be able to easily subdue Uchiha Sho.

"Although it has the home court advantage, it is also very rare."

"Why didn't I know there was such a powerful guy among our contemporaries?"

Hai Yi spread his hands.

"After all, he wasn't in our class before, and he was nothing special when he was in the ninja school."

"In addition, the sealing technique is a type that has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and it is too early for him to emerge now."

"To be honest, this talent and background remind me of the one from our generation."

"I just don't know if this late rising silver moon can compete with the little golden sun for a little bit."

Hai Yi felt that he had said something wonderful, but did not get a response from Lu Jiu, so he turned his head curiously.

I saw that Lu Jiu was still frowning with deep thought.

Based on the friendship between the two of them who knew they had to change positions as soon as they slapped their buttocks, Hai Yi knew that there was something wrong with Lu Jiu, but he hadn't figured it out yet.

So he asked, "Is there any problem with that matter just now?"

Lu Jiu shook his head and said, "No, it's just some other question that the incident just made me think of?"

"Oh, what?"

"Since the sealing ninjas are so powerful at home, how did the Uzumaki clan be wiped out?"

Hai Yi: "..."

Why are your thoughts jumping around like that?

And that matter is quite sensitive in Konoha, so it's better not to delve into it.

Just when Haiyi was about to advise Lu Jiu not to think too much,
A Sha Matt who was as thin as a two-sock ran over waving his hands, and shouted loudly:

"Hai Yi, Lu Jiu, come and open the bag quickly, let's see who gets the most rare cards."

When Hai Yi and Lu Jiu heard the words, their eyes widened, and they raised their fingers vigorously in front of their lips.

"Ding Zuo, shush!!!"


"I'm sorry, Teacher Xia Yan, I couldn't stop that guest from messing around."

Behind the bar, Matt Dai, who was wiping his glass, was a little downcast, regretting that he had hesitated just now.

Xia Yan, who was sitting in front of the bar, waved his hands and said:
"It doesn't matter, that guy is pulling the banner of the police department, and normal people will hesitate."

"But having said that, from the look on your face just now, Mr. Dai, it seems that you are planning to use some trick?"

Matt Dai's eyes widened: "Mr. Xia Yan, did you see this too?"

Of course I could see that your eyes were on fire at that time.

Matt Dai put down the cleaned cup and said with a wry smile: "I am laughing at you, just now I was impulsive and thought that I could deal with the Uchiha clan with the forbidden technique 'Bamen Dunjia' that I have practiced hard for nearly 20 years. Genius, really whimsical."

No, no, you're not whimsical, you're just a whim.

Xia Yan complained in his heart, feeling that he had to correct Maitedai's self-perception, otherwise he would be killed sooner or later.

"Mr. Dai, after all, we open our doors to do business, and we value peace as the most important thing. It's better not to use force casually until the last moment."

"More importantly, Mr. Dai, you may not feel it, but in fact your strength is very strong."

"So, forbidden techniques or something, let's put them away..."

"Me? Strong?"

Matt Dai was amused, but the smile soon became bitter.

"Mr. Xia Yan, you don't need to comfort me. If I were really strong, I wouldn't be a patient until now."

Xia Yan was also a little confused about this: "Mr. Dai, haven't you taken the Chunin exam?"

If he participated, it should be easy for him to know his own strength.

"I want to participate every year..."

Matt Dai had a bitter expression on his face, "But everyone said that I was too weak and would only slow me down. No one would team up with me."

Xia Yan: "..."

I actually forgot that under normal circumstances, the Chunin Exam is only available in groups of three.

Matt Dai usually wears a bunch of weights, and he really didn't show his extraordinary strength.

Coupled with his hot-eyed appearance, naturally no one wants to form a team with him.

Seeing Matt Dai like this, it is estimated that he would not refute it if he was called weak.

Probably just say "Thank you for your support!", and then go home and practice hard.

As a result, if you don't take the Chunin Exam, you can't know your own strength.

I don't know my own strength, which makes me unable to take the Zhongnin Exam.

fall!This is an endless loop!

He is very much like the Tenlipo Sword God who only knows how to level up while playing Immortal Sword without finding a plot point...

If the three-generation old man knew that because of a small examination regulation, a shadow-level combat power could not be discovered, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

What happened to this village? The people who suffer are always the civilian ninjas. Xia Yan fell into deep thinking. There must be something wrong with the system.

Xia Yan pondered for a moment.

To let Matt Dai know his own strength, the easiest way is naturally to fight him.

But with his current self-awareness, Xia Yan was worried that he would be kicked to death by him.

In order to avoid such a funny way of dying, Xia Yan decided to take a roundabout route.

So he smiled and said to Matt Day:
"Mr. Dai, are you free in a few days? I have a small task to entrust to you..."


"Mr. Xia Yan, goodbye."

"Goodbye, don't hang around on the way home."


In the afternoon of the next day, Xia Yan just got off work, greeted the students who were also coming home from school, and walked out of the ninja school.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, his eyebrows raised slightly.

However, he quickly calmed down and walked towards the tavern as usual without stopping.

Not long after, when he turned into an alley and walked a few steps, he was stopped by a familiar figure.

Sho Uchiha!

After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Xia Yan felt a pain in his head.

It feels like this guy's name is really correct.

Sure enough, it's hard to get rid of it.

At this time, Sho Uchiha was leaning against the wall of the alley, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, his eyes closed, and his face stern.

It seemed that Xia Yan had long expected that he would take this path, so he waited here.

But what he didn't know was that Xia Yan had recently made new achievements in the study of the perception circle.

That is a new technique called "Small Map Technique".

As the name suggests, its function is that all creatures with chakra within a radius of 100 meters of Xia Yan will be displayed in the small map window on the interface.

It can be said to be the bankrupt version of Kagura Mind Eye.

In fact, Xia Yan had the idea of ​​this technique a long time ago.

But at that time, because he didn't have a deep understanding of the perception circle, and there was no way to solve the problem of maintaining the mana consumption of this spell, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

Now that the conditions are ripe, he picked it out from the waste paper pile again.

In order to solve the serious shortcoming of mana consumption, Xia Yan did not integrate it into the form of rune ninjutsu in Chakrazhi's brain.

Instead, he chose to miniaturize the perception circle and connect it to the Chakra brain in the form of external hardware.

Although Xia Yan couldn't flexibly control this technique with his own chakra, he could use an external chakra capacitor to power it, achieving 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring.

And when an unmarked creature with a large amount of chakra approaches, this technique will also give him an alarm.

So from the moment Xia Yan left school, he knew that someone was always following him.

And he also knew that when the man was sure that he was going to walk into this alley, he quickly detoured and ran in front of him and waited.

Thus creating the illusion of waiting for a long time.

Therefore, Xia Yan's heart did not fluctuate at this time, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Is this the Uchiha clan who are good at pretending to escape?

Loved it!

You never know how much painstaking effort they have put in behind the scenes to pretend to be a jerk.

Uchiha Sho didn't know that Xia Yan had seen through everything and was still acting according to the script.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a playful arc, he casually stood up straight, took out a handful of kunai and kept tossing it around, saying:
"I've been waiting for you here for a long time..."

Xia Yan: No, you didn't.

(End of this chapter)

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